Teacher: Act Two (A Hollywood Rock n' Romance Trilogy Book 2) (3 page)

BOOK: Teacher: Act Two (A Hollywood Rock n' Romance Trilogy Book 2)
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“Oh, that’s so fucking good! Honey, that was amazing.” He looked down at me and his smile was all satisfaction and gratitude. He helped me to my feet and I pulled him to me, kissing him long and hard.

“I wanted that. I wanted to watch you, baby. I loved it.” He seemed surprised, but happy.

We collapsed on the bed. He held me close for a long time. I loved the feeling of him next to me.

“Your bed is much more comfortable. Sorry we can’t have luxury tonight,” I joked.

“Honestly, when I’m with you, I could give a shit where I’m sleeping. I could be lying on a bed of nails with you and be perfectly fucking comfortable.”

I rolled my eyes. “That’s ridiculous.”

“No, I’m serious. There’s something about you that just puts my soul at ease like I’ve never known, Jesse. I can’t explain it. It’s like you touch me and everything just falls away, all my troubles, all the tension... Well, except the good kind.”

He pulled me on top of him and kissed me sweetly. He ran his hands over my back and grabbed onto my hips. “Now, if you’ve caught your breath, it’s my turn.” His wicked grin had me a little nervous. He pushed me off of him and climbed out of bed.

“Where are you going,” I called to him as he left my room in all of his naked splendor. I rolled over on my back and sighed. He was so gorgeous and so mine! I still couldn’t believe it. I heard him turn on my iPod and skip around my playlists until he landed on The Dead Weather. I heard cabinets and the fridge door opening and shutting in the kitchen. A few minutes later, Danny returned with his arms full.

“I’m hungry,” he said with a sly smile. He set down a huge bowl of fruit on my nightstand along with two cans of ginger ale.

I giggled. “I guess you are. I notice you didn’t bring any plates.”

He pulled back my sheet and looked down at me in wonder. “Who needs a plate when I’ve got this lovely platter to enjoy my refreshments upon?”

With that, he instructed me to put my arms over my head. He proceeded to decorate my body with strawberries, pineapple, peaches, mango, and even some kiwi.

“If I’d have known this is why you brought me groceries, I would have brought you here sooner.”

He smirked, continuing his arrangement. “There certainly was a small part of my brain that was thinking these delectable thoughts about you while shopping, but I wasn’t sure you’d let me play again.” He sounded a little sad when he said that.

I reached up and touched his shoulder. “Danny, I’m so happy we are here now. We’re going to work this all out, aren’t we?”

He nodded and leaned down to kiss me. I reached to put my arms around him and he pulled back. “You’re disturbing my meal, honey. You have to be still.” He bit his lip to stifle a laugh and the twinkle in his eyes had me giggling.

I had fruit all over me, more than I thought he could actually eat. “I’m curious to see how you plan to eat all of this. Where shall you start, Mr. Black?”

He sat back and stroked at his chin. “Hmmmm, I have to have the right angle...” He knelt next to the bed, shook his head. Then he walked around the bed and climbed on the other side. He sat up on his knees, got on all fours, then sat back and shook his head. “Nope, not right.” He stood at the foot of the bed and pulled my legs apart gently by the ankles. I giggled and tried to cover myself. He tsked me. “No, no, no. You got to have your fun. Now it’s my turn.”

He crawled up my body, eating the fruit off my legs. He’d hold a piece of fruit between his lips and drip the juice on my skin, then lick it off slowly. I was so turned on I couldn’t speak. All I could do was lie there and watch him. I tried desperately not to move, but it was very difficult. When he’d made his way up my thighs and made sure to lick all the fruit juice from the insides, he paused. He picked up a piece of peach between his lips and leaned forward, dragging it over my mouth. I slid my tongue out for a taste and he offered it to me. It tasted so sweet and tangy. I moaned as it slid down my throat.

He smiled down at me and asked in a husky tone, “Are you hungry, Jesse?” I nodded. He served me a few more pieces of fruit that way and then used his fingers with a couple of the smaller pieces. I made sure to suck his fingers into my mouth with the fruit, further eliciting appreciative sounds.

He picked up a piece of mango and crawled back between my legs, his head dropping down. I felt the juice from the fruit drip onto my most sensitive skin and then I tensed as he lapped it up with his tongue.

“Hmmmmm, you taste so much sweeter than this fruit. I think I might be here a while.” And so he was.

This time he kept his promise to me and took his time with everything. That’s why at 3 a.m. we were still leisurely making love, and covered in sweat and sticky, fruity bits. He’d been moving slowly in me for a while, our eyes trained on each other’s. Suddenly there were shouts from next door and loud music came on from the other side of the wall. Danny paused and frowned.

“Really? This is what you’ve been living next to for the past five years?”

“Yep. Oh, come on! This can’t be a surprise to you. I bet you guys partied like this.”

He shook his head and smiled. “I guess we did. Shit, I never thought about someone on the other side of the wall, though. The dude who lived next door to us never complained. I think he secretly got off listening to us.”

“I can guarantee I never ‘get off’ listening to them. I just stick in my ear phones. I told you I’d been falling asleep to your voice.”

He blushed. “I thought you were kidding about that. Really?”

“It was much better than listening to those guys bang chicks and puke.”

Danny laughed and dropped his head on my shoulder. He rolled off of me and reached for his can of ginger ale.

“You’re not done, are you,” I asked him, knowing he hadn’t finished this time. He shook his head, trying to catch his breath from laughing. I crawled on top of him. “Let me take care of you,” I said and took him inside of me. The laughter was gone.

He smiled up at me with reverence in his gaze. “You are so beautiful, Jesse. Love me, honey. Just love me.” His face relaxed and he guided my hips with his strong grip. Soon he was tensing and his movements grew more forceful.

A female scream came through the wall followed by muffled groans from one of the guys. I giggled and Danny rolled his eyes.

“Are these guys for real?” He started moving us again and the screams and groans grew louder and more voices joined in.

“I’m losing my concentration over here,” he said with a laugh. He pulled me down to him and wrapped his arms around me, kissing me thoroughly. “I don’t know that I can compete with that. Jesus, it sounds like a fucking porn shoot over there.” He slapped a hand to his forehead.

I kissed him on the chin and whispered, “Well, you are a bit older than those guys.” I couldn’t resist, I knew that would get him.

“Oh, you went there, didn’t you? That’s it, young lady! I’ll show you I’m no old man.” He flipped me over onto my stomach and yanked my hips back to him. I was laughing until he plunged into me.

“Oh, God, Danny! Be careful back there. I wouldn’t want you to break a hip.” I giggled until he slapped my ass. Then I just sighed happily. He pushed into me hard and deep, and then started pounding away. It was so intense I could barely hold on as the intensity between us built and built. “Danny! Oh God, Danny! So good,” I shouted and he let out a satisfied groan.

“That’s right, honey. Fuck, oh my God, Jesse. JESSE!” And then we both came so hard it was like we were caught in a tidal wave. He fell on top of me and we crumbled onto the mattress breathing hard. He bit the back of my neck, sending a jolt of pleasure through me to add to those emanating from my womb.

“That was fucking intense,” he said and laughed. “Sorry, I got a little carried away. You provoked me, you evil temptress!"

I was completely boneless next to him. “It’s ok, baby. I knew you wouldn’t let those whippersnappers next door show you up.”

He pulled me into him and I felt his chuckle rumble in his chest. “Damn right! There’s a lot to be said for experience.”

I kissed his nipple and he shuddered. “You’ve got nothing to worry about, Danny. With your stamina, I’ll never be able to keep up.”

He kissed my forehead and we fell into a satisfied sleep.

Chapter Two


Around 7:30 I felt Danny reach for his phone. He sat up, rubbing his face and his head to shake the sleep away. I reached out and ran my fingers down his spine, causing him to arch in pleasure.

“Mmmmmm, g’morning beautiful.” He looked down at me and smiled. I loved seeing sated and happy Danny. Knowing I was the one who put him in that place made me feel I’d accomplished a really big deal.

“I want to get back before Janey wakes, is that ok?”

I nodded. “Of course. You never have to ask me that.”

He reached back and grabbed my hip. “Can we shower and go together?”

I smiled and stretched. “Sure. Oh! We kind of have to. My car is still there.”

He leaned down and kissed me, his thumb grazing my breast. “Let’s go get cleaned up.”

Our shower was completely utilitarian, no funny business, but we did wash each other thoroughly. I loved the freckles on Danny’s torso and made a mental note to play connect the dots next time I had my way with him. We finished up, dried off, and got dressed quickly. When we were ready to go, I kissed him one last time and thanked him for our date and sleepover.

He rubbed noses with me and said, “I’m the one who’s grateful, Jesse. That goes down as one of my best nights ever.” He pressed his forehead to mine. “I want so many more of those, honey. I love you so fucking much.”

“I love you, too. It most definitely was one, if not the, best of my nights.”

He kissed me as he opened the door and when he turned to step out into the morning sunlight, he burst out laughing. On the porch lay half of Cosmo’s band, five or six scantily clad girls, it was hard to tell how many, and a puppy. The puppy thumped its tail at us and Danny bent down to scratch its belly.

“Since when does Cosmo have a puppy?”

I shrugged. “It could belong to any of them, truthfully. She’s awfully cute!”

The little mutt stood up on long, shaky legs and waddled over to me. I put my face down next to her little muzzle and she licked my chin happily.

“She knows good people, that’s for sure,” Danny said quietly.

I smiled at him and gave the little girl one more scratch behind the ears. I nudged Jinx with my foot. “Hey, whose puppy is this?”

He opened an eye and frowned. “Hey, Jesse. Danny. I have no idea. I think one of the girls might have brought her over? I don’t know.”

I shook my head. “You guys decide to camp out or what?”

He laughed and closed his eyes, snuggling up to a pair of breasts. “It was just an outdoors kind of night, ya dig?”

We laughed, said our goodbyes, and walked down the steps. Danny opened my door and pulled my body to him for a kiss before letting me climb inside. I’d thrown on another sundress and left my wet hair hanging down my back. Danny was wearing his jeans from the night before, but I gave him back his Black Sabbath shirt, explaining that it needed a recharge of Danny scent. He was happy to oblige and let me know that I was welcome to his stash of shirts any time I wanted.

When we got back to Danny’s, Nora was cooking breakfast in the big kitchen. She told Danny that Janey was still asleep at her place. He went over to go wake her up and I helped Nora set the table.

“I take it the two of you had a good night?”

I nodded and smiled dreamily. “And morning. He offered to record a demo with my neighbor’s band last night.”

She smiled and said, “That’s great! He’s got such a good ear. Everyone he’s worked with has gone on to do great things. I hope the best for your friends.”

“Me, too. They’re quite lovable in a hairy, perverted kind of way.” I told her how we’d found them this morning and she rolled her eyes.

“That’s exactly what I was afraid of with Danny moving in here.”

“Yeah, but as much as they drive me crazy and interrupt my sleep, they are such good guys. I really want them to have their break, you know?”

She nodded, stirring the scrambled eggs. “Of course you do. You like helping the underdogs.”

“Guilty,” I replied and carried a pile of biscuits to the table. A very sleepy Janey came wandering in, rubbing her eyes, with a very cheery Danny behind her. He scooted her over to the table and pulled out a chair for her. Then he went to the fridge and poured her a glass of OJ. She took it from him with a questioning frown.

“You’re awfully smiley this morning. What did you two do on your date?”

I turned a little red and was thankful that she had turned her back to me.

Danny cleared his throat and said, “We went to a club to see Jesse’s neighbor’s band play. I might record a demo with them.”

She made an approving face. “Cool. Are they any good?”

He nodded and kissed her forehead. “Yep, they even wrote a song about Jesse.”


He was so full of himself. I couldn’t help but laugh.

“I’m not sure she needs to hear about Cosmo’s fixations.” Nora snorted and went back to putting the finishing touches on the bacon.

“I wondered if I could take you guys some place today,” I said nervously as we all sat down to eat. Danny was grinning from ear to ear. I was pretty sure he’d go for anything.

“As long as it’s no more shopping, I’m game. Mom dragged me all over New York when I was there and it was sooo boring. I don’t even like shopping that much. Where are we going,” Jane asked.

I swallowed a bite of egg with my juice. “One of your father’s assignments was to read Romeo and Juliet, a play by Shakespeare, and I found a performance of it here in town. Would you two like to join us?”

Nora smiled and said, “What do you think, Jane? Want to go watch a good love story?”

Jane wrinkled her nose and asked, “Will it be boring?”

Danny laughed. “No, baby. It’s not boring. The language is a little different, but it’s a good story.”

She shrugged and said, “Whatever. As long as we can go to Hard Rock for dinner after.”

He groaned. “Again? We went there, what, like,a week ago?”

She was determined. “So? It’s my favorite. I like to go see your guitar.”

His whole posture melted. I know he worried about whether she was proud of him, but that said it all as far as I was concerned.

“I could go for one of their salads and I do like their spring rolls,” I offered.

Danny narrowed his eyes at me, playfully. “Whatever you girls want. What time is the show, Jesse?”

“It’s at 2:00, so we should probably leave here around 1:00.”

Janey started bouncing in her seat. “Cool! I want to go swimming!” She wiped her mouth with her napkin and started to run from the table when Danny grabbed her hand.

“Hey, what do you say to Jesse for inviting us?”

She turned to me and smiled. “Thanks, Jesse. I can’t wait.” She walked over to me and gave me a hug. The tightness with which she squeezed surprised me and she held on for a long moment.

“You’re so welcome, Jane. I love hanging out with you. I hope you like the play.”

She stepped back and kissed me on the cheek. That was it. I teared up as she bounced off to her room. Danny took my hand in his and asked, “Are you ok?”

I wiped at my eyes and sniffled. “She’s just great, Danny.”

He smiled as though he understood exactly what I was saying.

Nora looked at me with a smile. “I remember the first Janey hug like that I got. It means she trusts you.” She stood, seeming to be pleased with the turn of events, and started cleaning up. I stood to help her and Danny joined me. We helped by doing the dishes and the three of us chatted.

Jane came out a few minutes later and said, “I’m going in. Who’s joining me?”

Danny said, “I’d love to, baby, but Jesse and I need to get in some school time first. That ok?”

She nodded and Nora said, “I could use a swim. Will you wait for me?”

Jane smiled cheerfully and said, “I’ll meet you out there.” We watched her flounce out and park herself on a lounge chair, slipping some sunglasses on.

“Damn. Nora, my baby’s growing up.”

She kissed his cheek as she walked by. “That she is. You guys can finish here?”

We nodded and she trotted out to her cottage. Danny wrapped his arms around my waist as I finished clearing the table.

“Romeo and Juliet, eh? You really are into torture.”

He kissed my neck and I smiled. “No torture. Just good theater.”

He continued nuzzling me and I could feel the pull.

“As much as I’m enjoying that, Danny, we really should get some work done.”

He pouted. “You’re right. What do we have left to do?”

I blew my hair out of my face, annoyed with it now that it was dry. Danny reached for my wrist and took my hair tie off. Gently he pulled my hair back behind my shoulders and braided it for me, his fingers deftly running through the strands. It felt so good. I was getting chills and losing all ability to concentrate on our task at hand. Thankfully, he finished quickly and wrapped the hair tie around the bottom.

“That felt amazing, Danny. I didn’t know you could braid hair.”

He chuckled. “Between fixing Jane’s hair when she was little and messing with my own I got pretty good at it.”

My eyes bugged out. “Your hair was long enough to braid?”

He laughed. “Yep. It was down to my ass by the time we started Blackened. Long hair was the look in the 90’s, remember? Oh, that’s right! You were too young to remember.” He swatted my ass and walked around the counter to watch the girls out in the pool.

I narrowed my eyes at him. “I guess I could watch some old MTV videos. Wait, was MTV even invented yet? You guys did have TV, right?”

He turned to smirk and I laughed to myself. Outside Jane and Nora were racing each other in the pool. Danny watched them with a satisfied expression.

“Guess we should get to work. What should we do for school time?”

“I’m not sure. I think we should analyze your transcript and see what we have left. We’ve got the exams a week from Tuesday. I’m not sure if we’ll be done, but we should be close.”

“Sounds good. I have a doctor’s appointment tomorrow. He’s going to see if I’m ready to sing.” He pulled at his lip and stared out the window.

I stepped behind him and wrapped my arms around him. “How do you feel?”

He put his hands over mine and took a shaky breath. “I feel good so far.” He looked down at our hands together and said in a voice so low it was barely a whisper, “Will you come with me, Jesse?”

I walked around the front of him and put my hands on his face. “Of course, baby. We’ll go together.”

He smiled and kissed me. “I love you.”

“Me, too. Now, let’s get to work.”

We went over his transcript and surprisingly, he only had about four credits of American Lit, six credits of World Lit, Economics, and the rest of Geometry to go. Totally doable in a week if he worked as hard as he had been. We mapped out a schedule for the rest of the week. He was really excited to be so close to finishing.

“Danny, I’m going to stay at my apartment nights. I’d feel better about it. If you are worried about me driving, I would be ok with you driving me, but I don’t want to put you out, either.”

His expression said he was unhappy about it, but thankfully he proved he was willing to compromise.

“Let’s take the ride thing day by day, ok? I do want to take you, but I know my schedule is going to be hectic when we get in the studio.”

“I understand. I don’t want to be in the w-”

“Don’t say that, please? You are my girlfriend, I love you, and you are never going to be in the way.”

I smiled sheepishly at him. “I just-”

“Jesse, let me promise you something. If it’s not the right time for you to be with me someplace I’m going, I’ll let you know. For example, when we first go in the studio and are recording, it gets intense and I’m really focused. You probably won’t want to be there and I probably won’t want you there because I won’t be pleasant to be around.”

“You mean you’ll be a dick,” I said with a mock frown.

He gave me a stunned look. “Jesse!”

I reached out to tickle him and he grabbed my hands. “I’m kidding! I’m only repeating what you said.” I tried to look apologetic, but he wasn’t buying it.

“Fine! Yeah, I’ll be a dick. But also I’d get too distracted looking at those legs, and the guys would have to ban you from the studio, and then I’d have to kick their asses. That would be non-productive.”

We were sitting at the bar finishing our work for the day at this point and he stood and wrapped me in his arms. I remembered my conversation with Alex and Julian.

“You know, they joke about being able, or unable, to take you in a fight. Are you a fighter, Danny?”

He frowned and rubbed my back with his thumbs absently. “I guess. We used to fight all the time when we were younger.”

I was shocked. “Really? Like knock-down, drag-out fighting?”

He nodded with a smirk. “Yeah.”

“With whom!?”

He laughed nervously. “With each other, with other guys... I don’t know! You know I have a short fuse.”

I laughed out loud. “I knew you had a short fuse, but I wondered why they acted kind of afraid of you. Are you like a badass or something?”

He pulled me closer to him and said, “Would that make me hot or a total dipshit?” I laughed and pinched his side.“Ow! I don’t know! I can handle myself. I don’t go out looking for fights, if that’s what you mean.”

I shook my head and rested it against his chest. “As long as you know I can still take you in a tickle war I guess it’s ok.”

His chest rumbled with laughter and it was music to my ears. “You can take me however you want me, honey. I’m all yours.”

At that I looked up at him wishing we had just a little time alone, but we heard Nora and Jane come into the kitchen.

“Hey, you two,” Danny yelled. “It’s almost time to go. You better go get showered.”

They both hollered they needed a snack.

“I’ll put something together. You can eat on the way, now scoot! I don’t want to miss the play.” I loved it when he got bossy.

We made it out of the driveway only fifteen minutes late with Danny half-heartedly scolding us. I’d gone into Jane’s room to help her find something to wear and it turned into a fashion show. The girl had a ton of clothes.

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