Taurus (6 page)

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Authors: Christine Elaine Black

Tags: #General Fiction

BOOK: Taurus
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Lidia grunted at Taurus’ compliment. “Proper ladies do not run off from an arranged betrothal.”

Taurus opened his mouth to retort, but Kallie interrupted.

“I am no lady. I plan to avoid marriage and its political entanglements. Like you, Lady Paulinus, I wish to be mistress of my own fate.”

Lidia paused for a heartbeat, contemplating her reply. “You will be cast down, as your brother will be cast down. I pray to see the day when another house will rule Rome.”

“Enough,” Taurus breathed mutinously. “You ruin my meal with your constant harping.”

Lidia shot Taurus a look but engaged the man on her left in conversation.

The reception proceeded in a lighter mood as Taurus signaled the musicians to play. Kallie enjoyed the food and paced her eating to match that of Lady Virga. Taurus watched with his unreadable expression. Her eyes held his as long as possible without causing insult to their company. He scanned the room and nodded to two young ladies whom Kallie remembered as Lady Verragius and the Lady Hestonius. They glowed with pleasure under his scrutiny.

“Your wife will be upset if you openly flirt with your guests,” Kallie mused.

“My wife?” Taurus asked absently.

“Lady Virga,” Kallie reminded him.

Taurus smirked. “I do as I please. I am the Monster of Panua and take whatever and whomever I want.”

“It seems to me there is another monster in this room.” Kallie glanced beyond him to the back of Lidia’s head. The old lady, as tough as iron nails and with a reputation as a mean old bitch, deserved her unkind comment. All of Rome knew she had raised the governor of Panua with flawed opinions and a biased hatred of the Romans.

“I compliment you on your observation. Do not tangle with Lidia. Give her one reason to destroy you and she will seize it.”

“You follow her like a disciple of the latest religion that rages around the empire. If you choose to believe her mad ravings over the Gregorian family it could mean your destruction, not mine.”

Taurus gazed thoughtfully into his wine, ignoring her warning. “Lidia may grow old, but her idea of defeating Rome does not. If I have inherited her thirst for revenge, it is the fault of the Gregorians.”

The meal wound to a satisfactory conclusion, but a commotion at the door caught Kallie’s interest. Kristokus whispered to the general, Captain Barca, and Hamilcar. Taurus had a wicked look on his face and gestured to Barca. The other man seemed to disagree, but Taurus pressed him. Hamilcar shot a look at Kallie aware they were discussing something concerning her.

The great ornate doors were flung open, and a squat little man waddled into the reception room. All eyes went to the man who walked the length of the aisle to the head table. Taurus sat with a bored look on his face. He stretched out a long, lean leg and idly fingered his wine cup.

The man reached the steps to the dais, paused, and bowed to Taurus. “I am the Grand Vizier, Alim Ben Alim, esteemed servant to the Satrap of Persia, and gratefully stand in your presence on his behalf, Governor Paulinus.” The little man’s thick accent confirmed his origin.

Taurus eyed him for a moment. “What is of such urgency it causes you to interrupt my evening?”

The man bowed again but this time in apology. “The sister of Emperor Gregorian is missing. It is believed she has wandered into your lands by mistake.”

Taurus considered the information. “And what do you care about the sister of the emperor?”

“My master has arranged to take her as a wife. She was to be…”

“Your master has many wives. Will one less make a difference to such a man?” The crowd tittered at the jibe.

“It matters a great deal to the satrap,” he answered.

“Return to your master in the East and ask him what favor he will extend if I find the missing girl.” Taurus feigned concern. Both men knew it would take months to embark on the fruitless journey.

The visitor glanced at Kallie. She held his gaze, her position tenuous. One word from the governor and she might be shipped off with this toad. Ben Alim recognized her; they had met once in Rome, many months ago.

“Any favor you request will be granted by my master,” the toad offered, turning back to the governor.

“Indeed!” Taurus said with an edge of disdain. “Your master will pay a price I have yet to decide upon.”

The toad shifted on his feet. “The satrap must have his wife. He will pay a high price.”

Taurus’ gaze burned into black beady eyes. “The girl
my price. She was caught wandering my lands, trespassing, stealing, disrupting my army with her companion. She stays until I tire of her.”

The satrap’s envoy nodded gravely. “Whatever compensation you require, the satrap will be pleased to pay.”

Kallie held her breath. Taurus could ask for riches, mountains of grain and expensive spices, or many other things to improve his lot and that of his people. It would benefit him greatly to hand her over. But she hoped Taurus itched to defy the Eastern potentate and his ally in Rome.

He got to his feet and pulled her with him, tugging her to stand in front of him. His hold tightened around her, his body pressed hard against hers, insulting the squat ambassador. A domineering hand slid inside her gown and cupped her breast. His other hand ran across her midsection, sliding downward to the soft flesh between her thighs. He steadied her sway, as a swirl of emotions ran through her. She had imagined this moment in private, not in a room with three hundred observers, and forced herself to take a breath and remain unaffected by his display of male potency.

“It will take months for my advisors to reach a decision on the appropriate penalty for the girl’s crime. In the meantime, I will sample the emperor’s offering to the satrap.” Taurus chuckled and the room rippled in laughter along with him. “It is my right as master of Panua. Now leave this place, Ben Alim. You are no longer welcome here.”

Ben Alim stood in stunned silence. Barca and Hamilcar moved to escort him as he jolted out of his reverie, spun around on his heels, and waddled down the long aisle.

Taurus watched as the doors closed behind him and only then realized he still had Kallie in his grip. He slowly released her. Kallie caught the look of shame on Lady Virga’s red face and the jealous outrage of a few women seated nearby.

, thought Kallie,
this man must be unbearable as a husband

Taurus steered her to the door leading to his private wing of the fortress and waved the steward away as he tried to follow.

Chapter Five

They strode together through the long, dimly lit corridors. The torch-lined walls were dark and ominous. He moved so fast Kallie strove to keep up. He took her to his rooms and bolted the door behind them.

“Take off your clothes,” he commanded unceremoniously.

Kallie paused, shocked at his boldness. “Now?” She stood stock still, not knowing if she pleased him but hoping dearly to move him to her cause.

“Yes, now,” he repeated coldly. Taurus turned the full force of his gaze upon her. “You expressed a desire to lose your virtue, and now is the time.”

Kallie froze, horrified by his cold demeanor.

“You prefer I send you away with the ambassador?” Taurus growled.

Unprepared for his timing, she took a breath and began to undress. Her hands trembled as she reached for the edge of her gown. She hoped he would be tender in his advances, but, in his current state, requital dominated his mind. Her gown fluttered to the floor, revealing the wispy thin shift underneath. It left nothing to the imagination.

Taurus cocked his head in stark appraisal. His glittering gaze raked over her nearly naked form as she stood defenseless in the middle of the room.

“Remove the shift.”

Kallie opened her mouth to protest, but no sound came out. He waited, fully dressed, like a predator watching its prey. Her shift met the same fate as her dress.

“Turn around.”

Kallie’s heart pounded as she turned her back to him. He came up behind her and wrapped his arms around her. One hand cupped a breast, while his other hand slid to her unconquered female region. His lips pressed against her ear.

“I imagined you naked when the whole room was watching us together,” he whispered feverishly. “Every man envied my hold upon you.”

Kallie suppressed a gasp as his hand moved expertly into position.

“You are a maid but a few moments longer,” he groaned, excited by her vulnerability.

His hand went to her head, removing the ribbons and gems adorning her hair. He dropped them to the floor, careless of their value. Long, dark hair tumbled around her in a sensuous, fluid movement.

Kallie spun to face him and reached up, her hands sliding around his neck, and pulled his head to meet hers. They kissed in a crush of lips and tongues. Eagerness flooded her, but he slowed the urgency and relaxed his grip as they moved blindly to the bed in the adjoining room. Kallie reveled in the soft animal furs brushing her naked body, recalling the previous night, alone in this bed with only his scent for company. His clothes fell away as he moved onto the bed, and he loomed above her.

She whispered as she saw him fully naked in the moonlit room.

He paused. “I must have your consent. I don’t consider this a violation, but merely the price you pay for my protection.”

“I will pay your price,” Kallie agreed, eager to engage in the act of joining with this magnificent man. A tremor of hesitation rippled through her body as his strong hands slid to her hips. His knee parted her thighs, and she clasped her arms around him, pressing her hands to his muscular back. His questing mouth travelled from her neck to the tip of her breast and she arched as he prepared to breach her tender flesh, determined to enjoy this moment as an act of rebellion against Rome and the power eager to control her destiny.

The governor moved carefully, sympathetic to her virginal state. His breathing increased with each push of his hot, hard shaft. She held fast to him, matching his kisses, enjoying the strength and safety of his arms. An unfamiliar mewling sound low in her throat caused him to peer into her eyes.

“Are you all right?” He scanned her face, gauging her reaction to the intrusion between her legs.

“Yes,” she whispered, “yes.” She reached for him, pulling his face close to hers, kissing him hard.

In discovering the mystical rites of lovemaking she experienced the strange ebb and flow between a man and a woman who embark on the journey, unknowing if their union amounts to a mere moment of satisfactory pleasure or if the Fates have thrown them into an everlasting mix of conflict and desire.

Taurus grunted in conclusion and settled beside her. The storm within had spent its fury; exhausted and weak, she had only the strength to smile as he answered her questioning gaze.

“Get some sleep. There will be time enough to talk tomorrow.”

Kallie closed her eyes, her head leaning on his inviting chest. A comforting arm circled her waist and she glowed in the warmth of his body. “I didn’t know it would be like this,” she sighed contentedly.

“Neither did I,” Taurus muttered. “Neither did I.”


Kallie stood between a wolf and a sleek black cat. They beckoned, equally drawing her attention. Intense and yellow, the wolf-eyes watched while the cat paced anxiously from side to side, waiting for her to make a move, but her feet did not respond to her will.

As her eyes opened, Kallie remembered the night before, and she reached for the sheet to cover her nakedness. Taurus was gone, leaving a cold and empty space. The door leading to the outer room lay slightly open and the sound of Kristokus instructing the servants drifted through the narrow opening. A girl entered, carrying a silk robe, and waited for Kallie to leave the bed.

“My name is Mira. Come with me, please.” The robe cooled her skin as she followed the girl to the bathing room. The warm water in the pool relaxed her aching muscles and soothed her tender flesh, enveloping her in its fresh and flowery scent. Kallie sighed in pleasure.

The sun shone through a high window.
He might be in the city. They had ways of communicating, and she planned to use her wiles to send him a message. About to leave the warm, scented water, she heard footsteps. Taurus entered with the satrap’s man waddling along with him. Behind them came Barca and Hamilcar.

Kallie blushed and dipped low in the water, glaring at the men who filed into the bathhouse. She silently questioned their presence but waited for enlightenment.

Taurus wore a mocking smile. “Awake at last.” He gestured to the satrap’s envoy. Kallie instinctively guessed this show was for the toad. She inclined her head and smiled to welcome the governor.

“She is happy and willing to be here with me.” Taurus added carefully, “You are willing, are you not, Prima?”

Kallie swallowed her increasing doubt over his intention; perhaps Taurus had finished his game with her, eager to send her on her way.

“I am happy here, Governor,” she answered truthfully.

Taurus smiled at the satrap’s man. “She is well looked after. Tell your master the fault lies with Rome as to why the girl is no longer available. Gregorian underestimated his sister’s wit and resourcefulness. I suggest you seek compensation from them.”

“And her virtue?” the man asked, as though she were but a piece of meat at market.

“Long gone.” Taurus said apologetically. “I’m afraid someone beat me to it. Probably the giant she travels with. No doubt she rewarded him with her body.”

The toad retreated, his face flushed with annoyance. Taurus signaled Barca and Hamilcar to follow Ben Alim out of the bathhouse. He stripped off his clothes and plunged into the pool. Kallie made a dash for the edge, where the gentle slope of stairs led the way out. She failed miserably, as Taurus easily reached out and pulled her into his grip. She struggled until his lips met hers. Then she melted into his embrace as he held her in his strong arms.

“Why did you lie and tell him I was not a maid?”

His lips were on hers as she spoke and he smirked. “Because I have no wish to inflame his master into making war on me if he believes I violated you. It leaves doubt in his mind. Caius Gregorian will have some explaining to do. Offering a maid who turns out to be a wanton wench will be viewed as a gross insult.”

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