Tangled Up In You (A Savioe Family Novel) (22 page)

BOOK: Tangled Up In You (A Savioe Family Novel)
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“He’s still nauseous.” She looked up at me and stretched up to put her hand on my cheek. “Uh, your father wants you to go to his office, Baybee.”

I grabbed her hand pulling it away from my face. She rarely uses her old nickname for me anymore so I knew something was seriously wrong. “Momma, what’s going on?”

She gave me a sad smile. “Jus’ go ta ya daddy. He’ll tell ya wha’ ya need ta know.” She ushered me toward the steps and gave me a slight nudge. “Jus’ go, Baybee.”

I walked halfway down and glanced back up at her. I swore I could see tears in her eyes. I furrowed my brows and walked down the steps. Charles and Beau were no longer listening at the door. I took a deep breath and opened it.

My father sat at his desk leaning forward with his head in his hands. I shut the door behind me that’s when I saw Mr. Saintshill. He was standing by the window looking out at the pool. I swallowed hard and cleared my throat. “Mom said you wanted to see me?”

My dad’s head popped up, Daniel turned to glare at me through slits of green. “Sit down.” My father said.

I took a seat in front of the desk. He stood up and walked over to his globe. He opened
it, poured some liquor in a glass and handed it to me. I swear I heard him mumble “Drink you’ll need it, lord knows I do.”

I took the glass and sipped the nasty liquid. He leaned against the desk staring at me. “Remember our talk a few weeks ago?”

My heart started pounding in my chest. I slowly nodded my head incapable of speech. He took a deep breath and squeezed his eyes tightly shut. My throat closed up on me as my bottom lip trembled with building emotion.
Oh gawd. This has to be about Roxy.

Daniel pushed away from the window and stood next to my father. “If you’re not going to tell him I will. Roxy’s pregnant, boy.”

My stomach dropped to the floor. I sat there in stunned silence. My shoulders drooped as I sat forward to hold my head in my hands resting my elbows on my knees. Pregnant? Panic, fear and excitement warred with each other. I was terrified at the thought of being a father. I knew my teenage life was over. I was going to have to get a job to support her and the child. And I was excited to know that Roxy had a part of me growing inside her. We had created a life. I sat up and stared at her father. “How is she?”

“I don’t know she won’t speak to me.” He ran a shaky hand over his face. “We had her take a home test this morning. Figured it had been long enough for one of those to read accurately. While we were
waiting, we argued over it. Jamie went in and told us the results. Roxy locked herself in her bedroom and will not come out for any of us. Not even Lizzy.”

Dad knocked back another healthy dose of alcohol. “What did you argue about?”

Daniel sat on the couch in exasperation. “Everything. What we were going to do if it was positive.”

I swallowed my anger slowly building. “What did you want her to do?”

“Stay with my mother until it was born then give it up for adoption.” He said flatly.

“So I was ta have no say?” I seethed in fury.

He glared at me. “No. She is my daughter. I make all the decisions for her.”

“But dat is my child dat ya were tryin’ ta dispose of. By ya own logic dat means I make da decisions where it is concerned.” I shouted at him before slowly counting to ten to try to calm down.

“You’re seventeen what do you know about making decisions?” He snapped at me.

“I know enough ta realize dat I need ta accept responsibility fo’ my actions. Ya said a few weeks ago ya would
accept nothin’ less dan dat. I am willin’ ta hold up my end of tings. If ya would jus’ let me.”

My father placed a hand on my shoulder to try to calm me down. “We were just talking about that, son. Daniel and I have agreed that over Thanksgiving break you two will marry.”

Daniel narrowed his eyes at me as I collapsed back in the chair.


She’s pregnant and I have to marry her. What the fuck did I do? I sat on my bed practically hyperventilating. Oh my god my life is over. I’m too fucking young for this to be happening. This has to be just a nightmare or something. That’s right Marie cooked last night so this is just a hallucination brought on by extreme food poisoning.

A knock sounded on my door. I cleared my throat and croaked. “It’s open.” I fell back on the bed and covered my face with a pillow. Marie, Charles and Beau walked in and closed the door behind them. Marie sat at the end of my bed taking the pillow off my face. Charles pushed me over so he could sit at the head of the bed. Beau moved the desk chair so he could sit in front of me.

“We heard everything.” Marie said quietly.

Charles nodded his head. “We’ve agreed to help you guys out as much as we can.”

“I’m graduating this year. So by the time the baby is born I will have tons of free time. I can watch him during the day so you two can stay in school.” Beau explained.

“Charles and I can take turns watching her during the evenings. That way you two can do homework or just have some free time with each other.” Marie touched my arm.

Charles snorted to keep from laughing. “It’s not like none of us don’t know how to change a diaper.”

I smiled at that. “True. Gawd, the twins had some nasty ones too.”

Beau tapped my knee to get my attention. “You also get to spend as much time with her as you want.”

“Yeah, it’s not like it’s the end of your life. It’s just the beginning of a new chapter of it.” Charles shrugged.

“Then why do I feel like I’m in over my head.” I dropped my head in my hands.

“Because you are.” Marie chirped. The three of us turned and glared at her. “What? Don’t get me wrong I think you two will do fine. I just realize that this is a big deal. Any of us would be in over our heads if we were in your shoes. The only thing though that I think her dad doesn’t recognize. You have us to help you out. No matter what.”

Mom walked in the room smiling. Why is she smiling? A tiny hand rested on her arm. That’s when I noticed Roxy beside her. My feet had me up and moving before my brain caught up to what was happening. I pulled her away from my mother into my arms. I caught my mother out of the corner of my eye motioning for everyone to get out. She smiled at us and closed the door when they all left.

I held her for what seemed like hours. Just standing there letting all my negative emotions pour out of me nothing seemed to bother me when she was in my arms. I could feel her tears seep into my shirt and I pulled away leading her to take a seat on my bed. She looked up at me her green eyes swimming in her tears. I brushed my thumb across her cheek wiping away the trail of salt. “How are you doing?”

She grabbed my hand and kissed my knuckles. “I’m fine. Shocked, terrified, panicky, freaking the hell out but I’m fine. Did you really yell at my dad?”

“Yes I did.” I lay down on the bed and pulled her down with me just so I could have her in my arms again. She settled her head on my chest. I wrapped my arm around her pulling her closer to my side. Is this what it’s going to be like? I took a ragged breath. “So how long can you be here?”

“I don’t know and I really don’t care. When he got
home, he told me what had happened and what was decided for me. Then he gave me my keys. I picked them up grabbed my purse and came right over. Still haven’t really said one word to him since this morning.” Her hand was tracing an invisible pattern on my chest.

“Stop it that tickles.” I placed my hand over hers to keep her still.

She chuckled. “Sorry.”


Chapter Seventeen



It’s been four days since I found out I was knocked up. I still couldn’t get my head wrapped around that. I didn’t feel any different. I wasn’t super emotional or getting sick every morning or even going to the bathroom a lot. My father relented on all his restrictions. Thankfully. So I no longer had the shadow following me. I could drive anywhere I wanted and have whomever at the house though every time Luke comes over we have to stay in the kitchen or the family living room.

I told Beau Monday not to mention anything to Drez about me driving. Because I felt like that was the only time he got to eat anything decent. Well decentish. He agreed with me. So he still met me at my locker today, drove me to Frank’s and then back to school. Luke did go back to work when my father had his freak out. So we are trying to work around his schedule so we can spend time together. Which really sucks, that means that I will have to wait until he gets off work at nine tonight before I can talk to him.

I pouted at my locker as I was getting my stuff for homework tonight. My phone vibrated with a new message.

Jess: Detention again
Can you wait for me?

I hit my forehead on my now closed locker. Dammit.
Me: Yeah sure.

I slung my bag over my shoulder and headed out to my car. I really wish she would stop being late for her classes. That would put an end to this detention shit. I unlocked my car, tossed my bag in and walked around Beau’s truck to wait for Luke at his bike. As I rounded the front of the Chevy, I saw Christie and Luke hugging in quite a tender embrace. I stopped short and just stared at them.
What the fuck?
She smirked at me and kissed him on his cheek before walking off. “Thanks, Lukie.”

He scratched the back of his neck before turning around. He looked startled to see me. “Hey.”

“Hey yourself. What the fuck was that about?” I could feel the surge of adrenaline rushing through my system.

“I just helped her unlock her car.” He took a step toward me his hand coming out to touch my shoulder.

I backed away from him. “So you felt that it was appropriate to receive a hug and kiss from her in return?”

“Roxy, that was nothing. I swear.” He took another step in my direction only to stop when I held up my hand in front of me.

“Luke, I am trying to be reasonable. I can understand a quick hug and kiss on the cheek, but that was not a simple hug. You hugged her like you do me. Your fucking head was buried in her hair with your eyes closed.” My leg started to shake in my building anger.

“Roxy, love, I swear it was not like that.” His eyes looked panicky his breathing speeding up.

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath of my own. Maybe
He has never given me a reason not to trust him. I reassessed what I had witnessed. His back was stick straight when she had her arms wrapped around him. His arms were loose and his eyes were closed but his face was contorted in disgust not desire. I released my breath and opened my eyes. He was standing right in front of me fear and worry emanating from those electric blue eyes. “Sorry. I’m guess I’m just overly sensitive today.”

I heard him let out a breath before he pulled me into his arms. My nose twitched in disgust. His shirt smelled like her sickey sweet perfume. I pushed him away trying to keep myself from gagging. Slowly I backed up against the truck and leaned down taking deep breaths to control my nausea.

“Are you okay? You look a little green.” He knelt down beside me.

“Your shirt reeks of her. Whatever it is she wears is making me want to hurl.” I admitted
as my stomach slowly settled down.

He yanked off the shirt and tossed it in the bed of Beau’s truck. “Is that better?”

Oh yeah. Those abs again. I just stayed there giving him a blatant hungry gaze as I took in that delicious sight. “Do you have to go to work today?” I chewed on my bottom lip.

He chuckled and pulled me into his arms. “You know I have to. It proves to your dad that I am taking things seriously.” His gave me a gentle kiss before pulling away. My nails lightly scraped down his back bringing out a hiss from his lips. “Behave.”

I pouted at him. “I don’t want to behave though. Fine, but you are mine on your day off.” I traced his waistband with my fingertips.

He let out a jagged breath. “I look forward to it.” He glanced down at his phone. “Shit, I have to get going or I’ll be late.” He gave me a quick kiss before opening his saddlebag grabbing his work shirt. He put it on and w
inked at me before driving off.

Marie poked her head around the front of the truck. “You okay?
It sounded like you two were arguing.”

“Yeah, Christie is just trying to start some shit.” I walked back over to my car and opened the door to sit down.

“That cunt!” Marie snarled causing my eyes to widen in shock.

“Wow. That’s pretty harsh.”

“Well she is. I mean damn. If she’s doing this now just imagine what crap she’s going to pull after you two marry.” Marie kicked at a loose stone by the car. “Some people just have no standards anymore.”

She seemed more wound up than usual. I know she had to have more on her mind than just Christie’s BS. “You alright?”

“Yeah, yeah. I’m fine. Just had a really crappy day today.” She gave me a tight smile that didn’t reach her topaz eyes.

Beau and Charles climbed into the truck. Beau yelled over to Marie. “Hey you coming or what?”

“I take it he had a shitty day too?” I asked.

“He always has a shitty day. It’s when he’s pleasant that I worry. Jess in detention again?” I gave her a look that screamed of course. “Yeah, I know stupid question. I’ll see you in the morning, girl.”

She hopped in the truck and waved goodbye. I closed my door and turned the radio on. These hour long waits were getting more ridiculous. I wish she would just hurry up and get her Bronco fixed completely so I don’t have to do this anymore.

The driver door flew open and a beefy hand pulled me out by the back of my neck shoving me face first onto the hood of the car. The familiar scent of cheap body spray
assaulted my senses. I slid off the hood and scrambled away from the car landing on my knees a few feet away. I was stunned to see Bus calmly standing beside the car looking smug. He gave me a manic grin that sent chills up my spine when he noticed I recognized him.

“What do you want?” My voice faltered as my fear started to climb. A drop of sweat beaded down my shoulder blades. A slight twinge of pain shot up from my knee as I shifted my weight. My jeans had a tiny tear where I collided with the asphalt. Every instinct I had screamed at me to move, that
I wasn’t safe with him. The wild gleam in his eyes confirmed that. I quickly crab walked backward as he took a menacing step forward.

“I think you know. I’m tired of waiting for what is mine.” He yanked me up off the ground grabbing both shoulders and squeezed hard enough to make me whimper. “I thought I’d never get you alone. With that damn security guard, that boyfriend of yours and that tattooed grease monkey always by your side. I figured now would be as good time as any. I hope you will enjoy
this as much as I know I will.”

He looked down at me in with those cold calculating eyes. Faint lines marred his once clear caramel skin from his last attempt. His fingers bit into my skin. I tried to jerk away from him, but he held his grip. My mind screamed at me to do something. If I could just try to reason with
him, he might let me go. “You need to let me go, Bus. I’m about two seconds from screaming loud enough for someone to hear. I don’t think you’d want to get into trouble now do you?”

He shook his head slowly and gave me a predatory grin. “You’ve already caused me trouble. Thanks to
you, the boys don’t think I can get shit done anymore. They’ve started to question my points in the book. I can’t have that happen. I really need that money. The coach has been riding my ass more thanks to you distracting me. My grades have been slipping. There is talk of suspending me from the team making me miss out on the scouts seeing me play which would completely fuck up my chances of ever getting into college. So you see, Roxy, ever since you decided to be a little selfish whore and turn your back on what we could have had, my life has gone to shit.”

Oh my god, he is fucking crazy. During his
rant, he let go of me and started stalking around me like a big jungle cat. I was slowly trying to edge away from him careful to keep my movements small enough to escape his attention. I knew that if he got his hands on me again things were going to get unimaginably bad for me.

“I’m sorry you’re having a rough time with things, Bus. I really am. I just wasn’t interested in you in that way.” My back hit a tree in the middle of the parking lot. God, how am I going to get away from him? I frantically looked left to right in hope of finding a quick exit.

He lunged at me apparently saying I wasn’t into him was the wrong thing to do. I shrieked and scurried around the tree. Detention! If I could just make it up the steps to the commons, I could get help. I rushed into the prickly bushes surrounding the bus loading area. The small branches scratched and ripped at my clothes as I weaved through the brush. I was trying to keep as much space in between us as I could but he was faster. He tackled me just as I reached the bottom of the steps slamming me into the concrete slabs. My face bounced off the ground and I felt a small pop in my nose followed by a gush of blood streaming down my face. He rolled me over and grabbed me by the throat. I kicked at his legs and scratched at his arms to no avail. He backhanded me across the face splitting my lip and bruising more of my jaw.

My eyes watered out of pain and fear. I continued to try to claw at him. He tightened his hold around my throat and hit me again. “You think I care how sorry you are? You think I really give a shit. I told you that I would have you one way or another. Now that we are finally alone I am about to get just what I want from you.”

I needed to get away. He was going to end up killing me. My vision started to waver in and out as my lungs fought for air. His belt buckle dug into my stomach as he tightened his grip on my throat and ripped at my shirt. I managed to get my hands between us and raked my nails down his face. He staggered back just enough for me to scrambled to my feet and try to make a run for it.

His hand reached out and grabbed the ends of my hair yanking me back into his cruel embrace. His laughter echoed in the empty courtyard as I sobbed in pain. He picked me up in a bear hug and hefted me over to t
he side of the school building.

He shoved me face forward against an old AC unit
, the ragged metal dug into my stomach. I tried to wriggle and buck him off me but he just pushed me further into it. My arms flailed back against him. With a quick jerk, he grabbed my right arm and yanked it above my head. He had so much pressure on my wrist that it popped like a wishbone. I screamed in pain only to receive a palm in the back of my head slamming my face into the metal. The taste of copper and the pain from my already broken face created a wash of spots in my vision.

He placed a meaty hand at the nape of my neck to keep me pinned and used his other to try to pull off my
skintight jeans. I was crying in earnest because I could do nothing to stop him from violating me. Or so I thought. My free hand brushed against a broken limb from one of the trees blocking us from any passerby. I wrapped my fingers around it and swung it back as hard as I could and impaled it into his thigh. He swore and jerked away from me. I immediately pushed away from the AC unit and ran back in the courtyard toward the commons. I jerked open the doors dripping blood over the worn out carpet.

Everyone in the room turned toward the door. The teacher took one look at me and yelled for security. Jess screamed my name and hurried over to me. Drez rushed out of his seat and caught me as I collapsed to the ground. I blinked up at them through the blood spilling over my face and wa
tched everything fade to black.

Next thing I remembered was being strapped to a stretcher and loaded into the back of an ambulance. Jess yelled to Drez to call the Savioes
as she scrambling into the back with me. I grabbed her hand with my good arm and hoarsely asked. “Bus?”

“The cops have him in the back of another ambulance. Apparently you rammed that piece of wood close to an artery.” She brushed the tears away from her cheeks leaving a trail of smeared mascara.

The EMT in the back with us poked and prodded at my wrist and face. “Looks like your wrist is broke and your nose. You have a nasty gash on your forehead. That may need staples.” He continued to press down on different parts of my body. When he got to my stomach, I screamed. He moved the remnants of my shirt out of the way and inhaled quickly, grabbing gauze and other medical supplies. “You have a deep cut on your stomach. Hey Jacob speed up a bit she’s bleeding more than we thought.”

I rasped out. “Baby.”

“Drez is getting in touch with Luke now. I’m sure he will show up when we get to the hospital.” Jess tried to reassure me, her bottom lip trembling as she tried to control a fresh batch of tears from falling.

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