Ted Kennedy: The Dream That Never Died (29 page)

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Authors: Edward Klein

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Part II
: November 1972–December 1972


Richard Alan Baker • Gerald Baliles • Morton Blackwell

Tony Blankley • Sue Erikson Bloland • Peter Brown • Pat Buchanan

David Burke • Nicholas Calio • Don Fierce • Jim Flug

David Freeman • Webster Janssen • Elaine Kamarck

Paul Kengor • Ron Kessler • Henry Kissinger • Willie Lincoln

Candace McMurray • Victor Navasky • Larry Nichols

Grover Norquist • Zlad Ojakli • Howard Philips • Dan Rather

Steve Richetti • Donald Ritchie • Charlie Rose • Chris Ruddy

Sudie Schenck • Bernadette Malone Serton • Geoff Shepard

Senator Bob Smith • Stephen M. Smith • James Thurber

R. Emmett Tyrell Jr. • Paul Weyrich • Carter Wrenn


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