Taking Tilly (18 page)

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Authors: Stacey St. James

Tags: #Bdsm, #Multiple Partners, #alien sex, #voyerism, #sexual torture, #non consensual sex, #alpha males, #exibitionism

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Dread filled her as she felt her body
gathering for another crisis, but she didn’t have long to worry
about it. She hit another peak and went over it while he was
getting warmed up. She was almost to the pinnacle again when he
came, stilling abruptly for a space of heartbeats and then pounding
into her harder as his body began to shudder and pump his seed into

His crisis left her at the

He made up for it by pulling the spent
cock from her channel and shoving his posterior cock into her in
its place. That move caught her as she slipped down the mountain
and carried her over the top again.

She was so spent, so thoroughly
satisfied—so exhausted she didn’t even know when he

She did know when second arrived,
though. He jarred her awake when he dropped onto the mattress and
pried her thighs open.

She lifted her eyelids with an effort
to see who it was, saw him examining the discarded nano unit with a
frown. He turned to study her face for a moment, looked at the
nano-unit again and then dropped it onto the floor and dove over

It was a long night.

Chapter Twenty

It was hard to feel
special, Tilly reflected somewhat glumly—and she’d really wanted
to. Actually
—until the second showed up and then after him the

No one came after him because he
didn’t leave.

Something about the way the commander
had acted had made her feel as if it was … momentous in some way,
that he was trying to tell her she was special to him.

He’d made her
as if she was … but
then the second had come and fucked her for hours and she’d had
maybe an hour or two to rest and the prince had arrived.

If she was special, at all, to any of
them, would they share?

A human man damned sure wouldn’t! They
were far too territorial! They didn’t even want to share a woman
when she wasn’t the lease bit special to them.

They would if pussy was in short
supply and they were desperate, but then they usually hated the
woman for it—even if they were second, or third.

Well, maybe especially if they were
second or third in line.

She shook her head. She didn’t
understand them—at all. She didn’t understand the language. She
didn’t understand how their minds worked. She didn’t understand
their customs. She wasn’t certain she ever would and that bothered
her because she couldn’t get comfortable, she couldn’t convince
herself that any of the three men who visited her most often cared
enough about her to make her safe.

She got out of bed after a few moments
and made an unpleasant discovery.

Without the nano-suit, she could
barely hobble after all the pounding the night before. Actually,
her poor pussy felt like it had been pounded on most of the night.
It wasn’t just her hip joints that were screaming.

She hadn’t realized, before, that the
nano-suit provided so much support—maybe even repaired some of the
damage from such extreme use?

She didn’t know, but she
did know she’d spent plenty of nights doing the same thing with the
entire ship’s crew—and they’d done more than one round with her—and
she hadn’t been

She considered that for a moment and
realized that the night before had probably been fairly typical in
that respect. She hadn’t had but three partners, but each had gone
several rounds before they were satisfied enough to

She could probably have serviced a
dozen different men in that time—which she thought was about the
number that had visited the other women—unless the aliens were
being thoughtful and dividing the men by night?

She wasn’t sure the women were
important enough to them for that kind of consideration. Men, human
men, tended to think it was ‘nothing’ to women after all. They were
just a hole and just laid there, didn’t exert themselves much at
all. Why would they have a problem laying on their back and being
pounded for hours and hours?

She couldn’t imagine these alien men
would be more thoughtful than their human counterparts.

She discovered she had more of a
problem than she’d thought when she’d left the bed and headed into
the bathroom.

She was completely exposed without the
nano-suit and she had no idea how to put it on and activate

Thankfully, the prince was standing in
the doorway when she opened it with the nano device in her

His gaze moved over her and then he
met her gaze and smiled a smile that made everything inside of her
flutter and her knees weak.

I’m naked,” she said
plaintively, waving the device at him.

His grin broadened. “Yes. I

She didn’t know if he’d understood her
or not. “I can’t go out like this.”

No. Distract

She gaped at him.

He caught her in his arms, lifted her
from the floor and carried her to the bed.

bathed! “I’m hungry,” she

Me also,” he responded
agreeably and began to gnaw on her neck, making her nipples stand
at attention.

As if she’d offered them, he swooped
down on the nearest and sucked it.

The muscles along Tilly’s channel

He teased first one and then the other
until she was dizzy with the heat rising inside of her and then
pulled away from her, pulled her upright, placed the nano unit on
her back and activated it.

The suit immediately toppled her onto
her back and spread her thighs, and her genitals, wide.

An unholy gleam lit the prince’s eyes.
Holding her gaze, he leaned down and latched onto her clit, sucking
on it until her eyes rolled back into her head.

He released her clit
abruptly and sat back.
“Naughty wench! I’m
hungry. Quit trying to entice me.”
lifted a dark brow. “Eat, yes? Or fuck first then eat?”

Tilly gaped at him dizzily, feeling a
gnawing in her belly that had nothing to do with food and
everything to do with his appetite.

He laughed and pulled her up, leading
her out of the room.

Thank god for the damned suit! Her
legs felt like cooked spaghetti.

They weren’t the last to arrive at the
dining hall. They were very nearly the first.

The commander and his crew were
already there.

Tilly’s heart skipped several beats,
partly in gladness at the sight of the commander, partly in

He didn’t actually smile at her, but
his face lightened as his gaze settled on her for a long moment and
then moved to the prince. He bowed. “Your highness.”

The prince acknowledged the commander
and then his subordinates as they, too, saluted their supreme

He led Tilly to a buffet and filled
her plate, to her dismay, with more food than she could possibly
hold. He chuckled at the look on her face. “I hungry.”

She bit her lip and handed the plate
to him. “I not that hungry.”

He led her to a bench and settled
beside her. The commander and his men joined them and Tilly was
torn between self-consciousness, uneasiness, and … well there was
no getting around the fact that she was seated with men who’d been
her lovers and really wowed her. She was so excited to be
surrounded by them she could hardly force food down her

The self-consciousness and uneasiness
had two sources—the men themselves and the other aliens that began
to pour into the dining hall and the Earth women who limped in by
twos and threes, looking as if they hadn’t slept more than a few
minutes all night.

They all looked surprised to see her
with a table full of men and then downright resentful.

Tilly focused on her food.

Oh these guys were going to get her
into some serious hot water with the other women if they kept this

She loved their attention, but she
wasn’t certain she wanted a public display if she was going to have
to guard her back when they weren’t around.

There was tension at the table, as
well, although Tilly was too focused on her own problems, at first,
to notice. Finally, though, she did notice that there was tension
between the commander—Torin and the prince. There was tension
between the others, as well, but not so much.

Be careful what you wish

When she’d been thinking
about feeling special before, though, she
sure hadn’t envisioned
creating problems between the commander and his prince!

Her dismay and uneasiness increased
when they finished the meal and the prince excused himself and
summoned the commander. She didn’t know whether to be relieved or
not when they merely went a short distance away and began to

There will not be discord
between us because of our woman?” the prince asked.

Surprise flickered through
Torin. They had all agreed that they would share all that they had
because they had so little. No one had considered women in that
equation at the time because they had only a few of their own women
and they did not dare risk them by either fighting over them or
fighting to claim one exclusively. There would be no Merkdar left
if they began such a battle. They all knew that. They all knew that
the future of their species rested with these women and that
future if anything happened to them.

There wasn’t any real future for the
survivors—just a lot of work in rebuilding and the hope that there
would be another generation and that, eventually, their species
would no longer be endangered.

He—all of his crew—had known when they
made the decision to bring the women back to the new colony that
they would be expected to share. None of them were particularly
happy about it—in point of fact he hated it!—but he had given his
word and a man was nothing if he could not be counted upon to
uphold his vows.

No one had anticipated
that Prince Rafe would be so enthralled with Tilly, however.
were, but they
hadn’t expected anyone else to see her as they did.

And it had been an unacknowledged fear
that the prince would demand to have Tilly as his own, exercise his
prerogative as a royal.

Torin was both relieved and somewhat
uneasy that he might have misinterpreted what the prince had said.
“I am your man, Sire! You need not fear that I would ever be
disloyal,” he responded.

The prince studied him for a long
moment. “You have no idea how much I feel for her. From the moment
I saw her …. But a monarch must be a man of his word and as loyal
to his subjects as they are to him—else he cannot expect to keep
their loyalty. I do not like or want to share her, but we agreed
and I will not challenge your prior claim—so long as we are in
accord that she belongs to all of us.”

Torin was surprised at his magnanimous
gesture—and deeply grateful. He bowed. “My loyalty remains
steadfast.” He hesitated. “I have some concern, however. I will not
argue about sharing her—although I would like to. But am concerned
that she will need her strength to nurture the child and that the
other men might not be as careful as you—or me—and my

The prince nodded. “We are
like-minded, I see. I will make a law that there will be limited
access to women who are breeding—while they are breeding—and then
we will see to it that the others are discouraged from going to
Tilly for recreation.” He frowned. “I am certain we can think up
something else after she has had the child—until I can plant my
seed.” He fixed Torin with a hard look. “I will not yield on that.
I meant it when I said that she would bear a child for me

Torin nodded. “Of course, your
highness! It never occurred to me to challenge that.” Because it
hadn’t occurred to him that the prince was dead serious. “Mayhap
the law could read—while breeding and during the first year of


The women will have to
breast feed,” Torin prodded.

Yes! Very true and that
will require very gentle handling!” He clapped Torin on the
shoulder. “Keep watch over her. I will have matters to attend today
and will have to oversee the construction ….”

With pleasure,” Torin
responded, bowing.

* * * *

Tilly didn’t know what to think when
Torin returned for her and the prince left. First they were
bristling like cur dogs with one bone! Then the prince claps Torin
on the shoulder in a friendly way and hands her over!

She dismissed her confusion and pique
when Torin, instead of walking her back to the hotel, took her for
a walk through the village.

That was when she discovered that the
human women weren’t the only females in the colony. They reached an
overlook that allowed them to look down at the structures under
construction and she saw that the only building that had been
completed other than the town hall and the hotel—where most of the
men slept when they weren’t working or screwing the Earth women—was
a very large and elaborate design with a walled garden.

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