Tattoo My Heart (Heroes of Seaside Point, Book 1) (2 page)

Read Tattoo My Heart (Heroes of Seaside Point, Book 1) Online

Authors: Mia Dymond

Tags: #mystery, #cop, #love, #jewelry, #sheriff, #tattoo, #fireman, #Romance, #bakery, #twins, #wedding

BOOK: Tattoo My Heart (Heroes of Seaside Point, Book 1)
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Annessa Dupree. The star of every single one of his wet dreams for the last seven years.

At least he hoped it was her.

He moved his gaze from her legs up to the curve of her left hip and let a satisfied smile split his lips at the sight of a small, red, heart-shaped tattoo peeking from beneath the strap of lace resting there. No doubt, she was Annessa. Unless Dane’s fiancée, Vanessa Dupree, had conquered her fear of needles, Annessa’s tattoo was the unique difference between the twins.

Suddenly Dane’s
comment made perfect sense.

“Uh, Casey.” Blake shoved his shoulder. “I have to shut this place down by two.”

She picked that exact moment to swivel her hips in a sexy turn and he caught a flash of something else. Something new.

“That’s five hours from now.” His gaze remained super-glued to the ink on Annessa’s hip.

“Yes, but you know as well as I do you’ve got your hands full.”

He ignored the accuracy of the other man’s observation, still mesmerized by the sway of her hips. Five hours? No fucking way would he last that long.

He exhaled a hard breath and forced himself to look away. “What the hell is she doing up there?”

Blake shrugged. “She said the stripper needed to learn by example.”

“Call Travis. I need back-up.”

Casey reigned in his libido and reached to adjust the bulge in his jeans just as Annessa bent at the waist then straightened to toss her head backwards. Her long, brunette hair cascaded down her back in waves, brushing the very enticing swell of her ass. His nerves shook as he took yet another deep breath, walked the short distance to her, and then wrapped a hand around one small ankle. The one attached to a foot slid into a bright red
fuck me
high heel shoe, open at the toe to tease him with her bright red toenails. What did she call them? Pumps? Sandals? Hell, he didn’t know. Didn’t really care.

“C’mon, Ness baby, show’s over.”

She stopped moving and glanced down, her emerald gaze sleepy like a Siamese cat. “Says who?”

Casey tightened his grip. “Says me.”

Annessa cracked a sexy smile, one to match the aforementioned shoes, and his aching cock screamed. “Go away, Casey.”

He tightened his grip, taunted by the soft skin beneath his hands, tempted to slide his hand up the length of her leg and then drag her pink temptations off her hips downward until they left her body. “Make me.”

She simply shrugged and squatted to his level, seemingly unaffected that when she opened her thighs wide, her sweet-smelling center was now aligned with his face. So much so that one dip of his head would allow him a taste. His tongue tingled as he took an imaginary swipe.

“You and I both know I can
you do whatever I want.” She pushed her hips closer to him and wet heat infiltrated his senses. The scent of undisputed aroused female. His cock sobbed like a baby, only halfway quieted when her soft fingertips traced the tattoo around his left biceps.

“So sexy,” she murmured.

Holy Mary, Mother of God
. Casey fought the raging beast inside that demanded he push those sweet little panties to the side and give her a thorough tongue lashing.

“Alcohol makes you brave, brat,” he said instead. “Come down here and I’ll take you home.”

Annessa closed her thighs and stood. “I’m not going anywhere with you.” She nudged his hand with her opposite shoe. “Let go.”

Casey’s control slipped. Hell, a man could only take so much. Without a second thought, he captured her foot in one hand, eased it toward his mouth, and dragged his tongue across the tops of her toes. She stood amazingly still and even more incredibly balanced as he pressed a kiss to all five digits and then lifted his head.

“I said, it’s time to go home.”

His gaze never left hers while he squeezed her ankle tight and gave it a tug. Her eyes widened and a shriek left her pouty pink lips as she lost her balance and fell into his arms. While he still had the advantage of shock, he set her upright on the floor in front of him. He quickly unbuttoned his shirt, shrugged it from his shoulders, and draped it over hers.

“Put it on.”

Obviously aggravated, Annessa jammed her arms through the sleeves. “What’s wrong, Casey? Afraid someone might like what you can’t have?”

He placed both hands on her shoulders and leaned close. “You offered it once, Annessa.”

“Once.” Hurt flashed in her hazy eyes and she wobbled to stay upright. “Never again.”

He smirked. Funny how she remembered that while intoxicated. “We’ll talk after you sleep this off.”

“No, we won’t. You’re going away, remember?”

Over her head, he glanced at the door and saw Travis barrel inside and head straight for the second sister. Suddenly he
wanted to fire his weapon. Both he and Travis had a fight on their hands; Casey, however, intended to win his.

He released another heavy sigh to fill the void in conversation. Experience told him she was using silence to gather steam and if he even halfway attempted to distract her, she’d bring him to his knees like a whining puppy. A heated confrontation at that particular moment would be a total waste of time.

He watched Travis wrestle Vanessa away from the stripper and hoped they might be able to join forces. Except just when he thought Travis had his sister corralled, things went sour. Somehow, Vanessa pulled off a pretty good bob-and-weave, slid out of her brother’s grip, and made a hard right turn into the hallway that led to the ladies room. Casey didn’t have to stand next to his best friend to hear the string of expletives that left his mouth.

A red-faced Travis balled his fists, lunged at the bathroom door, and then stopped in mid-lunge. Casey’s mouth fell open when an arm shot from inside the darkened hallway and drug Travis from view.

Oh. Hell
. What the devil had gotten into these women tonight?

Casey looked back at Annessa, still unsteady but remarkably alert. He sighed and pulled his handcuffs from the small of his back.

Her eyes narrowed until they almost closed. “You wouldn’t.”

“I would.” Casey snapped one cuff around her left wrist and the other to his right.

“I’m still not leaving.”

“Have it your way.” Well acquainted with her stubbornness, he snaked his arms around her waist and tossed her over his shoulder in a fireman’s hold, pausing only a second to move his weapon to his side. Sweat coated his palms at the touch of her delectable heart-shaped ass just beneath his touch and immediately a whole different kind of punishment crossed his mind. It would only take seconds to squeeze the firm globes, turn his head slightly to the left and plant a love bite in the middle of her smooth cheek. A surprise attack of that caliber would go much further than a simple spanking.

“Put me down!”

His back muscles tensed as she beat them with her free hand but he ignored her assault and walked to the exit, somewhat concerned about his best friend’s wellbeing.

“I need quarters.”

Annessa’s fists stilled as he ripped his thoughts back to his prisoner. “No more shots, angel.”

She gave a soft laugh. “No, silly.”

His skin tingled when her fingers began to knead the tortured back muscles, lower and lower until her hand rested on his ass. For half a second in his sick, lust-cluttered mind, taking her home moved to number two on his
list. Taking her on the bar moved to number one.

He almost laughed out loud, not because that wasn’t possible – oh, it was possible. And, in his current state of arousal, it would only take seconds to do the deed. However, when he finally buried himself inside her sweet little body, it would not be in a public place and it would take hours – or days – to satisfy his cravings.

He froze when she squeezed tight. “I could probably bounce them off you.”

“Not tonight, Ness.” He glanced at the empty hallway again while he hoped to hell Annessa would pass out soon. From exhaustion or alcohol, he didn’t care. How in the name of God could he explain to Travis why his sister had her fingers squeezed around the muscles of his ass?

Luckily or not, Travis was still MIA and Annessa finally fell limp against him. Guilty, angry and relieved all at the same time, Casey stomped to the exit and tossed the bouncer an angry snarl as he shifted Annessa on his shoulder.

“Call the Sheriff’s Department,” he growled as he headed outside and stomped across the parking lot. He inhaled a deep breath of warm, night air as he opened the truck door, placed her onto the seat, and then dug the handcuff key from his pocket.

“Love you, Casey.”

Her sleepy, alcohol-induced confession made him grin. She’d put up a good fight but as usual, she’d underestimated just how much she needed him. Not to mention how he’d pretty much do anything to prove his point. He released her metal restraint and pushed her to one side. Without resistance, she fell over and lay against the cool leather, out cold.




Travis breathed a sigh of relief when his hands hit the nearest wall, preventing him from falling flat on his ass, still not quite sure why he stumbled in the first place.

“You can’t go in there.”

At the sound of a sultry, soft-spoken voice, he glanced down between his arms and noticed he now caged an all-too-familiar beautiful creature. A waterfall of long, black hair framed the fair-skinned beauty with sleepy, glazed eyes.

“Verity? What the hell are you doing here?”

“Vanessa’s getting married.”

He lifted one hand and ran it through his hair, grinning at the hiccup and giggle that followed her response. “How much have you had to drink?”

She dismissed him with a wild wave of one dainty little hand. “Not much.”

He snickered at the next hiccup that left her mouth and ran his knuckles down the side of one smooth, porcelain cheek. “I think you’re mistaken.”

A soft sigh left her plump, pouty lips as she rested her head back against the wall and blinked several times in rapid succession as if she could clear the haze from her incredibly sexy midnight blue eyes. Eyes so blue they were almost black in the heat of passion.

“In fact,” he said as he lowered his head, “I’d say you’re pretty drunk, Doc.”

Before he could stop himself, Travis pressed his lips to hers. Her eyes widened and he prepared for a struggle. Instead, she draped both arms around his neck and split his lips with her tongue.

His cock hardened when a breathy moan left her throat and her full breasts caressed the surface of his chest. Out of desperate need, he moved his hands from the wall and slid them beneath her shirt to palm each one, plucking her peaked nipples with a thumb.

“Travis, please.”

Her whispered plea traveled the length of his dick as she thrust her breasts further into his touch. Suddenly, logic and promises evaporated into thin air. He smashed his hips against hers, aligning his greedy cock with what he knew to be a warm, wet treasure. Another whimper vibrated his lower lip and then she ground against him. Up and down, then side to side with some sort of cock-strangling hip roll thrown in.


His scalp tingled as her hands left her neck and tunneled in his hair, her fingers winding in the strands, pulling and squeezing with each lazy roll of her hips. Ah, damn, if he could find the strength to release her breasts, it would only take seconds to lower his zipper. And only a few more milliseconds to cram himself between her legs and take them both to Heaven.

Or hell.

His dick screamed in agony while he groaned out loud and gently separated their lips. “Verity baby, this is dangerous.”

“Don’t care.” Her hands left his neck to cup the bulge in his jeans.

“You will tomorrow.” With his dick now cursing, he moved her hand to his mouth and pressed a kiss to the palm.

“Fine,” she mumbled.

He straightened her top and motioned with his head at the ladies room door. “Is Van the only one in there?”

She nodded and swayed to the left.

“Whoa.” He grasped her elbow and lowered her to the floor. “Sit right here.”

“That’s the ladies room.”

“Yeah, so?”

She placed both palms against the floor and attempted to move her legs underneath her to stand. “So, I’m a girl.

Travis snickered.
? No, Dr. Verity Thomas might be
, but she was no
. She was a full-blown, swallow-your-tongue incredibly beautiful
. The one woman whose brilliant mind, as well as her amazingly sexy body, held his divine interest. And the one woman who insisted they keep their association quiet.

He gave her shoulders a gentle push until her sweet little ass kissed the floor. “Then I’d have to carry you both out. Just make sure no one comes inside behind me.”

“Oh please.” She rolled her head to one side and snorted. He bit the side of his cheek to keep from grinning at the obvious alcoholic-induced noise. “I’m a doctor. I know how much I can drink before my body is affected.”

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