Tales Of Lola The Black (7 page)

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Authors: A.J. Martinez

BOOK: Tales Of Lola The Black
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Now she remembers. Her father practice
d dark magic. He never got the chance to teach her. Lola’s mother had passed away when she was very young. She remembers her father would work for King Alexander. “Why does the king practice dark magic?” She asked herself. “I believe another quest is to unfold.”

” Dougal said. Lola looked up at him and smiled. There was still hope. There was still a chance for him to return to his human form and to her arms again. “Don’t worry. All we have to do is find that grimoire.” Said the wolf.

“Let’s pray that Omegus
will help us find it.” She said with a sweet voice.

Minutes later
Lola and Dougal walked out of the mansion. The wolf walked with a crippled leg and Lola was tired and hungry. They heard the front door of the mansion slamming open. Lola spun around startled. She saw Jazelle running out of the mansion. The only brunette girl in the mansion besides Lola. Jazelle ran to her and embraced her. “Oh Lola.” She whispered in her ear. “I am so glad you returned. Forgive me if I ignored you but they would have hurt me if they knew I was on your side.”

“It’s ok I understand. I knew you were not one of them. I could tell when I first entered the
mansion.” Lola said to her. “Come with me Jazelle. Come to the capital city with me it will be great. I have rented a small living space with the money I earned.”

“Oh Lola you have no idea how long I’ve been wanting to leave this place.
” Jazelle confessed. “Where ever you are going, I will follow. Anywhere but this prison.”

“Then welcome to the team.” Dougal said. Jazelle kneel down and embrace the wolf. She rubbed his head and horns and kissed his black fur.

“Before we leave there is one last thing I must do.” Lola turned to face the mansion. She pointed her new rod. The rod her father had given her. Its bat wings spread and the onyx stone shines with magic and its mana flowing. The top of the rod sparked and a ball of fire began to swell before it. The fire ball ballooned bigger and bigger until its height was half of Lola’s body. “Pikan Explodah!” Lola yelled and the great ball of fire flew towards the mansion. It burst through the front door and within a few seconds the mansion detonated. An explosion so large it created a large cloud of smoke and fire. Pieces of woof flew everywhere and the garden caught on fire. It was the end of Perim’s fire mage agency. What will the king do when he finds out that one girl caused this much damage.

Lola, Dougal and their new friend Jazelle left the mansion and traveled to
Centra the capital city.


Theft And Grimoire


Centra Alexandria. The capital city. Lola The Black stood on the rooftop of an Inn gazing at the godly sword that rose from the castle. Yes the godly sword said to have been summoned by the Alexandrian dynasty. The castle sheaths it like a scabbard and the sword cast a colossal shadow upon the city.
It never fails to amaze me
, Lola thought as she stared mesmerized by the view of the castle. Every morning she woke up and stared at it wishing she could grasp the hilt and draw the blade like the hand of Omegus from the sky.

Centra. The largest city in the Alexandria country. Lola was in the south section of the city where houses were built on a hill with sloping streets. She gazed at the center of the city leagues below where the castle district was always crowded. She always romanticizes the city. She had no house to go to or a family waiting for her. She slept in Inns and drifted willingly, blissfully and ever so venturous in the city and through Alexandria.

The wind blows and billows her long skirt of black bird feathers and leather. She fixed her long raven black hair over her shoulders and closed her eyes at the soothing breeze. “Today I will fly to the top of the castle for the first time.” She said. Lola has wanted to enter the castle for such a long time ever since she first started living in the city.

Very few can enter the castle. Only the high class and those who work for the king have the privilege to enter. Anyone else who wishes to enter must have beneficial reasons or permission from someone of authority. The Alexandrian dynasty resides in the castle and it is heavily guarded with skilled guards of swordplay and advanced magic of every element. Lola felt nervous yet excited. She loved risky situations.
I am a step closer to learning the truth. I will learn the secrets of darkness. My darkness

“What is it with you and high places?” Lola heard a voice from behind her. She turned around and there stood Dougal. The black wolf with ram horns on his head and two tails. Lola smiled at the wolf and said “I love the view. It’s romantic.”

“You never fail to worry me.” Dougal said. He walked to the edge of the roof and gazed with Lola. The two had been living in the capital city and drifting throughout the country for three years now. Three long years of freedom. Taking odd jobs and going with the wind.

“What are we going to tell Jazelle?” Dougal asked.

“She already knows.” Lola answered.”Don’t worry she has our trust but she will remain in the Inn while we are away.”

“Then let’s get ready. I am eager to see this grimoire Perim spoke of.” Dougal said.

“I heard it was ancient.” Lola said with enigma and stared back at the colossal sword sheath in the castle. “I spoke to the librarians of the city yesterday and they said that such grimoire belonged to a magus that was related to Prodigus Kollos. That it is but a myth and such magic manuals are no longer written.”

“I see” Dougal pondered. “Perim told us that the grimoire lies in the castle of the Alexandrian dynasty. Hahaha. It is with no doubt that such powerful tools are kept secret and only used by those with power and authority. Perim did not want anyone to know of the grimoire since he worked for the king.”

“Today we shall find the truth.” Lola stated. “I have a feeling that this grimoire will have more to offer than just a solution to our prayers.”

“You think so.”

“I feel so or at least Omegus is guiding me. Telling me that I must obtain this grimoire regardless of what I must do.” Lola said as if the unknown beyond the realm of light had shown her destiny.

“By the way who is this Prodigus Kollos you mentioned?” Dougal asked as if something had eluded him.

“You have never heard of the myth of Prodigus Kollos?” Lola was surprised Dougal had not heard of the common fairy tale of Alexandria.

“Afraid not. Why don’t you tell me this fairy tale?” Dougal said annoyed scratching his ears with his foot.

“Prodigus Kollos was said to be the pioneer of magic itself. He is the one to have discovered the mystics of mana and how to transform it from one’s body into different physicals forms. He was the first fire magus. In fact it is said that he mastered all four magical elements as well as the three grand attributes of darkness, divine magic and the rare art of twilight. How have you not heard of the myth of Prodigus Kollos. Did you not pay attention in Perim’s classes?”

“Sorry but mythology is just not my thing you see.” Said the wolf and jumped off the roof of the Inn to the second floor’s balcony.

“I hope I didn’t hurt his feelings.” Lola lost sight of Dougal below. “That wolf form has seriously changed him.” Lola felt his pain. Dougal wants to be human again so that he can embrace her like he once did. So that he can love her like he once did and hold her hand as they once did three years ago. Lola has been hunting for answers to Dougal’s curse throughout their travel and it wasn’t until four days ago that they were given a clue to a real cure. Lola prays that she breaks Dougal’s curse and set him free. For three years she had been traveling with him never losing faith.

Lola had many chances to marry someone of high class in Centra. She had many opportunities to settle down and never have to work again or sleep in Inns and hotels but all she wanted was to be with Dougal. The love of her life. She was not going to give up until he stood on two legs and looked at her with blue eyes. She was not going to give up until she could stroke his long blonde hair again and kiss him like she did the first time under a cherry tree.
Pretty soon my love
, Lola told herself. She slides down the slope of the roof and with an air spell she spun and fell with ease like a feather and landed gently on the second floor balcony of the Inn.

Lola rushed inside the inn to her room. She pushed opened the first door of the hall to the right. Inside stood Jazelle combing her long black hair in front of a mirror next to the bed. Jazelle looked at Lola in surprise. “I thought you had left me all alone.” Said Jazelle. “I woke up and you and Dougal were gone.”

“My dear.” Lola told her. “I must go to the capital city today. I will return before midnight.”

“Oh I see” Jazelle turned to the bed and lifted Lola’s rod. “You will need this.” She tossed the rod to Lola. The dark magus caught it and spun it playfully. The rod was black with bat wings at the end and an onyx gemstone embed on top. It was the rod she reclaimed from her old master who had stolen it from her. The rod helped Lola control her dark magic and enhanced it.

“Come here my dear.” Lola beckons her friend. Jazelle paces to Lola and she hugs her ever so tightly with each other’s head side to side. They then face each other gently, eyes close and kissed. They pull away, eyes moist and lips wet. Jazelle wipes Lola’s lower lip painted red. “Does he know?” Jazelle asks nervously. “Worry not. He will understand.” Lola says and pulls away giving Jazelle a peck on the lips and rubs her cheek. 

Lola exits the room and walks down the hall, frowning and yet no regret.
Oh great Omegus, I hope Dougal forgives me for my sins but I must satisfy the needs of my flesh till he can hold me in his arms again. My love I promise I will do everything in my power to break your curse
. She goes down the stairs and when she reaches the first floor she notices Dougal waiting for her by the entrance as civilians walk in. As she is walking towards the wolf, he stands up and exits the inn. She runs after him.
I feel as though he is avoiding me

Outside on the sloping streets, people walked by gracefully in wagons and on horsebacks. The streets in the south section are not as crowded as the other parts of the city which is why Lola stays in these areas. Many wealthy people lived in Centra. It is hard to live in the capital without money. Lola was able to afford staying nights and weeks in inns and hotels with the odd jobs that she does for wealthy men and woman. She was paid handsomely since her magic was great as well as Dougal.

The black wolf stood outside on the sidewalks of the cobblestone streets. “What is wrong with you today? You’ve been pissy and distant.”

“I am a wolf. A cursed creature. I don’t expect you to understand?” Dougal answered and ignored her.

“You can still speak like a human so why don’t you tell me what’s been bothering you?”

“People will think you are crazy talking to a wolf.” Dougal said. “Let’s go.”

Lola surveyed her surroundings and noticed as people walked by they gave her strange looks and winces. She never talks to Dougal in public otherwise people would think she is insane. People were not disturbed by the black wolf although his ram horns were odd and unusual. Some had mistaken Dougal to be a hybrid. He preferred such assumptions than for people to think he was a fiend.

Lola kneeled down and grabbed the wolf by the horns. “Whatever it is save it for later. We are on a mission.”

“I should be telling you that. My dear.” Dougal told Lola with cocky tone. “Now you tell me how are we going to get inside the castle? I assume you have a plan.”

“Oh I have a plan but we must get away from here first. Follow me.” Lola ran up the streets. Dougal followed behind. The sloping streets of the south lead to a hill. Lola kept running up pass houses and working class people. The cobblestone street ended with an unfinished stone wall. Topless men worked on the wall, hauling wood and carrying stones on wheelbarrows. Lola sprinted by the construction workers disturbing them and jumped over the unfinished wall.

She now ran on tall grass outside the city area. Up a hill she went and looked over her shoulder at Dougal. “Where are we going?” Asked the wolf.

“You will see just follow me.” Lola answers and continued trudging.

“Are we leaving the city?” Dougal asked. “I thought we were sneaking into the castle.”

“We’ve been living in this city for three years.” Lola stated. “You should know better than to try and sneak into the Alexandrian castle from the front door. Intruders are highly punished. I thought of a better way.”

“A secret passage.” Dougal assumed.

“I wish I had found a passage. If there was one we would not be the only ones sneaking into the castle.”

“Then by the triforce. Whatever you have plotted, I hope it gets us through and unseen.” Dougal prayed. He had plans to enter the castle stealthy but with his wolf form it was impossible. He was so fortunate to have Lola but sometimes he doubted the girl and worried about her and her abilities. Still he had faith in her. They were on the same path after all.

They went up the hill till they reach a dirt path that snaked up to the very top. They followed the path and at the very end they saw a stone shrine. Lola stood before it stared at the stone statue of Omegus. The god of the triforce. One half of his body was black and the other was white. His left wing was shaped like a bat and his right wing shaped like that of a white swan. Lola and Dougal gazed at the statue solemnly and felt compelled to kneel and pray. Lola believed highly in Omegus and prayed to the god whenever she saw a shrine. She was graceful for all the wonderful adventures she had throughout Alexandria. She believes Omegus helped her become free from that prison she was in three years ago. Dougal on the other hand never prayed but simply had faith in what is to come.

The people of Alexandria follow the teachings of the triforce. The living, the dead and the limbo. The triforce teaches the people to connect with Omegus the god and find their path in Odealeous. Omegus is believed to balance darkness and light into twilight so that the world can be at peace and prevent destruction. The triforce teaches us to learn from our darkness and our light because we are made of both. Many magus who believe in Omegus follow the teachings of the triforce so that they can reach a high level of trance and be one their “inner god.”

“Come on Lola. You will have time to pray when you get back.” Dougal urged.

“I know but I just wanted to chant a mantra for what is to come.” Lola muttered. She got to her feet and paced towards the edge of the hill. Beyond she gazes at the city again. The thousands of houses and castle that reigns in the very middle with that godly sword sheath at the very top of the highest tower. Lola spreads open her arms and allowed her mana to flow and swirl. The wind began to gust around her and lashed at Dougal. Purple smoke billowed on her back and long wide black and purple wings spread wide. Her wings were so large and wide, enough to cover her whole body. Her eyes changed to a pale white zombified color and had vertical dashes for pupils. Fangs peaked from the sides of her lips. Her nails grew and her skin became paler.

Dougal only snorted at her transformation and said. “So you are thinking of flying us there. Are you mentally ill?”

“I can’t think of a better way my dear.” Lola said with a smirk, fangs peaking.

“You are not carrying me. I rather wait here while you go and get yourself captured in the castle.”

“How cruel of you Dougal.” Lola said. “You are going to leave me all alone. I thought we were a team.”  She walks to the wolf with open arms. “Come here.”

“Get away from me. You know I don’t like flying.” Dougal begins to step away from Lola. The dark magus flaps her wings causing gust and elevates off the ground. She grabs the wolf by the underbelly and ascends. Dougal growls and flails. “Curse you Lola!” He screams at her but she only giggles and ascends higher in her dark form. She flies away from the summit and towards
the castle with wind lashing her face. They were chiliads of feet high and below everything looked like a garden of greens and stones with ants. Lola gripped her rod and squinted. She saw something as she got closer to the castle. The godly sword of the castle glinted and blinded her for a moment. Dougal had stopped flailing. He stared up at Lola and said. “Can you see it?”

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