Tame: Carter Kids #3

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Authors: Walsh,Chloe

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Carter Kids #3
Published by Chloe Walsh
Copyright 2016 by Chloe Walsh
All rights reserved. ©

The right of Chloe Walsh to be identified as the Author of the work has been asserted by her in accordance with the Copyright and Related Rights Act 2000.

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Carter Kids #3,

First published, September 2016

All rights reserved. ©

Cover photo licensed from Shutterstock Inc.

Edited by Aleesha Davis

Proofread by Proofreading by the Page






This book is a work of fiction. All names, characters, places and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to events, locales, or persons, living or dead, is coincidental.


The author acknowledges all songs titles, song lyrics, film titles, film characters, trademarked statuses, brands, mentioned in this book are the property of, and belong to, their respective owners. The publication/ use of these trademarks is not authorized/ associated with, or sponsored by the trademark owners.


Chloe Walsh is in no way affiliated with any of the brands, songs, musicians or artists mentioned in this book.


All rights reserved.


Author's Note:


This was one of the hardest books I've ever written. Halfway in, I realized that Teagan and Noah's story had so much more to tell. It wasn't an easy decision to make, knowing I had so many readers wanting one final book, but I had to stay true to my characters.

They weren’t finished talking to me, however much I wanted to be finished with them. I underestimated the length and depth in which Teagan and Noah's story would delve.

I didn’t want to disappoint anybody but I knew that I couldn’t do their story justice by cramming it all into one book – and in doing so, skimming and cutting out many of the important aspects of the story.

I know that some people will be disappointed to learn that Tame is not the final book for Teagan and Noah, but I promise you it will be worth it. It would have been going against the grain and my instincts to try and cram it all into one book.

Therefore, there will be a fourth book.




Tame is the latest novel from the Carter Kids series, though many of the characters are from the Broken series and some readers may enjoy reading the full story.

All previous books are available on most online platforms.

Book twelve and you guys are still hanging in there with me. I am so grateful to each and every one of you.

I wouldn't be here without you guys and that's the truth.

Thank you so much.




This book is dedicated to my hero, my life coach, and the king of my heart.

My Father.

Johnny Buttimer.

Dad, you're my hero. I love you more than all the tea in Aldi's and Lidl's – and you know how much I love my tea.

Never change. You are perfect just the way you are.

Thank you for giving me the skills to navigate this world.

Thank you for being my fallback cushion when the world gets too hard. And thank you for throwing me back in when I'm unsure. You've always had my back. You defend me even when I'm one million percent wrong. You've shown me what a man is supposed to be.

Your kindness, and gentleness, through all adversity and obstacles is humbling.

I love you so much.


Chapter One



If the asshole in the Armani suit stopped by our seat to look down my girlfriend's top one more fucking time, I was going to lose it.

How many times did a man have to take a piss?

Every five minutes?

Dammit to hell, even thinking about his blonde head walking up and down the aisle for the past twenty minutes made me want to break something.

be breaking something – his fucking nose if he looked at Thorn's tits one more goddamn time.

These pricks in first class clearly have issues with staring.

Well, I have issues with controlling my temper and he was pushing me.

If he kept it up, I would have no problem pushing back.

Teagan was sitting beside me, on her own free will, completely unaware of how tempting she looked, oblivious to the stares she was receiving.

We'd come straight from the hotel and she was dressed in a pair of my sweat pants and a white wife-beater, giving me – and the prick in a suit – a fucking perfect side view of her bare breasts.

Thankfully my sweats covered her legs, because knowing my boxers were all she had on underneath was driving me out of my mind. The visual would be my undoing.

She had a huge, white, megawatt smile on her face, clearly engrossed in the paperback she'd picked up in duty-free before boarding.

Watching the emotions play out on Thorn's face as she read was a beautiful sight.

My girl had brains…

"Noah, quick, give me your iPod," Teagan squealed, startling me.

"Christ," I muttered, jerking in my seat. I passed her the iPod and watched as she tapped the screen furiously. "What's wrong?"

"I need a song," she growled, scrawling through a playlist she had already created. "There's this scene. It needs a song…" her voice trailed off as she searched. "Yes!" she screeched, cackling with excitement before handing the iPod back to me. "Perfect."

I cocked a brow, mildly amused. "What did you choose?"

"Shh!" she snapped, head back down in the screen. "I'm reading."

What the hell?

Shaking my head, I decided not to ask any more questions.

Women were a complex species.

I was way out of my league with this particular one.

I knew my team thought I was insane, chasing a woman to Ireland; not to mention bringing her back with me. But they didn't get it. No one did. Well, Lucky kind of understood, but Tommy certainly didn't. Hell, Tommy thought I had a death wish, bringing Thorn on the MFA tour with me. His irate phone call this afternoon assured me of that. 

"She's been back in your life five minutes, man, and you're in trouble again," Tommy roared down the line. "Goddamn, Noah, this is your career we're talking about. You've worked too hard and overcome too much to let it all slip through your fingers now."

"It has nothing to do with her," I snarled, forcing myself to keep my voice down. I was in the middle of the airport and Teagan was less than three feet away. She didn't need to be hearing any of this shit.

"Oh, because it never has anything to do with her?" Tommy shot back, his tone laced with disgust. "Like you getting arrested had nothing to do with her?. Or you breaking your bail conditions to chase her down had nothing to do with her? Or her uncle adding an extra eighteen months onto your sentencing? I suppose getting into that fight last night had nothing to do with her either?"

I wasn't stupid. It wasn't like I'd woken up this morning and decided everything was rosy in the garden between us. I was still hurting. I still felt betrayed and angry and fucking bitter.

Fear of the future and uncertainty about Teagan's feelings for me still crippled me. But fear or not, nothing was going to drag me away from her again.

Besides, I wasn't looking for Tommy's approval.

I wasn't seeking any damn person's acceptance. All I wanted was her. Everyone else and their opinions could go to hell. 

The moment the flight attendant stood in the middle of the aisle and began to call out the usual safety instructions, I tightened the strap of my seatbelt as tight as physically possible.

Shoving my headphones on, I pumped the volume on my iPod to the max and held onto the metal armrests like they were my saving grace.

I felt the plane move slowly and my stomach twisted inside.

A soft hand touched my neck, pulling my headphones away, and then Teagan's voice was in my ear.

"What's up?"

"I fucking hate flying, baby," I mumbled, keeping my eyes focused on the seat in front of me, desperately ignoring the window to my right.

"Big, bad Noah Messina afraid of flying?" Her soft laugh filled my ears. "We haven't taken off yet."

I didn't respond.

There was nothing I could say.

I wasn't afraid of flying; I was fucking petrified.

"Don't worry," Thorn purred, covering my hand with hers. "I'll protect you."

"Might hold you to that."

"Take off is the worst," Teagan soothed. "You'll be grand once we're up in the air."

Jesus fucking Christ.

I had seven hours on this mother fucking death trap.

The plane picked up speed, causing my head to spin and my ears to pop.

My breakfast tried to make a reappearance.

I was fucking pathetic.

"Hold my hand." Reaching out blindly, I thankfully caught ahold of Teagan's hand and squeezed. "What the fuck is happening to my ears?"

"Chew," Teagan instructed before popping a stick of gum into my mouth. "It'll help with the popping sensation."

Ignoring Lucky and Quincy as they laughed and pointed their phones at me from two rows ahead, I clenched my eyes shut, held my breath, chewed like a maniac, and fought back the overwhelming urge to spew my guts out.

I managed to remain calm until an hour in when the pilot decided it would be a fun idea to turn the plane on its side.

"We're going to die," I screamed out, arms and legs flailing. "Thorn!"

I was literally putting myself through fucking torture.

"Noah!" Teagan chuckled in between fits of laughter. "You're a backstreet fighter turned MFA superstar. You've got this. Stop being a baby."

"Flying is safer than driving," I muttered, more to myself than to Teagan, ignoring her words.

My fists couldn't fucking make me fly…

"You could get killed crossing the road."

"That's right," she cooed, stroking the back of my hand with the tips of her fingers. "And we're already over the ocean," she added. "It's a better way to die if we crash."

My eyes flew open.

"What the fuck?" My voice was higher than when it broke when I was twelve. "What the fuck kind of thing is that to say, Thorn?"

"I'm just saying," she argued lightheartedly, hazel eyes dancing with amusement. "If we were to crash, I would rather go down in the ocean. Less messy."

"I need to get off this thing," I growled.

Looking around for someone to help me, I spotted a flight attendant and flagged her over. "Let me off this fucking death trap."

"Why don't you go for a walk down the aisle, Mr. Messina?" the hostess offered, trying and failing to hide her smile. "The seatbelt light is off, so go ahead and stretch your legs."

"And take off the one thing that has the potential to save my life?" I shook my head in disgust. "You're fucking crazy."

Frightened as I was, I couldn't help but notice the protective way Teagan covered my thigh with her small hand.

"Can we have some alcohol?" she asked the hostess.

"Of course," the hostess replied, smile fading as she eyed Teagan's hand. "Gin, Bourbon –"

"Brandy. And we'll take a bottle," Teagan answered for the both of us. "A large one."

The attendant returned a few moments later with a large bottle of Hennessy's and two disposable foam cups.

"Thank you," Teagan said, offering a small wad of cash to the hostess before taking the bottle and twisting the cap off.

"Here," she muttered, pouring a large dollop of brandy into one of the foam cups before thrusting it into my hand. "Drink."

I didn't need to be told twice.

Tossing the brandy down my throat, I swallowed it in one gulp, hissing when the burn hit just the right spot.

Teagan quickly refilled my cup and I downed that one and the one after that, too.

Out of the corner of my eye, I spotted a couple of kids sitting opposite us laughing at me.

"You'll be laughing," I snarled before tossing back my fifth cup. "When we nose dive into the fucking Atlantic." 

Their laughs soon died and were quickly replaced with soft cries and keening noises.

"Noah," Teagan scowled. "Cop on, will you. They're only kids."

"Dead kids," I muttered under my breath, glaring across the aisle at the little shits.

Catching my chin between her thumb and index finger, Teagan tugged hard, forcing me to look at her. "You are safe," she said slowly. "Nothing bad is going to happen to you. I promise. Okay?"

Even though I didn't truly believe it, I found myself nodding like a child, all my earlier fear and anxiety simmering down as another feeling inside of me grew at a rapid pace.


Reaching out with her other hand, she took my cup from me before cupping my face in her small hands, her brown eyes snaring me.

"Keep your eyes on me," she whispered.

"I'm trying," I husked, pressing my forehead to hers, seeking something from this woman that I'd never been given before.


Leaning forward, Teagan pressed her rosy plump lips against mine – the very lips I'd spent the best part of a decade dreaming about.

She had her eyes open and locked on mine and I felt weirdly exposed.

Like this was more intimate than being inside her.

Like she was giving me something by just pressing her mouth to mine.

My heartbeat rocketed in my chest.

It was too much.

She was too much.

I was so stunned by her move that I could do nothing but sit there like a fucking idiot, eyes wide open, hands glued to the armrests of my seat, and my focus entirely on her face.

My skin was on fire and the more she stroked and touched my face, the more I burned.

"I think I know a way you can work out all this tension." Thorn rubbed her nose against mine before pulling back and smiling.

Running her hands up my chest, she rested them on my shoulders. "How would you feel about joining the mile-high club?"

What the…

My brows shot up in surprise. "You fucking with me, Thorn?" My dick was instantly hard. "You're fucking with me, aren't you?"

She wasn’t serious.

No way in hell.

"No. I'm not fucking with you, Noah." Teagan inclined her head in the direction of the bathroom, climbed out of her seat ever so slowly, and winked. "But I will be," she purred before skipping down the aisle towards the bathroom.

The brandy must have done the trick, giving me some serious Dutch courage, because I was out of that seat and halfway down the aisle before my brain caught up with my dick.

The air left my lungs the moment I stepped inside the poky airplane toilet and locked eyes on my girlfriend who was already naked and straddling the sink.

"Fuck me," I growled, dropping my hands to the fly of my suit pants. "And you call

"Hurry up and get your cock out," Teagan hissed, "I'm freezing my ass off in here."

I cocked a brow and smirked.

Shoving my pants and boxers down, I closed the small space between us, and grabbed her hips. "You trying to seduce me with your sexy talk, Thorn?"

"I'm not trying to be sexy," she growled, clawing underneath my t-shirt, desperate for skin on skin. "I'm trying to get laid."

Pulling her hips roughly towards me, I treaded my dick slowly inside her, hissing when her tight pussy sucked me in deeper.

Teagan's head fell back, smacking against the wall with a thud.

"Shit," I grunted, pausing mid thrust to check her over. "Are you okay?"

"Don't stop," she snapped, interrupting me. "Concussion or not, don't you dare stop." She trailed her fingernails against my chest as she ground her tight pussy against my dick. "I need you inside me."

Jesus Christ…

I slammed myself further inside her, groaning loudly, reveling in being buried to the hilt inside the only woman I wanted to fall into.

"Fuck me, Noah," Teagan cried out as she leaned back, giving me more access to that perfect pussy of hers.

Using her hands to hold her weight up, Thorn clung to the narrow metal fixture behind her back while I held her hips in my hands and buried myself between her legs.

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