Tease (32 page)

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Authors: Immodesty Blaize

BOOK: Tease
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‘Nah, you can’t tell. Some hookers can be quite boring in the sack actually, too concerned about what they look like from every angle. Like they think you’re secretly a movie mogul and you’re gonna leap up and give them a
part in your next film and make them a star or something. Either that or they’re bored shitless.’ Rex realised Blue was staring at him, taken aback. He reddened a little, realising what he had said. ‘Oh come on, every bloke’s tried a bit of brass at least once in his …’ He trailed off, sensing Blue’s eyebrow couldn’t arch any higher.

‘Well, this man certainly hasn’t!’

‘Only because you’re a queen! I tell you what, I wouldn’t mind giving Georgia a go.’ Rex smirked provocatively.


‘Yeah, you know, see if she goes faster when there’s money in her box!’ Rex fell about laughing.

‘You’re appalling. Well, I think she’s been riding Lewis hard.’

‘I bet she has!’

‘Not like that! I mean, rinsing him for money, clothes, apparently moved in to his apartment after a month.’

‘Hmm. I know the feeling, mate. Poor Lewis.’

‘Ahh,’ sighed Blue, smacking his lips. ‘Who knew this weekend would be so entertaining? Georgia “Misty” Atlanta, bless your cotton socks!’

Shortly before dinner that night the yacht left the harbour and powered off in the direction of Sardinia. There was a tangible air of expectancy as everyone eagerly anticipated the delights that would be waiting for them when they arrived on the shores of the beautiful Italian island tomorrow. Blue had done several fashion shoots on location
there over the years and was relishing the thought of visiting for pleasure rather than work. It would be a treat after his exhausting day of shopping and sunbathing with Tiger. Much to their delight old actor Elliott Walkern had popped his head up from the neighbouring yacht that afternoon whilst the pair were having a pitstop on deck, and he had invited Tiger and Blue over for a civilised teatime cocktail. They had a blast with Elliott and his fellow movie star pals, but left swiftly after the salty old dog started chasing Tiger round the sunloungers. Blue had now worked up quite an appetite, and his mouth was watering at the thought of the fresh lobster which was about to be served.

‘Evening all!’ Tiger said brightly, sweeping into the dining room. An audible gasp escaped into the air.

‘Oh wow, don’t you look fresh,’ breathed Blue, taking in her outfit; a stunning taupe body-con number that clung to her curves and offset her light olive tan, teamed with her favourite skyscraper Sergio Rossi heels and even more gold jewellery. She had her hair in Raquel Welch mode – voluminous waves and tumbling down her back. ‘God, if I was straight,’ Blue muttered, leaning back in his chair. There was a moment of silence as homage was paid to the vision of high voltage sixties Riviera glamour. Sienna kicked Rex under the table and he closed his gaping mouth.

‘So! I hope we all had a lovely day.’ Tiger smiled, bracelets jangling and clinking as she pulled her chair up to the dining table between Lewis and Blue. Georgia and Sienna sniggered by way of reply.

‘Something wrong?’ asked Tiger, shaking out her napkin and laying it across her lap.

‘Oh the twins here have been thick as thieves all day,’ groaned Rex.

‘Hmmm. Best friends now eh?’ Tiger smiled. ‘Good, that’s nice.’

The girls giggled again. Tiger shrugged and daintily sipped her aperitif.

‘Oh, Georgia has had quite a day of seeing friends, haven’t you love?’ Blue smirked. Georgia’s sniggers evaporated rapidly.

‘Eeeeuww!’ squealed Blue, suddenly leaping up from the table.

‘Sorry, darling, I must have just knocked it over by accident,’ said Georgia smugly, patting the spilt ice-cold champagne roughly from Blue’s crotch.

‘Thanks, I think I can see to that myself,’ he replied, snatching the napkin away from her.

‘Okay you two, enough. Let’s just enjoy our supper shall we?’ suggested Lewis, looking at Georgia mysteriously as the waiters paraded into the dining room with an array of silver salvers.

A fine feast of lobster, dressed crab and brandied gambas was rapidly devoured, followed by a selection of digestifs. Lewis eased himself into the full Cognac menu, and Rex excused himself to go to the bathroom. Sienna and Georgia embarked on a giggling stream of gossip while Blue went up to the wheel room for a little navigation
demonstration from Captain Crowe. Feeling like she had energy to burn, Tiger rose and crossed to the saloon, changing the music to something a little more lively.

‘Oh good idea, let’s have a dance!’ said Georgia, jumping up. ‘That’s if I can stay up straight while the bloody boat’s moving.’

‘Cor, I thought it was me! I thought I’d just had too much brandy! I feel so nauseous!’ remarked Sienna.

‘Nope, this boat’s definitely bumpy, babes,’ laughed Georgia. ‘Anyone have any seasickness pills?’

‘Sure, I’ll go and fetch them,’ offered Tiger, disappearing off upstairs as Georgia whacked up the volume.

Tiger hummed to the music as she tottered up to her cabin, the thumping beat still loud from the floor below. Now where did I put those tablets, she wondered to herself, surveying the room. Finally her eyes settled on her Chanel tote, which contained everything within its Tardis-like capacity. As she bent over and rummaged in the huge bag she felt two firm hands circling her waist.

‘Oh Blue! Stop it, that tickles,’ she laughed, scrabbling in her bag for the packet of tablets.

‘I thought you’d be pleased to see me,’ murmured Rex in Tiger’s ear as he bent over her. She froze.

‘Oh Rex, behave. Get off, I’m looking for something.’

‘Aren’t we all, babes,’ he replied, tightening his grip and inhaling the sweet scent of Tiger’s perfume. She wriggled to free herself but he just pushed her, face first onto the bed.

‘What are you playing at?’ protested Tiger, laughing uneasily and twisting herself round to face him. He wasn’t laughing. She felt faint as he pushed himself up close and her heart leapt involuntarily as she felt his breath on her neck. He lay on top of her. No words passed between them for a moment. Tiger felt her heart pounding as he leaned in slowly, very slowly, to kiss her. She whipped her head away to one side, but not before his lips had brushed hers softly. Her red lipstick left a soft smear across his cheek. Closing her eyes she felt his manly bulk on her, his rock-hard cock prodding her through her dress. She felt wet between the thighs and almost dizzy with desire as she lay still for a moment. Then with a burst of strength she jerked up and pushed him away angrily. Rex staggered back but immediately lunged in again and grabbed both Tiger’s arms, holding them firmly up above her head and pinning her to the bed, staring down at her with eyes of steel.

‘Wooh!’ squealed Georgia, staggering around the saloon downstairs to the thumping music.

‘Oh I feel sick,’ complained Sienna, holding on to the wall.

‘Oh just drink more, you’ll get used to it. I’ve done this loads of times. Either drink or shag your way through it. Come on, Lewis, baby, join in the fun! Where’s Rex anyway?’

‘I mean it, Georgia, I feel really queasy,’ said Sienna
miserably. Lewis downed his Cognac and stood up. ‘I’m going to help Tiger find those tablets for you,’ he said kindly, guiding Sienna to a chair. ‘You just sit still and watch the moon out of the window. Don’t take your eyes off it okay? It should help with the sickness.’

‘Okay,’ said Sienna, her face now a terrible shade of green. Lewis headed straight for Tiger’s cabin, trying to stave off the sinking feeling in his gut. He had tried to give Rex the benefit of the doubt this weekend, but he had seen the electricity flying between him and Tiger. He trusted Tiger knew better than to even think about rekindling the flame.

‘Rex, this is stupid,’ snapped Tiger. ‘It’s not funny any more. Stop playing games.’

‘This isn’t a game. I know you feel the same. Don’t fight it.’

‘I feel
! Get off me! My
is downstairs. How could you do this to her?’

‘Sienna? But what about us?’

‘There is no ‘
’. You have Sienna, remember.’

‘Maybe I don’t want her. I want a woman, a strong woman. I want
. I had you for a moment, I want you back.’

‘How dare you! You made your choice!’

made it for us, remember?’ Rex hissed, tightening his grip on Tiger’s wrists.

‘I had to, I – Sienna – you wouldn’t understand. Anyway,
moved on quick enough. You could have chosen someone who wasn’t

‘Sienna means nothing!’

‘How can you say that! You made your bed, now lie on it! That girl adores you. If you hurt her, I’ll kill you. Blood is thicker than water.’

‘Oh listen to Don Corleone here.’ Rex laughed mockingly and simply pushed his knees apart further, so that Tiger’s legs spread wider. He shoved his erection down on her. Tiger struggled to banish sickening flashbacks of Ed Rogers pinning her down from her mind. A smear of white powder trickled from Rex’s nose. Tiger felt rage welling inside her.

‘What are you
!’ spat Tiger through clenched teeth. ‘You’re off your face! And while Sienna is downstairs!’

‘Ha! She’s no Snow White I can assure you.’ Tiger felt sick to the stomach at his words.

‘Whatever she is, she’s only metres away right now. She worships you. Don’t break her heart.’

‘What do you care? She doesn’t speak too highly of you.’

‘I beg your pardon?’

‘Oh, I get to hear all sorts,’ he laughed, lunging to kiss Tiger as she struggled and bucked wildly to free herself.

The door to Tiger’s cabin was ajar as Lewis approached. As he pushed it open, Sienna came panting up the spiral staircase.

‘Wait for me, Lewis, have you seen Rex any …’ She stopped mid sentence as she saw a flash of Tiger and Rex in the cabin. Lewis pulled the door shut immediately, but it was too late. A nano-second of Rex in his unmistakable striped shirt rolling around in apparent ecstasy with Tiger was enough. Sienna’s face crumpled in slow motion, before she pelted back down the stairs in floods of tears. Lewis felt a red mist descend in front of his eyes. Barging through the door to the cabin he flew across the room and grabbed Rex by the shirt collar, pulling him roughly to his feet.

‘Oh thank god!’ puffed Tiger panic stricken, immediately rolling from underneath Rex and catching her breath.

‘Get out there and explain yourself to your girlfriend,’ snarled Lewis in Rex’s face, pushing him roughly against the wall, one hand up at his throat.

‘That woman’s a fucking animal!’ roared Rex, pointing at Tiger. ‘She couldn’t keep her hands off me!’

‘You bastard!’ Tiger gasped loudly from the bed, anxiously wringing her bruised wrists. In a second Lewis registered the lipstick smeared across Rex’s cheek and dropped him without a word. He looked down at him on the floor with disdain, the tic starting in his cheek, before turning to Tiger, looking horrified as she sat on the bed heaving for breath.

‘You stupid—’

‘He’s lying!’

‘You stupid bitch!’ Lewis growled.

‘He jumped on me!’ Tiger wailed as Rex slipped from the room unnoticed.

‘You have to have everybody, don’t you!’ Lewis cried out, flying towards her and grabbing her roughly by the arms as she tried to leap up. ‘Everyone has to fall under your spell!’

‘No! You’ve got it all wrong! He crept up on me and pinned me down!’ she squealed, struggling to free herself but falling back on the bed. ‘Get off me! Let me go, you animal! You’re just as bad as Rex!’

the animal! I saw how you looked at each other after dinner last night! He’s your sister’s boyfriend! You’re just acting like a bitch on heat!’

‘No! You’ve got it so wrong! Don’t be like all the others!’

‘Like hell have I got it wrong! I gave you everything! I gave up my work, my life—’

‘How DARE you!’ screamed Tiger hysterically, thrashing about and managing to wriggle a hand free. She brought her talons slashing down across Lewis’ cheek.

‘Just let me go!’ yelled Sienna into the wind, struggling against Rex and Georgia’s grip as they tried to sedate her by shoving a Valium in her mouth.

‘Don’t do this, babes,’ said Rex in a low voice.

‘I’m jumping overboard, leave me alone!’ cried Sienna, tears running down her cheeks as she collapsed to the deck, convulsing with sobs.

‘I’m going to get Lewis,’ said Georgia gravely. ‘We have
to turn this boat round.’ Rex grunted and turned back to Sienna.

‘Babe, what you saw – she just jumped on me, I was fighting her off. You know I only have eyes for you. Trust me,’ pleaded Rex as Sienna bawled into her dress.

‘I want to go home!’

‘Babe, we’re in the middle of the ocean.’

‘I’m swimming home then!’ Sienna cried as she struggled to stand up. Rex yanked her down again.

‘Come on, babe. Let’s just get to Sardinia and I’ll take you straight home.

‘But tonight—’

‘Forget tonight, let’s just lock ourselves in the cabin. You don’t have to see anyone.’

‘Well …’

‘I’ve got a couple of grams on me. We could have our own party. Come on, babe, you’re with me on this aren’t you?’

Georgia heard the commotion before she saw it. Tiger and Lewis were screaming and yelping, and Georgia could hear things being thrown. As she peered through the crack in the cabin door, she watched the pair fighting like animals; rolling around, groaning, hissing at each other, pinning each other to the bed. With one last howl, Lewis flung a sobbing Tiger heavily on to the floor and stormed towards the door. Georgia backed into the corridor before freezing as Lewis slammed his way out of the room. Seeing
her standing before him, Lewis pushed her out of the way and he staggered back downstairs, his face and neck covered in smears of make-up, scratches and bite marks. If she hadn’t just witnessed the terrible brawl with her own eyes, Georgia wouldn’t have been able to tell if Lewis had just been fighting or fucking.

Georgia followed him anxiously down to the saloon. At that moment Blue came wobbling down the stairs. ‘Ooh that was fascinating,’ he gushed, flopping down onto a sofa. ‘I need to get me a Captain.’ Sensing an atmosphere he looked round and saw Rex huddling a hysterical Sienna off to their cabin, and a shocked Georgia staring over at Lewis who was standing out on deck, visibly shaking.

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