Tangled (7 page)

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Authors: Karen Erickson

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Erotica, #Contemporary, #Red Hots!, #Contemporary Romance

BOOK: Tangled
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her head. His body heat reached, his broad shoulders blocked everything else and all she saw was him. She

was surrounded by him. Trevor.

“Leave me alone?” Her tone was hopeful because really, her life would be easier if he
leave her


A little lonely and full of regret but definitely easier.

“I can’t,” he said in an aching whisper, and her body tightened with need. “Go to dinner with me. Let

me convince you I’m not such a bad guy.”

“I shouldn’t,” she said quickly.

“You want to.”

She sighed. “You’re cocky.”

“Hmm, say that again.” His lids lowered, his entire focus seemingly on her mouth.

“Say what again? Cocky?”



Karen Erickson

“Yeah.” He nodded, lids lifting, revealing his burning, hungry gaze. “Now take the ‘y’ off and say it

one more time.”

“You’re bad.” She swatted at his chest, but he caught her hand, brought it to his mouth where he

pressed a lingering kiss to her knuckles.

Thank God for the wall. It gave her something to lean against while her legs went weak at the touch of

his lips on her skin.

“You like it.”

“No, really I don’t.”

Trevor ignored her little insult, just clutched her fingers tighter. “Say yes. Say you’ll go to dinner with

me. Tonight.”

“Tonight?” If she was going to do this—and really she wasn’t—then she’d prefer some time to plan

an outfit, a look, something. Just plan. Spontaneous dinner dates with heartbreakers wasn’t her thing.

“Yes, tonight. After the show.”

“It’ll be late,” she protested, but he ignored that, too.

“And I’ll be starving. Say yes, Scarlett.”

She loved the way he said her name, the way he commanded her. It thrilled her right down to her toes.

And elsewhere, too. “I shouldn’t.”

“You will.”

“Trevor—” she started but he shushed her, dropping her hand to press his fingers to her lips.

“You’re going.” His fingers didn’t leave her mouth. No, in fact, they started to stroke, tease, touching

first one corner, then the other, and she trembled.

“My choice where we eat?” Her voice was shaky, her entire body shaky. She breathed deep, her

mouth parting, his fingers dipping between her lips.

“Your choice.” He teased her some more, smoothed one finger back and forth across her lower lip.

She closed her lips around it, dabbed her tongue at the tip. “I want to kiss you so fucking bad.”

Oh yeah, thank goodness for the wall. Her legs were jelly, her stomach clenched and her pussy was

positively throbbing. All because he touched her mouth with his finger and looked at her as if he wanted to

devour her in one swallow.

She released his finger from between her lips yet he still touched her, traced a path along her upper

lip. “Okay.”

“You’ll go?” His voice was hopeful, his expression matched and he looked so endearingly cute she

was glad she’d agreed.

“Yes. Just dinner,” she added though she had a feeling it was futile. Pointless.

This would not be just a meal. The chemistry brewed and bubbled between them as they spoke, as

they looked at each other and it was so much more than just a simple night out. She could feel it.




His hand dropped, his smile grew. “Good. Think of a place to go. Somewhere good and a little


“Why?” What did he want to do, seduce her in the restaurant? He could do that with one look, one

touch. He was doing it now, backstage with people milling around. Anyone could stumble upon them at

any minute.

“Because I want you to myself.” He pushed away from the wall, away from her and she felt suddenly

empty, cold without his body heat surrounding her. “Bye, Scarlett.”

She watched him go, took a few moments to gather her wits, wait for the strength to come back to her

legs. It wasn’t ’til he was completely out of sight that she realized he hadn’t even kissed her though he’d

said he wanted to.

Scarlett was glad. It made the anticipation that much more delicious.

“Thank you for dinner,” Scarlett said, her voice soft and sweet and putting Trevor on edge.

She never sounded soft and sweet when she was with him. Her voice usually took on a hard edge, or

an irritated one. He wondered if he’d finally gotten in her good graces.

He wondered what he could do to keep himself there.

“You’re welcome. I’m glad you suggested this place. I haven’t been here in a while.” She’d picked a

little sushi restaurant not far from the theatre that stayed open to cater to the late flow of theatre goers.

Smart move since the place had been almost full with customers when they first arrived. The crowd

had dwindled until there were only a few tables occupied, theirs included.

“It’s my favorite place to go for sushi.” She polished off the last shrimp tempura roll, a little murmur

of approval sounding in her throat as she chewed.

He enjoyed watching her eat. She did it with relish, without restraint and didn’t give a bunch of

excuses for it either. Most of the women he took to dinner either didn’t eat at all or picked at their food.

When they had actually shoved a fork in their mouth, a few had even apologized. As if it was a sin to eat.

They’d practically all been reed thin, too. He wouldn’t classify Scarlett as reed thin. She had delicious

curves, sensual curves he wanted to touch, explore. She looked like a real woman, not some stick with

breasts and a flat ass.

She’d changed her outfit, wore a simple thin cotton black dress with tiny ruffles around the neckline.

A neckline that plunged low enough so he could catch a glimpse of cleavage every time she leaned

forward, and he checked plenty. Her bra was black, shiny satin, and he couldn’t wait to touch her.

Her creamy smooth skin glowed in the low lighting of the restaurant. She’d restrained her normally

riotous hair, pulled it back into a low ponytail that rested at her nape. A few errant curls strayed from their

restraints, weaving prettily about her face. She was gorgeous in such an unassuming way.



Karen Erickson

She drove him half mad with lust. Just looking at her had his cock hardening, threatening to pop the

zipper out of his jeans. The need to take, to possess this woman and make her his was overwhelming. Their

shared dinner was some sort of demented foreplay that messed with his mind and prolonged the inevitable.

“Is sushi your favorite food?” He wanted to know everything about her. Learn her secrets, her

preferences, her desires. She kept everything so close. Oh, she was friendly and everyone liked her at the

theatre, but when he’d conducted some subtle asking around he realized that no one really seemed to know


With the exception of Austin. And though they were friends, he didn’t feel comfortable enough

digging information about Scarlett from him. It wouldn’t be right. He couldn’t cross that line.

“I love sushi.” She dragged her finger through the few drops of sauce that dotted her plate and brought

it to her mouth, licking it. Trevor’s eyes almost crossed at the sight, imagining her lips wrapped around his

dick. “I love Thai food, too. I love Asian food.”

“So you bring all your dates here.” Why did the idea of that make his blood boil? Imagining her with

another man made his gut clench, his head hurt.

If he thought about it too much, he just might be jealous.

Scarlett laughed, ran her hand over her head to smooth away the little wisps of wild hair. They sprang

back out the second her hand dropped. “I wouldn’t consider this a date.”

“No?” He cocked a brow at her. What the hell did she consider it then? “Tell me what you think this


“Two friends going out for dinner after work, simple as that.” She grabbed the straw in her drink and

twirled it around, the clinking of the ice against the glass loud in the otherwise quiet stillness.

“I wouldn’t necessarily consider us friends. You don’t even like me, remember?”

She at least had the decency to blush, the delicate pink staining her cheeks. “I don’t hate you. I don’t

know what else to call us.”

“Ha. See?” He leaned across the table, wishing they sat next to each other so he could touch her. Feel

her warm body pressed against his. “How about you call us lovers?”

Her gaze cut to his, dark eyes wide, lips parted. “There’s certainly no love between us. And only one

orgasm. I wouldn’t constitute that as lovers.”

It was his turn to laugh. “You cut right to the quick, don’t you?”

“I’m just stating it like it is.” She shrugged, seemingly unapologetic, but the flush was still on her

face, darker now.

Much like the flush that suffused her body when she came. He wanted to see that again. Tonight.

“Well my plan after this is to go back to my place and get you naked.” He paused, let his words sink

in. “Do you have a problem with that?”

It was her turn to cock a brow. “Who says I’m interested?”




“Oh, you’re definitely interested.” He bet if he slid his hand between her legs he would find her

soaked for him. “You just like to play it coy.”

Her eyes darkened, if that was possible and the little crease between her brows told him she was

pissed. “God, you’re arrogant.”

“No, I know what I want. And I know what
want. What’s the point in trying to fight it?” Trevor

reached across the table and grasped her hand in his, squeezing lightly. “Go into the bathroom and take off

your panties.”

Her breath caught, he heard it and it made him smile. “Then I want you to touch yourself, gather up

all that cream from your pretty little pussy and come back out. Let me have a taste,” he continued, dropping

her hand so it fell softly to the table.

She didn’t move, could only stare, her heaving chest the only sign that she was aroused. He didn’t

move either, challenging her to deny his request.

“You think you can just command me to do whatever you want?” Her voice was rough, shaky, and he

swore he saw her body tremble.

I can.” He was a demanding asshole sexually. He knew it, he’d always known it and as he got

older, it only got worse. Some women didn’t like it. Every man he’d been with got off on it with the

exception of Austin who was just as demanding. That had been half their battle, two strong and determined

males trying to top one another, both literally and figuratively.

Trevor had a strong suspicion that Scarlett loved every blessed bit of his demanding attitude. She just

didn’t want to admit it.

“I don’t like taking orders.” She pressed her lips together. “I never have.”

“Even when you know the reward will be worth it?”

“Will it?” Her voice dropped to a mere whisper, and he reached out, drew his fingers across the back

of her hand. Her skin was soft, and he ached to touch her everywhere.

“I can guarantee it.” He flicked his head toward the back of the restaurant. “Go to the restroom. Now.”

She withdrew her hand from his touch and stood, her gaze sliding away from his. Straightening her

shoulders, he watched as she walked away, her hips swaying deliciously with every step, her shapely ass

shifting beneath the soft fabric of her dress.

Trevor breathed deep and leaned back in his chair, pasting a smile on his face when their waiter

approached and cleaned the plates from the table. His cock was so hard it fucking hurt. He waited in

breathless anticipation as she took her time, locked away in that bathroom for what felt like hours instead of


He was overreacting. He knew this. She was probably staying away on purpose just to drive him

crazy. He had to admit he liked her defiance, the way she questioned him yet did what he asked anyway.

She pushed his buttons as no other woman ever had and he fucking loved it. Wanted more of it.



Karen Erickson

Wanted more of

She suddenly appeared, walked toward the table with an effortless grace, her gaze locked on him. Her

head was held high, fresh gloss coated her lips, her small purse clutched in one hand. He hadn’t even

noticed that she had taken it, and he wondered if her panties were in there.

He wondered what color they were.

Scarlett slid into the chair, a little smile curving her lips. Without a word she held out her right hand,

her index finger pointed in his direction—damp and glistening. His cock jerked in anticipation. He held her

by the wrist, drew her hand closer and slowly licked her, his tongue swirling around her finger before he

sucked it deep into his mouth.

Her taste melted on his tongue, musky and mysterious. He’d give anything to go down on her, bury

his face in her pussy and lick her like there was no tomorrow. His entire body taut with arousal, he released

his hold on her and backed away, settled himself in the chair.

“If I could, I’d eat your pussy right now. For dessert.” Her eyes flared at his words, and she shifted in

her seat, her legs restless beneath the table.

“Stop it.” She glared at him then dropped her gaze, her bare foot reaching out to caress his ankle, her

toes working beneath the hem of his jeans until she touched bare skin.

He jolted in his chair at her innocent touch, at the not so innocent expression on her face. “You taste

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