Taking the Ice (Ice Series Book 3) (11 page)

BOOK: Taking the Ice (Ice Series Book 3)
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Josh moved behind me and played with my curls, his fingertips lightly teasing my bare shoulders. Unlike our competitive programs where I wore my hair up, I could leave it down and let it fly in our show programs. The soft style went perfectly with my pale pink dress.

I turned to face Josh, and I connected with his eyes in the dim light. He looked especially handsome dressed all in black. I was trying to calm myself before getting on the ice, but taking in his hotness only made my heart beat faster.

He pulled me close and clasped his hands on the small of my back. “You were my inspiration for this program, but after yesterday, I know the song must have deep meaning for you, too.”

I smiled and squeezed his biceps. “I reached my own unreachable star.”

He kissed my forehead, and I took slow breaths in and out. Even though we hadn’t run through the program many times, all I had to do was look at Josh and the love between us would take over and guide us through every step. I’d felt it when we’d practiced at home. This program wasn’t about the elements. It was about the connection we’d had since we’d met so many years ago.

One of the volunteers signaled to us to get ready, so we inched nearer to the ice door. The DJ cued up some dance music, and I bounced on my guards to stay warm. The closer we got to the ice, the more goosebumps formed on my arms.

The veteran skater coming off the ice high-fived us, and we switched places with him. We stood under the spotlight near the boards and received applause even before our introduction. Once we were introduced and we skated to center ice, the crowd really let loose, giving me added goosebumps. How lucky was I to have had my first and my last nationals in my hometown?

Josh and I separated for our starting pose, and the moment the music began we skated toward each other, joining our hands as we met. We quickened our strokes and sailed across the rink, and right on the first rise of the music, Josh tossed me over his head for a massive triple twist.

We slowed to match the tempo of the piano, and Josh swept his hand over my cheek. His eyes captured mine, and as we glided in the spotlight with blackness all around us, it truly felt as if only the two of us existed.

Through each movement our eyes stayed connected, and the love in Josh’s heightened my emotions. We spun into our rotational lift, the one we’d done the first time we’d ever skated together, and a lump formed in my throat. I’d known then that I’d found my skating soul mate. What I hadn’t realized but knew with certainty now was Josh was also my life soul mate.

The song rose toward its soaring high, and overwhelming joy rose inside me as we sped across the ice. Josh took hold of my left leg, and he lifted me high into the air, higher than I’d ever been. It was like I was standing on air and flying. I spread my arms wide and couldn’t hold in the tears any longer.

Josh brought me down into his arms, and we both shook with emotion as we glided to a stop in a tight embrace. The crowd lit up the darkness with cheers, and I shuddered harder with sobs. Josh held onto me and buried his lips in my hair.

“Better than I ever could’ve dreamt it,” he said.

We left the ice after an endless ovation, and Liza was waiting for us with big hugs. She sniffled in my ear and blotted her eyes with a tissue.

“I’ll have to fix my makeup before I skate. Thanks for making us all cry.” She punched my arm.

I laughed. “You’re welcome. You’re going to have people in tears, too.”

Her “Beneath Your Beautiful” program that Josh had choreographed always choked me up, especially because I knew the deep meaning it had to her.

She fiddled with her long, sleek ponytail. “I think everyone here is in a state of either laughing hysterically or bawling uncontrollably. This has been the craziest day.”

“And there’s more to come,” Josh said.

Liza ran off to do a mirror check before her performance, and Josh and I went to the locker rooms to change into our free skate costumes. We had to sit for team photos on the ice after the show. When Liza’s name was called, we ran up the tunnel and parked ourselves rinkside for a front-row view. Her heartfelt performance did make me misty-eyed, and I hurried afterward to collect myself for the finale of the show.

The Olympic team members filled the ice, and as the DJ played The Black Eyed Peas, we tossed autographed Frisbees and T-shirts into the screaming audience. Between throwing goodies, we took turns carrying an American flag around the rink and soaking in the energy of the fans. After being on the outside looking in at all the Olympic hoopla in the past, I flew across the ice and waved the flag high and proud, so honored to finally be in the exclusive club.

When we had to say our goodbyes, everyone retreated to the lounge to wait for the okay to return to the ice, but I stayed at the edge of the tunnel, watching the crowd disappear. The last bodies emptied the seats, and I quickly hopped back onto the ice. As I did a few twizzles, I heard another set of blades whooshing behind me. I looked over my shoulder and smiled at the sight of Josh.

“No surprise we’re the most eager to get out here,” I said.

He stopped in front of me and took both my hands. “No one else is coming.”

I tilted my head in confusion, and I became more surprised when music began to play on the sound system. I recognized the haunting cello notes right away.

“Your Hands Are Cold” from
Pride and Prejudice.
One of our most special songs.

My heart began to race.

Could it be… ?

“What…” I squeaked. “Why is this song…”

“Because it was playing the first time I kissed you, and it was our first program as a team. And we’re here on the ice because that’s where I first saw you. A moment that changed my life.” He wet his lips, and I held my breath, waiting for him to continue. “And I hope today will be another first for us. The first day of our future together.”

I had to breathe, and it came out as a small cry. Josh bent on one knee, and our hands trembled together. He gazed up at me, his clear blue eyes so bright and alive, and I bit my lip to stop from screaming “Yes!” before he even asked the question.

“Court, you have inspired me and challenged me and made me a stronger, better man.” His voice broke, and my own throat tightened. “You are my first and my forever love.”

He fumbled inside his pocket, and the tears brimming in my eyes escaped onto my cheeks. Opening the black velvet box, he revealed a dazzling diamond ring. I let out a louder cry and immediately started nodding. I couldn’t help myself.

Josh gave me a brilliant smile. “Courtney Elizabeth Carlton, will you marry me?”

“Yes, yes, yes!”

He shot to his feet and wrapped me in his arms, lifting me from the ice. I’d had so many memorable moments on the ice in my career, but none more incredible than this one. Nothing could top this.

Applause and catcalls echoed in the empty building, and I turned to see all the skaters watching from the kiss and cry. Liza stood at the front, doing a happy dance.

“And I thought this week couldn’t get any better,” I said.

“Ready to make it official?” Josh took the ring from the box.

“I’ve never been more ready for anything in my life.”

He kissed the back of my hand and slipped the diamond onto my finger. The round cut and the plain platinum band were classic and timeless. The perfect symbol of our love for each other.

I looked into his eyes and whispered through my tears, “I love you so much, Joshua Joseph Tucker.”

We melted into a kiss, and more cheers rang out. Two familiar little voices carried above the noise, and I saw the twins, Em, Sergei, and our families walking down to the boards.

I gaped at Josh. “Everyone knew?”

“I needed Em’s help setting it all up, and I talked to your parents after I bought the ring.”

“When I saw you with Em before we skated, I thought you were nervous about the program.”

“I was excited about skating but nervous as hell about this.” He smiled shyly.

“You had to know I would say yes.”

“I had a good feeling.” He grinned. “But I just wanted everything to be perfect.”

“It was. It is.” I framed his face with my hands. “It always will be with you.”

We kissed again but were interrupted by Quinn chanting, “Coco and Josh! Coco and Josh!”

We laughed and skated over to the group, where we were bombarded with hugs. I steered clear of Josh’s parents, wanting to avoid any awkward attempts, or more likely, non-attempts at affection.

“No long engagement,” Mrs. Cassar said. “I’m not getting any younger.”

I hooked my arm around Josh’s waist. “I’m more than okay with that rule.”

“You could get married in Sochi,” Mrs. Tucker said. “The media would fall in love with that story.”

I lifted my eyebrows. “I didn’t mean

“We’re not making our wedding a spectacle,” Josh said.

“But think of the financial opportunity it would be.”

“Mom.” Josh just shook his head.

“Let’s see the ring,” Stephanie said.

I extended my hand, and Quinn gasped. “It’s so pretty!”

“Very nice job, Joshua,” Mrs. Cassar said.

Mrs. Tucker leaned in for a closer look. “How cute.”

Josh’s body grew tense, and my face warmed, but I wasn’t embarrassed over the size of the diamond. I was embarrassed for Josh, who had to claim this woman as his mother.

“It’s gorgeous,” Em said in a harsher, louder voice than usually came from her.

The photographer called to us for the photo shoot backstage, so we had to cut our celebration short. We’d have more time to party at the Olympic team reception in a couple of hours. Or in Mrs. Tucker’s case, more time to be a nuisance.

Between now and then, she’ll probably draw up a pre-nup agreement.

Josh laced his fingers through mine as we skated to the door. “Are you sure you’re okay with being tied to my mom for life?”

“As long as she stays on her side of the country most of the time, I can totally handle her.” I shifted to face Josh. “But I wouldn’t care if you came with a family of vampires. Nothing and no one would make me question marrying you.”

He eased into a wide smile and bent his head, touching his lips to my neck. His teeth nipped at my skin, and I laughed and swatted his chest.

We were engaged and going to the Olympics.

What is this life?!

Chapter Ten


shimmering coat of gloss and stood back to examine myself in the bathroom mirror. After the nonstop day I’d had — from the donor breakfast to the press conference to an autograph signing and then the exhibition — I should look exhausted, but my eyes were wide and shining. I was more than ready for the team reception. Not only was I being honored for the biggest achievement of my life, but I was going to walk into the room as Josh’s fiancée.

Cue the internal squealing.

I’d been doing a lot of that the past hour.

I put my hand over my heart, and the ring sparkled against my red dress. I couldn’t stop looking at it. It was like I was afraid it might disappear.

It’s not going anywhere. You’re going to be wearing this the rest of your life.

That thought warmed me through and through. My reflection smiled as brightly as the diamond shined, and I opened the door to see the man who’d made me so deliriously happy.

Josh stood at the window, looking out at the lights of Boston. He’d continued his all-black look from earlier with a dark suit, shirt, and tie, and he looked
incredible. His eyes made a slow sweep over me, and the warmth inside me bloomed into searing heat.

“You are a goddess.” He took a few steps toward me. “I can’t believe I get to marry you.”

I walked over to him and smoothed my hands down his lapels. “And you are the sweetest and the sexiest man alive.”

He curled his hand around the back of my neck and gave me a passionate kiss, and I clung to his jacket. I’d have to redo my lip gloss, but I’d happily apply it a hundred times over for more kisses like that.

He linked our hands, and he ran his thumb over the band of my ring. “I love seeing this on your finger.”

“How long have you had it?”

“Since right before Christmas. It was so hard waiting to give it to you, but I really wanted to do it here.”

“What would’ve happened if we hadn’t made the team? As confident as you were, I know you must’ve had a backup plan.”

He smiled. “I didn’t let myself think too much about the backup plan, but it would’ve been a trip to the beach house in Malibu.”

We’d gone to his family’s beach house a few times since our first visit after the 2010 Olympics. On that trip, Josh had asked me to skate with him shortly after we’d arrived, and we’d had an unforgettable night afterward.

“A place where we had a very important first together,” I said and leaned into him until our lips just barely touched.

“Best day of my life until today,” he said.

We did more delicious damage to my lip gloss, and then we just stood quietly, our heads bent together. These were the first silent moments we’d had with each other since Josh had proposed. I knew it was silly to think that one little question could change things, but I felt a different energy between us. As strong as our love had always been, something even more powerful hummed between us.

“You know, I was getting kinda worried that you weren’t thinking about marriage anymore since you’d stopped talking about it,” I said. “Did you do that on purpose?”

“I didn’t want to give away any hints of what I was planning.” He hugged my waist. “So, you were really worried?”

“Yes! And you kept faking me out with all those gifts. You can’t be all mysterious and tell a girl she has to stay up until midnight on New Year’s Eve unless you have a ring to surprise her with.”

“You didn’t like the Daruma?”

“I love the little guy, but he can’t compare to this.” I grinned and held up my left hand.

He pointed to the nightstand. “You’re hurting his feelings. Good thing he’s already helped us reach our goal.”

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