Teaching Maya (3 page)

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Authors: Tara Crescent

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Bdsm

BOOK: Teaching Maya
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We were quiet on the car ride back. I was still processing everything that had happened. It had been the most amazing sex I had had in my life. I had loved Ryan’s firm commands. Were those two things intertwined? Did I need someone to dominate me, was that why Anthony never did anything for me? It was all too much to
deal with.

As we pulled into the driveway, I had one important question for Ryan. One that I was too nervous to ask, really. Thankfully, he asked it for me.
“Want to play again, Maya?” Was that hesitation in his voice?

Yes!” I answered, emphatically. There was no hesitation in mine. “Yes please, I’d love to play again.”

Chapter 4

The next couple of days were surreal. I went through the motions of the family vacation. I hung out on the beach with my sisters and cousins. We played volleyball. We went out one night, just the girls, to a new craft brewery that had opened up in town. All through this activity, my mind was wondering – when next? When would the next play session with Ryan be?

Just when I
thought I couldn’t take it anymore, I got a text from Ryan at 4pm that evening. “Tonight? Meet me by the car at 11pm.”

I texted back a one-word reply.

It had been a tiring day. I’d gone for a run in the morning, trying to burn up some of the restless energy I was feeling. Once I got back, I’d
played a game of beach volleyball. Lunch was delicious, and post-lunch, I’d been roped into helping my grandmother weed the garden. By the time I received the text, I was a hot, tired mess.

A nap, followed by a long, hot shower restored me, and by the time 11pm had rolled around, I was actually awake and ready to go.

“Hello Maya.” Ryan’s voice greeted me as I walked towards the driveway.

Ryan,” I said. My voice was meant to sound calm. Instead, it was soft with need I could not hide.

He didn’t kiss me this time. We walked together to the car, and in about twenty minutes, we were back at the cottage, th
e scene of our earlier session.

Ready, Maya?”

This was going to be hard
er. The last time, Ryan had been reassuring and kind. This time around, so far, he was being curt. It was making me nervous. Some of it must have shown in my face, because he reached out and gently stroked my cheek.

Relax, kitten. It’s just a game. Follow the rules, remember your safeword.”

I nodded.
I wanted this,
I reminded myself. Our first session had been the best sex I’d ever had. I had masturbated to that memory last night, and I had come to the kind of shuddering release that I thought only happened to other people. It had been amazing.


A one word command. I gulped, but obeyed. I took
off my black dress, then my bra and panties. I stepped out of the panties nervously, and kept my eyes lowered.

Eye contact, please, Maya.”

Damn him. Fine. He’d have eye contact. I looked into his eyes, doing my best to keep my emotions hidden. His lips quirked.

Ryan didn’t stay to savour my discomfort. He wandered around the cottage, lighting dozens of candles, and then turning off the main light switch. The cottage was suddenly bathed in the golden glow of candlelight. In a different context, it would have been amazingly romantic. But I was standing naked in front of a fully clothed Ryan Clayborn, and I was embarrassed not by my nakedness, but by my quick compliance with his orders.

We increase the intensity today, Maya. I happened to visit a hardware store today, and hardware stores are great for emergency bondage supplies.”

I gulped.

He looked at me thoughtfully. “It’s probably best if you sit,” he muttered, almost to himself. He pulled a straight-backed chair forward.


I sat, my thighs close together, on the chair.

“Thighs open, please. Spread your legs wide, Maya.”

I felt my entire body heat up with embarrassment and heat. My treacherous pussy was moist with need. As it had during our previous session, my body was responding to his firmness.

He reached into a shopping bag on the counter, and pulled a long length of cloth rope from it.

I’m going to tie you to the chair, Maya.”

His announcements of what was going to happen just served to increase my arousal.

He moved towards the chair, and expertly tied my hands behind my back. Had it been anyone other than Ryan, I would have been very nervous. Since it was Ryan, I was aroused mostly. But I was a tiny bit nervous.

Now the legs,” Ryan said, and tied my lower legs and ankles to the chair’s two front legs. This held them wide open; I couldn’t close my legs together if I wanted to. My nervousness increased.  Ryan just grinned wickedly.

Did you like the pain, when I spanked you?” he asked conversationally. I could have screamed. I was aroused, my pussy was dripping, and all I wanted him to do was touch me.

But I thought about what he asked.
“I think I did. I liked that you touched me at the same time, not just spanked me. It made it really erotic.”

Good. Well, I neglected your breasts tremendously the other day, and I’m quite determined to fix that today,” Ryan remarked. “This will hurt, but we’ll see if we can find a way to ease the pain.”

I looked at him, hesitantly
. What did he have planned?

He reached his hand out to cup my breasts, one at a time, flicking his fingers over my nipples. They instantly hardened. He pinched them, first gently, then harder, pulling my nipples away from my breasts and twisting them in his fingers. I winced slightly, but at the same time, I could feel my pussy juices run.

He rummaged again in the shopping bag, and brought out a package of clothespins. “Nipple clamps, hardware store style,” he commented. “I actually think I prefer clothespins – you can get more of them on.”

Now Maya, this package has twenty-four clothespins in it. I’m going to see how many I can put on your breasts. And I’d be really pleased if you take them all, okay?”

Okay,” I said, swallowing. “What happens if I safeword?”

He stopped what he was doing, and crouched forward.
“If you safeword, we’ll stop, discuss what the problem is and resolve it. If you say No, same thing. Okay?” He smiled at me, all warm reassurance. I nodded.

I bit my lip as he put the first pin on my right nipple. It hurt. I moaned. Ryan’s hands were tracing small circles around my nipples though, easing the pain.

“Relax your muscles; let the pain flow through you.”

I carefully exhaled. I hadn’t realized I had been holding my breath.

He put the next one on my left nipple, and once again gently caressed my breasts. Pleasure and pain coursed through me.

The third and fourth pins were placed on my right breast, above my nipple.
I drew my breath in sharply. This hurt a lot.

Relax,” Ryan soothed. He went down on his knees in front of me, and bent his head towards my pussy. His tongue reached out and licked a long line down the slit. “I think you like this, don’t you, Maya? You are soaking wet.”

I flushed.
I couldn’t hide the evidence of my arousal from Ryan. He continued to place the fifth and sixth pins on my left breast, matching the ones on the right. My hands clenched into fists.
I told myself.

The seventh,
eighth and ninth pins completed the circle around my right nipple, and the tenth, eleventh and twelfth did the same for my left. I shrieked in pain. Ryan had put these on quickly, without stopping to rub my breasts.

Ryan,” I whimpered. It hurt. I wanted him to touch my pussy.

Hush,” he said, one finger stroking my lips. “You are doing so well, Maya.” His fingers softly stroked my swollen and tender breasts. I winced in the anticipation of pain, but the pins just amplified the feeling, and his fingers felt hot on my clamped breasts. I moaned again.

“I know, kitten,” he said softly. His fingers traced soft circles on my pussy, and I held very still. I didn’t want him to stop.

He knelt in front of me again, inserting two fingers into my wet, wa
iting pussy. His mouth was on my pussy, flicking my clitoris with his tongue, sucking it very gently into his mouth. I wanted to thrust my hips into his hands, but he’d done his job well; I couldn’t move my hips. I groaned helplessly. My arousal was building, and I was quickly approaching orgasm.

Just as I approached the edge though, he stopped.
“No!” I muttered. “Not fair!”

Ryan grinned.
“Life’s not always fair, Maya. Case in point.” He showed me the three clothespins in his hand. “I know it seems like you have plenty on already, and your breasts must be really sore, but we aren’t done here, are we?”

I groaned, but nodded for him to continue. I was floating, I could feel the pain, yet somehow, I was outside of the pain. All I wanted to do was follow Ryan’s instructions.

The three clothespins in his hand started the second ring of clothespins around my right nipple, three others completed the ring. Ryan stood back, and admired his handiwork. I wondered what he saw. My hair was damp with sweat, any make up I had on must have smeared by this time. I was probably a mess.

You should see yourself, Maya. You are so hot right now,” Ryan said. “Just a bit more.” The final six clothespins from the package were placed on my left breast.

I could feel my breasts throbbing. They were red and inflamed, with the two rings of clothespins around my nipples. The pain
pulsed through me. My hands were clenched into fists behind my back.

Good girl.” Ryan’s voice was warm with approval. He smiled at me, and kissed my lips tenderly. His hands softly cupped the underside of my breasts.

Now, you’ve earned a reward,” he said, as he again knelt in front of my hot, swollen, gushing pussy, and lowered his mouth onto it. I was wet, open and ready. His tongue skillfully brought me to orgasm, and I cried out as I started to quake, my pussy clenching around his fingers. Waves of pleasure washed over me, but he didn’t slow down, he kept licking my wet slit, alternatingly flicking and sucking my clitoris, pumping his fingers in and out of my pussy. My moans grew more continuous. “Please, Ryan, please,” I begged incoherently, “please don’t stop.” I kept coming in waves for what seemed like hours, but was in real life undoubtedly only a few minutes.

I don’t think I passed out, or maybe I did. When I came to awareness, Ryan
was untying the ropes around my wrists and my legs. I moved my hands gingerly. They were stiff, and my muscles were screaming in pain.

I’ll take care of your arms in a moment, but first, we need to get these pins off, Maya. And this will hurt.” He quickly removed the pins, and I shrieked as the blood coursed through my breasts. I looked down; my breasts were blotched with patches of angry red where the clothespins had bit them.

Ryan leaned in and kissed me very gently. I was shaking in exhaustion.
“Come,” he said, carrying me from the chair, and depositing me on the bed. He joined me, and very gently started stroking my breasts, soothing them with his fingertips. It felt incredible. I fell asleep under his tender ministrations.


It was dark when I woke up; almost all the candles had burned themselves down. Ryan was asleep on the bed next to me, naked. I looked at him greedily in the gloom, drinking in the sight of his firm body. He looked so relaxed in his sleep; his usual amused-mocking look missing. I reached out, unable to stop myself, and traced the outline of his jaw with my fingers.

His eyes opened.
“Hello,” he said, still sleepy.

Hello,” I replied, softly, moving my entire body closer to his. I wanted to feel every inch of Ryan against me.

He quickly grabbed me, and lifted
me up and moved me so that I was lying on top of him. I rested my head on his chest.

Do your breasts hurt?” Ryan asked.

Just a tiny bit tender,” I replied. “No bathing suit for me tomorrow, I guess.”

The forecast calls for rain.” Ryan replied, sounding amused, and just a tiny bit smug. “I’m not entirely inconsiderate, you know.”

I laughed.
“That’s seriously impressive planning.”

Mmm-hmm.” Ryan shifted me slightly, and stroked my hips lightly. I could feel his erection growing against my inner thigh. I grinned to myself. I was about to be very naughty.

I sat up, still astride Ryan, grabbed his erect cock and guided i
t to my wet, waiting pussy. I eased down on his cock, just a tiny bit. “Want to play some more, Ryan?” I teased.

His lips quirked and
his hands reached out to rest on my hips. “You do like to live dangerously, don’t you, Maya?”

I clenched my vaginal muscles very slightly in response. His hands tightened on my hips.
I thought. I liked knowing that I could make him lose his firmly-held self-control, even if just a little bit.

His eyes met mine. Was I looking for permission to continue?
Somewhat, but not exactly. I guess I was looking for a sign that Ryan would welcome my taking the lead. I loved Ryan’s firmness, but I was never going to totally surrender my identity to become a pliant submissive. Sometimes, I wanted to break the rules.

Ryan smiled at me. There was no mockery in his gaze, it was straightforward, and for the first time, I could see the need in his eyes.

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