Tears of War (61 page)

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Authors: A. D. Trosper

Tags: #Science Fiction & Fantasy, #Fantasy, #Epic, #Sword & Sorcery

BOOK: Tears of War
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She sank into it with a grateful sigh. The physician looked between her and Mckale. “Is he healed?” When she nodded he asked, “Why does he not wake?”

Serena laughed. Why did everyone always expect those who were healed with magic to suddenly spring out of bed and be back to normal as if their body had gone through nothing? “My magic can heal his injuries but it can’t put blood back in veins, nor can it take away the exhaustion caused by pain.” She yawned. “I have a mixture of herbs to give him to help with that though.”

The physician glanced at Maleena. “What about her?”

Serena stood and walked to Maleena’s side of the bed. A quick search with magic told her Maleena wasn’t at death’s door though she had lost more blood than she should have, especially for being pregnant. Enough to make her faint. It was mental overexertion that held her to unconsciousness though. Serena glanced at the doctor. “Has anyone touched her?”

He nodded. “The guards had to put pressure on her wound to stem the bleeding. Then they tried to support her when she started to collapse. They also carried her here. Why?”

Serena shook her head. “She is a Silver. With Mckale unconscious, his bondmate shield is weakened. Anyone who touched her would have overwhelmed her with any emotions they were feeling at the moment.”

Suppressing another yawn, she placed her hands on Maleena. At least her injury wasn’t nearly as extensive.

The physician frowned. “How is it you can touch her?”

Serena offered him a tired smile. “I have had extensive training on controlling my emotions around Silvers. Also, my mind is quiet right now; it will still be uncomfortable for her but nothing like what she must have experienced earlier.”

Turning back to Maleena, she began work on the rather deep puncture wound. One side was cut deeper than the other. Serena reviewed the scene Miya had played out for her after receiving it from Tellnox. Most likely Maleena had driven the arrowhead deeper on one side when she jerked away.

After healing Maleena, Serena staggered back to the chair with the help of Arandrall’s physician. He looked at her with a worried frown on his face. “Is there anything you need?”

Serena rubbed a shaky hand through her short black hair. “Something to eat and drink please. You can also let them know outside that these two are healed. Maleena should wake before too long. Mckale will take a little longer; his body has a lot of catching up to do.”

The man nodded and left the room.

She reached out for Miya,
“Please send word of Mckale and Maleena to the others. I know they are likely very worried.”

“I will send it. Loki is healed by the way. Both he and Merru are alright now.”

Miya sent her a full account of what happened. Relief filled Serena, she’d hardly had time to even think of them.

Arandrall entered the room a few moments later, followed by a servant bearing a tray. Arandrall pulled a small table over to where she sat and the servant set the tray with a bowl of thick stew, a warm slice of bread, and a pile of early berries on it. A large pitcher held cool tea. “Thank you.”

“I’m sorry it isn’t more,” Arandrall said, sitting in another chair. “The kitchens are right in the middle of dinner preparations. They put together a meal for you from what was left after the mid-day meal as best they could on such short notice.”

Serena shook her head. “It looks fine to me.” She poured tea into the cup and took a long drink. After setting the cup down, she dug into the food, her energy-drained body ravenous.

Arandrall and Serena looked up as Maleena stirred. Serena abandoned her food and moved quickly to her friend’s side. Maleena’s violet eyes flickered open as she raised a hand to her face. “What happened? We were standing on the wall and—” She pushed herself up, her expression near panic. “Mckale?”

“He is healed and will be fine.” Serena rearranged the pillows as Maleena turned and ran her hand over Mckale’s face. “Lean back, you need to rest. Losing any blood is not a good thing, losing what you did when pregnant is even worse. Your body needs more of it to keep you and the babe alive.” Serena glanced at Arandrall. “Bring my cup of tea. Also I need a pitcher of hot water.”

Arandrall immediately brought the cup over. While he went to the doors and spoke with someone in the hall, Serena put the cup in Maleena’s hands. “Drink, you need fluids.”

Maleena took a long drink and Serena sighed, glancing at Mckale. “I swear between the two of you and Loki, I think you are trying to run us Yellows ragged.”

“Loki?” Maleena looked up. “What happened to Loki?”

Serena straightened the blankets around Maleena, pleased to feel the baby kick against her hand. “Shadow Riders put one of those chains on him. This one apparently didn’t have the same flaw as the one they placed on Kirynn.” Tears stung her eyes and she blinked them back. “It was close; we almost lost Loki and Merru.”

A memory of Loki, standing next to her in an alley with his bright blue eyes watching her expectantly flashed through her mind. The Shadow Riders had the power to bring such heartache to the Guardians.

Azurynn leaped from Murynn’s back, exaltation rushing through her. The chain worked. Now she could make more of them. Watching the boy-rider thrash on the ground, bloodying his wrists trying to break free to get the chain off had given her a perverse amount of pleasure.

His emotions had poured through her, letting her know the chain didn’t suffer from the same flaw her first had. A small twinge of disappointment dampened her happiness. She hadn’t been able to watch as the chain separated them fully. Azurynn wanted to see that, wanted to see what happened after the souls were separated. The dragon, she knew, would die. But what happened to the rider? They didn’t turn into anything like the Benduiren, so what then? Did they kill themselves?

Azurynn tapped her lips thoughtfully while Kovan, Sadira, and Oksana dismounted from their dragons. She would have to make sure she got the opportunity to see the full separation one day.

“What in the depths of the void were you thinking?” Sadira stalked up to her. “You could have gotten us all killed.”

In too good of a mood to care about Sadira’s ranting, Azurynn laughed. “We were well matched, especially since our dragons can Jump back to the Kormai.”

Sadira scowled at her. “We lost another group of Kojen too.”

Azurynn shrugged. “So, more can be made. Besides, now we know the chains work. You take care of the Kojen and I will begin more chains.” With a smile she walked away to gather the lengths of chain.

Oksana watched Azurynn leave with relief. The woman gave her the creeps. One of the younger Dragon Riders that kept tabs on Trilene distracted her from her thoughts of the disturbing shadow Spirit user.

“Oksana.” The man bowed to her. Radwan, she thought his name was although she really didn’t care. “There is trouble in Trilene. The Guardians didn’t leave and from what I can gather, they plan to protect the Mallay.”

Oksana sneered. Oh yes, they would care about that worthless section of the city. “They are starting a rebellion are they?”

Radwan nodded. “It looks like it. If it comes to that, there will be an all-out war in Trilene.”

Oksana considered the information carefully. “Let them.”

“L…let them?” Radwan looked startled.

She nodded. “Yes, let them. I think a battle against our true numbers would do the Guardians good. Besides, I have a score to settle with one of the Guardians in Trilene. His murder of my sister will not go unpunished.”

“Yes, my lady.”

As Radwan turned to leave, Oksana stopped him. “Radwan, wait. Turindar and Hanover have accepted the protection of the Shadow Riders have they not?”

When he nodded she continued, “Send word to them of the building rebellion in Trilene. Make it clear we expect them to bring their armies to bear and there will be serious consequences if they don’t, starting with every child of the ruling families. After the last encounters with the Shadow Riders, I think it is high time Galdrilene sees what they are truly up against.”

Radwan raised an eyebrow. “Won’t they bring the armies of their supportive nations?”

A slow smile spread across Oksana’s lips. “They won’t be expecting such a thing. For the most part, they will expect a battle with the Trilene and some of the Dellar with a few Shadow Riders as back up. I think it’s time to bring our full forces to the front. Make sure those we can trust in the Trilene District are aware of the plans. Make them feel reassured that the Shadow Riders will not turn our backs on them in their time of need.” She laughed softly. “After all, we can’t pass up such a perfect opportunity.”

Radwan bowed and left.

“Starting a war are we?” Kovan walked over. “And without consulting anyone else?”

Oksana rolled her eyes. “Oh please, you are itching for a big battle and plenty of people to kill as much as anyone else. I’m tired of hiding in the Kormai and slinking around. Trilene is ours; we should be openly claiming it and occupying it. Galdrilene isn’t afraid to do that with Markene.”

“We would lose a lot of the younger Shadow Riders.”

She shrugged and glanced at a group of them across the cavern. “So, Ranit and Dusa have both already laid more eggs. We can make more.”

Kovan stared at the group. “We could. We might also lose some of our main group.”

Oksana snorted. “If I die, I die. As far the others, I’m sure we’d both just be devastated if Sadira and Azurynn died.”

Kovan chuckled. “So true. I will go speak with Sadira and Azurynn. This will take a little time to prepare for. While I talk to them, you can start the wheels turning by having the Kojen called in. We will need a large amount of them.”


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