TAKING OVER TROFIM (Dominion of Brothers series Book 4) (21 page)

BOOK: TAKING OVER TROFIM (Dominion of Brothers series Book 4)
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One of the other young doctors at the hospital was in a full time D/s relationship. She was so comfortable in her own world she spoke openly, perhaps a little more often than she should have at the work place. Yet, when she did, Shay had found himself correlating so much of her ideals and needs to that of his and Trofim’s relationship. Now with Trofim back, Shay saw how much of a benefit it could be for both of them, especially if it would quiet down that head of Trofim’s.

Shay led Trofim over to the bar and waved to the bartender, then went to playing with a few of the access holes in Trofim’s jeans while he waited their turn for a drink order.

“What can I get you, Sir?” The tall blond called from over the bar.

“Yah, you got a pinot noir or a burgundy?”

“We got both.”

Shay nodded, “I’ll have a glass of the pinot then and can you let Dominus Trenton Leos know that Shay Wilks is here?”

“The wine I can do. Dominus hasn’t arrived yet, but I will let him know when he comes in.”

Shay nodded then went back to Trofim’s body. The music wasn’t half bad. That was another thing he had been worried about. He just didn’t know what to expect when Trofim asked him to bring him to a Bdsm club. What he wasn’t expecting was it to look largely like any night club. In clarification, Club Pain was a fetish night club, but the so called dungeon playground was actually a private area up stairs. So much for the dark, swanky, hole-in-the–wall, dungeon/sex shop images Shay had in his head.

The drink came and Shay had his wine in one hand and Trofim in the other, taking both out on the dance floor, letting the club music seep in and dispel some of his anxiety. His lover would do the rest for him.

Shay broke through the sea of bodies like wading through water until they were right under the mirror ball. The kaleidoscope of colored lights and lasers dashed about them while Shay took possession of the greatest treasure. His stretched his arms out propping them one each on Trofim’s shoulders, his wine still balanced in the fingers of one hand while he used his hips to steer Trofim’s body into a slow grind that suited his mood more than the music. The deep thump and haunting keyboards set a cadence for an easy sway that mimicked the movements of love making; the beat and connection putting Shay’s gears into a refined locomotion of naughty seduction. The hard part was choosing between licking over his man’s body with his eyes, or licking those kissable lips for real. He settled for both. Interchanging from one to the other, breaking only long enough to take an occasional sip of the woody rich flavor of his wine then sharing it with a deep mouth-probing kiss delivered to Trofim.

It wasn’t but perhaps a half hour later when Trofim whispered that the Dominus had arrived, which was probably for the best anyway. Any more bump and grind on the dance floor and they were either going home or fucking in one of those booths that lined the far side of the club. Which just so happened that, as Shay glanced toward said glass-partitioned rooms, he saw the man Trofim indicated standing outside the door of the last and largest of the VIPs.  The man held a striking aura about him. Shay’d give him that much. Dressed to draw eyes to him, but there was more to it, something that made Shay aware the man filled the role. Their eyes met and Dominus inclined his head with a slight nod then turned and stepped inside the booth, letting the glass door float closed behind him.

Shay took a moment, still holding Trofim and swaying him to the music, but in his mind he was doing a bit of mental correcting. Shay’s own ego was suddenly sounding off, part lover and part doctor that didn’t like being told someone else had authority over them. He’d just gotten Trofim back in his life, so the territorial side of him suddenly had his hackles up like some dog. It was almost laughable. Except for the inner growling.

A moment later, the man inside the VIP booth held something along the lines of a remote and Shay watched as the glass walls hazed over, blocking prying eyes from seeing inside. Interesting trick. Expensive too, Shay gathered.

Then those big blue eyes looked into his from under the mop of dark curls, reminding Shay that he was madly in love with him and that they were here for the both of them.

One last kiss and a small escaped growl and Shay finally led Trofim off the dance floor and up to the raised platform, to the now-mirrored VIP booth.

Shay gave a soft rap, and when the door pushed open, instead of being greeted by the tall dark-featured man, a woman barely five feet tall beckoned them in. Her soft wavy brown hair fell in long wavy curls easily reaching over her hips and somewhere behind those bouncy tendrils were the palest blue eyes Shay had ever seen, blinking their mischievous smile up at him in welcome.

The man they came to meet was relaxing back on a large, crescent-shaped sofa with not a care in the world except his own pleasures. Far more casual than Shay expected from someone going by the title of Dominus. It was an old Latin word. He only knew that because Latin had been a requirement in his curricular demands. It meant
then eventually split in different directions; becoming
with the French, until the ecclesiastical title was rendered into the English
. However, its root base became
as well as

“Good evening, Shay. Please, make yourself comfortable.”

Shay and Trofim paused only a moment as they watched the small woman drop to the floor at Trenton’s feet, resting her head on his knee. His hand fell into place to play with her hair as if he’d done so every day for a thousand years. Shay motioned Trofim to the sofa, only Trofim seemed to stumble not sure what to do, shooting a bewildered expression at Trenton and the companion at his feet then glanced back at Shay.

Shay felt it right away. The woman in the room was obviously Trenton’s submissive partner, who was sitting on the floor so where was
to set Trofim? “I’d prefer you curled up to my side for now.” Shay said matter of factly. That settled the debate for now.

“Would you like another glass?” Trenton’s question was directed to him. In fact, it perplexed him to the degree in which the Dominus both looked and spoke to Shay as if he were the only one in the room. It’d been explained to him that while tutoring them, Dominus would never at any time command Trofim directly. But it was awkward for Shay in real time and he realized it would take some getting used to. In his mind Trofim was being rudely exempted from the evening, when in this world it was a respect to not command or touch another Dom’s submissive partner.

“No, I’m good.” Shay held up his glass, still half full.

“So were you able to read over any of the material I sent you?”

“Yes,” Shay nodded with a snicker, “Pretty much read over all of it. They were a lot easier and far more interesting to read through than my text books.”

“And what did you think of them? I assume you have questions.”

Shay was thoughtful for a moment, his eyes glancing out the glass walls to the crowd of dancing bodies, each one dressed in their own elaborated sense of seduction, but his mind was more in doctor mode rather than seducer, “How can I do what is best for him, if I don’t know how to be his Dom yet?”

“Communication. But keep in mind how much he says without words as well. Tonight he seems relaxed. When did that happen?”

Shay glanced at Trofim, then his gaze dropped to the collar, “When I put this on him.” Shay reached up catching the D-ring and tugged on it lightly. “It’s not a permanent one, but it seemed like a strong symbol even for beginning, so it will do for now.”

“That’s a good start. You took what kept him on edge and eased him around it with simple gestures. As his Dom, you want to bring out the best in him, no more-no less. What else have you noticed about him tonight?”

Shay turned locking eyes with Trofim and it was right there; no missing it. A mischievous dare to come play and be frisky. “He’s ready.”

“So let’s start with the basic foundations and talk about some of the hard rules the two of you might want to have in place for now. Remember, rules can, at any time you both decide, be discussed, added, altered, or dropped. Except in a scene. Don’t ever change the rules in the middle of a scene. Pushing a limit is one thing, but breaking rules or changing them outside of a prior discussion can damage trust.” The Dominus began.

How so?”

“Because when you are in a scene, sometimes you get caught up in the euphoria and can easily lose sense of where either of your heads are, so it’s never a good time to change the boundaries. This does not however deviate from a sub’s, or Dom’s, need to use a safeword.”

“Well, I guess one of the obvious rules would be I won’t do anything that might leave a mark on him.” Shay shrugged, running his fingers down Trofim’s arm.

“What does obvious mean?”

Shay’s thoughts stuttered a moment and he didn’t quite grasp what was being asked. The Dominus took his confusion in stride and elaborated without prompting.

“In the world of Bdsm, D/s or any kink play, there is no such thing as ‘
the obvious’
. Everything must always be spelled out.”

Shay nodded, “Trofim does modeling professionally, and sometimes he gets called out last minute so outside of getting in trouble with putting a hickey on him, I don’t want to whip him and leave marks.”

“And that’s a good rule to have. Bear in mind as I am not sure what imagery you have in your mind, but most floggings are not brutal assaults, a reddening of the skin that for most is gone within hours, or maybe some purple marks for those who like pain. Cutting the skin from a flogging is considered the most severe and very few players ever go that far. That is something reserved for the more hard core Sadist and masochist.”

Shay nodded but then was quickly shaking his head, “No. We’re not doing any of that. I won’t even pretend.”

He saw Trenton’s eyes narrow on him some, studying him and Shay quickly sucked in a deep breath, throwing up his mental walls. “I’m not sure how much we’d be able to do and it still be called Bdsm. I’m not going to take a cane or belt to him.”

~  *  ~

Trenton had a feeling more of that came from Shay’s trauma than it did about Trofim’s modelling career, but it wasn’t a topic he was free to discuss openly so he kept to the matter of teaching, or in this case myth-busting the world of Bdsm.  “Not all couples play with pain or flogging. Bdsm is an acronym for several variations: bondage and domination, dominance and submission, sadism and masochism. There is no one set definition of what Bdsm is. It is not one-size-fits–all, but rather an immensely varied relationship decided by the two, or in some cases more, individuals within the relationship. Nor is it subject to interpretation by outsiders. In other words if you two decide that floggings are not your thing, then it becomes part of your hard rules”

“But what if one does and the other doesn’t?”

“There are two people in your relationship, so you both have to agree. Of course rules can be modified as you go while the two of you discover new things in your relationship. But those changes need to be explored and discussed and mutually agreed upon even if that means compromising.”

“Have you ever known anyone in Bdsm that didn’t do the flogging or whipping stuff?”

Trenton’s face broke with a mischievous grin. “A few. My own personal slave among them.” Shay and Trofim both looked at him with surprise, Especially Trofim, who perhaps knew Trenton had a passion for using a cane.

“Not at all?” Trofim stammered.

“Oh don’t worry he spanks me plenty when he wants to.” Kat fussed from her spot at his feet.

Trenton’s grin didn’t dissipate in the least. “Only with my hand, which is considerably more intimate. But I don’t use any implements on her. That has always been her hard rule. But if she earns herself a discipline, then she gets a spanking.”

~  *  ~

Shay was starting to get a touch bewildered by the growing gray areas of definition, and more questions began to formulate in his head. “And do you mind me asking, but do you have other types of hard rules?”

Katianna drew her face up in a scowl and glanced up at the Dominus with an extra layer of pouting for sympathy, “He broke the others.”

“What?” Shay glanced at Trenton, “But you said hard rules aren’t to be broken.”

Trenton’s grin then stretched until it ran from ear to ear in a shameless Cheshire cat smile that lit his face up, and Shay could nearly hear the internal laughter of the man as he rested a finger at his lips, though the pose seemed to be one of prideful fondness than to cover his lack of shame.

“There was never going to be an agreed upon a hard rule that prevented me from eating my slave’s pussy whenever I wanted.”

Shay wasn’t the type to blush often but he did just then and could relate in some sense. Not over the female anatomy, but if Trofim had tried to tell Shay he couldn’t go down on him there would be no listening on his part; he loved to suck Trofim until he begged for release.

Shay did his best to wipe his own grin off his face and get back to his questions, because there were so many. “What makes Bdsm not abuse?”

“This is a dynamic we create. That we form. The only way it works is if we both agree to it. If it is against our will, or done out of anger or out of control— then it becomes abuse, plain and simple.”

Shay knew all too well what that was. “Do you mind? Can we go back to the breaking hard rules part? Because you broke hers, so it would seem your whole tutoring is based on
do as I say not as I do,
and I don’t get that.”

“Understandably and let me try to explain. In our case, mine and Kat’s only, I saw from my experience, that her second hard rule was actually a fear of asking for pleasure. It is extremely common for women. So rather than face the fear of denial or disappointment she simply said no to it all together. Another part of the condition was I’d also never agreed to it.” He laughed lightly, “I made it clear it was a pleasure we would both share and she has never refused me of it since we’ve been together. As her Master, I knew she wanted this, but didn’t know how to give into it, so it fell upon me to open that door for her. However, when it comes to her hard rule on the cane, I have never even playfully swatted her or teased her that I would. I never put her on edge that she cannot trust me with that. As beginners, for you, there is no such thing as an expression unless you discuss it together.”

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