Tales of the Wolf: Book 01 - The Coming of the Wolf (21 page)

BOOK: Tales of the Wolf: Book 01 - The Coming of the Wolf
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In a much quieter voice only loud enough for Anasazi to hear he added, “We will return.” 

As the ceremony started, the Council of Elders began to chant and tap out a steady rhythm on several drums. Anasazi handed Hawkeye the bowl and commanded, “Drink and become one with the universe.”

Hawkeye drank the golden liquid from the bowl. It was warm and soothing.

Anasazi began a different chant. Pulling out a fan made from an eagle’s wing, he fanned the flames of the small fire in front of him and tossed a handful of dried leaves into the fire; a pleasant smell filled the cave.

Forcing himself to relax, Hawkeye closed his eyes and concentrated on two things, the rhythmic drumming and Tatianna. Slowly, his mind began to wander and his limbs began to feel lighter. A vague sense of floating came over him. Opening his eyes, he was surprised at the sight. He was floating over his own body. It was a strange and exhilarating feeling. Glancing down at his spirit form, he was shocked to be able to see right through himself. He was dressed in his normal battle array, weapons and all but his body seemed to be made of mist. Reaching down, he drew out his tomahawk. It felt real. Swinging it at the nearby wall, it passed harmlessly through without leaving a mark.

“So, my weapons don’t affect the real world. I wonder if they can affect other spirits?” 

Shrugging his shoulders, he put his weapon away and looked around. He was amazed at his sight. Everything seemed clear and vague at the same time. The brightly-lit cave and the shadowy village held the exact same brightness. Yet each had a kind of hazy look, like looking through a heavy mist. It was as if light and darkness didn’t matter to a spirit. From his vantage point high above the cave, he could see the whole village. The warriors of the village had picked up the chant and the rhythmic drumming.

Glancing down at Tatianna lying on the stone altar, he felt a great sense of urgency come over him. Looking closely, he could see a slender silver thread attached to Tatianna’s heart that ran off into the heavens.

Willing himself to follow the thread, his spirit form shot off into the night like an arrow from a bow. He was flying south past the valleys, forest and lakes of the Highlands, over the Wall and past the Great Forest. Soon, the forest gave way to rolling hills and grasslands. Hawkeye could see large herds of animals roaming these vast plains. Small groups of huts dotted the banks of the single river that cut through the region like a knife. And still he flew south, always following the silver thread of Tatianna.

His path seemed to parallel the winding river. Slowly the grasslands disappeared, becoming a large desert that stretched for hundreds of miles. The only areas still grassy were the few miles next to the river. Hawkeye could see hundreds of small boats going up and down the river. Finally the land began to thin out, becoming a large peninsula several leagues wide. At the tip of the peninsula was the largest city he had ever seen. Its many towers and buildings jutted up into the night sky. Lanterns and torches burned in many of the windows and even at this hour, people could be seen moving about the city, Hawkeye thought it looked like an angry ant farm. He knew this must be the legendary city of Asylum.

And still Tatianna’s thread led him south until he was soaring over the blue-green waters of the Crystal Sea. Hawkeye could see ships of all sizes from sloops to caravels sailing about the great sea. Soon, Hawkeye could no longer see land as water stretched to the horizon on every side. Tatianna’s thread led right through a small patch of low flying clouds. Willing himself closer, the clouds parted to reveal the ruins of a beautiful city on a small island. The city was spread out before him in a great circle. The buildings were built in a very exotic style of architecture and seemed to be constructed of crystal and marble. They were beautiful. All of the roads and avenues ran to the center of the city where there was a great courtyard with an archway of crystal that shimmered and glowed in the moonlight.

Halting his flight a few hundred feet away, Hawkeye studied the surrounding area.

The courtyard was constructed of white marble and at each cardinal point the symbol of one of the gods was carved into the marble and overlaid with a black substance. From his vantage point above the courtyard, Hawkeye got the impression of a giant compass while the archway seemed to rotate slowly. At the top of the archway, the circular symbol of the Dhyana blazed with a light of its own.        

As Hawkeye studied the courtyard, he heard a mournful wail from somewhere behind him. Acting on instinct, he spun around and drew his weapons in one fluid motion. Low on the horizon, three large black hounds seemed to be running across the sea headed right toward him.

Spirit Hounds!

Anasazi had warned him that nothing forged by mortals could harm them. Additionally, once a Spirit Hound catches the scent of their prey, they never give up the hunt.

Glancing at his weapons, Hawkeye shrugged his shoulders and put them away. Instinctually he knew they would be useless. Speed would be his only salvation.

Concentrating on Tatianna’s thread again, he noticed it ran right through the glowing archway. Casting a quick glance at the Spirit Hounds, he noted that they were closing the distance rapidly. Willing himself forward, he flew at a neck-breaking pace while the spirit hounds changed their angle of attack. They were trying to cut him off before he reached his destination. Hawkeye mentally placed the image of Tatianna’s face before him and knew if the Spirit Hounds caught him, then she would be lost forever.

Willing himself faster, he plunged through the shimmering wall of the archway just as he heard the snap of teeth behind him. There was a flash of light in front of his eyes and the world went black.

Chapter 15

Hawkeye studied his surroundings. 

All around him was a blackness so thick it was almost suffocating.  Feeling the slightest twinges of panic rising at the bottom of his stomach, Hawkeye forced himself to take ten deep breaths to calm himself. He had always prided himself on his great sense of direction but without the sun, moon or even the ground to base his judgments on, he felt lost. Shrugging his shoulders, he picked a direction at random and willed himself forward. Soon, the blackness began to give way to a pale white light and a heavy mist that swirled all around.

He found himself standing in some sort of a courtyard in an ancient amphitheater that seemed to be floating on a cloud. One end of the amphitheater was full of white marble statues surrounded by numerous gray pillars. The other end held several tunnels that faded off into the distance and some stone steps leading to a balcony that hung in empty air. Taking a quick glance at the heavens, Hawkeye expected to see stars but found nothing; just the same rolling mist mixed with the surrounding blue and whiteness. The light seemed to come from everywhere and nowhere at the same time.

Making his way over to the statues, Hawkeye counted twelve of them all in excellent shape and grouped into four different sections. The first section was of three beautiful ladies so similar that they had to be sisters, Hawkeye guessed that these three statues must represent the Moirae, the sisters of Fate: Aurora, Hecate and Luna; the Goddesses of the Morning, Night and the Moon. He also knew these to be the patron goddess of the Elves, Shadow Elves and Highlanders.

The next three statues were of three brothers. The first two statues were of twins, both short and heavily muscled and depicted making weapons of war. One was bearded and wore his hair waist long; obviously this was Bromios the Thunder God, father of the dwarves. The other was bald and clean-shaven with intricate tattoos covering his exposed skin; Steropes the Destroyer, he was also the father of the gnomes. The third statue was of a slender youth, no more than three feet tall with pointed ears holding a gold coin in his right hand and a lyre in his left. Although Hawkeye had never met a halfling before, he knew this statue must be to their patron god, Hodios the Wayfarer, the errant God of Luck, Mischief, Music and Chance.

Moving to the third set of statues, Hawkeye looked up at the first one. It was huge. It was nearly fifteen feet tall and depicted an armored joten carrying a massive double-bladed axe. This was obviously Gaul the Lord of the Underworld and the father of the jotens. Next to him was a ten foot tall, heavily muscular man with the head of a bull with large horns, in his hands was a two-handed sword that was as tall as the statue; Minos, the God of Battle and father of the minotaurs. The last statue was of a large centaur with a bow held ready; Cheiron the Archer, God of Nature and patron god of the centaurs.

Turning to study the last set of statues, a touch of sadness crept over his heart as he gazed on the likenesses of the Lost Gods. They were the original creator gods which were killed during the first war with the Arachne. The first was a tall, extremely handsome human male depicted holding the sun in his right hand, high over his head and carrying a large shield in his left; Hyperion the Sun God, the God of Light, Creation and Guardianship. Next to him was a large statue of a five-headed dragon which Hawkeye recognized her to be Terra the Earth Mother, Goddess of the Elements and mother of all dragons. While the last statue was of a tall, hunched figure in a heavy cloak which hid all signs of gender and facial features so Hawkeye couldn’t tell if it was a male or female, young or old, ugly or beautiful but he knew this must be a statue of Nox the Evil One, Patron of Evil, Hate and Darkness.

As the mists swirled around him, a gentle breeze rose from his right and carried with it faint voices. The voices were light and musical, seeming to float down out of the heavens. Hawkeye walked slowly around the amphitheater trying to get a bearing on their origin. Glancing up, he spied the floating balcony. Through the swirling mist he could faintly see several figures. From his angle, it seemed to be four figures. He wasn’t positive but it looked as if one was kneeling while the three others seemed to be walking about. Shrugging his shoulders and seeing nowhere else to go, he climbed the steps which led up to the balcony.

As he crested the top, he saw that he was correct and that one was indeed kneeling and from his position, Hawkeye couldn’t tell anything about her, other than her long scarlet hair. The other three were standing around the kneeling figure, talking to her. They were each tall, slender and incredibly beautiful. One had long flowing black hair and was dressed in a white gossamer silk gown that was very flattering. Another had shoulder length white-silver hair with skin as black as the night sky. She was dressed only in a very revealing black gown and she moved with feline grace. The third was a redhead with sparkling green eyes and dressed in flowing green robes.

They were perhaps the three most beautiful women Hawkeye had ever seen. He cleared his throat gently. “Excuse me ladies. . .” 

The three ladies drew back revealing the kneeling figure to be Tatianna. Hawkeye rushed forward. “Tatianna!”

Turning slowly at the sound of her name, Tatianna’s face was void of any emotion while her eyes didn’t show any signs of recognition. They were still the beautiful crystal blue he loved but they didn’t have that spark of life he held so dear. She blankly stared at him for a brief moment before turning back toward the three beautiful ladies.

Jumping between Tatianna and the three ladies, Hawkeye drew his tomahawk and hunting knife. “Get back!”  His voice echoed slightly in the ruined amphitheater.

Not moving other than to cover their mouths as they giggled. Their eyes lit up with amusement at his behavior. Moments passed before the redhead finally broke the silence.

Her soft voice was reminiscent of a cool morning breeze. “Well…well. What do we have here my sisters? A brave warrior or a foolish champion?” The redhead pointed at Tatianna, “You would fight us for this mere mortal?”

“I would! I would fight Minos himself for this lady! Now who are you and what have you done to her?”    

The ebony skinned lady glided forward, circling Hawkeye and Tatianna like prey and spoke softly. “Be careful for what you wish for Kamots Hawkeye, it might come true. Relax brave warrior, we have done nothing to her other than talk. Anything else that has happened to her since her arrival has been her own doing.”

Hawkeye felt a cold chill run down his spine as the ebony skinned lady gently touched his shoulder.

He was about to say something as the lady in white with alabaster skin and raven hair moved forward slowly, her arms open. As she spoke, her voice reminded him of a clear mountain stream. “Your weapons are useless here, Kamots Hawkeye. Don’t you know who we are?”  

Hawkeye knew he had heard this last voice somewhere before, he just couldn’t place it at the moment. It was so familiar, it was…

“You have acted bravely in coming here. I knew you wouldn’t fail me in our time of need.”

It hit him! He had heard her voice in his prayers and his dreams. This was his goddess, Luna the Lady of the Moon. Dropping to his knees, his weapons fell to the ground, forgotten as he said, “Forgive me my goddess! I was enraged at the thought of losing my love.”  Lowering his head, “I ask your forgiveness.”

The three ladies laughed again. The redhead walked gracefully around Hawkeye. Reaching out, she gently touched his shoulder. In her touch he felt the warming caress of the morning sun. “Yes my beloved sister, I believe you are right. He should be the one to teach our child the ways of the warrior. He is brave and fearless. He would have taken on all of us without thought or concern for himself just to save this mortal. He has my vote. What do you say Hecate?”

The Mistress of the Night smiled. Hawkeye couldn’t help but get a mental picture of a cat that had cornered its prey, beautiful but deadly. As she spoke, Hawkeye noticed that her voice was cold and void of any emotion. “Yes Aurora. He will do. None of the others in all these years have made it this far. He has my vote.”  Turning toward Luna, her voice laced with sarcasm as she asked the obvious question. “Does he meet with your approval?”

Casting a quick glance and a smile at Hawkeye, she turned back to her sisters. “Yes, he has always been true and brave. He will be a great teacher for our son.”  Luna turned back to Hawkeye. “You and Tatianna have passed our tests. The two of you must prepare the Chosen One for his destiny. A great darkness is gathering in the south. Soon it will spread to all of Terreth. Only the Chosen One has the power to turn the tide of battle.”

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