Target Tokyo: Jimmy Doolittle and the Raid That Avenged Pearl Harbor (111 page)

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Authors: James M. Scott

Tags: #Pulitzer Prize Finalist 2016 HISTORY, #History, #Americas, #United States, #Asia, #Japan, #Military, #Aviation, #World War II, #20th Century

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Harper’s Magazine,

Harriman, Averell, 17

Harsch, Joseph, 417

Hassett, Bill, 319

Hastings, Everett, 373–74

Hata, Itsuro, 400, 401, 407

death of, 467

Hata, Shunroku, 402–3, 404

arrest of, 467

Hattori, Takushiro, 211

Hawaii, 101, 133

Japanese invasion planned for, 134, 136

martial law in, 17

Hayes, Rutherford, 9

Henderson, George, 121

Hendren, John, Jr., 468, 472

Heng-yang, China, 169, 328, 344

Henry Snyder High School, 411

Herndon, Nolan, 257, 356, 430, 479

in bombing raid, 216–17

in flight to Tokyo, 188

Hibiya Public Hall, 191

Hilary P. Jones,

Hilger, Jack, 94–95, 149, 271–72, 364

in bombing raid, 226–28, 229

in China, 325, 328, 333, 335

Distinguished Flying Cross awarded to, 367

industrial cities as target of, 146

at launch, 178

and list of crew in order of expertise, 116–17

made flight commander, 88

in move west, 111

target selection by, 146–47

training of, 71, 72, 73, 86, 88

Hill, Joseph, 318

Hilton, James, 319

Hindrava, Alexander, 401

Hinner, Ralph, 473

Hirohito, Emperor, xiv, 143, 311, 316, 402, 403

birthday celebration of, 193

FDR’s message to, 12, 15

public appearance of, 82

surrender of, 451

Hiroshima, Japan, 140

nuclear bombing of, 449


Hite, Bobby, 155, 243, 479

Bat out of Hell
damage, 186

in bombing raid, 233

China landing of, 264, 266–67

daily struggles of, 478

illness of, 447, 450, 457

interrogation of, 307

at launch, 182

letters to families of raiders from, 463–65

in prison, 347, 350, 398–99, 400, 401, 410, 438–39, 440–43, 444, 445, 446–47, 448, 450, 455, 456, 460

recovery of, 463

report on imprisonment by, 457

in return to U.S., 458–59

sentence of, 404

as witness at international tribunal, 469

Hitler, Adolf, 10, 55

speech style of, 19



Hokkaido, Japan, 307, 308

Holcomb, Leslie, 367–68

Holstrom, Everett “Brick,” 85, 114, 129, 185

in battle with
Nitto Maru No. 23,

in China, 333

at launch, 178

in move west, 108

in raid, 198, 202–4

Hong Kong, 11, 20, 191

Hoover, Herbert, 13

Hoover, Travis, 96, 124

bombing by, 198, 199, 309

in landing after raid, 270

at launch, 181, 184

made flight commander, 88

northern Tokyo as target of, 146

supplies overseen by, 88

Hopkins, Barbara Duncan, 31

Hopkins, Harry, 10, 16, 26

and FDR’s congressional message on Pearl Harbor, 20

illnesses of, 74

Hori, Tomokazu, 312

30, 32, 36–37, 60, 64, 90, 101, 116, 129, 239, 360

and battle with
Nitto Maru No. 23,
173–76, 234

capacity of, 65–66

departure of, 115, 136

design of, 119–21

Doolittle’s quarters on, 121

loading of, 108

merged with Halsey’s task force, 160–61

Mitscher put in charge of, 65

in move west, 119–21

in raid practice, 66–67

sailing toward Japan by, 153–58, 160–68, 172–89

House of Representatives, Japanese, 82


Howze, Harry, 63

Ho Yang Ling, 275

Ho Ying-chin, 330

Hull, Cordell, 13, 16, 21, 74, 353, 393

and execution of raiders, 413

FDR’s Pearl Harbor speech and, 19

Hypothe Bank of Japan, 313


Ihrig, Russell, 119, 131

battle instructions of, 162

Ihwang, China, 376, 381

Imperial Diet, 143, 147, 218

Imperial General Headquarters, 375

Imperial Hotel, 144

Imperial Palace, 143, 209, 305, 360

as raiders’ favored target, 147–48

Imperial Theater, 311

Independent Tribune,

India, 75, 133

Indonesia, U.S. search for prisoners of war in, 451–52

Industrial Bank of Japan, 313

International Military Tribunal of the Far East, 467–73

International News Service, 14–15, 478

International Red Cross, 410

Inubo Saki, 185, 194, 198, 204

iron, 80

iron ore, 11

Ishide, Minosuke, 202

Ishii, Shiro, 385–87

isolationists, 74–75, 80

Italy, Japanese alliance with, 11, 80

Ito, Akinobu, 407

Jacot, Nestor, 451

Jai Foo Chang (Charlie), 255, 292–93, 371


aircraft industry in, 62–63

alliance of Germany and Italy with, 11, 80

atomic bombing of, 449–50

B-29 bombings of, 448–49

bacteriological warfare by, 386–89

Bataan overrun by, 152–53, 192

British declaration of war against, 17

Chinese war crimes of, xiv, 105–6

effect of Doolittle raid on, xiii–xiv

King’s desire for offensive against, 29, 30–32

Manchuria invaded by, 11

material bankruptcy of, 11, 27, 83

naval call signals changed by, 5

Pearl Harbor euphoria in, 79, 81–82

rationing in, 82

Soviet intelligence on, 141–42

supplies of, 11–12

surrender of, 451–52

U.S. break with, 4, 11

U.S. invasion contemplated in, 83

U.S. spying on, 139–40

Japan Diesel Manufacturing Corporation, 201, 309

Japanese Americans, in internment camps, 76–77

Japanese embassy, 16

Japanese Special Steel Company, 218

Japan Oil, 224

Japan Steel Fuji Steelworks, 206–7

Japan Steel Piping factories, 209, 224

Japan Times & Advertiser,
82–83, 138, 192, 211, 311, 313

Jarman, Fontaine, Jr., 451, 452

JOAK, 187, 218, 229, 238

Johnson, Allan, 58

Johnson, Harry, 149

Jones, Aden, 110, 201

Jones, Davy, 73, 91, 156, 242, 344

in bombing raid, 202, 204–5, 309

in China, 325, 326, 327, 333, 340

China landing of, 271

Distinguished Flying Cross awarded to, 367

at Doolittle’s party, 475

in flight to Tokyo, 185, 188

made flight commander, 88

parade in honor of, 385

relaxation by, 114

Tokyo city center as target of, 146

training of, 8, 86–87, 88, 89–90

Jordan, Bert, 185

training of, 72–73

Jordan, James, 362

Joyce, Richard, 186

in bombing raid, 219–21, 309

hit by antiaircraft fire, 242

inquiries by father of, 366

Judd, Walter, 415

Jurika, Stephen, Jr., 124–25, 145, 149, 165, 187, 238, 263, 269

background of, 138–39

and flight plan of raid, 147

intelligence work of, 139, 140–42, 415

Justice Department, U.S., 16, 20

Kabukiza, 311

6, 190

Kagoshima, Japan, 306

Kaijin Maru,

Kamimura, Vice Admiral, 84

Kanagawa, Japan, 146, 221–22

Kappeler, Frank, 94

at launch, 177

Kasumigaura Lake, 221

Katori naval air station, 222

Kawai, Chiyoko, 306

Kawai, Kazuo, 211

Kawasaki, Japan, 62, 63, 140

Kawasaki Dockyard Company, 231

Kawasaki Truck and Tank plant, 218


Kelley, Ed, 15

Kelsey, Ben, 52

Ken-kwo-gee, China, 379

Kent, Fred, 152

Kernan, Alvin, at launch, 179, 183


Khabarovsk, Russia, 288–89, 352, 354–55

Kian, China, 107, 167, 169

Kiangsi Province, China, 276, 375, 389

Kiangwan Military Prison, 400–407, 438, 440, 446

Kido, Koichi, 403–4

Kimmel, Husband:

on night before Pearl Harbor, 4

warned about possible Japanese attack, 4

worried about Japanese carriers, 5–6

Kimura, Heitaro, 402

King, Ernest, 28–32, 68, 105, 127

aircraft raids urged by, 100–101

FDR informed about Pearl Harbor by, 26

offensive against Japan favored by, 29, 30–32

secrecy order of, 66

King Kong
(film), 335

Kinhwa, China, 387

Kinney, Herbert, 145

Kisarazu Air Base, 190

Knobloch, Richard, 150, 376

in bombing raid, 225

at launch, 180

on secrecy of training, 96

volunteering for raid by, 74

Knox, Frank, 12–13, 16, 21, 22, 165, 318

at meeting on U.S. entry into World War II, 26

Pearl Harbor surveyed by, 23–24

Kobayashi, Asasaburo, 312

Kobe, Japan, 62, 63, 83, 306

air raid drills in, 191

bombing raid in, 226, 230–31, 310

Koiwa, Kazuei, 226

Kojima, Shigeru, 197

Kollsman, Paul, 52

Kolya, 429, 430–32

Kondo, Nobutake, 190

Konoye, Fumimaro, 80–81

Korea, 189, 257

U.S. search for prisoners of war in, 451–52

Koshien stadium, 230

Kowa Maru,

Kuhn, Irene, 466, 467

Ku Klux Klan, 25

Kumano, Tatsuo, 269

Kumashiro, Moritada, 470

Kunming, China, 459

Kuroshima, Kameto, 136, 316

Kusaka, Ryunosuke, 3

Kusama, Kazuko, 191

Kwei, Joseph, 377

Kweilin, China, 107, 108, 167, 168

Kweiyee, China, 383–84

Kyoto, Japan, air raid drills in, 191

Laban, Theodore, 189, 215

in internment, 420, 430, 431

Lae, 135

Landon, Alf, 24

Lang, Frederick, 424–25

Langley Field, 69

Larkin, George, 128, 330

in bombing raid, 220–21

death of, 475

Laurey, John, 165

Lawrence, David, 410–11, 418

Lawson, Ellen, 251, 369–70

Lawson, Ted, 60, 70, 123, 125, 129, 154–55, 166, 188, 244, 295, 344

arrival in U.S., 369–70

on B-25 mechanics, 113

in battle with Japanese vessel, 187

in bombing raid, 204, 207–10

injury of, 251–52, 253–54, 255, 285–86, 296–97, 336–40, 341–42, 343, 369–71

in landing after raid, 250–56, 270, 281–82, 283–84, 291–92

landing in U.S., 369

in launch, 177, 181–82, 185

on modifications of B-25, 93

in move west, 110

raiders’ search for, 295–96

on size of B-25, 69

Thatcher’s saving of, 479

Layton, Edwin, worried about Japanese attack, 5–6

Leahy, William, 322

Leonard, Paul:

Birch’s meeting with, 277

bombing by, 197

brought to Chinese military, 274

death of, 475

in flight to Tokyo, 195

landing in China by, 247–48

at launch, 179, 180

4–5, 29, 32, 75, 132

103, 130, 163, 183, 329

light metals, 80

Linchwan, China, 376, 377, 383, 384

Lincoln, Abraham, 21, 80

Lindbergh, Charles, 51–52

Lindley, Ernest, 438

Lindsey, Robin, 162, 237

Lishui, China, 107, 167, 169, 376, 389

Little Boy, 449

Long, Breckinridge, 26, 151, 412–13

Long Island,

Los Angeles Times,
26, 44, 76, 324, 390

Lost Horizon
(Hilton), 319


Low, Francis, 29–30, 31, 101, 318

Luangshuan, China, 388

Luce, Henry, 103–4, 329

66, 68

Luxembourg, 10

Lynch, John, 129–30

Maas, Grace, 461

MacArthur, Douglas:

in escape from Philippines, 152

General Shimomura protected by, xiv, 472–73

in retreat to Bataan, 76, 129

Wako’s sentence commuted by, 471

Macia, Herb, 126

in bombing raid, 226–28

Doolittle as hero of, 88

at launch, 178

letter to Hallmark’s mother from, 467

training of, 73

Ma Eng-lin, 384

Magpie, 451–52, 455–57

Magruder, John, 330

Majestic Theater, 19

malaria, 152

Malaysia, 4

Manch, Shorty, 163, 271

in bombing raid, 201

and Doolittle’s party, 475

in launch, 177

Manchuria, 385

Japanese invasion of, 11

U.S. search for prisoners of war in, 451–52

Manila, 25

Manske, Joseph, 70, 150, 158, 162, 185, 327, 333, 419

Mao Zedong, 103

Marcus Island, 135, 161, 189, 306

Marianas, 448

Marine Corps, blacks not admitted to, 77

Marshall, George, 16, 152, 165, 323, 330, 334, 353

Chinese government not trusted by, 105

Doolittle and Arnold’s meeting with, 357–59

Doolittle called by, 127–28

farewell note to Doolittle from, 127

at meeting on U.S. entry into World War II, 26, 27

worried about delay of raid, 169–71

on York’s crew in Russia, 322

Marshall Islands, 134, 135, 189

Martin B-26, 32

Doolittle’s examination of, 56–57

24, 125

Masutani, Maruo, 407

Matsuhigecho oil storage, 227


McCabe, Robert, 424, 425

McCarthy, James, 67

McClellan Field, 108, 111, 112, 121

McClure, Charles, 122–23, 126, 147, 194, 244, 337, 340–41, 369

in battle with Japanese vessel, 187

in bombing raid, 208–9

Doolittle as hero of, 88

injury of, 25, 281, 283, 284–85, 371

in landing after raid, 250–56, 281, 282, 283, 284–85, 286

at launch, 180

in move west, 110

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