Talson Temptations 4: Talson's Match (7 page)

Read Talson Temptations 4: Talson's Match Online

Authors: Marie Harte

Tags: #mf

BOOK: Talson Temptations 4: Talson's Match
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He met her blazing gaze and reached her on the psychic
Tara, we have to go. I swear we’ll finish this as soon as it’s safe.
I have to keep you safe.

She sounded dazed.
I—Oh God. What am I
She took her hands from her body. Embarrassment pulsed in her aura.
just so out of control.
I can’t think. I want you so much. And I barely
know you!

You will soon enough. Come on.

I’m not dressed.

He grabbed a blanket from her couch and wrapped it around
her, then bent down to grab her tiny statue and put it in her hands.

Footsteps sounded on the porch. A lot of them. Romy
concentrated and sensed a dozen Otra surrounding the house. Jonah Trotter was
one of them.

“Drowe, I know you’re in there,” Trotter yelled. “Open the
fucking door. Tara!”

“Hell. Hold on,” Romy warned. He called on his
and hers and mentally reached out to the location of his vehicle outside. Then
he did something he’d never done before. He teleported them both, together.
any luck, we won’t die in the temporal stream
, were his last thoughts
before he saw black.

Chapter Five


Sitting in his hovercraft, her body on fire, Tara could
barely make sense of anything. Somehow, they’d moved from her house to this
vehicle. She wore nothing but a blanket, her body vibrated with sexual need,
and she could still smell Romy all over her. Could feel his seed on her belly,
now dried and a bit sticky, but there all the same, marking her.
her. Remembering the feel of him in her hands, the smooth silk of his cum, the
iron-hard erection she wanted thrust inside her pussy, her mouth, her ass…

“Shit, Tara.” Romec was breathing hard, his gaze a burning
silver as he glared at her before focusing again on the road. “You’ve got to
think of something else. Trotter’s men aren’t far behind, and I’m having trouble
concentrating as it is without your needs running through my mind.”

“Hmm.” She cradled her breasts, imagining
pinching her, fondling her. She opened the blanket and ran her hands down her
body, pushing past her wet folds into her pussy. A glance next to her showed
sweat glistening on his forehead as he clenched his jaw. He refused to look at
her. “Romec.”

“Romy,” he growled, his voice echoing oddly in the small
confines of the vehicle.

“Romy,” she purred. “You concentrate on the road, and I’ll
concentrate on what I want, what I need.”


A stranger had taken possession of her body, a woman with
erotic thoughts and desires, and one who fully intended to break the stubborn
will of the male next to her. Desire didn’t fully describe her feelings for
Romy. The physical hunger she understood. He was handsome, muscular, and he
knew exactly what to do with his hands and mouth. But underneath the physical
attraction she sensed a kindred spirit, a man who didn’t quite fit anywhere
else, but he’d fit her. She couldn’t explain how she knew, but she did. Healing
things was her specialty. And she had a feeling only she could heal the holes
in Romy’s heart.

Then that all-consuming hunger flared once more. Until she
felt his huge cock inside her, she wouldn’t be satisfied.

“My breasts are full. My nipples hard and sensitive,” she
whispered and heard him groan. He shifted in his seat, and she stared at the
erection straining his jeans. “I’m so wet, so slick between my thighs. I’m
dripping on the seat.”


“I want to feel you inside me. I want your cock pounding me,
taking me to places I’ve never been. Your energy is pulsing all around me, and
I can still smell your cum, feel you as you erupt over my hands.” In trying to
arouse him, she pitched herself past the point of no return.

.” His voice sounded anything but calm.

“I can’t help it.” She fingered her swollen clit, plucking
the taut flesh with desperation. She moaned and tilted her head back, needing
to come so badly she could taste it. “Romy, what’s happening to me?”

He remained quiet, and she heard nothing but the sound of
their mingled breathing, heavy and erratic.

“You’re in Selection,” he rasped, turning the wheel a hard
right. “And I’m in The Testing, a male’s equivalent to Selection. We need each
other, Tara. More than you can know.” He muttered in an alien tongue, what
sounded like cursing, before he continued, “I don’t think you’re going to last
much longer. Hell, I doubt I’m going to make it.”

She rubbed harder, feeling empty. She needed him inside her
with a force that shook her. “Romy, please. I have to feel you inside me. Can’t
you pull over?”

He glanced at the dash display and shook his head. “Not yet,
baby. Look, just follow my lead and lay back.”

Held in sway by his husky voice, she leaned back.

“Now touch your breasts with

Not sure what he meant, she gasped to feel his touch through
her palms. Caressing, cupping and fondling her breasts, she moaned as she felt
his mouth over her nipple, teasing it with lips that weren’t there.

“I’m in your head, Tara. I’m with you, while I’m next to
you. Remember the bathtub,” he rasped and continued to torment her. His hands,
his mouth, stimulating her anew.

“That was you?”

“Even then, yeah.” He palmed his cock through his pants. “Now
slide those hands down, over your tight belly. Hmm, yes. Right over where I
marked you. You’re mine, Tara. My
.” Before she could ask, he
explained, “
My mate

She should have rejected the notion, but the blissful
feelings evoked by his acknowledgement brought her perilously close to orgasm.

“That’s it,
,” he crooned and turned the car
down a dark road, leaving them blind to normal sight, at least until Tara’s
eyesight shifted and she could see using alien senses. With what Romy had told
her, she now understood how she’d been able to see Trotter’s amusements for so
long. He hadn’t used his psychic abilities to make her see or hear from such a
distance. She’d done it all on her own.

He parked between some trees off a side road. “To hell with
Trotter. I can’t wait any longer.”

Not able to think much beyond what she hungered for, she
watched him disappear out the door before he pulled her door open and dragged
her out as well. In seconds he had his mouth over hers, his jeans and underwear
down around his knees. Primal excitement burst deep in her womb.

Now. Yes. This is what I need.

“I tried, but I can’t wait any longer.” He backed her
against the hovercraft, and she felt the apology radiating from his soul, along
with a desire so deep she couldn’t believe it to be real.

“What does
mean?” she breathed, trying to hold
onto thought, to anything that would keep her grounded.

“It means sweetheart, beloved,” he growled and slid his
fingers through her folds. “You are so wet.” He closed his eyes and took a deep
breath, and when he opened them, she saw her future staring down at her. “This
is just the beginning,” he promised and lifted her higher. He pressed the head
of his cock into her and surged deep.

“Yes, yes,” she hissed as Romy pushed past her tight walls.
He was so big, so hard, and all hers.

” He filled her, inch by inch, until
there was nothing left of her, only pieces of
needing fulfillment.
She felt no pain, only growing anticipation and a wonderful fullness she’d been
missing for too long.

Her energy lit, and the excitement, the satisfaction of
having this man, Romy, inside her turned her focus inward. Now nothing existed
for her but the two of them. He cursed and rocked against her, fucking her with
brutal strokes as he claimed her for his own.

Everything he felt, she felt as well. And the depth of his
feeling for her broke through the cautionary wall she’d wanted to keep between

His thick cock stroked that spot deep inside her that made
her body tingle, while his pelvis brushed her clit with every thrust. The
pleasure she’d given herself had nothing on this, and she knew she’d never be
the same again.

“When we have time, I’ll lay you down and show you how much
you mean to me.” He groaned and pumped faster. “I want to taste you, to feel
you come over my tongue. To fill you with my seed, everywhere.” As he spoke,
his breathing quickened, and his shaft felt like iron inside her.

“Romy, I can’t take any more. It’s too much.” Nearly
overwhelmed with the physical and mental stimulation of his
merging with hers, she suddenly felt adrift from her body, at one with the
energy around her. There, to her surprise, she sensed a splintering of energies
within Romy—and a need only she could fill.

Before she could wrap her mind around that anomaly, ecstasy
rocked her world. She slammed back into her conscious being to feel Romy
shuddering as he jetted inside her while her pussy clamped down on him. She
convulsed around him and felt his orgasm as if it were her own. It slammed
through her like a freight train, and in that instant, something between them

Before Romy she’d always felt adrift and unsure about
herself. But now she knew confidence, at peace with the world around her. The
aching need to always heal faded, as did the notion she didn’t belong, had
never belonged. The baby no one wanted had become a woman desired by a most
special man. With Romy the universe seemed right. She’d finally found a man who
fit her.

She slowly grew aware of the fact she was naked against his
hovercraft, her lover still buried inside her, and that anyone passing by might
see them going at it. Her embarrassment was slow to surface, but surface it

“Romy,” she moaned. “I’m naked to the world. What if someone

He kissed her cheeks, her forehead, her nose. Anywhere he
could reach, and he started fucking her all over again. The notion she’d driven
him wild empowered her, and she held him tighter even as she felt the need for

,” he whispered and kissed her hard on the
mouth. “Let me…” He pushed inside her hard and stilled, groaning as he came
once more. “Fuck. This is going to take a while. You have an amazing effect on

Her body revved as well, when she should have been too tired
to stand.

“At least that should hold us until we get where we’re
going.” He withdrew and pulled up his jeans but stopped to stare at her,
lingering over her pussy. “You are without a doubt the sexiest thing I’ve ever
seen in my life. My cum dripping down your legs makes me so hard I want to fuck
you again, Trotter be damned.”

She shivered under his stare, bemused at how much she wanted
him too. “Is this normal?” She couldn’t help asking.

He grinned, his smile sincere, his eyes so bright they made
her blink. “Oh, baby, I have a feeling we’re so outside of normal it’s not
funny. But since I’ve never had an
before, I couldn’t tell you
what’s what.” He moved around her and retrieved the blanket from the front seat
of the car. He wrapped it around her. “To preserve your modesty.”

“And hide the mess,” she said with a blush.

“I like that mess. My cum all over you. Inside you,” he said
in a deeper voice. “I can’t wait to own every bit of you.”

The possessive words should have alarmed her, and uttered by
anyone else, probably would have. But when Romy said them, she wanted to
believe in them. “Oh?”

He chuckled. “I can’t wait to shove myself in your ass. To
watch you suck me down, see you take the head of my cock to the back of your
throat and swallow my cum.” The crudity shocked her, and aroused her anew.

“Stars, you’re lethal.”

He groaned. “You know, all this heat is making us both
sweat.” His voice was thick as he parted the blanket to stare down at her
chest. “Your nipples are hard, large and pink. And I have the sudden urge to
bite them, to suck on you until you come again.”

Her clit pulsed and she rubbed her thighs. A glance down at
him showed a bulge between his legs once more.

“I should be too tired to be hard again, but I swear, if we
had more time, I’d—”

Headlights flared, and she held up a hand to shield her

“Shit. Get in the craft,
.” He gently tucked her
back into the vehicle and wrapped the blanket around her, and as Tara sat there
in silence while the other vehicle approached, she realized she hadn’t
protested a single thing he’d done since leaving her house. When the hell had
she lost all sense or reason? She’d never in her life let a man call all the
shots, not even Mannie. Yet with Romy she’d been so meek and accommodating. And
slutty. Hell, she’d seduced the man by playing with herself naked in the
hovercraft. Tara didn’t do exhibitionism. Yet right now she’d drop everything
and let Romy fuck her in front of the others if he asked.

Had he somehow messed with her mind, as well as her body?

He stepped around the car to wait by the hood while the
occupants of the other craft got out. Four men stood staring at him.

“Oh good,” one of them said. “We didn’t miss you after all,

Romy waved a hand back at her, and suddenly the doors locked
and cool air filtered through the vents as the engine started. Stunned, she
stared at Romy’s back, comprehending her lover had more than one psychic gift.
He was Otra, she reminded herself.

Just like me.

Being Otra certainly accounted for her ability to heal, to
at times
others into doing what she suggested. No psychic human
with an odd burst of power, but a full-fledged Otra, by Romy’s accounting. She
glanced at the Otra looming near him and wondered if she could help him deal
with these troublemakers.

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