Tears of War (30 page)

Read Tears of War Online

Authors: A. D. Trosper

Tags: #Science Fiction & Fantasy, #Fantasy, #Epic, #Sword & Sorcery

BOOK: Tears of War
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“How do I get it back?” Taela twisted her hands as she looked at the man.

Serena shook her head. “I don’t know, she didn’t say. Trying to communicate that through the dragons would likely be difficult. You will just have to try.”

Taela nodded and walked over to the bed. She sat on the narrow mattress and closed her eyes. Serena paused before turning back to Sehlas. “I can’t sense Spirit so you will have to let me know when you’ve gotten it back.”

The other woman gave a slight nod of her head.

Serena continued to explore the break with an examining weave. Such an interesting thing. The shield was solid and whole on one side, but as her weave skimmed across the surface she felt where it started to bend and warp. In the middle of the distorted area, she found the break. Thin, little more than a crack really, except it felt like a gaping emptiness. A shiver ran down her spine and in that moment she was even more thankful that Taela hadn’t turned out to be a Shadow Rider. Hopefully, they never got another who used Spirit.

With a gasp, Taela jerked and her eyes flew open. Serena whipped around. “What’s wrong? Did you find him?”

Taela nodded and took a deep shuddering breath. “I can’t get him back. I tried but something forcibly stopped me.” She looked at Serena, her eyes troubled. “I got the impression I’m not allowed to go where he is. So much of his spirit has already slipped through and I…”

“You what?”

Taela’s brow furrowed as confusion clouded her face. “I don’t have a connection?”

What was she talking about? Serena frowned. “Someone told you that you don’t have a connection so you can’t go get him? You aren’t making sense, are you alright?”

“I’m fine. And no, nobody told me exactly. It was a very strong impression. Like someone whispering to me just beyond my ability to hear, yet I still understood. When I tried to push anyway, I was thrown back into my own head with some force.” She rubbed her temples. “It was…uncomfortable.”

“Would it help if you were touching him?”

Taela exhaled. “I can’t. With Kellinar so far away, it would be too uncomfortable, even in the state he’s in.” She pushed her hair behind her ears. “Besides, I don’t think it will help.”

Serena looked back at Sehlas, searching his slack face. There had to be some way to heal him. Magic had its limitations but surely there was a way. She reached for Miya again.
“Relay what happened to Nydara. Make sure to include every word Taela said. I get the feeling there is something important in them.”



aleena stood with Mckale and Arandrall; the Council of Nine would be convening soon. Her nerves passed the time by tying themselves into knots. She wasn’t looking forward to being in a roomful of people where everyone would be staring, appraising, and judging. Although nine people didn’t constitute a roomful, and technically it would only be eight strangers since they had spent the day with Arandrall and he already knew of Galdrilene. It it didn’t matter to her nerves.

“Miya says Taela has tried to fix what she did to Sehlas; however, she has been unable to reach him. She said Taela got a strong impression she wasn’t allowed to and didn’t have the proper connection to go where he is. Serena wants to know if there is another way,”
came Nydara’s sending.

Nerves and the pending Council meeting forgotten, Maleena focused on the problem. Not allowed to go there? No connection? A memory of her meeting with the Ke’han floated to the surface. She recalled Angeni gasping and pulling her hand away:
“You have been to Maiadar. You have done more than pass through it, you have touched it. You have a connection to it.”

Taela didn’t have the proper connection and Sehlas would die without help. Maleena wondered if the connection Angeni had sensed was the right one?

“Maleena? What is it?”

Startled, Maleena looked up at Mckale. She had been so deep in thought she had almost forgotten she was standing in Arandrall’s office. “I have to go.”

Mckale turned his full attention on her. “Go where?”

“Haraban. Sehlas is dying and Taela can’t reach him. I have to try.”

Mckale frowned. “Sehlas? What is going on?”

“Tellnox can fill you in,” she said.

Arandrall looked first at Mckale then at her. “You have to leave right now?”

Maleena nodded. “A man’s life is more important than a meeting.”

He frowned, frustration filling his expression. “It’s too late to call off the meeting. Perhaps I can explain it myself. Lords Yennale and Holden have both been to Galdrilene. They can at least confirm what I’m saying.”

“There is no reason for you to hold the meeting by yourself. Mckale can still do it.”

Mckale shook his head. “No, we go together.”

She reached up and laid her hand on the side of his face. “We may be bondmates, but we can’t always be together. I have a duty which my magic calls me to. You can do nothing to help Sehlas and you have a duty here.”

“You will be without my shield at that distance.” His eyes were soft with worry as he trailed his hand over her shoulder.

She dropped her hand and caught his. “I lived without it for many years and it hasn’t been working all the time here lately anyway. I have to do this.”

“I don’t like it.”

Maleena smiled at him. “You don’t have to. It isn’t as though I will be without protection. I have my magic. Nydara will be there as well as Taela, Serena, Miya, and Paki. If I have need of you, I can call for you.”

Mckale nodded. “Once again you’re right, my wise woman.”

Her smile broadened. “Don’t forget I have some skill with
a sword. If some untrained servant comes at me, I should be able to defend myself.”

The deep bass of his laugh warmed her heart. He enfolded her in his arms. “Yes, you might even be able to kill an experienced swordsman—if he was already severely injured or missing his arms.”

She pushed him away with a laugh. “Think you’re funny, don’t you?”

Arandrall smiled at her. “I promise to take good care of him while you are absent.”

Maleena looked him full in the eye. “I know you will. Tellnox is circling above us right now and will be waiting in case Mckale needs him. I can be back in a matter of moments. I will be most unhappy if he comes to harm.”

Mckale rolled his eyes but Arandrall bowed low from the waist. “It will be as you say, my lady rider.”

She took a deep breath. “Now, by the time the Council convenes, they are going to know exactly what the topic is.”

Arandrall’s brow furrowed. “Why is that?”

“Because Nydara is already descending with the intention of landing on the tall tower in the center of this…house… to pick me up.”

His face seemed frozen for a moment. “Oh Fates. She is going to scare people half to death. Follow me, quickly. I will show you the stairs to the upper tower.”

As they followed him through the fortress at a near run, screams could be heard from outside the walls. They reached the top of the stairs and Arandrall shouted to the guards ahead of them, “Open it!”

They turned to him with startled looks. “But my lord, there is a dragon—”

“I know, open it!”

They pulled the heavy latch back and shoved the door upwards until it stood up, a heavy chain keeping it from falling over. Arandrall was the first up the steps with Maleena and Mckale right behind him. The sound of Nydara’s expansive wings moving in quick, short movements filled the air. In the streets below, women screamed and ran as Border Guards poured into the spaces between the buildings.

The silver landed carefully, her back feet on the parapets and one front foot on the flat top of the tower. The stone groaned under the weight of the dragon and the parapets crumbled slightly, sending pieces showering down the side of the tower.

Maleena ran to the dragon and pulled the catcher strap down from where it was looped up on the saddle. As she fastened the cuff around her ankle, she glanced up at Arandrall.

He stood staring at Nydara, a mixture of pride and amazement on his face. “She is truly beautiful.” He bowed to the dragon. She reached out with her long, tapered snout and blew a puff of smoke around him.

Maleena smiled. “Nydara says thank you and that she looks forward to meeting you properly. The smoke was her warning to keep Mckale safe in our absence.”

He stood straight and gazed at the dragon. “He will be safe, I promise.”

Mckale shook his head as he walked toward them. “I am perfectly capable of protecting myself, thank you.” Maleena hugged him back when he wrapped his arms around her and brushed a kiss across her cheek. “Be safe, my heart.”

She pulled away. “Always, bondmate.”

Maleena stepped onto Nydara’s leg and gained the saddle with a practiced leap. She secured the safety straps and gave Mckale one last smile. Nydara pushed off with her back feet, sending more crumbled stone clattering down the side of the tower. Her wings came down with a powerful rush as she climbed into the sky.

The tower and the men fell away as they gained in altitude until Nydara thought it safe enough. Maleena saw the image Miya had sent form in the silver’s mind. The Slide spun open and Maleena felt the tug as they were pulled into it.

The world faded into a swirling kaleidoscope of colors and then they came through the other side. The castle in the center of the city of Haraban sprawled beneath them. Nydara angled her wings and turned toward the big inner courtyard. She made a large spiral as she descended. Miya and Paki raised their voices in greeting. Maleena felt the vibration through the saddle as Nydara answered back.

Nydara landed next the other dragons, doing her best not to trample the carefully trimmed and sculpted shrubbery. Maleena glanced around. Large windows faced the courtyard from nearly every wall. The palace was not built to be as defensive as those in Calladar.

An angular man with a neatly trimmed mustache and beard came barreling out of a door. He skidded to a stop on the garden path and stared at her. Maleena tried to ignore his stare as she unbuckled the safety straps and climbed down. “I’m sorry about the plants. Nydara did her best to avoid them.”

He shook his head. “I don’t care about the plants. Who are you?”

“I am Di’shan Maleena, rider of the Silver dragon Nydara and a Guardian of Galdrilene.”

The man glanced up at Nydara and then back to her. “You are from Galdrilene?”

She nodded. “And you are?”

He scowled slightly and Maleena felt his irritation. “I am King Bahar of Haraban. It’s not my intention to sound rude, but what are you doing here?”

“I’m here to assist with the healing of Sehlas.” Maleena shook the skirt of her dress to straighten it out, hardly the appropriate thing to fly in. She’d rode sidesaddle on her horse and hadn’t thought to dress for dragon travel.

Bahar looked at Nydara. “You are a Silver Rider. I thought only Yellow Riders could heal.”

She sighed. “I’m afraid it’s a little more complicated than just healing. His soul needs to be pulled back into him before the break in his mind can be healed. Taela tried but was unable to recover it. I am quite a bit stronger than her so I’m here to try.” There was no need to tell him of the connection to Maiadar that was apparently needed.

He studied her for a moment and she sensed him evaluating what she had said. A mixture of worry and hope filled him. “Follow me. I will take you to them.”

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