Teaching Bailey (2 page)

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Authors: Crystal G. Smith

BOOK: Teaching Bailey
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Chapter Three

              Just like any other morning, up at 5 a.m., not so excited about how the day would turn out anymore.  She used to dream she would meet tall blue eyed, and handsome on the subway, or at a bus stop, or something movie like.  But not anymore.   Those were the dreams of a girl and she was now a woman, standing on her own two feet.  She couldn’t afford to dream like that anymore.  It only brought heartache to her and she wouldn’t cry anymore about the life that was so clearly not meant to be hers.

The phone rang just then, bringing her back out of her dream like state.  “Hello.”

“So are we going shopping today?”  She couldn’t help but to let a chuckle escape her mouth at the way she had slowly yet excitedly said shopping.

She took a deep breath and told herself she could do this.  “Yep.  I guess we are.”  As soon as the words were out of Bailey’s mouth it was over.  The excitement in Rachel grew and she went to yelling off all the places they were going.

“First, I have to go to work.  I get off at five.  I’ll meet you somewhere.”  Bailey tried.

“When was the last time you called into work?”  Sarcasm filled Rachel’s voice.

“I have never called into work.”  Bailey said proudly.

“Well, like tonight, there is a first time for everything.  Call in.  I’ll be there in a few.”  She didn’t even give Bailey a chance to protest before she hung up and if Bailey knew Rachel like she thought she did, Rachel would be there in about ten minutes and that didn’t leave her much time to prepare herself for all the things that she was hoping to be able to get out of her about the school.

She quickly changed out of the grey skirt, blazer and pink blouse she had put on for work and changed into some comfortable jeans and t shirt.  She chunked her heels for a pair of tennis shoes, changed out purses and glanced over herself in the mirror.  Her hair pulled back in a bun, no makeup, she was plain. 
Who wants someone that is plain?

She heard footsteps, then a tap on the door before it came open.  “Bailey, are you ready?  Come on we have a long day ahead of us.”

“Yeah, I’m coming.”  She looked over herself one more time and then turned away from the mirror.

The first store they went into was the best place.  Not because of the purchases but watching Rachel pick out clothing for her was hilarious.  Half of what she held up Bailey wouldn’t have been caught dead in.  The other half well, Bailey wanted, had looked at, but scared her.  It showed off a lot more skin than she was used to showing.

The next few stores were a blur.  It was approaching noon and her hands were full of outfits that she probably wouldn’t have enough time to wear.  When it came time to pick out what she had been nervous the most about today, she couldn’t believe it.  Lingerie could really be skimpy and skimpy was not who she wanted to be.

“Bails, come on.  You don’t know if you’re gonna like it if you don’t try it on.  Do it.  Besides you really don’t need the whole getup.  You just need sexy panties and bra’s.”

“Yes, Mommy.”  Ok, so Bailey would buy whatever Rachel wanted and then take it back after she didn’t wear it was her thought.

Rachel picked out six different sets for when Bailey’s clothes would come off.  Realizing they were meant one for each night.  Bailey grew nervous at that moment.  Her breath hitched as her heart began beating harder and faster.  She stared into her eyes and the world around them seemed to be in slow motion. 

“Here sit here.”  Rachel’s hands were on Bailey’s shoulders leading her to a nearby bench.  “It’s ok.  Breathe in, breathe out.  You’ll be fine.  The only reason you’re nervous is because you have no idea what to expect.  That’s part of it I promise.  I know you want me to tell you all about it, but I can’t.  Fear can make things go a lot better or worse.  It’s up to you how you choose to use it.”

Bailey looked and felt completely confused.  “I don’t think I can do it Rach.  I mean really because I don’t even know how to put makeup on that includes color. And my hair, I mean all I do is put it in a bun and that’s it.”

“Relax.  After lunch, we are going to Barney’s for a complete makeover.”

“Makeover?  Like what kind of makeover Rachel?” 

“Like the kind that will make my little ugly duckling into a beautiful swan.  Don’t worry.”

“I can’t believe you just called me ugly.”  Bailey said it as Rachel looped her arm into hers and pulled Bailey away with the items she had selected.

Lunch went by fast and Bailey nervously sat in a chair while Meesha inspected her hair.  The look on her face was telling Bailey she thought the same thing about her dull dingy dark hair. 

“Ok, so you definitely need a hot oil treatment and some color.  Lewis will have a field day with makeup.  Follow me.”  She turned walking away and stood staring at Rachel while she smiled almost hysterically at Bailey.

Her fingers felt like magic working into Bailey’s scalp.  Bailey’s eyes closed taking in the wonderful fruity smell surrounding her.  She sat enjoying Meesha’s touch and thought about how she could go to sleep just like she was.  As a matter of fact, she almost did.

“Follow me.”  She said walking away.

She stood going to her nervously.  Bailey had never had any color added to her hair.  She couldn’t even remember putting hairspray on it.  But it was nothing until Meesha started pulling the aluminum foil out.  All Bailey could do was shut her eyes.

It seemed like forever went by before Meehsa was saying, “Follow me.”  She stood and after sitting under the dryer thing, she rinsed Bailey’s hair again.  When Bailey took a seat at Meesha’s booth, again the towel covered her hair.  Meehsa shook the towel as she tried to get a peak as to what color Bailey’s hair was now.

The towel came loose and Bailey couldn’t believe what she was seeing.  Gone dull hair hello dark brunette hair with a few dark blonde highlights.  Appreciation suddenly became clear enough that Meesha simply replied to the silent compliment, “Thank You.  I know, I know.  Damn I’m good.”

“Yes you are.”  Was all Bailey could say before the chair was spinning and who she only assumed was Lewis standing in front of her smearing makeup on her face while she felt Meesha pulling her hair by the roots or so it felt.

But when they were finished an hour and half later, Bailey couldn’t believe she was the woman staring back at her.  Her hair was absolutely amazing.  The ends curled and down long over her shoulders.  The highlights were beautiful and had brightened up her hair.

Her face was not her face at all.  The same lonely sad blue eyes that she had stared at in the mirror no longer existed.  They sparkled and shimmered.  Two shades of brown eye shadow really made them pop paired with the black eyeliner and mascara.  The rose colored cheeks were bright and added to the light pink lips that were full and she was sure didn’t belong to her.

Her eye sight blurred.  She was absolutely beautiful.  Amazingly beautiful.  She saw Rachel behind her.  Bailey smiled when Rachel placed her hands down on her shoulders. 

“You so owe me a big thanks for this one.”

“Thank You.” 

“Really that’s it?”

“I’m a swan.”  The flood gates opened and tears poured briefly before everyone was screaming stop.  They scared the shit out of her.  “What?”

“You’re gonna make it run that’s what.  Never cry unless someone has or is about to die.”  It was the first time Lewis had spoken. She stiffened up and sniffed her nose.  She could do this. 

The moment she walked out of that salon her life changed.  People were looking at her.  Guys were looking at her.  She felt their eyes checking her out.  She liked it.  It was 3:30 and in a few hours she would be meeting Sir Cole Stevens and hopefully he would agree.

She felt good in her new image.  There was no way in hell she was going to go home and sit and nervously wait for the time to come.  Hell no!  She was going to continue shopping and having fun while doing it.  After all, she hadn’t looked or felt this good ever.  She deserved this.

Chapter Four

              Ok.  I can do this.
  It was already 6:30pm when she strolled into Simmons.  She knew that she wasn’t supposed to arrive until 7pm and that she would have a wait.  What she was secretly hoping when she chose a seat at the bar close enough to the hostess, was to overhear his name when he entered and get a look at him. 

She needed to know what this man looked like.  No, she had to know.  Not that she thought she was now supermodel like material, but she was not going to spend the week or night for that matter with someone that was five foot tall and weighed three hundred pounds.  Or terribly ugly for that matter. 

“What can I get for you?”  The bartender asked.  Bailey looked up and WOW, if her date looked anything like this guy, she was all in.  She could actually feel her mouth beginning to water when she opened it to answer him.

“Can I just have white wine please?  It doesn’t matter what kind.”

He smiled at her as he turned away.  She leaned forward slightly feeling like someone inside her was making her look over the bar at his ass.  Tight and cute ass at that with his black Levis that were filled out nicely.  Yep, she’d take one of him, she thought to herself.

“So are you meeting someone here?”

“Yes I am.”

“Well if your date doesn’t show up, let me know.  I feel a headache coming on.”  He smiled flirtatiously at her. 

Hell to the yeah!
Yep I do look as good as I thought I did.
  She never a day in her life could remember being flirted with.  This was exciting. 

“I’ll keep that in mind.”  She winked at him feeling quite flirtatious herself.   He turned back and began waiting on other customers.

Bailey looked around and she immediately saw a man sitting at a table by himself.  Older gentleman.  Dressed in a navy blue suit with white shirt and matching tie.  His shoes were creepishly shiny though.  He looked as though he was nervous as he had glanced down at his watch repeatedly while she had been observing him.  A thought popped in her head.  What
if that is him?  What if he had the same idea as I did?  Oh shit.

Bailey’s palms began to sweat nervously and she could feel her anxiety level raise to a whole new level.  She felt a nauseous feeling raising in the pit of her stomach and she knew at any time she was going to have to throw up. 

he reached down and guzzled her wine hoping it would either take the nauseous feeling away, or push it lower long enough for her to be sure. 

Bailey heard voices behind her and turned around glancing over her shoulder.  A single woman was being escorted over to the table with man.  She blew out a breath of air as she had just now noticed that she was not breathing normal at all but gasping and holding her breath then gasping and holding her breath again.

“It can’t be that bad.  Let me guess, blind date?”  Cute bartender asked.

“How did you know?”  She asked curiously.  Was she was really that nervous that he just read her like an open book.

“I see it a lot here.  You have the same look on your face that I see once a night.  Sometimes more.  What time is the lucky bastard supposed to be here?”


“I tell you what, what’s his name?”

“Why do you wanna know?”

“Look, I can talk to Ali over there and find out if she knows anything about him.”

“Cole Stevens.”

“Any particulars you want to know?”

“Only if I will pleasantly pleased with his appearance or if I should run for the hills now.”  She smiled trying to hold back the ‘oh my god’ look fighting its way to her face.

“Ok.  Be right back, Sugar.”  She watched him walking away and then he stood there talking with Ali.  He stayed only briefly but when his brows arched up and his serious face appeared, it didn’t help her at all.

“Ok, so here is the deal.  She wouldn’t tell me anything.  All she would say was sit back and enjoy the ride.”

“That’s it.”  She was shocked.  That was a waste of time. 

“Sorry I couldn’t help you out more.  I can claim a headache in a few if you want to ditch him?”  He wiggled his eyebrows at her causing her to smile.

“No I can’t do that.  Even if he is less than appealing, I couldn’t stand the guy up.  Not like that.”

“Ok then.  Well if you don’t take him home with you, let me know.”

“Will do.”  She said it too quickly. 
Will I?
  He walked away from the bar and off into a back room after placing another white wine in front of her. 

The sudden feel of strong hands on her hips and a nose in her ear caused her to stiffen.  She didn’t move.  His breath was warm against her ear.  She could smell his scent which only caused her to take a deeper breath.  He smelled of body bath and clean laundry.  It was nothing other than intoxicating.

“You know if you want to spend the evening with Johnny Boy, I’m sure I can make other arrangements for this evening.”

His voice was deep and sexy.  Raspy almost, like he had just stirred from a long night out.

“No.  I don’t want that.”  She whispered, unable to find her voice.

“Good.  How many of those have you had?”  His lips brushed her ear again and she suddenly felt a surge of wetness between her legs.  She was completely dumbfounded by her reaction to his touch. 

“Um,,,two.”  She was breathless already, waiting for more.  She suddenly imagined him spinning her around on the bar stool, lifting her black dress and taking her there and now.

“Good.  You’ll need to be sober for what I have in mind.”  She could feel his smile against her neck.  His hands slid into hers turning her to look at him.

OH HOLY HELL, he is a GOD!

His dark hair was cut short, which she loved, his eyes dark but sparkled, and so full of mystery.  His skin was tanned.  His lips full.  Dimples in his cheeks
Her eyes roamed down his body, taking in the dark grey suit he wore, the black sleek tie, the broadness of his shoulders down to his long legs. 


Bailey wanted to high five herself, but she didn’t want to freak him out to bad.  She was going to lose her virginity to a Greek God tonight and spend a week with him. 

Can a girl get any luckier than I?

He smiled.  “Cole Stevens.  Nice to meet you Bailey.  Here tonight you can call me Cole.  When we step out those doors, you will call me Sir only.  Do you understand?”

She shook her head yes at him not able to say anything else.   She didn’t know if there was anything else she could say to that.  She would call him anything he wanted at this point.

“Good.  I believe our table is waiting for us.”  He slipped his hand around her waist while still holding her hand, he led her to their table and pulled the seat out for her.  The waitress came and handed them the menus.  Bailey went to open her menu, but his hand reached over taking it from her and with a smile he ordered for them both.

“We will have the braised lamb with the grilled eggplant salad.  Two glasses of Frenc
Bordeaux please.”

“Very good choice, Sir.”  The waitress batted her eyes nervously as she took the menus.  Bailey had to wonder was she being polite in calling him ,Sir, or was she calling him SIR.  As in her Sir for the next seven days. 

His eyes stared back at her.  “So, I’m curious Bailey.  Why have you been sitting at the bar for the last thirty minutes?”


That wasn’t the topic of the conversation she thought they would be having after what he had just done to her at the bar.

“Well, I wanted to see if I could get a glance at who I was meeting here.”  Feeling a bit shy, she hadn’t intended on admitting being there early and why she was there.

She chanced a glance up and he looked amused.  “Good.  So I take it you like what you see then, you’re still sitting there.  Am I correct?”

She blushed as she answered his question with a nod.

“So then, I take it you have a problem with appearances then.”  His question felt more like a statement.

“Yes and no.”  She felt confident with that answer.

“Ok, care to elaborate on that.”

“Well to be honest, the thought of having,,, well a relationship with someone that is disgustingly over weight is a turn off.  Not to mention I couldn’t imagine kissing someone with a severe case of gingivitis.  Does that make any sense to you?”

“Perfect.”  She watched as he opened his mouth to say something else, but she was briefly saved by the waitress returning with their food.  She couldn’t have come at a better time.  Even though at this point, Bailey was still nervous as hell, still twiddling her thumbs, still staring at her thumbs play, she felt as though as long as he was eating he wouldn’t be grilling her for more information about herself when she knew little about him.

The lamb was divine.  She had never eaten lamb before so this was a real treat as she enjoyed trying new foods.  She looked up and he was watching her while he ate.  For a moment she wondered if she had been eating like a pig.  She looked at his plate and then at hers.  She had a lot more left then he did.

“Why are you watching me eat?”

“Is that what you’re doing?  I think birds call that eating.”

And she knew what he was talking about.  Rachel always teased her about how slow she always ate.  Really it was just that Bailey liked to savor the flavor of the food. 

“Sorry.  I have always eaten really slow.” 
Great.  Now I’m even nervous about eating.  This just keeps getting better.  So far the only thing I have enjoyed is his looks, his smell, his touch, and this lamb.  What I really want right now is his touch.

She shifted in her seat and she could still feel the wetness between her legs.

He patiently waited until she finished eating, paid the bill and escorted her to his car.  The light caress of his hand to her back was doing strange and wonderful feelings to her body.  But then, those feelings were pushed aside when she got a look at his car.

She had no idea what kind of car it was.  But it sure was nice.  Black, four doors, curves on the body.  He opened the door for her and as graceful as she could she got in.  Smooth black leather seats.  The smell was amazing and identical to him.  She could sit in his car forever and it would still not be enough.

“Where are we going?”

He smiled.  “Just relax.  My place.  I will however need to blindfold you when we get close.  Not that I am saying you will become an obsessed stalker, but it has happened in the past, therefore it is the rules.”

“Blindfold?”  She felt her heart start to beat faster.

“Yes, blindfold.  You should know, it won’t be the only time that you will wear one.”  He winked at her.  She quickly turned her head back to concentrate on the road in front of her as if she were the one driving.

Concentration didn’t stick.  Before she knew it he was saying her name, they were stopped on the side of the road and he was holding a black silk material in his hand. Bailey’s breathing increased, her heart went into overdrive.

“Just relax Bailey.  For you to get the true experience of this week, you’re gonna have to trust me completely when I say I will not hurt you.  Well no more than you can take anyways.”

She clamped her eyes closed not from trust but from his comment.  She was going to be hurt. 

Which means I am going to feel pain.

The smooth material rubbed across her eyes and felt cool against her skin.  She felt him tie the knot and then adjust the front.  She continued to work on slowing her breathing down before she started to hyperventilate.

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