TAKING OVER TROFIM (Dominion of Brothers series Book 4) (27 page)

BOOK: TAKING OVER TROFIM (Dominion of Brothers series Book 4)
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They strolled out of the casino, leaving the noise of machines behind them and walked along the stretch of glassed-in interior boardwalk that took up Caesars private pier.  Steps to their right led down to a lowered balcony with white Adirondack chairs and a beach sand floor that looked out of the nighttime scenery of the beach below.

Out at the end a small white linen canopy was set up and a young couple were being married that very moment. A couple of friends and family sat in the white folded chairs that circled the front of the canopy watching with warm smiles. Or perhaps they were just guests at the hotel that joined the couple to watch the ceremony silently recalling their own first days as newlyweds.

Shay spotted an empty set of deck chairs in the last balcony section and ushered Trofim down to sit. They sat as close as the chairs allowed relaxing back, lazy and content. Holding hands and staring out to the dark blue waters that rolled in with the deepening tide. Listening to the vows of the wedding behind them.

“I want to marry you, Trofim.” Shay said with a soft smile on his face and let his head fall to the side to look at his lover.
God, the look on his face. It nearly killed him, so beautiful, as if angels were dancing in his eyes
and the deep rooted love and hopefulness curled the corners of his lips so softly
. Shay didn’t even give Trofim a chance to reply, reaching over. and catching him by the back of his neck. He pulled Trofim over to meet him half way into a kiss that spoke of every vow a man could ever invent words to say I love thee forever.

~  *  ~  *  ~  *  ~  *  ~  *  ~


Say what you want about Atlantic City, but through all the hardships and bad reviews, it was still here, alive and thriving. The small boardwalk city gave you it’s all to entertain with as much flash and gaudy glam as a casino harlot could.

They walked along the main boardwalk and turned down carnival pier, basking in the Saturday sunshine but come time the sun was sitting low in the sky Shay and Trofim slipped down onto the beach, seeking out some privacy under the wharf.

Shay’s hands made fast work over Trofim’s body, igniting every erogenous spot and perhaps inventing a few new ones. They pawed at each other, in a fierce lip lock as they crept further under the boardwalk. The surf crashed against the pilings and sprayed them with sea water. However trying to get either of them out of their wet jeans would be a chore that could put them in far more trouble than they could perhaps risk, as the area cops knew well to patrol the underskirts for such lewd displays, but with the tide coming in high Shay hoped they wouldn’t be looking for anyone tonight. Still he decided their clothes would remain on to some extent in the event they needed to make a quick get-away. Though he wasn’t about to let Trofim go without being devoured. It was time to put those rowing arms to the test.

They backed into a set of cross beams and Shay pushed Trofim to climb up in a spread eagle seated position on the edge of the X brace made from ten inch treated planks of wood and down came his jeans as far as Shay could manage given they were wet, and he already had Trofim spread out into a satisfying pose. He wrestled the wet denim until finally getting them just barely below Trofim’s chiseled hips then taking briefs and all in one hand he yanked to free Trofim’s beautiful ass, then dove down for the eager cock that sprang free, and awaited him.

“Ah, shh-shit, shit, shit” Trofim cursed over his head.

Shay shifted his head to glance up, never letting the cock slip from his mouth’s claim. Trofim was grappling for the support poles over his head as he threw his head back and let out a loud moan. Every bit of his wits swept away in the moment. It was hard, but Shay managed to wrench his eyes from the sight and return his focus to the meal before him. Words like gobbling— and possessing— rolled in his head. As he licked and sucked the length of Trofim’s erection. Feeling the bulging veins against his tongue. He traced the corona then closed his lips over the glans and sucked it in and out driving Trofim insane. His lover’s futile attempt to clamp back his squealing moans were laughable. The more Trofim fought it the more Shay doled it out, to drive him insane.

Was it possible to consume or be consumed more into a man you loved? To be so boggled on the brain with making this man whimper with bliss.
He also loved the taste of Trofim’s body and could keep it up for a long night of sucking and laving. Only Shay knew Trofim all too well, he was mush when it came to romance, but once Shay kicked up the heat Trofim had zero resilience for the onslaught that Shay was capable of delivering. And it wasn’t long that Shay felt the warning pulse within the walls of Trofim’s hard shaft.

Shay used his thumb to stroke down the vein-like ridge running down the underside of Trofim’s cock, teasing him with a firm grip that suggested he intended to make Trofim cum. When Shay’s fist settled against Trofim’s scrotum, already drawing up tight against his body with the impending release, Shay clamped that channel off, to be sure Trofim’s release never made it out, though Shay’s tongue never stopped working his lover’s shaft towards the exploding finale.

“Pleeeease, Shay.” Trofim hissed, then gulped for air. The muscles in his arms tensed as he hung on to the pipe overhead. His hips thrusting forward to pump his cock in Shay’s mouth, “I need you inside me, please.” He begged.

Shay let Trofim’s cock slip from his mouth so he could speak and that only made Trofim squirm about more. ”To that I have no doubt, my love. But you’ll wait.”

“Please, I can’t wait. I need to cum, and I need to feel you inside me when it happens.” And carefully, Trofim began crawling down Shay’s body and off the beam, sliding his body against Shay’s in every way to rouse him to give in.

Shay felt the sinister wickedness grow in him. He loved having Trofim unraveling sexually. The only greater pleasure was having Trofim utterly spent in his arms as they lay exhausted in a tangle of legs and disrobed sheets, drifting off into a deep sleep. Which Shay planned to have them both in such sated euphoria soon enough after he’d enjoyed a bit more of the surf and turf with Trofim’s needy body before taking him back up to their room.

~  *  ~

Trofim struggled to hold on, sacrificing some part of his sanity that aided in coping with the salacious attack from Shay. It weakened him, but there was no changing that. His arms straining as they did, to hang on, was a requirement of his position or fall. The deviance simply added to the exhibition along with the constant slap of foamy sea water that rushed in around them to lap at their bodies and fill their ears with the moving roar. All while Shay continued to devour Trofim’s cock and the two fingers that had slipped into his ass and tapped against his prostate sending Trofim further towards a fervently pending explosion.

“Shit, shit, shit.” He gasped. Even breathing was becoming a problem. Because if he opened his mouth moans came out. And as Shay had said, eventually someone was likely to show up and stop them.

Trofim lifted his legs managing to get them around Shay’s body, taking some of his own weight from his arms so he could let go. Instantly, Trofim’s left hand found Shay’s head and he raked into the wet strands of dark blonde hair. “Shay, I’m going to cum.” He tried to fight it, but that only made the ball of energy culminating in his scrotum draw more intense. Shay responded, sucking Trofim’s cock all the way to the back of his throat and pressed his fingers into Trofim’s ass even further then crooked them both. The final contact annihilated what little containment Trofim had managed to hang onto and his insides exploded in a pulsing wave of white electricity that raced over every inch of his body and then out his cock.

~  *  ~  *  ~  *  ~  *  ~  *  ~





~  *  ~  *  ~  *  ~  *  ~  *  ~



He was half way through his shift with no end in sight. It was Monday. Mondays were worse than Fridays usually, because the partiers always wanted to get in one last night of boozing and whatnot before going to the hospital to get whatever was ailing them checked out. Name the cliché and chances are it was waiting in room 108, with the next in line getting screened in triage.

Having already saved one overdosed teen, taken a bullet out of a cop’s leg and another from a shoulder, pulled a miniature toy from a child’s ear, and had to explain why the man felt like his heart was going to explode was due to drinking a six pack of Red Bull during his coffee break, Shay should have been beat, but he wasn’t. He felt high. To borrow a cliché of his own, he was still feeling light in the loafers after his weekend of freedom with Trofim. He laughed at himself as he sat at his corner desk spot among the others all clustered together in one communal station for the 4-6 doctors that were on staff at any given time and the twenty or more nurses working. He was filling out the paperwork from his last patient, scribbling down some orders to lay off the gummy bears and his bowel movements should return to their normal color in a few days, when someone else apparently heard his self-amusements.

“What has your funny bone, Dr. Wilks?”

“I was just thinking about a phrase and then realized I don’t even know what it actually means.” He answered before glancing up and realizing he was talking to Nurse Hannah. She didn’t usually find too many things funny,

“What was the phrase? Perhaps I can tell you.” She quirked up a brow that made her nose all the more pointy as she turned her eyes back to her desk, flipping through someone’s file. She was the epitome of the school nurse, sent by the devil to torture little kids with immunizations shots.

Shay swallowed, but he’d already opened the can, might as well lay it out for her. “Light in the loafers.”

“Humph, it means queer. A little too prissy for your type. You’re just plain ol’ gay.” She pushed up from the station, tucking a folder under her arm and glanced at him, “But then we already knew that about you. We all do.”  And she sauntered off, as if she could hide that march-like step of hers, probably on her way to the children’s ward to read haunted teddy bears stories to them.

“Yeah, I knew that part.” He chuckled toward her vanishing back. “But wh— wait. What do you mean I’m just plain old—?” Just then his phone rang and he plucked it from his pocket to answer. “Dr. Wilks here.”

Say, yeah, is this Shay Wilks?”

“Yeah, the same. How can I help you?”

It’s Alfonso, down at the dealer. You brought in a Mercedes last week for a trade in

“Yeah, that was me.”

I need to ask you something, ‘cause you said the title was clear but there’s something fishy goin on? You in some kind of trouble, kid?”

“No trouble, other than I needed the money, but still needed a car. The title was free and clear. Bought and paid in full. So what’s going on?”

We had some fellas show up hanging around the other day. This is New York, yanno, people hanging out usually means they’re scoping the joint. So I sent some of my own boys over to say hello, Brooklyn style, yanno? Case closed. But then some old whack-job shows up today wantin’ to know where his son is hiding. Nobody shakes over the Alfonso, know what I mean, kid? Took beating the crap out of his own boys to find out he was tailing the Mercedes. You owe him money? ‘Cause I gotta tell ya, son, bookies don’t like it when folks be skipping out on the books. Its bad business.”

All that lightness and ease Shay had been feeling was swept away and he felt a nervous sweat rolling up his back to deposit coiling tension in his shoulders, “No. The man you’re describing is my father.”

Well, I had my guys go through the Mercedes, yanno, safety reasons. Did you know you had a Lojack system on your car? Cause you didn’t mention or give me the security codes for it.”

Lojack— Lojack— oh shit!

A Lojack system.

Shay’s brain seized up with panic. His father had been tracking him all this time. He didn’t even say anything to the man on the phone just hung up and dialed Trofim.

Hey you coming home early?”
A sleepy voice answered.

“No, Trofim, get up, get out of the bed and start packing. Box everything up and get out.

What? What are you talk—”

“Please stop talking and listen to me. Start packing, no— just get out. Get out now. We’ll come for our stuff later. Just the get the fuck OUT OF THE APARTMENT, RIGHT NOW!”

What’s happened?”

“Please, baby, do what I tell you. Leave the apartment now. Go to Pyotr’s house. Now go —” he stopped his mind racing to devise a plan. He didn’t want his father following Trofim to Pyotr’s home. “Go to that club. Get that Dominus friend or someone else to give you a ride to your brother’s. Just leave the bike, okay and then call me when—” he stopped mid-sentence, slowly holding the smartphone out and just stared at it.

Okay, but please tell me what’s happened? Are you safe?”

Shay just stared at the phone in his hand, the phone his father gave him for Christmas.

Hello? Shay? Are you still there?”

“Get out now, baby.”

~  *  ~  *  ~  *  ~  *  ~  *  ~


When Shay got off work, Trofim was waiting for him.

“Trofim, I told you to go to your brother’s.”

“You told me to go to Trenton Leos first.”

“And then go to your brother’s.”

“My apologies, Shay,” The very man mentioned stepped in with an intense look on his face, “When Trofim called I took matters into my own hands. It is what I do and since we weren’t able to reach you by phone again. It seemed your safety needed to be secured as well.”

“I smashed it.” Trofim’s face grew pained. Shay sighed and rubbed his forehead. “My phone had been a gift from my father back at Christmas. I took a quick guess that it too might be bugged to track me.”

“Tracked?” Trofim asked, reaching out to touch Shay’s face when he looked up.

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