Tegan's Power (The Ultimate Power Series #4) (19 page)

BOOK: Tegan's Power (The Ultimate Power Series #4)
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“Relax,” I tell her
because I can feel her tensing up. She got nervous the second I put my hand

I circle her clit with
my thumb and her eyelids drift closed as her head falls back into the pillows.

“You’re really tight.
You feel so good,” I rasp, my eyes intent on her face as her orgasm builds. I
love that moment when a woman just completely shatters beneath you, pleasure
taking her over. I love even more being the one who got her there.

Slowly, I move down her
body and tug her underwear down too. She’s not watching me, her eyes are still
glued shut, but she’s definitely feeling it. Her chest is rising and falling in
quick breaths of anticipation.

When I dip my head
between her legs and touch my tongue to her clit in a long, hard lick her
entire body jerks.

“What…what are you
doing?” she gasps.

I can’t help grinning.
“What do you think I’m doing, honey?”

“Finn, you need to know
some stuff…”

“Tell me later,” I say
in a low voice and then return to licking.

I suck her clit into my
mouth and my finger is still inside of her, moving slowly in and out. Judging
from how tight she is, I’m guessing the thing she wants to tell me is that
she’s a virgin. It’s kind of obvious from the way she acts sometimes, but also
from the fact that she was just nineteen when she was taken by Ridley. She
didn’t exactly have much time out in the real world to get experienced.

Anyway, she doesn’t
have to worry about me taking things any further than this, and if she tells me
to stop I will.

The thing is, I know
when a woman wants something and Allora really, really wants this. She probably
didn’t know she wanted it until it was happening though, and I’m going to make
it good for her. Heaven knows she deserves a decent orgasm after having two
years of her life stolen.

“You taste incredible,”
I murmur, my mouth still going to work on her as I stare at her breasts and her
flickering eyelids. I reach up and pinch her nipple and she cries out, her
hands fisting the sheets.

“I wish I could see
you,” she says on a moan when I swirl my tongue around in a big circle, sliding
over her folds.

“Imagine it in your
head,” I reply. “Think about my face, what you think it looks like. Think about
my mouth on you, my tongue…” I trail off groaning.

“Oh, God,” she moans
and I can tell she’s almost there.

I suck on her clit hard
and then she’s coming, shaking against me and looking absolutely amazing. Moments
later I come too, and it’s kind of humiliating to be so turned on that I came
so easily without her even touching me.

I crawl up her body and
take her into my arms, kissing and nuzzling the hollow of her neck.

“Wow,” she whispers,
her arms slipping around my torso and cuddling me tight.

“Yeah, wow,” I agree,
making a plan in my head to do that again as soon as possible.

A second later there’s
a knock at the door, which is swiftly followed by Tegan’s voice calling, “Finn,
are you awake yet?”

Perfect way to ruin the




“Why didn’t you inform me that Roman had
found you?” Ethan demands as he paces back and forth over the lush, expensive
carpet in his bedroom.

I perch myself on the
edge of the bed and rub at my arms, suddenly feeling a chill. “Well, I wasn’t
sure that he had actually found me. He visited me in a dream and I couldn’t
tell if it was real or not. Tonight is the first time he came to me in the

Ethan stops abruptly
and narrows his gaze at me. “He visited you in a dream?”

I swallow. “Yes.”

“And what happened in
this dream?”

I don’t get why he’s
being so icy all of a sudden, and I decide that honesty is the best policy. I’m
sick of lying all the time. “He asked why I was searching for him and I told
him I was his granddaughter. Then he tried to kiss me in a very non-paternal
way. I told him I wasn’t down with that and he said that incest is the norm for
magical folk. It creeped me out, to be honest.”

I pause and meet
Ethan’s gaze. He looks like he wants to punch a hole in the wall or something.

I swallow again. I seem
to be doing a lot of that tonight. “Yep. I put a stop to it though and he knows
I don’t swing that way now. Anyway, he’s agreed to help us, but he wants
something in return.”

“But of course. And
that would be?”

I hesitate to speak,
knowing I had planned on keeping this to myself for a while longer. But there
really is no avoiding telling Ethan now. “He wants me to let him train me to
become a sorceress.”

“Absolutely out of the
question,” Ethan spits out sharply, raking a hand over his stubble.

I furrow my brow. “Um,
it’s not exactly your decision to make.”

“He’s only requesting
this so that he can spend more time with you…and seduce you most likely.
Sorcerers are selfish beings, they aren’t interested in passing on their
knowledge because they know they are never going to die. If anything, he wants
to bed you out of curiosity and then he will probably leech your power and keep
it for himself. He is not to be trusted.”

Ethan’s words give me
food for thought. I hadn’t even considered that Roman might only be out for
what he can get just like Theodore is. He just seems so different from
Theodore, like he’s a light sorcerer and Theodore is a dark one; the same way
Noreen used to say there is light and dark magic.

“He said he wanted to
help me. Apparently, becoming a sorceress would allow me to be with you for
longer. Because I’m not sure if you’ve considered this, Ethan, but I’m going to
age and die and you’re going to stay the same.” Saying this out loud makes me
feel incredibly anxious and fearful of the future. “You’re not going to want to
be with an old woman when you’re still young and virile.”

Ethan shakes his head
and walks toward me, giving me a look as though I’m being ridiculous. “That’s
not true. Your mortality is one of the most attractive things about you. You
are beautiful on the outside, but physical attraction is a shallow thing. It’s
attraction of the soul that links two people together.” He pauses and grins.
“Besides, I’m not exactly a young pup myself. I will age a little over the next
few years.”

I snort and quip,
“Yeah, you’ll look thirty instead of twenty-nine. How awful for you.”

He kneels in front of
me and clasps each of my thighs in his hands. “Do not be so sour,
, I much prefer it when you’re sweet.”

His hand moves up my
thigh and along my stomach and chest to my heart. “Our bodies are merely
shells, and you will always be beautiful where it matters.” His hand pats
lightly against my chest and I breathe deeply.

“You are far too
charming, Mr Cristescu, but I’m still not convinced.”

“And you are far too edible,”
he replies pushing me back so that I’m lying on the bed and my feet are still
on the floor. He pulls my jeans quickly off me and situates himself between my
legs, pressing his face to my sex and nuzzling gently. Seconds later my
underwear has disappeared and his tongue is on me, his hands roaming under my
shirt to squeeze at my breasts.

What was it we were
arguing about again?


When I wake up the next morning Ethan is
already showered and standing by the window yanking a T-shirt on over his head.
I don’t think I’ll ever get used to the thrill of seeing him standing in direct
sunlight, how it brings out the striking gold colour of his hair.

“Where are you off to
so early?” I ask stretching out in the bed like a happy cat.

“Nicu Arcos is throwing
me a party at Crimson tonight. He’s been taking care of the club in my absence
and wants to celebrate my new position of power. I’m going to visit the place
while it’s empty to see how things have been going.”

“To see how much profit
you’ve made, in other words,” I tease him and roll over onto my stomach. Ethan
only gives me a half grin and continues to dress.

“Is a party wise though?
Things seem a little strained among your people at the moment.”

“And that is exactly
why a party is such a great idea. They’ll be able to let off some steam.”

“Are any humans

“Of course. Who else
will be providing the drinks?” he jokes.

“Ethan, be serious. Are
Finn and the others allowed to come?”

“They may come if they
wish. I’ll see to it that they are kept safe.”

“Great. I’ll mention it
to them. Now that I think of it, perhaps we all need something to take our
minds off Theodore.”

“Exactly,” Ethan smiles
and comes to kiss me on the cheek. “Now, I have much to see to today. Will you
be okay here at the house?”

“Sure. Um, there’s
something else I need to tell you that we didn’t get to discuss last night.”

Ethan stares at me
silently and waits for me to speak.

“It’s about the
barrier, you see. Roman told me that it only keeps humans and vampires trapped
in. Those of us with magic can move through it freely. So, I was planning on
going through it today so that I can call my dad. I need to check on how he’s
doing over in London and the phone lines in the city won’t call anywhere
outside of Tribane.”

“You’re not going
alone. Get Gabriel to go with you…and maybe the slayer, too.”

I suppress a grin. “He
does have a name, you know.”

“Fine. Bring Finn with
you,” he replies begrudgingly, not admitting to the fact that he knows Finn
will keep me safe.

With that he gives me
one more kiss and then leaves. I can’t stop smiling. Perhaps Ethan is finally
coming around to accepting Finn as a friend.

A little while later I
dress and go to find Gabriel and Finn. Gabriel is in the dining room eating
breakfast with Alvie, Amanda and Rebecca. I take a seat beside him and pour
myself a bowl of cereal.

“Can I commandeer you
to bring me to the barrier today?” I ask.

“Of course,” Gabriel
replies. “But why do you want to go there?”

“I’ve been informed on
good authority that witches and warlocks can move through it, just not humans
or vamps. I want to see if I can get through to call my dad. Hey, maybe you’ll
be able to get through, too.”

He shakes his head. “I
won’t be able to. All the magic I know is self-taught, I don’t have magical

“The same goes for me,”
says Alvie. “You’re one of the lucky ones, Tegan.”

I consider that and
continue to eat my breakfast. Most of the time I feel like a walking ‘Kill Me’
sign, but I guess I’m lucky in certain ways. Once I’m done eating I go to
Finn’s room to check if he’s awake yet. I knock on his door and call for him,
hearing some shuffling but no answer.

When I knock a second
time he opens the door a smidge and sticks his head out.

“What’s up?” he asks,
his hair all mussed.

“Hmm, it’s not like you
to sleep so late,” I joke. “Got a girl in there or something?”

I only mean to tease
him, but when I see the look he gives me I realise I’ve inadvertently hit the
nail on the head.

A little rush of
curiosity goes through me as a grin splits wide across my mouth. “Is it the
elf?” I whisper as quietly as I can.

Finn coughs and straightens
but doesn’t answer. “I’ll be down shortly.”

Then he closes the door
and I’m giddy as anything. It makes me feel good to know Finn’s getting some
and I don’t know why. I guess I might still feel like a bit of a bitch for
leaving him high and dry by choosing Ethan.

A half an hour later he
makes an appearance and grabs a quick bite to eat. I tell him about wanting to
go to the barrier and he says he’ll drive. Gabriel, Alvie and I sit in the back
while Finn slips into the driver’s seat and I notice that Allora’s not with

I slide up the bench
and lean over the back of Finn’s chair. “Sooo, spill the beans, lover boy. Who
were you with last night?”

“You’re very nosy this
morning, Petal,” he replies still evading giving me any details.

“Oh, come on, don’t be
like that,” I say folding my arms in annoyance.

“Yeah,” Alvie joins in.
you with last night?”

“God, you’re like a
pair of gossipy old ladies. Give it a rest.”

“Oh, oh, oh. Let me
guess, have you and Lucas finally decided to declare your undying love for one
another?” Alvie asks jokingly.

Finn laughs. “Yeah,
that’s it. Not only have I turned into a vamp lover, I’ve also turned gay. Well
done, Sherlock.”

“Come on you two, leave
Finn alone,” says Gabriel, the voice of reason. There’s a moment of silence
before he continues with a big smile and a wink. “Besides it’s quite obvious he
was with Allora.”

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