Tangled Up In You (A Savioe Family Novel) (9 page)

BOOK: Tangled Up In You (A Savioe Family Novel)
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Confident in my mission
and Jess insisted that it is indeed is a mission I picked up my phone. Which I made sure had a full charge and called him around four thirty that afternoon.

“Hey, chèr. I was worried dat ya had forgotten ‘bout me.” He crooned over the line.

“As if I could do that.” I smirked closing my bedroom door.

“Now ya are jus’ flatterin’ me. So how was ya night wit’ Jess?”

“Frustrating but I had fun.” I answered honestly. “We stayed up pretty late talking about the Bus situation and planning our outfits for the week.”

“Yeah. Bus. Don’ get me s
tarted on him.” He growled out.

“I’m not worried over it. He thinks he can sweet talk me, which would probably work if I wasn’t hung up on someone else.” I nonchalantly said.

He inhaled deeply and cleared his throat. “Ya’re hung up on someone? Anybody I know?”

I smiled at the phone lying down on my bed to get comfortable. “Yeah probably.”




Beau and Charles looked at me like I was losing my mind as I sat at the kitchen island with a goofy grin on my face. “Jus’ probably?”

“Yeah just probably.” She responded with a hint of laughter in her voice. “So what did you do today?”

“Jus’ da usual. Went ta church wit’ da family had ta watch da twins durin’ da service cause I went out last night wit’ out lettin’ dem know. Had a nice lunch and now jus’ talkin’ wit’ ya.” I tried to ignore Charles’s attempt to mimic me.

“Wow your accent is in full swing today. Someone piss you off?” The concern in her voice touched me.

I grinned sappily and laughed. “Naw, chèr. Jus’ in a good mood today and don’ feel like tryin’ ta curb it. I normally have ta tink ‘bout doing dat most times if I wan’ someone ta understand wha’ I say.”

“Oh really? That’s kinda cool. What put you in such a good mood?”

Glancing up at my
brothers, I shrugged and walked out of the room before I answered her. “Jus’ gotta chance ta talk ta m… a pretty girl.” Whoa, I almost slipped up and jumped the gun on that one.

“Oh?” I could almost hear her blush.

I took the steps two at a time in my hurry to get to my room so I could talk to her in private. I turned on the speakerphone and locked my door. “So wha’ are ya plans fo’ tomorrow?” I loosened my tie and stripped off my jacket.

“Wake up, get Jess, go to school, come home, forage for food, and sleep. Same as always.” She said with a sigh. I unbuttoned my shirt, took it o
ff and dropped it on the floor.

“Forage fo’ food? Wha’ do ya mean?” I slipped my shoes off, unbuckled my belt and started on my pants.

“What are you doing? By forage, I mean either find something to cook or somewhere to eat. My parents think cooking means picking up the phone and ordering take-out.”

“I’m jus’gettin’ outta my church clothes. Ya can come
here ta eat if ya wanna.” Stripping my pants off, I sat down on my bed in just my boxers and white tank top.

“Really? I’d kill to eat your mom’s cooking again.” She paused for a second her voice catching. “You just stripped while on the phone with me?”

“Yes, I did chèr. Wan’ me ta send ya a pic?” I teased holding my breath for her answer.

Her breathing wavered as she inhaled a small gasp. She let out a nervous laugh. “Go ahead. Just keep in mind I might end up sketching what you send me.”

I stood up in shock.
Shit, what did I just do?
I have never sent anything like this before. “Okay, Gimmie a second.” I picked up my phone and pulled up the camera app. My mirror stood by my father’s old wooden desk. My mouth was suddenly dry. I can’t believe I was this nervous. I took off my tank top and flexed my muscles. I took three pictures of my body before choosing my favorite to send to her. “Okay, I jus’ sent it.”

“Cool. Give me a minute.” I heard her swallow hard. “Wow. Now what makes you think I’m not going to post this on Facebook?”

“Cause dat’s not in ya nature, chèr. Now how ‘bout ya sendin’ me a pic wearing da same ting?” I chuckled trying to keep my excitement from creeping into my voice. I closed my eyes and sat down on my bed. Now I’m not one to go around admitting this but I am a Star Wars geek. Right now, I was trying all sorts of Jedi mind tricks to get her to send me a picture of her in her underwear.

“Don’t know if I can do that. I don’t have any boxers.” She joked anxiously.

“Bet dat’d be a cute pic though. How bout jus’ ya in ya unmentionables?” My voice thickened with desire.

“Give me a second.” I heard a door close and material rustling. Gawd, she’s taking off her clothes. My cock twitched at the sound as eager as I was over seeing her nearly naked. “Okay, I sent it.”

The phone buzzed at the incoming text. My heart raced as I pulled up the message. This thing was taking forever to download. I am so glad my parents upgraded our phones last year. If I still had my old HTC, I’d have had to wait until I hung up before I could even think about downloading it. Finally it was done.

“Holy shit!” I unknowingly whispered as I saw her in a black and pink lace bra and matching…. Gawd is that a thong! She was twisted to her side hand on her hip smirking at the camera. That olive skin was flawless. Her breasts spilled over the cups of her bra and that ass. I groaned as I adjusted my throbbing cock. “Damn, babygirl. Dat’s gonna kill me. How have ya been hidin’ dat body all dis time?”

She laughed. “No one pays attention to someone who is my height. What’s your girlfriend going to think when she finds out you have that pic of me?”

“Don’ worry bout her. We broke up yesterday.”

“Really?” She gasped.

“It was long overdue. She’d been drivin’ me crazy fo’ weeks.”

A knock sounded on my door. I groaned in frustration. “Hold on, chèr, someone is at my door.” Getting up from my bed, I walked over and unlocked it. I opened the door and saw my mother standing there. Shifting slightly behind the door to hide my arousal from her I asked, “Hey Momma what’s up?”

She stared at me and my state of undress a frown hinted at her lips. “I need to talk to you.”

“Oh okay. Let me get some pants on.” I closed the door and put the phone back up to my ear. “Hey, baby, I need ta go mom wants ta talk ta me bout summin.”

“No problem. I’ll see you in school tomorrow. Laters, Luke.” She hung up.

I placed the phone down on my desk, slipped on a pair of jeans and my previously discarded tank top. “Come on in, Momma.”

She walked in the door looked at my church clothes discarded on the floor and gave me the look to pick them up. Without
hesitation, I put them in the hamper and sat down on my bed. She pulled the desk chair back and sat in it facing me. “Lucien, I usually keep my mouth shut about all of you boys’ choice in girlfriends and how you treat them. But I feel like I really need to say something now. Don’t interrupt me until I have finish understood?”

“Yes ma’am.” I frowned in concern.

She took a deep breath and leaned forward her elbows resting on her knees. “That girl you brought here yesterday seems like a very nice girl. Your father and I both like her. So does the rest of the family. She is too nice of a girl to string about though if you still are going to be dating that bitch Christie. So you need to make your choice, young man. One or the other. I will not have one of my boys cheating on his girlfriend and playing with the heart of another. You were not raised that way. I will be damned if I let you do that.”

Whoa. She must be really mad. I’ve never heard her swear in my life even when she argues with dad. I cleared my throat. “Momma, you don’t have to worry about that. I broke up with Christie yesterday. Like you
said, Roxy is one of those girls who are too nice to be treated so unfairly. To be honest Momma, I’ve had a thing for her since the beginning of school. I felt an instant connection with her. Yes, she’s beautiful and all, but it goes beyond that. She is sweet, funny, intelligent and artistic.”

She smiled at me when I ran a hand through my hair. “That’s all I needed to hear, baby. Just be careful with her. She seems a little skittish. Dinner should be ready in a few minutes.” She stood up and patted my arm before leaving the room.

I lay back on my bed with a sigh. My mother never has these kinds of talks with me. It must have really upset her to see me bring Roxy home yesterday. I glanced over at the clock almost five thirty by the time I eat and wash the dishes it will be pushing eight. In this house, that means no phone calls, going out, or online activities until my parents go to sleep. They insist all of us kids go to the living room and play some silly board game until the twins are put to bed. Tonight’s game was supposed to be Monopoly but due to the embezzlement scandal during our last game thanks to Mom. Dad insisted we change the game to Clue.

“Luke, get your butt down here dinner is ready!” Marie shoute
d from the bottom of the steps.

I grabbed my phone, slipped it into my pocket and ran down the steps. When I bounded off the last
step, Marie grabbed my arm. “Lend me a hand in the kitchen. It’s still kinda hard to keep my balance and help bring the food out to the table.”

I shrugged. “Just this once, lil sis.”

Her eyebrow shot up in amusement before shaking her head limping into the kitchen. I followed her into the kitchen, grabbed the bowl of mashed potatoes and plate of sweet rolls. The door to the dining room stayed open all the time thanks to the twins constantly running in the house. Thankfully. I placed the bowl in front of mom and bread in front of my seat before heading back to the kitchen to grab the salad.

Marie stood there with my phone in hand. I glanced down at my pocket then back up at her. “How’d you get that?”

“It fell out of your pocket when you jumped the bottom step.” She handed it back to me with a smirk. “Interesting photos on there, bro. Hope for Roxy’s sake you dropped Christie before you started hooking up with her.”

“Yes, there is no more Christie in my life. Thank God. But I’m not hooking up with Roxy. We are just in that talking stage.” I protested shoving the phone back in my pocket.

She grabbed the salad bowl and laughed. “Sure. That’s why you came home late last night and have been freaking happy as a cat with a mouse all day long.”

“I’m not. I swear.” I followed her into the dining room protesting.

“You’re not what?” Charles asked scooping a big spoonful of potatoes on his plate.

Marie put the salad on the table and took her seat. She looked up at me smirked then told Charles. “Still dating the cooyon while he talks Roxy into going with him.”

I let out the breath I’d been holding. I whispered a thank you to Marie. She smirked indicating that she wasn’t going to let the matter drop.


Later that night after losing at Clue to Dad, I lay on my bed with just my boxers on getting ready to get some sleep
. I had my phone in hand staring at Roxy’s picture. My other hand rested on my stomach as I gazed longingly at it. I scratched absently at my belly button. Her dark straight hair draped over her shoulder and cascaded down her back. Those green eyes twinkled in mischief and dare I say desire. My hand slid past the waistband of my boxers, I was already at half-staff. I gently stroked my cock until it hardened. I slipped my boxers down allowing it to spring forth, biting back a moan. The blunted head bobbed as I allowed my lust to take over. Conjuring a fantasy of Roxy in front of me with the same look she had in the photo, I imagined her in my arms. The soft feel of her flesh beneath my fingers and her smooth legs wrapped around my hips.

I thought as I lifted my hips when my balls pulled tight. I discarded the phone and cupped my sack with my other hand massaging the ache. Pleasure seeped through me like warm honey as electric tingles pulsed up and down my length.

I mentally stripped Roxy out of her clothing and imagined her astride my hips as I plunged into her welcoming hea
t. I pinched the tip to delay my gratification. I do not want this to be over yet. My hips uncontrollably pumped into the air as I frantically stroked the hot flesh in my hand.

Wetness seeped from the tip, signaling that I was close. I conjured the image of Roxy
as I continued to stroke myself. If Jess hadn’t shown up last night, I would have kissed her. Those soft lips that she had a nervous habit of biting, that plump bottom lip that just begged to be sucked.
Oh God yes-s-s….
I silently shouted as I came in hot spurts onto my stomach. My toes curled as I stroked wave after wave of blind pleasure from my body.

I can’t believe I just did that. I got up and walked to my hamper grabbing an old towel to clean off on.
If just thinking about Roxy like that could get that powerful of a response, the real thing is likely going to kill me.
I chuckled to myself.


Chapter Eight



Monday morning my alarm went off signaling the start of the school day. I grumbled smacking the thing off and struggled to get out of bed. Sending that picture to Luke was probably the worst thing I could have done. For all I know he posted it online or texted it to his buddies just to laugh at. Stumbling into the
bathroom, I started my shower and grabbed my toothbrush to kill the overnight funk that decided to assault my nostrils.

After my shower, I dressed in a short flowing black skirt the kind that if I twirled around, the hem would spin up to my hips. The shirt I wore with it was a dark green mock short sleeve turtleneck that hugged my chest and defined my tiny waist. I topped it off with a pair of
knee-high boots with a four-inch chunky heel. I left my straight hair flowing around my shoulders and put on makeup that enhanced my eyes and made my lips look like I had just spent hours making out with someone. I sprayed my honeysuckle body spray on my wrists and grabbed my bag to head out to my car.

When I pulled up to Jess’s
house, I was a nervous wreck. The only thoughts running through my head were about that damn picture that I sent him last night. She got in the car and tried to talk to me. I just grunted in return.

“That’s it
! Say what’s on your mind.” She huffed glaring at me when we pulled into the student parking lot.

“I sent Luke a racy pic of me and I’m regretting it.” I spat out in a rush when I shut off the engine.

“How racy are we talking?” She raised her eyebrows at me in shock.

“Me in my bra and panties.” I mumbled head downcast in shame.

“Puh-lease. That’s nothing. I once sent this guy a picture of me naked spread eagle.”

“What! Weren’t you afraid he’d show it people?” I gasped. Picking up my bag and placing my keys inside
it, I opened the door and got out of the vehicle.

“That’s the point.” She laughed at me and glanced over my shoulder. “Your boy toy just pulled in.”

Turning around I spotted him taking off his helmet and getting off his bike. He had on a pair of dark blue jeans and a black t-shirt under his leather jacket. His dark hair was down today gently touching the bottom of his chin framing those electric blue eyes. I sighed loud enough to make Jess laugh at me.

“Go over and say hi to him.
Wait never mind here he comes.”

She took a step away from me seconds before I was lifted up and spun around in the air. I squeaked and heard a deep laugh from behind me. He gently put me down after causing a scene big enough for
people to stop and stare at us.

“Good mornin’, chèr. How did you sleep last night? I know I had a difficult time. Every time I closed my eyes I saw that picture and it just made me wish that the
morning would hurry up and get here so I could see you.” He whispered in my ear then nuzzled my neck.

Chill bumps spread up and down my arm as I shivered. Turning around in his
arms, I faced him. He gazed down at me and slowly leaned his head down. I ducked my head and pulled away not wanting my first kiss to be out in public or for him to think that I’m easy in any way. I could feel my cheeks heating up in a blush as I glanced up at him. “Good morning.”

He ran a hand down my cheek to my chin in a feather light caress and lifted my head up a bit more. My heart slammed into my ribs and palms started to sweat. He must have sensed my nervousness because he gave me a slight smile showing only a glimpse of that dimple before kis
sing my forehead.

“Hey! When did this happen?” Jess exclaimed glancing back and forth between us.

Charles stood beside her his eyebrow raised in confusion. “Yeah, I wanna know that too.”

“When did what happen?” Luke asked keeping an arm draped over my shoulder.

“You two. Together.” Jess tilted her head a bit to the side trying to muddle through it. “Last I heard you were just talking and sending sexy pics to each other.”

“Whoa! What was that? Can I see?” Charles laughed rushing up to Luke.

I ducked out of Luke’s embrace as Charles tackled him to the ground trying to make a mad grab for the phone both slamming into the asphalt with a grunt. Charles pinned Luke on his back with his arms underneath him as he searched his pockets for the phone.

Beau walked over from his truck shaking his head over his brothers’ behavior. “What’s with those two?”

“They are fighting over a phone.” Jess giggled and batted her blue grey eyes at him.

“Ha got it!” Charles screamed and jumped up with the phone in hand.

I walked over to him and snatched it away before he had time to react. “Yeah, that pic is not for you.” I helped Luke up and gave him the phone back. “Here you go.”

“Roxy, that is so not fair.” Charles whined brushing off f
lecks of gravel from his pants.

“Uh… your point is? That is a picture of me. I sent it to him and him only. If you by chance want to see something like it, wait until you grow up and get a girl or… you can just ask Jess.” I teased trying to keep a straight face the entire time only to fail miserably.

Jess laughed and pulled out her phone. She flipped through a few of her pictures and shrugged. “Naw, I don’t think there is any on here that is age appropriate for him. Hmm, maybe… nope even the ones that were taken at Disney are a bit too adult for him.”

Charles stood there mouth agape at us. “So not cool.”

Beau nudged Jess with his shoulder. “Let me see.”

Her cheeks started to turn a shade redder than normal as she sputtered. “Um… yeah… sure… I guess.”

“Holy shit! I have never seen you somewhat speechless before, Jess!” I exclaimed leaning against my car door.

“Shut up.” She mumbled handing her phone over to Beau.

The bell rang signaling the beginning of school. Luke stood there with his hands in his pockets staring at me. His expression was unreadable. I lifted an eyebrow before Jess shoved her arm in mine and rushed me inside.

She pulled me toward our lockers and gushed. “So are you two an item now? Seriously.”

“We are just talking. He hasn’t really said anything yet. So I don’t know.” I placed my bag in the locker and grabbed my books for my first two classes.

“That sucks. Maybe he’ll say something in class today. Oh, don’t look now. Here comes Bus. What are you going to do about him?” She closed her locker door looking over my shoulder.

I bit my bottom lip and shrugged. I really don’t want to have anything to do with Bus if there is a chance of Luke wanting to date me. I mean actually dating me not just trying to hook up. I want the entire boyfriend experience, going out, talking on the phone, texting, holding hands, all of that. Not just a few kisses and gropes in between classes. I closed my locker door just as Bus stopped in front of us.

“Hey, Roxy. How was your weekend?” He rested his hand over my shoulder on the locker beside me.

“It was great, very relaxing.” I answered unsure of what else to say. His cologne or body spray whatever it was, was overpowering as he crowded me. I eased past him in an attempt to get some fresh air.

“Have you given any thoughts over going out on a date with me?” He gave me an oily grin as his eyes looked up and down my body.

Oh, gross! It figures that is the only thing he wants from me. I should have known anyway because of that book. Dang it, why can’t someone just want me for me? I shrugged slightly. “I’m still thinking. I mean I want to make sure that you know this isn’t just a fluke. Plus, I’m also kinda talking to someone. I want to see what they might do.”

“A fluke?” He crossed his arms in front of his massive chest and frowned at me.

“Yeah, a fluke. I’m afraid that since no one paid attention to me before all that mess Friday that once the newness wears off. I’m going to go back to being ignored.” I explained starting to walk backward toward my class.

He followed me. “That’s understandable. So who is this other guy, anyone I know?”

I bit my lip again and glanced up at him muttering. “Luke.”

He stopped short. “What? Did you just say Luke?”

“Yes, but keep it quiet. Like I said we are only just talking.”

His lips tightened to a sliver. “Okay. Well looks like I’m going to have to up my game with you then.” He gave me another grin that sent a shiver of warning down my spine.




As I sat in Calculus class, I thought about how Roxy had acted that morning. She seemed like she wanted to kiss me but then she just shied away. She barely spoke a few words to me after that. I wrinkled my brows in a frown and ran a hand through my hair. Maybe she
’s just like mom said skittish.

“Hey. Psst. Hey.” The kid behind me kicked my seat to get my attention.

I turned around and stared at him. “What?”

“Is it true that Christie caught you cheating and dumped you?” He hesitantly asked.

“No. I broke up with her because she smothered me with the constant calls and texts.”

“Really? It couldn’t have been that bad.” He sat back in his chair and muttered.

“Yeah it was. On any given school day during school hours she would call four times and text every ten minutes.”

The girl sitting to my left nodded her head before interjecting. “That’s true. I usually see him check his phone constantly.”

The kid behind me shook his head. “Damn that must’ve been annoying.” He scratched his neck and added. “Where did she get the cheating thing from then?”

“Because I told her I was interested in someone else. She just jumped to conclusions. Like normal.” I sighed just as the bell rang. With my books in hand, I headed to my locker. Christie was standing by the water fountain just staring at me with a pitiful expression on her face. I rolled my eyes
and opened my locker. First, she tells people I cheated on her then tries to play the victim in plain view of most of the school. Damn, she pisses me off.

I heard a sniffle from behind me.
Don’t turn around, Luke. Don’t turn around.
I told myself as I closed the locker door.

“Hey, Lukie… Can we talk about this?” She whispered. With a sigh, I turned around and looked at her. Her eyes showed no signs of crying, absolutely no redness or puffiness. The little bitch was trying to play
me with those crocodile tears.

“What? I’ve said all I was going to say to you Saturday.” I moved pas
t her to head to Science class.

She quickly ran up to me and grabbed my arm. “Luke, please, just talk to me. I’m sorry for whatever I did.”

I jerked out of her grasp. “I already told you. I’m done. I’ve moved on. I suggest you do as well.”

Her eyes welled up in tears as her bottom lip quivered. “Fine. Go be with your whore. Whoever it is.”

I let out a deep breath to calm my anger before walking into the classroom. Roxy was already sitting at the table her eyes wide in disbelief. The pencil in her hand was frozen in motion over the paper in front of her. I walked in and took my seat.

“Bad day?” She whispered to me.

“Just frustrating really. How has your day been?” I leaned my arm against the table and studied her.

“Annoying. Bus has tried to talk to me twice so far. Once before first period trying to get my answer to the date thing and then right before this class. I’ve told him both times that I’m talking to someone else, but I don’t think that is sinking in.” She let out a deep breath that blew her hair out of her face.

“So we are just talking?” I don’t know why being put in that category hurt but it did. My chest felt tighter and my throat burned a bit.

“Well… we haven’t actually discussed what we are. No mention of dating or anything.” She che
wed on her bottom lip.

“Hell that can be settled right now. Roxy will you be my girl?” I grabbed her hand and kissed her paint stained knuckles.

She smiled up at me, her mossy eyes shimmering in amusement. “Yes Luke. I will be yours.”

“Is that why you hesitated this morning when I tried to kiss you?” I whispered to her.

“Kinda sorta. I don’t really like PDAs and I didn’t want my first kiss to be in front of everyone.” Her cheeks flushed a crimson shade before she ducked her head.

“First kiss. Like very first kiss ever?” My voice deepened in desire at the thought of being her first everything.

She nodded her head. “Yeah. The RA kind of messed everything up for me in that area.”




The school day flew by. I didn’t want it to end. I was having too much fun talking to Luke. He walked me to my car and leaned against the hood with his hands shoved in his pant pockets. The sun was in the sky behind him casting a halo in the wild strands of his hair. I just stood there enthralled my keys in hand hovering before the locked door.

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