Talon's Trophy (10 page)

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Authors: Dawn Ryder

Tags: #erotic, #Romance

BOOK: Talon's Trophy
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Chapter Eight


Chanah beat Talon out of bed the next morning. Being at peace certainly made for a better night’s rest! She didn’t stop to put her robe on as she crept from the room, wincing at the tiny sound her bare feet made as she walked. Talon was sleeping on his back with his arms flung wide and he looked a whole lot like a trap that would snap shut if even a tiny thing alerted him.

Chanah slipped her robe on as she wandered around the rest of the living space. It was nicer than her family’s, and with only her and Talon, much less crowded. The food preparation area was neat and modern. She found a piece of cheese in the cooling storage unit and nibbled on it as her stomach growled. For the first time in her life she didn’t concern herself with eating without the rest of the family. Talon’s insistence that she eat told her he wouldn’t mind her snacking to fend off her hunger until he was awake and ready to break his fast. The little package of playing disks was sitting on the counter where they had dropped them the night before. Chanah looked at the disks with their different markings and recalled two of the games Talon had taught her yesterday. She was going to need a lot of practice before letting Talon convince her to wager anything on a turn of the disk. The man was as much a hunter when he played as he was when he was on patrol.

Still, that was not a bad thing, most males enjoyed winning. Chanah simply savored the fact that Talon had listened to her and tried to please her. Wasn’t that what mattered the most between mates? That bond that made each one put the other’s needs before their own? A simple game, yet it reflected a true desire to please and that was something Chanah cradled close to her heart.

“You need some clothing.”

Chanah jumped and turned to find her hunter filling the doorframe. Talon moved across the floor silently and caught her hand with its half-eaten cheese clasped between her fingers. He grinned at her before he leaned down and nipped the food from her grip.

“We’ll eat at the resource center. Today is a non-duty day, so there will be rich food available. Even sweets.”

The trip was fascinating for Chanah. Talon pointed out landmarks and services that might interest her. His words were still blunt but she understood that efficiency was a way of life for him. So it was simply part of being a hunter. There was something to admire there, Talon’s dedication to duty. He was an honest male and she could not have asked for better in a mate. The garment shops were a shocking surprise. Chanah stared at many females who wore two-inch-wide crimson bracelets on their left arm and the fact that they moved about without male escort.

“They are citizens. Some are daughters of hunters and others chose to unite with hunters after meeting through visual centers, but that is rare. The wristband denotes the fact that they are not lawbreakers.”

Chanah felt her joy freeze as though she’d been hit with ice water. While she might have decided cohabitating with Talon was what she desired, having a choice was still something she would have cherished. She bit her lower lip as she tried to shake off her depression. There was no point in casting aside what happiness she held in favor of perfection. Life was rarely fair or perfect, the best strategy was to look at the things you enjoyed most.

Chanah sighed as she repeated that advice and tried to believe it, but her eyes still lingered on the crimson band as envy filled her thoughts.

* * * * *

Chanah was humming as she arranged her new garments alongside his uniforms. Talon took the opportunity to watch her, notice the little details that made her female, opposed to his male form. He tightened his resolve as he recalled the look of dejection on her face during their morning out. To truly be content he had to set her free and see if she chose him. It had been much simpler to claim her by right of capture but it left him wanting something else, and the look of envy on her sweet face had finally revealed just what that something was.

“I have a gift for you, Chanah.”

Talon’s voice sounded as formal as the first time she’d heard him speak. His face was an expressionless mask as he moved forward and cupped her chin. He looked into her eyes before he clasped one of her hands and placed something cold in her grasp. He gave her a curt nod of his head before he stepped away from her.

“It is yours because you did not break the law. I have filed the necessary report.”

Chanah stared at the anger burning in his multicolored eyes as she tried to absorb what he was telling her.

“It will be your choice to stay or leave.”

Chanah ran a single fingertip over the crimson bracelet as she felt a smile split her lips. Perfection shimmered in her hand as Talon gave her the one gift that she could value more than any possession. His trust. Love was never complete without it and by freeing her from the title of lawbreaker he was telling her that he loved her too much to imprison her.

“I think I love you, Talon.”

Oh, she might be mad but she was not alone in her insanity. Talon was spinning around right beside her as their emotions reigned supreme over the dictates of both their spheres. She closed the metal band around her left wrist and giggled as it clicked into place. Talon’s face rose into a smug grin of male victory. She caught a glimpse of the little boy lurking in his multicolored eyes a moment before he bent and pulled her right over his shoulder. He straightened back up and gave a mock roar as he turned around with her hanging over his back. A solid whack landed on her bottom as Talon headed towards their bedroom.

Chanah giggled the entire way. She had been caught by a hunter, and if she were favored by fate, she would never slip away from his grip! Talon tossed her into the middle of his bed as he flattened his hands on the mattress, caging her with his larger frame. He raised an eyebrow at her.

“Love? I think it is another word for insanity but it has captured me and I believe I am becoming a willing captive to your whims.”

Chanah stroked his chin with her hand. “May we both never recover.”


About the Author


Email: [email protected]


Dawn welcomes mail from readers. You can write to her c/o Ellora’s Cave Publishing at 1056 Home Avenue, Akron OH 44310-3502.

Also by Dawn Ryder


Improper Lessons

Improper Pursuits



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