Tattered Love (Needle's Kiss) (10 page)

BOOK: Tattered Love (Needle's Kiss)
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It had been ten weeks of sleeping beside each other at least a few times a week, getting to know one another better, sweet kisses and scorching hot sex. We hadn’t been without disagreement. Scarlett was stubborn and hot headed. She wasn’t used to being taken care of; it was something she was slowly getting used to. She might have come across as a hard ass, but she could be sweet, and she was damn cute when she got mad about shit. We’d learned a lot about each other. She hated pickles, this was after her and Teeny had overdosed on them as kids. She was terrified of spiders—something I had found hilarious after finding her screaming and standing on a chair, her shoe in her hand pointed like a sword at a tiny black spider a foot away from her on the floor. I’d gradually added bits and pieces of my crap around her house as the weeks went by, a toothbrush here, a shirt there, my favorite coffee mug in the kitchen.

We spent most of our free time together, dinners out, movies, long Sunday afternoon drives in the Cobra. I’d even taken her to the cemetery to visit with Belle. We were damn near perfect together. For every funny moment, there was a serious one. For every argument we had, there was hot-as-shit make-up sex. We balanced each other out. Although on occasion, I had to find inventive ways to shut her rambling moody mouth up. Not that I’d ever complain about it.

A small murmured, “Morning” was the only clue to Scar being awake. I kissed the trail of tiny butterflies that started behind her ear and ran down her neck and over one shoulder, one hand palming her breast, the other roaming her warm body. With the tips of my fingers and my tongue, I traced her tattoos starting with the wings running the full length of her back. The morning light shining around her made her look like an angel. Goosebumps broke out over her skin from the barely there contact against her naked flesh. I made it to the very lowest part of her back before I introduced my teeth, nipping at the perfect creamy orbs of her backside, drawing a gasp from her; moving lower, I ran my tongue through her slick folds with a groan as her sweet juices coated my tongue and lips.

Ignoring the disgruntled noise she made when I moved away, I rained kisses along the backs of her thighs then turned her to her side licking, kissing and nibbling her hip and ribs on my way back up. I paused momentarily at the tattoo on her ribcage, a flowing red ribbon encasing words that rang so true it caused a sharp pang in my chest, ‘Every saint has a past. Every sinner has a future’. I continued up her body, and over her shoulder. Tiny nips driving her crazy, she rubbed her soaking wet pussy on the thick muscle of my leg trying to find friction to give her any kind of release. My cock throbbing, I leaned my head to her breast and sucked the pert rosy nipple into my mouth, biting down gently and soothing it with a swirl of my tongue. Her back arched off the bed as her hands came to the back of my head holding me there on a long moan, her chest rising and falling quickly with short choppy breaths. The sexy little noises she was making in the back of her throat had me walking a tightrope; my dick was so hard, it was almost painful. I lifted my head, looked up at her face, her eyes hooded, biting her lip and asked, “What do you want, baby? Tell me what you want.”

She planted her heels in the bed and moved quickly taking me by surprise. Next thing I knew, I was on my back being straddled by a very naked and aroused Scarlett, smiling smugly down at me, her hair forming a curtain around us. “You, just you, Mace.”

Fuck, she was sexy.

Clearly, she thought she had the upper hand. I was willing to play her game but not before showing her who was really in charge. My hands started at her knees running slowly up her legs to her waxed folds, tugging on her magic little ring, setting off her orgasm as she screamed out and ground down on me causing a deep growl to tear from my throat. I gripped her hips and lifted her slightly. Grabbing my cock in my hand, I rubbed the tip between her folds. Knowing just how wet she was, I pulled her down hard and fast, impaling her and almost coming the second her walls clamped tight. My dick pulsing, I held her still. “Don’t move, babe. You feel too damn good.” The second I had it under control, I lifted her to the tip and drove her down hard again. She gasped, head thrown back, then righted herself, hands in her hair and found her rhythm which was enough to drive me outta my mind.

Slamming down onto me, grinding and rolling her hips, the room filled with our moans, groans and gasps. A slight sheen of sweat spread across my skin as my balls drew up tight ready to shoot off like a rocket, when I felt the beginnings of her second orgasm. “Mace, oh God, fuck, harder! Fuck me harder!” she yelled out.

I flipped her to her back and drove in hard and fast. “Fucking love your hot little cunt, babe. Gonna come in you.”

“Mace!” she screamed my name as her tight body clamped down on me. Her orgasm ripping through her body, back arched up, she was fucking perfect.

“Urrgh, Fuckkk!” I bellowed as I emptied myself into her still contracting core.

I collapsed down onto her, holding myself up slightly, my face buried in the crook of her neck. Breathing heavily, I gradually came down from the most explosive sex of my life. I realized it was different this time; the sex was out of this world, but there was more of a connection there. Something in me clicked into place, and I was no longer just
pretty fucking certain,
I was without a doubt, completely fucking sure, I was in love with Scarlett.



The last of my walls came crashing down around us. There was no point fighting it anymore; it was useless. Regardless of my efforts in keeping feelings out of it, I had to go and be stupid enough to fall in love. Love only leads to heartbreak; I’d seen it on more than one occasion and felt it myself. I just had to hope to hell that Mace was careful with my scarred heart.

Still hovering over me, he lifted his head, rising up slightly on his arms. He peered down at me, a look in his eyes that told me his emotional state wasn’t so far off mine. My eyes travelled down his sexy ripped body. Mace’s skill was outta this world, insane good. I’d never had a partner who knew exactly how to touch me. Every single time was crazy-extreme, hot-as-hell sex. Even when it was slow and sweet, it was still intense. He’d taken everything I thought I knew about men and shifted it on its axis. The way he could drive me from mad as hell to sweet and soft, then straight into animalistic need, blew me away.

Lying there with Mace encasing me, felt good. Mix that with thinking about said skill and the fact he was still half hard inside me, my body kicked into gear again. I was more than content to stay in bed with him all day, but I had appointments. Looking over at the clock, I realized there were still a few hours to get to the shop. I lifted my head and licked at his nipple; the shining metal barbell provided too much temptation, and I knew the effect it had on most people. I wasn’t disappointed when I flicked it a few more times and pulled gently with my teeth. Mace groaned, the vibrations sending a wave of arousal through me. One more little tug and he was as hard as nails again. I proceeded to make good use of his generous reaction until it was time to get out of bed and get to work.

I was getting pissy at myself. All day, my thoughts were constantly drifting to Mace. I was being a girl. I hated being girly—all those weird things they do, like mooning over dudes, yeah, that really wasn’t me. I kinda hated how much I loved him; it was a bit sickening. But I was really looking forward to tonight, drinks, shooting some pool at Bob’s. I was still limiting myself though; I didn’t ever plan on puking all over Mace again, or anyone else for that matter.

Closing time couldn’t come quick enough, especially for the fact my day consisted of one tattoo and four piercings, one of which was on a smelly guy’s junk, not at all pleasant, and a chick who literally came when her nipples were done. Twice. One orgasm for each nipple; it was awkward to say the least.

Once the store was locked up, I made my way to the bar. My baby rumbling under my ass, the engine purring as I pulled up out the front, I saw Mace waiting for me by the front doors. I needed to put time aside to bathe her and give her some attention, before she started feeling neglected. I fucking loved my car. Before I even had my hand on the door, Mace appeared. He reached in and pulled me out. Taking me by surprise, he pushed me back against the door, hands on my ass and laid a scorching-hot wet kiss on me. Before I even realized it, we were full on making out against my car. Mace lifted his head and rather than saying hello he said in that low deep raspy voice, “Gonna fuck you hard over the hood of that car, babe.”

That idea sounded more than good, and I was so damn turned on I was about ready to make it happen right there in the public parking lot. God, Mace had me hooked. I couldn’t get enough of him.

He helped right my clothes, taking a moment to get ourselves under control. Then we made for the front doors of Bob’s. Taking in the fairly packed bar, I spotted Teeny, Trip, Remy and Mace’s best friend Jude gathered around by the pool tables. As we made it closer, the tension was palpable from Teen and Trip mostly. It occurred to me, I’d been so wrapped up in Mace, literally and figuratively, that Teen and I hadn’t spent a lot of time together. I had been a shitty-ass best friend.

I did know something was going on with the two of them. She’d let it slip over drinks a few weeks back. Time to find out exactly what the hell was going on there. Not one for beating around the bush, I came straight out with it. “What the fuck’s goin’ on between you two?” A look of guilt crossed Teeny’s face. Trip looked down at his overly-interesting boots and Mace choked down a laugh behind me. “Out with it then, don’t fuck with me.”

Trip looked up and I pinned him with a look that said I was far from screwing around. “Nothin’, we’re good. S’all good, right, Teen?” Trip mumbled without looking her way.

“Oh, we’re mother-fuckin peachy, honey,” she replied in a fake peppy voice, glaring daggers at the back of his head before stomping off toward the restrooms, shoulder barging him on the way past.

Oh shit
. I squeezed Mace’s hand that was wrapped around my hip and took off after her. Teeny wasn’t one for drama, so this had to be something serious.

“Teen, babe, what’s up?” I asked when I found her standing by the sink washing her face.

“I’m fine, Scar. Really, I’m okay.”

“What? You are so full of shit, but fine. You don’t wanna talk about it now? We won’t, but you will. Soon. Tomorrow night, girls’ night at your place, right?” She looked up at me put on a forced smile and nodded. “Let’s go get you a strong drink then.” I grabbed her and drew her in for a hug

“I’ll pass on the drink. I’m not feeling great.” Thinking nothing of it, we left the restrooms and made our way back to the guys.

An hour later, I was slightly buzzed sitting in the booth beside Mace. Jude had left a while ago having to get home to his eight-year-old twin boys, Jordan and Jaxson; their mother had ditched them and ran off with Jude’s boss when they were just four. I had a world of respect for Jude being a single father; he clearly loved his boys and would do anything for them. The chatter from the table was mostly between Mace, Remy and Trip. Teeny was unusually quiet and I was too busy jumping between watching her and trying to ignore Mace’s wandering hand.

His large hand sitting at the edge of my skirt started its path again, slowly creeping up my inner thigh to the edge of my drenched panties; a small rub then it was gone again. His calloused fingers against the smooth skin of my legs were driving me mad. I knew what he was up to though, this was payback for the theatrics I’d pulled at his welcome home dinner. It was his turn getting me back. But I had other plans; I wasn’t about to let him win. The next time his hand crept up, I reached down and showed him just what he was doing to me. I slid his index finger through my wet slit and had to bite my lip so as not to laugh or groan at the tortured sound that came from his throat. Smirking to myself, I let go. I had expected he’d move his hand and leave it be.

I was wrong.

Oh, fucking hell!

Mace’s long thick finger entered me in one quick slide, before he pulled out and did it again, sending the throb in my core into over drive.
Why the hell did I never come out on top?
He always one upped me. His finger continued slipping in and out as he added a thumb to the mix, rolling it over my clit in slow torturous circles, flicking every few rotations at my piercing. God, help me! I was going to come at the table across from my friends in a jam packed bar. I should have been mortified, but all I felt was turned on and a little naughty.

I was trying hard to control my reaction, but the fact Mace was fingering me while having a normal conversation sent red hot need flowing through me. It was all I could do not to moan. The moment my hips started involuntarily shifting, Mace stopped moving, his fingers still planted deep inside me, the heel of his large palm against my mound. He tilted his head down to mine and through gritted teeth whispered, “You want me to make you come right here in front of everyone, or you want me to take you over the restroom sink and fuck you dirty, babe?”

My breath caught. I loved when he spoke like that. The way his voice had dropped to almost a growl, told me if I reached over, I’d find him hard, throbbing and waiting. “Bathroom. Right fucking now,” I whimpered, biting his ear lobe.

He pulled his hand from under my tiny skirt, all but picked me up and made for the rest rooms, which we found to be all in use with long lines. I was about ready to pull a few bitches out of the way by their crappy hair extensions. “This way,” Mace started walking swiftly toward the back of the bar; clearly, he was in just as much of a hurry as I was.

He pushed through the back door and into the dimly lit alley. Looking around, there was nobody in sight. Quickly, he pinned me to the brick wall, lifted me up, his arms under my legs, hands holding my ass, spreading me open. The warm night air gave no relief to the heat coming from my flushed skin. At the perfect height, I reached down to his jean-clad erection, running my hand over him. A deep moan vibrated against my skin where he was nipping and kissing my neck. I released his angry, rock-solid hard-on from his jeans, lining him up at my entrance. Before I could do anything more than marvel at the feel of him heavy in my hand, he thrust his hips forward violently, driving into my slick pussy.

Fuck me!

Mace pounded into me, hitting all the right spots, my back rubbing on the abrasive brick wall, his hands kneading my ass. All the touching and torture at the table meant that I was so close to losing it. A moan ripped up from my throat as he grabbed the back of my head. His hand fisting in my hair, he pulled, exposing my neck. The slight stinging at the roots of my hair sent a throb directly to my clit making me gasp.

“Fuck, babe, you feel so fucking good, all the damn time. Watchin’ you tryin’ not to come on my hand, knowin’ what I was doin’ to you while everyone was around. God! Fuck! I need you!” At his raw words, my orgasm tore through me, my back arching. “Oh, shit, Mace, I—holy fuck!” I yelled out, seconds before he pumped hard into me one final time. On a roar, he stilled and spilt himself deep in my still contracting muscles.

Panting and shaking, I rested my head on his shoulder as he pulled out and zipped up. His come ran down my thighs as I righted my skirt. I could only imagine what my hair looked like; that and the flush of my skin would make it clear what we had been up to.

Mace stopped us at the door before going back inside. He leaned down and gave me a slow but no less scorching kiss, leaving me as per usual breathless. Pulling back, he slapped me on the ass as I headed toward our table while he went to grab everyone another round from the bar. Trip looked from me to Mace then back to me again, a smirk on his face as he asked, “What were you doin’ out the back?”

Getting nailed against the wall by your brother.

Figuring he wouldn’t let me hear the end of it if I confirmed, I simply mumbled, “Forgot to lock the car.” Trip looked at me, pointed and burst out laughing. “Shut up, you fool!” I chastised light heartedly, just as Mace got to the table; he leaned around Remy and punched Trip, corking his arm

“Keep laughin’, you give her shit, and I’ll break it next time,” he joked.

My joking mood was abruptly cut short when I looked up to see tears in Teeny’s eyes. She quickly pushed her way out of the booth, mumbled a few goodbyes and took off out the front doors. Trip’s head snapped up and he took off after her.

“What the hell is that all about?” I asked Mace and Remy. Mace just shook his head. Remy looked back to me “They’ve got something going on. Teen was shooting daggers through him most of the night. The boy’s got problems there if you ask me.”

Curiosity was getting the better of me, along with the fact Teen never hid anything from me. I wanted to know what the hell had gotten her so upset. Obviously, it was about Trip, or he at least knew what was happening. Tomorrow night couldn’t come quick enough.

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