Tears of a Hustler PT 1 (7 page)

BOOK: Tears of a Hustler PT 1
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Butch smoothly slid his blackberry out of it’s case as he typed G-money a message. “Yo I’m thirsty, bring me something to drink.” He then placed his blackberry back in it’s case, and waited patiently for his re-up to arrive.






Chapter 12





What you mean he said you can’t work there no more,” Coco asked with a nasty attitude. “Yeah that’s what Ali said,” Nancy said heatedly. “Mutha fucka just mad cause I was getting mines.” “I’m going to holla at G-money, next time I see him because this is some bullshit,” Coco said angrily like she was the one who couldn’t work there any more. “Girl I’ll be back in a few hours. I gotta go take care of something real quick,” Coco said as she grabbed her purse, and headed out the door.

Nancy just sat on the couch searching through the classified ads in the newspaper, hoping to obtain employment as soon as possible. But she knew it wouldn’t be easy with her condition. “Who am I kidding? Nobody is going to hire a bitch who’s six months pregnant,” Nancy said tossing the newspaper across the floor. She couldn’t think of one person who would hire her. On top of that, she wanted to at least have five hundred dollars saved up for the baby. Nancy wanted to kill Dave since it was his fault why she got fired from McDonalds in the first place. Nancy’s cruel thoughts came to an end when she heard somebody banging on her door like the police.

“Who is it,” she yelled out walking to the door. No answer came back. “I said who is it,” she said as she reached the peephole. Nancy huffed loudly when she noticed who it was. “What do you want,” she asked in a nasty tone. “I just want to talk to you,” Ali yelled from the other side of the door. “We don’t have a mother fucking thing to talk about,” Nancy said snaking her neck as if Ali could see her through the door. “Come, this won’t take long, plus I’m not leaving until you talk to me,” he threatened.

Ten seconds later Ali heard a series of locks being unlocked. “You got two minutes, so make it quick,” Nancy said peeking her head from behind the door. “May I come in,” Ali asked taking a step further. “Nah you good,” Nancy said stopping Ali in mid-step. “Damn sweetheart I was just coming to bring you a gift for the baby,” Ali said handing the beautiful woman who stood in front of him a thick envelope. “Nah I’m good, I don’t want no hand outs. This ain’t no charity case,” Nancy said as she refused to take the envelope. “This ain’t no hand out sweetheart, this is a gift from my heart,” he said extending his arm once again. “Thank you very much. Is there anything else I can do for you,” she asked her tone dropping a notch. “No sweetheart that will be all,” Ali said politely as he and Mel headed back down the hallway heading towards the elevator.

Nancy quickly shut the door, and proceeded to open up the envelope. Beasting to see what was inside, she ripped the envelope in four different places. Once she finally got it opened, she found that inside the envelope was a nice size stack of money along with a letter. “I don’t believe it,” Nancy said out loud as she began to count the money. Her final count was three thousand dollars. “Damn that was very nice of him,” Nancy said to herself as she sat down, and read the letter.


Dear Nancy,


If you are reading this, that means you have accepted my little gift. First of all let me start off by saying the money is not to try to buy you or your friendship that money is for that little one in your stomach. Me being a black leader and all feel it’s only right to look out for my people because if I don’t who will? But moving along I was wondering if maybe one day we might can go out and grab us something to eat if that’s okay with you. If so give me a call at (917) 555-0000. If you are not interested still give me a call. I’ve only spent twenty minutes with you and from that short time I could tell that you a sweet and special girl. Not to mention it’s plain to see you have a good heart. Well I don’t want to bore you, so I’m going to end this letter.


P.S. I hope to hear from you soon!!



When Nancy finished reading the letter, she thought that she was going to melt on the couch. Nobody had ever talked to or spoken about her like that in her entire life. For once in her life she felt special and good inside. “Nah he gotta be running game on me because he’s a drug dealer and I know it’s plenty of women who are with him or dying to be with him,” Nancy said to herself, trying to talk herself out of liking Ali and falling for his game. Nancy didn’t know what kind Ali was playing, but she definitely wasn’t interested. Besides, what would a handsome young man with money want with someone six months pregnant? Her thoughts were quickly interrupted, when she heard her microwave beeping. She rushed over to the microwave, and fetched out her butter popcorn, that she had been craving all day. As Nancy sat on the couch, eating her popcorn, she re-open Ali’s letter and read it over again.






























Chapter 13





Five hundred I make this shot,” G-money challenged dribbling the basketball between his legs, in street clothes. “That’s a bet, and you’ve been drinking today,” Skip said snatching a big wad of cash from his pocket. “Nigga must think he Tom Sheppard.” “Aight, let me get a warm up shot first,” G-money said still dribbling the ball. “Nah fuck that warm up shit, just shoot,” Skip said getting all up in G-money’s ear. “Yeah make the shot when the pressure is on nigga, you balling right? Five hundred ain’t shit to you, right?” He taunted as G-money got ready to shoot.

As G-money was about to take the shot, he noticed a crowd form. Seeing other gamblers make side bets only got G-money even more hyped. “Let’s go three, two, one,” G-money said as he shot the jumper a few feet behind the three point line. The whole crowd erupted in a loud, “OOOOH,” when the shot bounced off the rim. “Nigga must think he Jordan,” Skip said as he broke down into a laughing fit. “Yo son gimme my money.” G-money quickly peeled five hundred dollars off his stack of money and handed it to Skip. “Small thing to a giant. There’s plenty more where that came from.”

Come on we like family, I don’t like taking your money like this; its too easy,” Skip boasted as he threw his arm around G-money’s shoulder. “Nigga you only took five hundred from me, you talking like you a million or something,” G-money replied still a little salty that he had missed that shot. “You talking like you wanna run it back,” Skip challenged counting G-money’s five hundred dollars in his face, just to rub it in. “Nah maybe later, we gotta go take care of something real quick,” G-money replied as he deactivated the alarm, and started up the engine to his Benz just by a press of a button on his key chain.

When are you going to get you one of these joints,” G-money asked pulling out into traffic. “Not my style B.” Skip said placing a blunt between his lips. “You know I save all my money, you never know what might happen.” “Yeah you know in this business you might get ya head blown off tomorrow”, G-money said half jokingly. “Then all that money is going to go to waste.” “God forbid if I get killed tomorrow, I know my son and his mother will be straight,” Skip said letting out a light cough. “Plus that’s what its all about anyway my little man. I work for him, so when he gets older he ain’t gonna have to work for the white man or no bullshit like that. Why you think white folks are so far ahead of us? Because white people are born with an option, either they can work if they want, or they can not work if they don’t want. You know why? Because their parents done already put in the work so their kids won’t have to, you dig?” “Yeah I can dig it,” G-money said taking in the knowledge his friend was throwing at him. “Yeah well that’s what I do with my money,” Skip said passing the blunt to G-money.

Damn nigga why you always wet the shit all up,” G-money complained as he pulled up right in front of the boxing gym. “Why you stop here,” Skip asked curiously. “I gotta go holla at Spanky real quick,” G-money answered quickly as he slid out the driver’s seat and disappeared inside the gym.



* * * *



Spanky stood in the middle of the ring in the gym going hard with a sparing partner. For Spanky it was like fighting a girl the way he landed any punch he wanted to his sparring partner’s exposed face and head gear effortlessly. “Okay that’s enough,” Old school Freddie said tired of watching Spanky beat up on the other fighter. Old school Freddie was a boxing expert, and one hell of a trainer. He had been training Spanky since the first day he stepped foot in the gym. Freddie saw fire, and hunger in the young man’s eyes since day one, not to mention Spanky loved to hurt people. When he first started boxing, he never went for the knock out. Instead he would talk shit to his opponent while landing vicious blows. His plan was to try to in flick as much pain as possible. That was until Freddie told him to stop playing around in the ring and go for the kill. He would always tell Spanky, “A ring is no place to play, even if you know you can beat your opponent because one punch can change a fight.”

“Yo Freddie get ya old ass out the ring before I come in there and knock you the fuck out,” G-money yelled staring down the old man. “You young punk mother fuckers swear ya’ll so tough. Anybody can shoot somebody, but can you fight? Come in this ring and I’ll show you what real tough guys do,” Freddie said opening up the ropes inviting G-money into the ring. “Old man I wouldn’t even brake a sweat,” G-money countered as he gave Spanky a pound.

“You better stop fucking with Freddie, his hands are still kind of nice,” Spanky said in a matter of fact tone. “I’ll wash that nigga up stupid quick,” G-money said waiving off the old man. “But anyway what’s good? You ready to make this move?” “Yeah, come with me to the locker room real quick,” Spanky said leading G-money towards the back. “I don’t be wanting people all up in my business,” Spanky said once he and G-money were alone in the locker room.

Spanky quickly unlocked his combination lock and grabbed a book bag from his locker. “Clock work,” he said handing G-money the book bag. “That’s what I’m talking about,” G-money said looking at the neatly stacked money in the book bag. He quickly thumbed through the bills just to make sure everything was straight. “You been doing a good job,” G-money said reaching down in his draws removing a healthy Ziploc bag full of Ecstasy pills.

Yo this a double; you think you can handle this,” he asked handing Spanky the Ziploc back. “Yeah Christie should be able to handle this,” Spanky replied as he quickly stuffed the Ziploc bag in the small pocket of his duffle bag. “Ali doesn’t know anything about this right,” G-money asked curiously. “You crazy! It look like I’m trying to get killed,” Spanky said seriously. “Ali don’t want me involved in no kind of street activities.” “Because you got a career and a future; me and Ali ain’t never going to be shit but criminals you understand? I don’t even know why you fucking with these pills for anyway,” G-money told him. “I understand what ya’ll saying, but if Christie got the clientele then I’m going to supply her,” Spanky looked at G-money for a comment. “Supply and demand, Ali taught me that, plus more money is always better. You can never have enough money.” “You right about that,” G-money agreed.

So what’s good? You still rolling to the strip club with me tonight,” Spanky asked. “No doubt we in there,” G-money replied rubbing his hands together. “Aight, so I’m about to go shower up, and I guess I’ll meet you there.”

“Aight bet. I’m a call you when I’m on my way,” G-money said as he gave Spanky a pound, then headed towards the exit. When G-money made it back to the gym area he saw Old school Freddie doing some push ups. “You need to be working out your jaw instead of your arms” G-money said breaking down into a laughing fit. “My jaw is far from glass, young brother,” Freddie challenged. “One of these days I’m a whip your old ass up and down this gym,” G-money said as he made his exit.
















Chapter 14


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