Taste of Grief (Just One Bite #3) (10 page)

BOOK: Taste of Grief (Just One Bite #3)
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"It's clear, just so long as you understand that he'll
have to go through me to get to you. Think on that, love. I won't lose someone
I love to him again. He took Jonah from me- and although he was a bastard, I
loved him then. I won't lose you," Diandra replied with tears in her eyes.
Without another word, she left the deck and went in search of breakfast of her
own, leaving Lizbeth to her thoughts.


Later that afternoon as Diandra lay RaeLynn down for her
nap, Lizbeth's cell phone rang. Seeing the number of the precinct, she cursed
heartily before flipping the phone open. "Yeah, Snyder," Lizbeth
barked. Did these people not understand what a day off was? She'd called out of
work for a reason, after all.

"You're needed at the precinct. The interim chief wants
to talk with everyone, and he specifically stated that I was to call you
in," the dayshift secretary, Sophie, said.

"We have an interim chief?" Lizbeth questioned.
Funny that she'd not stopped to think about who would run things with Alexar…

There was a moment of silence of the other end of the phone
before Sophie lowered her voice and spoke directly into the mouthpiece of the
phone. "I'm sorry, Lizzie. I know how close you and Alexar were. I
wouldn't call you except that it was an order. Lieutenant Joshua Peters is now
acting chief."

Lizbeth winced. This guy had been a thorn in her side since
Alexar brought her into the precinct. He thought every pretty lesbian was just
a heterosexual woman waiting for the right man to come along, and he was
convinced he was Lizzie's savior. She'd started to tell him about Diandra
before but decided it was none of his damned business anyway. "Let me get
dressed and I'll be right in. Thanks, Sophie," she said and hung up.

"Diandra," she hollered on her way upstairs. As
she started dressing, Dia walked into the room. "Hey, the interim chief
needs me at the precinct so I'm on my way out. I should be home by six or
so," she said, pulling a dove-gray shirt over her head and tucking it into
the charcoal grey trousers she wore. She slid into black loafers and shrank
away from the knowledge that she dressed as though she was in mourning. Well
the Hell with it, she thought, I am in mourning.

Diandra said nothing as she followed Lizbeth down to the
in-home office. She handed Lizzie the file she'd been keeping on these murders
and watched as it was shoved into the briefcase. She left the room to find

When Lizbeth turned around, she finally realized that
Diandra was not with her anymore. She shrugged it off and went to her car,
jumping a bit when she realized her love was sitting in the passenger seat. She
opened Diandra's door. "I'm not on the case- I'm merely going in for a
meeting with Peters," she said.

"And I don’t give a damn," Dia said, looking up
over the top of her sunglasses. "I'm going with you regardless. Now, are
you going to get in and drive or are we going to waste twenty minutes arguing,
making you late, just for you to lose and take me with you anyway?" She
fastened her seatbelt and settled back in the seat, making it obvious that she
was staying put.

Lizbeth slammed the door with a bit more force than
necessary before walking around the car to the driver's side and climbing in
behind the wheel. She put the key in the ignition and turned the engine over
but didn't release the parking brake. Turning in her seat to face Diandra, she
said, "This is positively ridiculous, I hope you know that. I am a big
girl, and I've been taking care of myself for some time now. I don't need you
to follow me around like I'm a toddler." She released the brake and the
tires squealed in protest as she sped off towards the precinct.

Diandra was quiet for a minute or two before finally
replying. "Your life is in danger because of me. Jonah was part of the
conspiracy that cost you your job the first time. True, finding his supposedly
dead body helped you get your job back, but then your life has been in constant
danger ever since. I'm not about to risk you because you had the damned poor
luck of stumbling into my life," she finished on a sob.

Lizbeth flicked her eyes towards Diandra as she sat facing
the passenger window, hiding her face behind all that gleaming copper hair
before turning back to face the road. She put one hand on Diandra's knee but
kept the other firmly on the steering wheel. "I don't regret a thing, Dia.
I love you- I'll always love you, and coming into your life was the best damned
thing that ever happened to me. You and Rae mean the world to me and I can't
imagine living my life without the both of you in it."

"That's my point- I don't want to live mine without
you, and that's why I'm with you until we've got a better handle on this,"
Dia said as she wiped her shining eyes before hiding them behind wrap-around
sunglasses once more. "I just want to keep you safe, and my abilities can
help do so- is that so wrong?"

Lizbeth sighed and squeezed Diandra's knee briefly before
returning her hand to the wheel to navigate into the precinct's parking lot.
"No, baby, it's not wrong, but I wish it didn't have to be like this. I
just want our life back the way it used to be- you, me, Margaret and RaeLynn.
It was so much simpler then."

Dia raised a perfectly arched eyebrow. "What about
Adrian? Surely you don't wish him gone?" There was a teasing note in her
voice that showed she'd come to like the cocky young man as well.

Lizbeth laughed. "No, perhaps not- I just meant our
life was easier without the drama. But this is our life now, I suppose, and the
most we can do is roll with it." She parked the car before turning to face
Diandra once more. "I don't know how long I'll be. Would you care to come
in with me and wait in my office?"

Diandra shook her head and paled a bit. "No, I think
I'm better off waiting here in the car. I brought a paperback with me that I've
been meaning to finish. I'll be fine here." She gave Lizbeth a little
push. "Go on- I'll be here when you get back."

Lizbeth leaned close, tangling one hand in those silky
tresses that were slightly tangled from the breeze. She pulled Dia close and
kissed her with such passion that the two women were panting a bit when they
finally separated. "I'll see you as soon as possible," she said with
a smile as she reached for the door handle.

"I certainly hope so," Diandra said. "You
made a promise you need to fulfill with that kiss." With a last laugh,
Lizbeth shut the car door. Dia watched her like a hawk until she made it
through the wide glass double doors of the precinct- then she pulled her
paperback out of her purse and began to read.


Lizbeth gave a quick hug to Sophie before steeling herself
for the trip to Alexar's former office. Taking a deep breath and then releasing
it, she knocked firmly on the door and waited for a response. "Come
in," the reply boomed from inside. Shuddering with distaste, she schooled
her expression until it was her usual smiling "cop face" and opened
the door.

Lizzie winced as she glanced around the office. Alexar's
certificates and pictures, all carefully coordinated in matching dark brown
frames, sat in a careless stack on the floor in the corner. The desk was a mess
of paperwork, empty foam coffee cups, and crumpled, dirty napkins. Lieutenant
Joshua (don't call me Josh) Peters sat behind the filthy desk in an impeccably
clean grey suit. She stifled another shudder as she realized they damned near
wore matching outfits. The difference is, she thought bitterly, that she was
actually in mourning- he dressed the part, but didn't feel the pain.

Peters climbed to his feet, his suit jacket bunched up
around his soft middle. He'd been a desk jockey for too long, and it showed.
His waistline was no longer trim- he'd softened quite a bit from too long spent
on his ass and not enough walking the streets. "Lizbeth," he said in a
falsely sympathetic tone. He walked around his desk and she quickly stuck out
her hand. Ignoring it, he wrapped his arms around her and she stiffened
instinctively even as she tried to pull back. He released her soon enough, but
she felt dirty and disgusted- she swore she could feel his arms around her even
though he'd gone back around his side of the desk. She hastily sat in the chair
across from him and to the side, closest to the door.

"Congratulations, Josh," she said, and he winced.
She fought a smile of satisfaction- just payment for his very unwelcome touch.

"Joshua, please. In private you may call me Joshua, but
around the precinct it'd be much better if you called me Lieutenant, or even
sir," he said with a satisfied gleam in his eye.

"All right, sir," she said and hated the way it
tasted in her mouth, even as his eyes lit with a dark and nasty light. Oh yeah,
this one definitely liked her being his underling. Hell, be serious, Lizbeth,
she scolded herself. He just wants you under him, any way he can get you.
"Congratulations on your promotion."

"Well thank you, Lizbeth, although it is only temporary
at the moment. I know I'm not Alexar, but I'll do my best to be a wonderful
boss." He straightened in his chair and looked sympathetic once more.
"How are you holding up? I imagine it was an awful shock. I know you and
Alexar were… close."

She noticed the innuendo and fought not to let her anger
show. "Yes, he was a wonderful friend to me. Diandra and I will miss him
very much." She brought Diandra's name into it to remind him that she was
involved with someone, and regretted it almost instantly as she realized the
sick asshole was probably assuming the three of them had a sexual relationship.
God, she wanted to punch this bastard, she thought angrily.

"And just how
is the lovely Diandra?" he asked, trying but failing to keep the interest
out of his voice.

"She's fine, Joshua. She's waiting in my car, so could
we please move past the pleasantries? I'm needed at home," she said in her
blankest voice.

Peters sat back in his chair once more. "Certainly- I
understand. I merely called you in to let you know to expect a visit from IAB
within the next day or two."

Lizbeth jumped up out of her chair. "Excuse me?"
she choked out. The last thing she wanted to deal with was those monkeys in
three-piece suits. They'd made her life Hell once before- she'd be damned if
they'd ruin her again.

Peters wore that wincing little smile of his that said,
"Hey, I know this sucks, but don't shoot the messenger." Lizbeth
fought the urge- Lord knows she wanted to shoot him- right in his nasty, dirty,
piggish face. "I'm afraid you should've been expecting this, Lizbeth.
After all, when a cop has a drug problem, IAB has to be involved. And since
Alexar is dead, well, as his partner you'll have to answer some


Lizbeth was shaky when she walked back out to the car.
Diandra spotted her and hurriedly climbed out. "Are you okay?" she
called when Lizzie was only halfway to the car.

"I'll be fine, but would you please drive?" she
asked. Diandra studied her carefully, taking in the unnatural paleness of her
complexion and nodded. She opened the passenger door and then shut it gently
behind Lizbeth once she was in.

Climbing behind the wheel of the small car, she adjusted the
seat and mirrors, buckled her seatbelt, and checked both ways before pulling
out of the parking lot and heading towards home. She gave Lizbeth time to
compose herself before prodding her for details- obviously the meeting had
upset her, and Diandra wanted to know why. Finally Lizbeth spilled it all.
"Dia, they ruined my life not even two full years ago. Now they're going
to ruin Alexar, and he's not even buried yet. No medals, no posthumous awards,
nothing but trash talk and innuendo about a wonderful man. It makes me sick to
know the things that are going to be said about him, and there's nothing I can
do about it. More bodies will come, and nobody will even remember him. But
eventually someone will mention his name and he'll go down as the head cop of
Bethany Beach that finally lost his mind and died trying to shoot up."
Lizbeth was sobbing quietly, her hands covering her face like a frightened

Diandra said nothing during the drive- she just let her cry
it all out her system until they pulled back into the driveway. Putting the car
in park and shutting off the ignition, she turned to Lizbeth and removed her
sunglasses. "There's nothing we can do right now except push forward with
your theory that this is carefully orchestrated murder. Try to get that creep
to acknowledge that you have a point. Tell him you'll fight like mad to prove
you're right. We won't let Alexar be tarred with that brush. We know he wasn't
a user, and that's what counts. Using that basis as a measuring stick against
the other crimes, it stands to reason no one else used, either." Dia was
reasonable as she laid it all out, and as the truth soothed her, Lizbeth worked
hard to put herself back together piece by piece until she felt like herself
once more.

"How do I get him to believe the unbelievable?"
Lizbeth asked quietly.

Diandra smiled. "The same way you got me to believe it.
All of a sudden this cocaine shows up, all obviously produced by the same
manufacturer in the same ratio, and people who never touched a drug in their
lives are dying from their first hit. It's too big of a coincidence to call it
anything but murder, so how can Alexar go down as a druggie cop?" Her
voice was filled with certainty- she was right and she knew it. Lizbeth knew
it, too, and tried to draw strength from Dia's unshakeable faith. When she put
it that way there was no way anyone could call them accidental overdoses
anymore. Maybe one, maybe two, maybe even one overdose that had someone
hospitalized, but eight dead bodies all with the same cause of death in the
same dosage? It was too much to be believed, and even a jackass like Peters had
to see the truth.

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