Tales of Chills and Thrills: The Mystery Thriller Horror Box Set (7 Mystery Thriller Horror Novels) (16 page)

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Authors: Cathy Perkins,Taylor Lee,J Thorn,Nolan Radke,Richter Watkins,Thomas Morrissey,David F. Weisman

BOOK: Tales of Chills and Thrills: The Mystery Thriller Horror Box Set (7 Mystery Thriller Horror Novels)
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Rafe spoke for the group.

“Masterful, Nicki. I’m impressed.”

Apparently her offhand dig at his flamboyant lifestyle hadn’t dampened his approval of her investigative instincts. Only his narrowed eyes and rigid jaw telegraphed his annoyance. Whether it was with her or with Caleb, she didn’t know or care. Let him think she was a disrespectful bitch. Better than dismissing her as one of the gaggle of women groveling for his attention. She grimaced and reminded herself that the horde of women Rafe amused himself with didn’t make stupid remarks about vibrators. And sure as hell, they lost their virginity long before they turned twenty-six. Like Nicki wished she had, instead of holding out for the perfect man. Lot of good that had done. Now that she’d found her dream man, it was her very innocence, her lack of sexual experience, that stood in the way. No wonder he had laughed at her. She would have too, if she’d been him. Unfortunately she felt more like crying than laughing.

Rafe took the floor to lay out the travel schedule for the men, assigning pairs to each of the privileged young men on the screen.

Nicki tried to focus on his orders, but her brain was mush. She needed air. Talking about the plight of the young girls had drained her. She knew she shouldn’t focus on the terror they were facing. She needed to keep her objectivity if she was going to be useful to the team. But for the moment she needed to get away. If only for a few minutes, she needed to close the door on the crisis they were facing. She knew Rafe would be irritated, but she barely cared. She excused herself and left the room.

Nicki followed the narrow path up a winding trail she’d discovered her first week at the center. The Poconos were astonishingly beautiful. They were nothing like the jagged peaks of the Alps she was accustomed to, or the rugged snowcapped Rocky Mountains. But the peaceful slopes and lush forest were precisely what her spirit needed.

“Nikita, wait! Wait for me.”

She turned to see Katya following her. She slowed to allow Katya to catch up.

“Nikita, I mean Nicki, do you mind if I join you? The way you are dashing up this mountainside, you’d think those kidnapping bastards were chasing you. You look like you could use some company.”

Nicki smiled at her, gratified at Katya’s insight. Of course, Katya would know better than Nicki the pain their victims were facing. But it was comforting that she understood the toll the investigation was taking on Nicki.

“Thanks, Katya. And thanks for following me. You’re right. Company—especially yours—will be nice. I’m tired of the ugly voices rattling around in my head.”

Katya smiled and caught up with her, linking her arm in Nicki’s. Without thinking, Nicki leaned into the comfort of the smaller girl’s slender body. In the last two days, Katya had sought her out three different times. By the end of their second conversation, they’d worked through the incident in the sparring ring and were on their way to becoming friends. Nicki was surprised how much she enjoyed the company of the other woman. Surrounded by men all her life she’d never had a close girlfriend. Being with Katya underscored what she’d missed. It was nice.

“Sure you don’t mind incurring Rafe’s anger? Me leaving is bad enough, but having two of his captive audience skip out is probably more than his overblown ego can handle.”

Katya laughed, and her gorgeous tinkling laughter made Nicki smile.

“Really, girlfriend! Is that why he told me to follow you? Why he told me to make sure that you were okay? We all know how hard you have been working and how personally you take your responsibilities. It’s obvious, Nicki. The only way you could have figured all this out was to get inside those young girls’ skin. And to do that you needed to feel the fear and terror they’re facing.”

She took Nicki’s hand in his hers and stroked her palm.

“I can see the toll it takes, Nicki. And so can Rafe.”

Nicki blinked at the tears stinging the backs of her eyelids.

“Thanks, Katya. Thank you for understanding. I’m not surprised that you know what it takes, but I think that’s the last thing Rafe would understand. He didn’t get where he is by being soft, weak.”

“Ah, Nicki, you are the strongest woman I’ve ever known. And not only because you kicked my butt and put me in the infirmary!”

Nicki laughed. One of the most engaging things about Katya was her outspokenness. More times than she could count, Katya had surprised Nicki with her insights and naughty sense of humor.

They sat quietly for several minutes gazing over the verdant hills. Only the rustle of the breeze in the trees, and the chirping of birds broke the peaceful silence. The compound with all its intensity and edgy danger seemed blessedly far away.

Katya broke the silence.

“Speaking of that sexy-assed leader of ours, what’s going on between you and Rafe?”

Nicki jerked up, startled. Pulling her hand away from Katya, she scooted back.

“Nothing! What do you mean? There’s nothing between us.”

Katya laughed. She shook her head and grinned at Nicki.

“Nothing, huh? Is that why your face is as pink as the thong I am wearing and you’re trembling like those Aspen trees?” She waved her hand at the expanse of forest below.

Katya huffed. “Really, Nicki. Don’t insult me. Good grief, girl. The sparks between the two of you could burn down this forest.”

She wheedled. “C’mon, Nicki. Out with it! I’m going crazy without my hot man making wild sweaty love to me all night long. At least let me enjoy some vicarious pleasure.”

Nicki shook her head fiercely.

“I’m sorry to disappoint you, Katya. But there is nothing between Rafe and me.”

She hesitated, then added, “At least until last night and… well…the other night….”

Katya jumped up, clapping her hands in glee.

“See!” She shouted triumphantly. “I knew you were lovers. I knew it!”

Nicki frowned and shook her head.

“No, Katya, we’re not. Not really.”

Seeing that Katya didn’t understand, Nicki felt an overwhelming need to tell her what had happened. To confess what she’d done, what she was feeling. But she couldn’t She was too confused. Too ashamed.

She closed her eyes against the pain. Taking a deep breath, she willed herself not to cry.

“You don’t understand.”

Katya reached out and pried Nicki’s clenched hands loose and held them in hers.

“Try me.”

Nicki was quiet for a moment wracked with indecision. Katya’s sympathetic gaze galvanized her. Restored her courage.

As much as it hurt, she needed to speak the painful truth. Her voice was firm.

“We’re not lovers, and I don’t think we ever will be.”

She took a deep breath then repeated the words that had been tormenting her.

“Rafe told me I’m not the kind of woman he fucks.”

Katya shrugged dismissively.

“I should hope not! Of course you aren’t.”

Nicki was shocked, too surprised to speak.

Katya continued in a breezy voice.

“The kind of women our bad ass fucks is the kind he takes once at his convenience and never sees again. You, my lovely fire-haired friend, are not a convenience kind of gal. Not hardly. No wonder you scare that stud silly. He knows if he makes love to you, it is all over.”

She added with a wicked wink, “Notice I didn’t say if he fucks you. Although that can be fun too.”

“Look honey, you and I both know Rafe’s reputation. Let’s face it. He’s earned every bit of it. Women line up three deep to be in his bed. But he makes it clear that is a one-night-only privilege. No expectations on either part.”

Nicki struggled with the enormity of what Katya was saying.

“You think that Rafe thinks I have expectations?”

“Don’t you?”

Nicki shrugged then said softly, “I love him, Katya.”

Katya put her arm around her and hugged her close.

“I know you do, Nicki. If it’s any consolation, Rafe is gaga over you.”

Katya pressed her lips together with a knowing look.

“Once he lets loose with you, Nicki, and stokes those red hot coals simmering just below the surface, he knows there’s no way he can control that fire. Yours or his.”

Nicki sat quietly trying to absorb what her friend was saying. When she looked up at her, the hooded look in Katya’s eyes frightened her.

“What is it, Katya?”

“Nicki, I’ve known Rafe since I was a teenager. Grayson and Caleb are the only people closer to him than Vlad and I are. And, of course, your father knows him best of all. Vlad’s referred a couple of times to something that happened to Rafe in Rwanda. Something bad. Something that shook Rafe to the core.”

Katya gave her a troubled frown.

“There isn’t much hope in Rafe’s worldview, Nicki. I think he sees hope in you. And honey for a big tough badass like Rafe Boudin, that must scare the hell out of him.”


Chapter 18<br/>

Chapter 18

“Please don’t hurt me.” She hated to beg. And she knew it wouldn’t do any good.

“That is entirely up to you, or to be more precise, your father.”

The cruel man named Aiden raked his eyes over her naked body and sneered.

“Come now, Sophie. You know how to work your father. What did you do when you wanted him to raise your allowance? Did you swish your chubby ass and give him a big smile? A big smack on the lips? Or did you pout and cry, saying how all the other girls in your little clique had a new dress for the party, or a newer car, or two weeks in Belize instead of the measly 10 days you got to spend?”

Aiden gripped her arm and dragged her up on the small stage in the center of the empty room. He ordered her to stand on the x in the middle of the platform and look straight ahead. One of the big tattooed men stood behind a video camera propped up on a tripod. There was a full length mirror off to the side.

Sophie tried not to cry. She wanted to be brave. She thought she’d cried as much as she could. But she couldn’t stop the tears. She shuddered at her reflection in the mirror. Her eyes were almost swollen shut. Her nose was red, snot ran down her face. Her body looked ugly. She hated that this was how her father would see her. It would kill him. Crush him. She prayed he wouldn’t show the tape to her mother. She couldn’t survive it.

The shiny gloss on her nipples gleamed in the bright lights they shone on her. Her hands were tied behind her back. The jeweled collar around her throat attached to an ominous chain would terrify her parents. They would think that she’d been raped. But the men had orders not to touch her. She heard them say she was going to be in an auction, and that she had to look good. That wealthy men would be bidding on her. She was a special prize because she was a virgin.

Remembering the blond man’s excitement when he reached between her legs, she flushed with shame. The scene and his horrid words burned in her brain.

“Well, I’ll be damned. This little slut still has her cherry. As I live and breathe, will miracles never cease?”

He’d warned the men guarding her that they would be beaten and tortured if there was so much as a scratch on her. That hadn’t kept the black man they called Jamal and his buddy Pedro from whispering all the dirty things they were going to do to her once she’d been sold.

Aiden stepped up on the stage and began to position her for the camera.

Yanking her hair back, he lifted her chin so that she was looking straight at the camera. He stood behind her and jerked her shoulder back. Reaching around her body, he tweaked her shiny nipples and chuckled when she cried out.

“Tits up, little slut. That’s a good girl. Stick them up as high as you can. Be proud. They’re your best feature. They’re going to earn us almost as much as the unpopped cherry between your legs.”

He pressed his cheek against her and leered at their reflection in the mirror wagging his eyebrows in a comic display of arrogance. He hopped off the stage and nodded to the man behind the camera.

“Okey dokey. Show time!”

He motioned to Victor to begin.

“Victor, we’ll lay in Boris’s introduction after we get her on tape.”

Moving to the side of the stage, he spoke off camera to the terrified girl but his words were meant for her father and any others who viewed the tape. His voice was unctuous, eerily pleasant. His agreeable words mocked the reality of the shivering naked girl on the stage, and were certain to send torrents of fear through her father.

“Sophie, tell your daddy how much fun you are having here. Tell him how many nice men there are who are keeping you company. How they are watching you day and night. Tell him that you miss him and mommy and want to come home. BUT, remember Sophie, you can’t go home until daddy sends the money he promised Volkov. And, honey, be sure and tell daddy that time is running out. There are a lot of men like Jamal, and Pedro and Victor who like innocent little girls. They’re eager to show you how much fun you can have with ALL of them.”

Sophie did her best to choke back her sobs. Through raspy breaths she begged her father, “Daddy, please do what they say. Please! I…I’m scared. I want to come home. Please…Daddy…Please!”

Her voice cracked and she burst into tears, sobbing uncontrollably.

“Cut!” Aiden’s triumphant voice rang out. “That’s a wrap. Victor, get that processed and sent to Mr. Schwartz ASAP.

Aiden sauntered over to stage and smirked at Sophie.

“Excellent work, little slut. That was exactly the mix of fear and shame I was looking for. Why, you would think that you are terrified, and that you understand that if daddy doesn’t get his money here damn fast his precious little fairy princess will be begging for more than mercy.”

He jerked his head at Jamal and Pedro who leapt up and dragged the sobbing girl off the stage.

Aiden loped back to his spacious suite, eager to work on the final preparations for Friday night’s party and the auction the following evening. As he passed by Boris’s modest office, he poked his head in the door.

“Evening, Boss Man Boris. You gotta see the tape we just made of the international money bag’s virgin daughter. Couldn’t have staged it better if I tried. She cried her eyes out begging daddy to send his million dollars pronto.”

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