Taming Eric

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Authors: J.A. Melville

BOOK: Taming Eric
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Sequel to Natasha’s Awakening

J. A Melville


Copyright © 2014 by J. A Melville.

ISBN: Softcover 978-1-4931-3319-2

Ebook 978-1-4931-3320-8


Cover image designed for the author by Bianca E Eberle.


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in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system,
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This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are the
product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance
to any actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.




Rev. date: 01/11/2014




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I have so many people I need to thank for having faith in me that I could do this despite me being plagued with insecurities at

I want to thank the woman who is more than my friend, she is like my sister, Andrea because it was her who asked for Natasha’s Awaking to be written and I wrote it for her alone long before I ever considered publishing it and if it wasn’t for Natasha, there would be no Taming

I thank Lorraine for always having faith in my abilities as a writer, even when I doubted myself. I can’t forget Sharon too for her encouragement and for providing me with things to laugh about when I was taking it all too seri

I couldn’t possibly forget a man who has always been there as my friend, the person I could confide in about anything and everything, a man who has always told me I was good enough but who I haven’t even met in person yet, Chris otherwise known as Hawk as the DJ of his online radio station. Also Chris’s wife Sue, their friend and business partner plus my friend Clare and her partner

I can’t forget my ladies who have been there through every single chapter and been so encouraging. Danielle, Savanna, Marina, Chelsea and one lady who has been incredibly supportive, Debbie, I can’t thank you e

Also Georgie, a new friend of mine, but a woman who from the moment we met has done everything she could to help me and Mary, where would I have been without Mary, the lady who came up with the title for this book for me and all the ladies who have become good friends although we’ve never met on facebook, just too many to

Then of course, I want to thank my partner Roger and our three children, Bianca, Jesse and Reilly who have had to suffer through hastily constructed meals, a less than tidy home, my vague behaviour and me seemingly always having my head buried in my laptop. I’m sure they have found me frustrating on more than one occasion and I’ve no doubt they got sick of talking to the top of my

An extra special big thank you to my daughter Bianca who designed the cover for this book since she knows how useless her Mother is when it comes to anything computer re

I can’t write this without thanking all my English teachers from back in my school days many moons ago who always told me I should consider a career in writing when I grew up. Well, it might have taken me awhile, but I finally did as you all suggested, than
k you.

All of these people have been there throughout the many many months I wrote and never let me give up. To you all, I say a heart felt THAN


From my teenage years, all I wanted to do was become a writer one day. Even now as an adult woman with a partner and three children who are not so little anymore, I’ve always lived with my head in the clouds, a dreamer, often amusing myself with my own imagin

It might have taken me awhile to finally live my dream, but I did it, my first effort to try and join the many talented writers out there who have kept me entertained with their wonderful stories over the

I live in a sleepy country town in Tasmania, Australia with my partner and three children plus our 6 cats, dog, sheep and c

I’ve had to overcome many emotional obstacles along the way to get to this point and attempting to self publish a book does tend to make a person feel like they’ve thrown themselves in at the deep end of the pool some what, but here’s hoping some of you actually like Natasha and Eric’s story and save me from drowning in the deep end of the pool as I probably forgot to mention, I can’t

J. A Mel


Eric Rothman was horny. He didn’t want to be feeling that way since he was at work but when the object of his desire was sitting across his desk from him, laptop poised on her lap, stunning blue/green eyes staring expectantly back at him, he couldn’t control his cock which seemed to have developed a life of its own lately whenever he was around his PA Natasha Barri

She sat there in her tight white skirt, emerald green blouse and white jacket which matched her skirt and as Eric’s eyes travelled down her impossibly long legs, over beautiful shapely calves until he got to the white shoes she wore with heels that should have had her defying gravity, he had to press a hand into his lap to try and control his wayward penis that was definitely showing a lot of interest in Na

When the hell had this started? She’d been his PA for almost a year and he’d been fine. Ok, he’d always thought she was beautiful but the whole wanting to spread her legs and sink his cock deep into her warm, moist pussy, now that wa
s new.

It’s not like he didn’t get laid. He got laid a lot. Women weren’t exactly scarce for him, in fact they threw themselves at him all the time. All he knew was Vivian, his latest girlfriend wasn’t doing it for him anymore. It was time to move on he realised when he had images of his PA going through his head while he was fucking his girlf

He studied Natasha as she sat across from him. She had long deep auburn coloured hair that curled despite her efforts to tame it for work. It was coiled up in some intricate looking roll at her neck. Her eyes were like looking into a tropical pool, that bright blue/green that he found almost impossible to look away from. Her breasts pushed up against her jacket, not too big, but not too small either, probably a nice hand full, if he ever got the chance to cup them in his hands that was. She was slim, a waist he could almost span with his hands and he longed to test that theory, to see if he could. As slim as she was she still had shape to her, curves and legs that seemed to go on fo

Eric didn’t need forever though, he didn’t do forever, he just wanted those incredibly long legs wrapped around his hips, he wanted that perfect mouth of hers with the full bottom lip to be parted as she cried out his name and for those eyes of hers to lose focus as she cli

The train of his thoughts brought another enthusiastic jerk from his cock as if it was in complete agreement with him and he groaned sil

“Eric?” Natasha’s gentle voice called his name, the sweetness of it piercing through his erotic thoughts which weren’t exactly the kind of thoughts a CEO should be having for h
is PA.

With a shake of his head to clear his mind of its wayward thoughts, Eric dragged himself out from between Natasha’s thighs, or his daydreams of being between them anyway and fought to bring himself back to what he was supposed to be doing. He was dictating to her as she answered his daily emails and it had all been going pretty well until she’d crossed her legs in front of him. He’d immediately become distracted then his mind had gone all X rated on him and left him in the uncomfortable position of sporting a raging hard on. Now he w
as stuck in this condition which he couldn’t do anything about and he couldn’t stand up since Natasha would have to be blind not to notice his cock forming a tent in the front of his tro

For the next hour and a half Eric managed to get himself back in business mode and as Natasha read emails to him, he told her what to write in reply. By the time they finished, he’d got his body back under control and felt it was safe to move away from his desk without potentially embarrassing both of

He walked over to Natasha, bending to look over her shoulder under the pretence of watching her finish off and he carefully took a deep breath, inhaling the vanilla scent of her hair and the subtle perfume she always wore. Eric couldn’t help but compare her more understated fragrance with the heavy perfume Vivian wore that always smelt like she’d bathed in the damned stuff and not just sprayed some on her neck and w

Natasha looked up at him and he forced his eyes to move to the screen of her laptop but when he turned back to her, he watched as colour flooded her cheeks. As Eric stared at her face, wondering about her sudden embarrassment, he became aware that her pupils had dilated and her breathing had quickened. ‘Interesting,’ he thought to himself. It looked like she was becoming aroused and he was just about to reach out and cup her cheek when the door to the office burst open and Vivian waltzed in with her typical, ‘look at me’ attitude and the moment was

His girlfriend with her perfectly styled blonde hair and icy blue eyes that could probably literally freeze hell over, raised an eyebrow when she saw how close he was standing to his PA, still partially bent toward
s her.

“Darling, what are you doing?” Vivian’s voice was like salt on an open wound over his n

“Work Vivian. I would have thought that was obvious.” His tone was dry. “What the hell are you doing here anyway? You know I don’t like interruptions while I’m

Vivian shot a look between him and Natasha that would have turned an average man to ice but Eric didn’t consider himself an averag
e man.

“I thought I’d surprise you and pay you a visit darling.” She reached up wrapping her arms around his neck and pressed her lips against E

Eric reached up and pulled her arms down again. “I don’t like surprises Vivian. Come with me, I need to speak with you.” He took her arm and steered her into his office, shutting the door behind

Immediately Vivian coiled her body around his, her lips closing over Eric’s. She curled one leg around his thigh and pressed herself up against him. Rather than his cock standing to attention which it should have done with a woman wrapped around him, Vivian just left him

He peeled her off him again, pushing her back. “For fuck sakes Vivian. I told you I need to talk to you. I’m not fucking you in my office so stop throwing yourself at me like a bargain basement fucking w

Eric knew his tone was harsh and that was confirmed when hot colour swept over Vivian’s face. She turned away from him but not before he saw the glitter of tears in her

“I’m sorry Vivian. I shouldn’t have snapped at you, but I don’t appreciate being interrupted while I’m wor

Vivian gave him an icy look. “That didn’t look like work that you were doing with that little PA of yours who makes those big puppy dog eyes at you. “Her tone was scornful. “So what did you have to say? The sooner you say it, the sooner I can get out of here since I’m not wa

“What the hell are you crapping on about Vivian? There’s nothing going on between Natasha and myself. Whatever gave you an idea like that?” Eric’s tone was full of impat

Vivian’s laugh held a trace of bitterness. “Oh please Eric. You can’t tell me you haven’t noticed the way she looks at you. She’s hot for you darling. Anyone can see

Eric felt a burst of excitement over Vivian’s words. Could it be true? “I don’t get involved with staff Vivian, you should know

“You’re delusional Eric, your PA wants you but you continue on with your head buried in the sand attitude. Maybe you need to remind her of your no office romances rule because she appears to have forgotten that one. So what did you want to talk to me a

He sighed his eyes moving down Vivian’s ultra slim frame. Typical bloody model. She was all bones and high cheek bones. He thought that was the look he liked but he was beginning to realise Natasha’s appearance was more what he wanted. She was slim too, but a healthy slim. Not all angular and bones protruding everywhere like on V

“This is over Vivian.” He said quietly. “I want out of our relation

Eric watched as Vivian’s face turned a dark angry red, her eyes flashing with rage. “You want out of this relationship Eric?” Her tone was pure venom. “Well how nice for you. I don’t want out th

She looked at him, her expression almost ugly with the depth of her anger. “Why? The least you can do is tell me why? It’s because of that little bitch out there isn’t it? You want to fuck her don’t

“Well yes as a matter of fact.” Eric thought to himself, but all he said was. “You knew the score Vivian. I don’t do happily ever after. I’m not cut out for long relationships and I’m not interested in keeping our relationship going any longer. I’m sorry, but I’m not going to pretend to still want you when I d

“You’re a bastard Eric. How dare you. If you think I’m going to go quietly, you’re very much mistaken.” She walked over to him, raising her lips to touch them t
o his.

Vivian kissed him, sliding her tongue along his lips but Eric just stood there, not responding, not touching her in any way. After a couple of minutes she pulled back angry colour flooding her face again when he just stood there staring at her, not saying any

“You are such a bastard Eric. This isn’t over.” She flung over her shoulder as she stormed out of his office. As she passed Natasha she glared at her. “This is all your fault you b

She turned to Eric as he stood in the doorway to his office. “No one does this to me and gets away with it. You two are welcome to each other.” And with that, she rushed out of the office, slamming the door behin
d her.

Eric turned to Natasha who was looking at him with confusion on her face. “Why did she attack me Eric? What am I supposed to have done to

“Nothing Natasha. I ended our relationship as I have no desire to have her in my life anymore.” He sighed heavily as he stared at h
is PA.

“Ah, so I can understand her anger Eric. I think Vivian likes to be the one in control. She’s clearly very upset but what I don’t understand is why she’s implying that this is all my fault. You would think she thinks there’s something going on between us the way she’s carryin
g on.”

“She does.” He said quietly. He looked at Natasha, his eyes moving down her, taking in every inch of her delectable body. “She’s right too. I want you so badly it’s like a constant physical ache in my body. I know I have the rule about getting involved with staff, but you’re driving me insane woman. You’re all I can think about. Fucking you is all I can think about. I’ve kept quiet for weeks now because I couldn’t risk losing you but I’m tired of fighting it. I want you, pure and simple and I need to know if there’s any chance that you might want me

Eric watched a range of emotions flit across Natasha’s face. “I don’t understand. You’ve never given any indication that you had any interest in me. Why

“Well I’m better at concealing things than I thought.” He joked. “I’m not talking about a relationship Natasha. I don’t do relationships, you know that. I don’t want anyone to know about this. It has to be kept between you and I. I want you to consider coming away with me for one week. It will be all about the sex, nothing more.” Eric watched her face as he spoke. “I know that sounds blunt, but I’m not going to sugar coat it. I’m not looking for a girlfriend. I’m tired of them. I merely want a chance to quench this overwhelming desire I have for you. What I need you to think about is whether you want me too. Can you agree to my dem

He didn’t know where the proposal for a week away came from. It had spilled from his lips before he could stop it but it was what he wanted all the same. Surely one week would be enough for him to get her out of his system and then he wouldn’t have to deal with the overwhelming, constant desire to fuck her. He was tired of fighting to keep his cock under control whenever he was aroun
d her.

Natasha hadn’t said anything and Eric was starting to feel nervous. Maybe he’d pushed her too far. If Vivian was wrong with her accusations that his PA was interested in him, then he’d just made an almighty royal arse fool of himself and could very well lose her over

“I don’t expect an answer right now Natasha. Please just think about it for a few days and give me your answer then, ok?” His eyes met

“Ok Eric.” She said quietly, colour flooding her cheeks when she met his

“So Friday? How about then? You’ll give me an answer by Friday?” He asked and felt his heart drop when she shook her

“No Eric. You misunderstood me. I don’t need to wait until Friday. I didn’t agree to wait to give you my answer I just gave you my answer. I want you too and yes, I would love to come away with you for a week. No strings, just sex. I ge
t it.”

Eric felt his heart leap and begin to pound hard in his chest. Although he remained silent, inside he was shouting, throwing his arms in the air screaming eureka. She wanted him too. She understood the rules of their time away. Finally, finally he was going to get to sink his cock deep inside her warm pussy and screw her until they both couldn’t walk. Obviously his cock was thrilled with the news because it hardened and he silently groaned. The sooner they got away the better or he was going to pass out from all the constant hard ons. All that blood flowing to his penis was going to leave him light h

He walked over to Natasha his eyes never leaving hers and he watched as her pupils dilated the closer he got. Oh yeah, she wanted him alright. When he was standing in front of her, he raised one hand to cup her cheek his thumb caressing her soft skin. He wanted to kiss her but he wasn’t prepared to risk it. He wanted her so badly he didn’t think he could kiss her and step away. He’d probably end up throwing her over his desk and burying himself deep inside her and that wasn’t the way he wanted to do it. Well he did, but even he wasn’t a big enough bastard to do it like that. Natasha deserved some sort of romance out of the affair, even if it was only for a

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