Teaching the Common Core Math Standards With Hands-On Activities, Grades 3-5

Read Teaching the Common Core Math Standards With Hands-On Activities, Grades 3-5 Online

Authors: Judith A. Muschla,Gary Robert Muschla,Erin Muschla-Berry

Tags: #Education, #Teaching Methods & Materials, #Mathematics, #General

BOOK: Teaching the Common Core Math Standards With Hands-On Activities, Grades 3-5
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Table of Contents

Title Page


Jossey-Bass Teacher

Other Math Books by the Muschlas

About this Book

About the Authors


Section 1: Standards and Activities for Grade 3

Operations and Algebraic Thinking: 3.OA.1
Operations and Algebraic Thinking: 3.OA.2
Operations and Algebraic Thinking: 3.OA.3
Operations and Algebraic Thinking: 3.OA.4
Operations and Algebraic Thinking: 3.OA.5
Operations and Algebraic Thinking: 3.OA.6
Operations and Algebraic Thinking: 3.OA.7
Operations and Algebraic Thinking: 3.OA.8
Operations and Algebraic Thinking: 3.OA.9
Number and Operations in Base Ten: 3.NBT.1
Number and Operations in Base Ten: 3.NBT.2
Number and Operations in Base Ten: 3.NBT.3
Number and Operations—Fractions: 3.NF.1
Number and Operations—Fractions: 3.NF.2
Number and Operations—Fractions: 3.NF.3
Measurement and Data: 3.MD.1
Measurement and Data: 3.MD.2
Measurement and Data: 3.MD.7
Measurement and Data: 3.MD.8
Geometry: 3.G.1
Geometry: 3.G.2

Section 2: Standards and Activities for Grade 4

Operations and Algebraic Thinking: 4.OA.1
Number and Operations in Base Ten: 4.NBT.3
Number and Operations in Base Ten: 4.NBT.4
Number and Operations in Base Ten: 4.NBT.5
Number and Operations in Base Ten: 4.NBT.6
Number and Operations—Fractions: 4.NF.1
Number and Operations—Fractions: 4.NF.2
Number and Operations—Fractions: 4.NF.3
Number and Operations—Fractions: 4.NF.4
Number and Operations—Fractions: 4.NF.5
Number and Operations—Fractions: 4.NF.6
Number and Operations—Fractions: 4.NF.7
Measurement and Data: 4.MD.1
Measurement and Data: 4.MD.2
Measurement and Data: 4.MD.3
Measurement and Data: 4.MD.4
Measurement and Data: 4.MD.5
Measurement and Data: 4.MD.6
Measurement and Data: 4.MD.7
Geometry: 4.G.1
Geometry: 4.G.2
Geometry: 4.G.3

Section 3: Standards and Activities for Grade 5

Operations and Algebraic Thinking: 5.OA.1
Operations and Algebraic Thinking: 5.OA.2
Operations and Algebraic Thinking: 5.OA.3
Number and Operations in Base Ten: 5.NBT.1
Number and Operations in Base Ten: 5.NBT.2
Number and Operations in Base Ten: 5.NBT.3
Number and Operations in Base Ten: 5.NBT.4
Number and Operations in Base Ten: 5.NBT.5
Number and Operations in Base Ten: 5.NBT.6
Number and Operations in Base Ten: 5.NBT.7
Number and Operations—Fractions: 5.NF.1
Number and Operations—Fractions: 5.NF.2
Number and Operations—Fractions: 5.NF.3
Number and Operations—Fractions: 5.NF.4
Number and Operations—Fractions: 5.NF.5
Number and Operations—Fractions: 5.NF.6
Number and Operations—Fractions: 5.NF.7
Measurement and Data: 5.MD.1
Measurement and Data: 5.MD.2
Measurement and Data: 5.MD.3
Measurement and Data: 5.MD.4
Measurement and Data: 5.MD.5
Geometry: 5.G.1
Geometry: 5.G.2
Geometry: 5.G.3
Geometry: 5.G.4


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Copyright © 2014 by Judith A. Muschla, Gary Robert Muschla, and Erin Muschla-Berry. All rights reserved.

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Jossey-Bass Teacher

Jossey-Bass Teacher provides educators with practical knowledge and tools to create a positive and lifelong impact on student learning. We offer classroom-tested and research-based teaching resources for a variety of grade levels and subject areas. Whether you are an aspiring, new, or veteran teacher, we want to help you make every teaching day your best.

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Other Math Books by the Muschlas

  • Geometry Teacher's Activities Kit: Ready-to-Use Lessons and Worksheets for Grades 6–12
  • Math Smart!: Over 220 Ready-to-Use Activities to Motivate and Challenge Students, Grades 6–12
  • Algebra Teacher's Activities Kit: 150 Ready-to-Use Activities with Real-World Applications
  • Math Games: 180 Reproducible Activities to Motivate, Excite, and Challenge Students, Grades 6–12
  • The Math Teacher's Book of Lists, 2nd Edition
  • The Math Teacher's Problem-a-Day, Grades 4–8: Over 180 Reproducible Pages of Quick Skill Builders
  • Hands-On Math Projects with Real-Life Applications, Grades 3–5
  • Hands-On Math Projects with Real-Life Applications: Grades 6–12, 2nd Edition
  • Math Teacher's Survival Guide: Practical Strategies, Management Techniques, and Reproducibles for New and Experienced Teachers, Grades 5–12
  • The Algebra Teacher's Guide to Reteaching Essential Concepts and Skills: 150 Mini-Lessons for Correcting Common Mistakes
  • Teaching the Common Core Math Standards with Hands-On Activities, Grades 6–8
  • Math Starters: 5- to 10-Minute Activities Aligned with the Common Core Math Standards, Grades 6–12, 2nd Edition

About this Book

The Common Core State Standards Initiative for Mathematics identifies the concepts, skills, and practices that students should understand and apply at their grade level. Mastery of these Standards at the elementary level will enable students to successfully move on to middle school mathematics.

Teaching the Common Core Math Standards with Hands-On Activities, Grades 3–5
offers a variety of activities that support instruction of the Standards. The Table of Contents provides a list of the Standards and supporting activities, enabling you to easily find material for developing your lessons. The book is divided into three sections:

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