Taking What's Mine

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Authors: Alexa Riley

BOOK: Taking What's Mine
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Alexa Riley

Copyright ©2015 Alexa Riley

Publisher’s Note: This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are a product of the author’s imagination. Locales and public names are sometimes used for atmospheric purposes. Any resemblance to actual people, living or dead, or to businesses, companies, events, institutions, or locales is completely coincidental.


No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law. For permission requests, contact [email protected]


Cover design : © L.J. Anderson at
Mayhem Cover Creations

Formatting by L.J. Anderson at
Mayhem Cover Creations


To Lisa... Thank you for your friendship and for inspiring this book. Cheers.



Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter Six



Excerpt from Taking the Fall

Other Titles



My dick pushes against the front of my uniform pants at knowing what’s coming, and I don’t mean my cock. Today I get a taste of my sweet little Rose. I’ve been planning this for weeks. I laugh at the thought of the word “planning.” Planning is putting it mildly. It’s more like obsessing, and invading my every thought. Being sheriff of Kirksville, Nebraska, only makes this that much easier to do.

I don’t care how much she fights this; I know she wants it. I hope she fights; it will only make my cock harder and her submission so much sweeter. By the end of this weekend, she’ll know who she belongs to. Her life will begin and end with me, and I’ll take nothing less.

Glancing over, I pick up the naked pictures I took of her. It’s easy to slip the little camera around her bedroom and bathroom, without her knowing. Of course I always have my eyes on her; she’s mine, after all. She’s been mine since the day I first saw her. A fresh-faced second-grade teacher over at the elementary school. So innocent and pure. She needs me just as much as I need her. I can protect her, because if anyone else felt a tenth of what I did for her – I squeeze the pictures in my hand just thinking about anyone else wanting her. I grind my teeth together in anger. No one else can have her.

The photos range from her in the shower, a few of her changing out of her clothes, and one of her masturbating. In that picture she’s tempting me with her pussy, making me want it. My blood boils thinking that it wasn’t me making her cum, even if that someone else was her. It’s crazy that I’m jealous she got herself off, but it doesn’t matter at this point, because I’ve gone past crazy when it comes to her. There is no going back. At least I know what she was thinking about when she touched herself. Innocent and pure little Rose has dirty fantasies. I’ve read all about them in her diary she thought she’d hidden away so well. I’m going to give her what she wants, even if she begs me to stop, and trust me, there will be all kinds of begging. I can already hear her pleas in my mind, making pre-cum leak from my cock.

Kissing one of the photos, I stack them back together and place them in my glove box with her diary. I slide out of my cruiser, closing the car door behind me, with a smile on my face. She walked right into my trap.

Each day when she leaves the school, she takes the same route home. In the country, many of the houses are spread out and hers is one of them. She takes a shortcut, but the road she uses is all farmland and not paved. It’s just loose gravel that cracks under my boots as I eat up the distance to her.

The summer just started and today was her last day until the next school year begins. I knew she’d be working late, and I used it to my advantage. I’ve waited long enough for this day, and she’s going to make it up to me with her pussy, her mouth, her ass, and her complete submission. I’ve been hanging on to a thin rope with her, and I can feel myself cracking. I need to touch her, bury myself inside her, and cool some of the raging desire she causes.

She did this to me. Never in my whole life have I felt this need for someone. She woke this beast inside me, and she’s going to take him. Only she will do. Since the day I first saw her, the thought of another woman only pisses me off. She worked her way into my system, and now she’s going to stay and give me what I need. What we both need. She’s going to wrap her sweet mouth around me, and milk all this lust from my body. I’m going to fill up every one of her holes until she’s dripping with my cum, then maybe I can calm down.

When I reach her car door, I give two hard knocks to her window, forcing her to roll it down. Her big sea-green eyes look up at me, her bottom lip pouting, and it drives me crazy. Her whole look says “innocent,” and I can’t wait to turn her into my little slut. The things she’s going to do to me, for me – and no one will ever know. It will be a piece of her that only I possess.

Sir?” The single word seems to stroke my whole body.

Ma’am, I’m going to need you to step out of the car.” Without waiting for a response, I reach my hand in through the window to open it from the inside, making the lock pop up and the door open. Tentatively she unhooks her seatbelt and steps out of the car. She’s hesitant, but complies. Her sweet vanilla smell fills my lungs as she exits the vehicle, and it’s all I can do not to lean in. I don’t give her much room, so she has to sidestep me and slide further down the side of her car so I can slam the door shut.

The blue and red lights from my cruiser light up the dark warm summer night, giving me a good view of her. She’s wearing a pink sundress that makes her milky skin look like silk. I wonder if my cum would show on her skin, or if it would just blend in like it belonged there. She’s all woman, soft and curvy with generous breasts that I want to taste, and round hips I’m dying to feel against me. Her midnight-black hair is down in big waves that make me want to grip it in my fist. I want to use it to pull her toward me and claim her mouth.

I love and hate that fucking dress on her. I love that I can slide my hand between her legs and her pussy will be right there for me, but I hate that someone else might have the same thought. I don’t like that her pussy is so easy to get to. Just a rip of her panties and you could be deep inside her warm cunt, and no one besides me will be doing that.

Sir,” she starts again, “I’m not sure what I did that made you pull me over, but whatever the reason I apologize. What is it I did exactly?”

Nothing,” I say, watching the confusion wash over her face. “Turn around, hands on the vehicle,” I say, indicating that I’m going to give her a pat-down.

But – ”

It’s best you follow orders, my Rose, it will make things a lot easier for you.” Her eyes snap up at my use of “my Rose” but she slowly turns around, doing as I command.

Kneeling down, I start with her ankles, slowly moving my hands up as I go. When I reach her thighs, I hear her breathing pick up, and it’s coming out in little gasps. That panicked sound is the sexiest thing I’ve ever heard.

When I reach mid-thigh, I feel her body go completely still. “Please don’t,” she says in a shaky whisper. She may not know what’s coming, but she knows something is off.

Leaning in, I place my mouth against her lush full ass, giving a soft bite through the material of her dress, and hear her let out a squeak. She tries to jerk away from me, but both my hands lock around the inside of her thighs, keeping her in place for me.

Don’t move again. You’ll only hurt yourself, and I don’t want that. You can’t fight me off, so don’t try. Now, be a good little girl and be still until I’m done.”

Rising up, I push her body into the car with mine. I rub my erection against her ass, trying to cool my lust, but my balls only feel heavier, dying to get a release inside her. I reach around to her front, and bunch up her dress. I move my hand down and cup her pussy, feeling how warm she is.

She’s so tiny compared to me, at least a foot shorter than my six-three. Leaning over, I bury my face in her hair, hoping that between holding her pussy and the scent of her, I can calm down. But when I feel a slight wet spot on her panties, all my control snaps.



I feel complete terror running through my body. I’m pressed against my car, and the cop has his hand on my pussy.

Oh god, please stop,” I breathe.

I shouldn’t want this. Shouldn’t be turned on by this. What is wrong with me?

I feel his face pull back and suddenly I’m turned around, so I’m facing him again. I look over at his badge and see the last name Colton.

Officer Colton,” I begin, but he interrupts me.

Sheriff Colton. But you can drop the sheriff title.”

Please, this has been some kind of misunderstanding. I’ll get back in my car and we can pretend this never happened.”

He reaches down and grabs my wrist so fast I don’t see it coming, until I’m being pulled around the back of my car. I see he wants to take me to the other side where it’s darker, and I panic.

He’s a big guy, and well over six feet tall. He’s all solid muscle too, so not only is he big, but he’s strong. His dark hair and eyes were so sexy at first. I had thought for a second that I might flirt with him a little, but when he asked me to step out, I knew something was different.

My fight-or-flight instincts kick in as he takes me around my car, and I pull with all my might. He’s so much bigger than me though, and I can’t do anything to stop him. I’ve never had any self-defense classes and I’ve never been in a fight. I start to scream, but he senses it, and drags me closer to his body. He gets in my face and I try to pull away again.

You can scream all you want out here, sweet little Rose. No one will hear you,” he says and grabs me by the waist.

No! Help!” I scream, but he’s right. There no one out here for miles and miles, and no one will come down this road again until morning. I try to grab on to the side of my car, but he pulls me to the ground and climbs on top of me.

Oh god. He’s really going to do it.

I feel his hot breath on my neck and his tongue starts to lick across my collarbone and up to my ear. He smells like cologne and I’m ashamed of how much I like the dark scent. I know he felt the dampness in my panties earlier and I wanted to deny it was because of him. But I couldn’t.

Fuck, you taste so sweet, Rose.”

Don’t do this,” I beg, and start to flail my arms and legs. I don’t know what I’m doing, but I’ve got to try and fight. I’m kicking my feet and punching at his chest and he leans up and smiles at me. It’s a wicked evil smile that sends a chill down my spine.

I always hoped you’d struggle. It makes me so hard.”

One of his hands grabs one of my wrists and pins it to the ground. My other hand is free and I strike, making contact with his lip. Instantly I regret it when I see the drop of blood.

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