Tell Me Something Good (13 page)

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Authors: Jamie Wesley

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“Yeah, yeah. Get on with it, smooth talker.”

Tate grinned. “I like a woman who knows what she wants.”

Which she did. It might not be the wisest course of action, but there was no way she was putting a stop to the sexiest experience of her life.

He stepped back. Noelle settled back on her calves to enjoy the unveiling. Her eyes skated over his upper body and the chestnut skin she couldn’t wait to taste again. She’d always had a thing for arms. And his were nice. Okay, his…everything…was nice. But, wow, his arms. Well-defined biceps and triceps that flexed with his every movement. It was all good.

Jeans and boxer briefs were shucked in due haste. Noelle licked her lips in appreciation. She’d felt and caressed his body, but she took this chance to fully enjoy the view. And what a view it was. Muscled, strong thighs clenched and unclenched with his every movement. Her eyes continued their journey and halted. His erection stood hard and tall. She swallowed and squeezed her legs together as more moisture gathered between them.

Tate opened a silver packet. She watched covetously as he donned the condom. He climbed on the bed and resumed his earlier position between her open legs. “Where were we?”

“You were about to kiss me.”

“For starters.” He lowered his head and gave her a gentle kiss. It wasn’t enough. She angled her mouth for a deeper connection, and he complied, tangling his tongue with hers. Noelle let the wildness consume her. They rolled across the bed, heads twisting, hands seeking all available flesh, mouths sliding across skin, eliciting moans and shivers from both of them. One more roll ended with her on top. She rose up on her knees, panting. He reared up and sucked her breast into his mouth again. She gasped at the heady sensation. “Tate!”

He pulled her down and underneath him again. Noelle stared up at him, drowning in the raw desire stamped on his face.

“Hurry. Please.” She couldn’t wait any longer. Her arms encircled his neck, pulling him down for a hot, torrid kiss. She wrapped her legs around his hips, needing to draw him closer. Needing the contact. He plunged a finger inside her. Her inner walls greedily clasped the digit. She gasped as the desire he unleashed in her rose another impossible degree. “I’m ready. I was ready an hour ago.”

“Are you? Let me be the judge of that.” Tate withdrew his finger, dragging against all her sensitive nerve endings. Noelle whimpered. Louder when he positioned himself and sank into her inch by slow, bliss-filled inch. Her muscles stretched in the most pleasurable fashion to accommodate him. When he was all the way in, he stilled.

“Tate. Please. Now. I’m ready.”

“Impatient. I like it.” He chuckled and slid out of her.

Shafts of pleasure zinged through her at the motion. He thrust forward and set an intoxicating rhythm she picked up instantly. So good. Too good. She couldn’t stop more desperate moans from escaping.

“Doc,” he whispered.

Her eyes slid open. What she was feeling was reflected in his eyes. Passion. Wonder. She cupped his cheek with a shaky hand. “Tate.”

He lowered his head. She was waiting. The long, drugging kiss only added to the experience. To their undeniable connection.

“Do you want more?” he asked.

“Yes,” she said shamelessly. She wanted all that he could give. All that he could make her feel.

“Good.” He drove home again, and again, twisting his hips in a move that made her chant his name, again and again, until she was no longer aware of doing so. When his chest heaved, and his skin slicked with sweat, she knew he was close. So was she. “Hurry. Please.”

“Anything you want.” He increased his tempo, and she held on for the wild ride, meeting him every step of the way, their bodies moving in unison. Finally, he ground his hips against her one more time, pressing against the knot of nerves inside her, and she tumbling over the edge, her body hurtling over and over. His hoarse shout of completion let her know he was right there with her.

They lay there, their hearts beating in sync, their gasping breaths the only sounds in the room.

Tate rolled away, and she bit her lip to keep a protest from escaping. It had never been that incredible for her. He stood and swept his gaze down her body. She suddenly felt self-conscious, but she refused to squirm under his scrutiny.

“I’ll be right back.” He padded across the room and disappeared inside the bathroom.

She leaped off the bed, scanning the room for her robe.


She spun around, wrenching a sheet off the disheveled bed. Tate was right behind her, still naked.

“Hi,” she whispered, covering herself in the sheet.

He lifted her chin up, his eyes intense, missing nothing. “You okay?”

“Yes. Did we…?”

He grinned, his cockiness pure. “Yeah, we did.”

“Yeah.” She’d process it and come to grips with it sometime in the next decade she was sure.

His brow creased. “Don’t say you didn’t see it coming. It’s been building between us for a year.”

She wished she could argue. From the moment she’d caught a glimpse of him in the staff meeting, the feelings he elicited in her had caught her off guard, and she’d put up a defensive wall to deal with them. Even now, her feelings disconcerted her. Getting involved with Tate had never been part of the plan, and yet here she was. With him. She took a step back. “Yeah. Now that we’ve gotten it out of our systems…”

“No.” His powerful shoulders squared, his amber eyes glittered down at her.

“Excuse me?” Her feet planted in the plush carpet. “What do you mean no?”

“I don’t accept what’s about to come out of your mouth. I’m not done with you.”

Her chin lifted. “What if I’m done with you?”

“I wouldn’t believe you for a second, but if you were, I’d have to change your mind. I see you thinking. Let’s enjoy the moment.” He leaned down and pressed a hard kiss to her swollen lips.

She was so weak, and he was so right. Giving him up wasn’t an option. But still… She pressed a hand to his chest. “We don’t need to tell anyone.”

He frowned. “Why not? It’s not against the rules.”

She knew his history. This was going nowhere. She knew it. He knew it. When it did end, and it would, she’d prefer not to endure the oh-honey looks and whispers. “I have no desire to become office gossip fodder. It’s just sex, after all. Isn’t that how you usually operate?”

Tate didn’t answer right away, staring at her with unreadable eyes. Finally, he said, “Yes.”

“Then we’re in agreement.” She kissed his neck and made her way down to his chest. She let the sheet slip to the floor, successfully snagging his attention.

She’d worry about the future later. Right now, she wanted Tate, and she had him.

Chapter Twelve

“It’s time to check in with Mike and Shannon, a couple we met last week, who were having some issues,” Noelle said. “Tate and I devised a strategy—”

Tate snorted. “Come on, Doc. Let’s call it what it is—a competition.”

He chuckled when she playfully rolled her eyes.

“Fine,” she said. “Competition. I came up with two activities that showcase the best part of being a couple, and Tate organized two activities that demonstrate the best part of being single.”

“They’ve completed my outings—going to a club and speed dating and one of Noelle’s, which was a couples’ game night,” he said. “Before they go out on their last date, we’d like to hear from Shannon and Mike, who join us on the phone. Hey, guys. How are you doing?”

“All right,” Shannon said.

“Good,” Mike said.

“Happy to hear it,” Noelle said.

“How did speed dating go, Mike?” Tate asked.

“It was an interesting experience, no doubt. Trying to decide if you’d like to date ten different women after only talking to them for five minutes each. Like I said, interesting.”

“What about you, Shannon?”

“It was eye-opening. I’m glad I went.”

“Were you matched with anyone?” Tate met Noelle’s eyes. A slight smile curled her pretty lips. He caught himself right before he leaned over and reacquainted himself with the taste of them. Last night had been incredible, and he couldn’t wait to repeat the experience. If he was bothered by her decision to keep their
a secret, he needed to get over himself. But he wasn’t used to being someone’s dirty little secret. Usually, women couldn’t wait to show him off.

“Umm…” Shannon hesitated.

“Go ahead and speak freely,” Tate said, bringing his focus back to the conversation at hand. “You both agreed, remember?”

“Yes. Well, I was matched with two guys. Mike and I agreed beforehand not to mark each other down and go in with an open mind.”

“What about you, Mike?”

“I made a match,” Mike said.

“So, do either of you plan to pursue your matches?”

“Honestly, I don’t know,” Mike said. “I need to get this thing figured out with Shannon first before I start thinking about dating other women.”

“I can buy that. What about you, Shannon?”

“I agree with Mike. He and I have spent more time together in the past week than we have in the past month. It’s been good. I was originally skeptical about this whole thing, but I’m getting a lot out of it. More than I thought I would.”

Tate met Noelle’s eyes. He could relate.

Noelle started at the pounding on her front door. What was going on? She rose from the couch, padded to the door, and peeked through the peephole. A scowling Tate waited on the other side.

He knocked again. “Open up, Doc. I know you’re there.”

She covered her mouth with her hand to stop a giggle from slipping out. Was this Groundhog Day? Kind of, except the groundhog was a lot grouchier today than yesterday.

Noelle unlocked and opened the door. Tate waltzed in like he owned the place. She shut the door and faced her guest. “Can I help you?”

“Why did you leave?” he bit out.

“Hello to you, too.”

His menacing expression didn’t falter. Alrighty then. She crossed her arms. “I left because our show was over. Do you have a problem with that?”


Her eyebrows shot up.

Uncertainty flashed across his face. “No. I just thought…”

“You thought I was one of your groupies waiting for you to show her the least bit of attention.” Yes, the sex had been the best she’d ever had, but his reputation definitely preceded him. He wanted her now, but what about in the future when the glow of lust faded? She refused to be the stupid girl who gave her heart to the guy who’d only drop it in his rush to chase after the next woman. Like her ex-fiancé had done.

After spending two hours in the studio with Tate, with everything they’d done the night before and that morning humming between them, she’d needed some alone time. To think. To allow her head, which had been spinning for close to twenty-four hours straight, to slow down. To make matters worse, she’d noticed the date on the calendar, and her need for space had only increased.

Tate blinked, obviously unused to anyone challenging him, the brackets on the sides of his mouth deepening.

“I didn’t want to assume that you didn’t have other plans for the evening,” she said.

He moved closer. “I didn’t have other plans.”

“Oh.” Noelle rubbed her arms with her hands.

He reached out and clasped her hands, threading their fingers. “Remember how I said I wasn’t interested in another woman?” he asked.

“Yeah,” she whispered to his chest.

“I meant it.”

Her eyes flew to his. “Oh.”

“I enjoyed being with you last night…and this morning.”

His voice, already sexy beyond belief, had dropped another octave. His eyes darkened, letting her know he remembered the pleasures they’d shared. Noelle swallowed, her throat drying as the riveting memories flashed through her mind.

“I know you did, too.”

“We’re keeping it casual, remember?” She had to, at least.

“Casual doesn’t mean no fun. And I want to make a lot of…fun with you, Doc.”

Her skin prickled. He was getting to her. Who was she kidding? He’d gotten to her from the moment she’d seen him waiting outside her door. Her panties were already wet. He tugged her closer. On instinct, she backed away.

“Why are you resisting?”

She stopped, pressing her feet into the carpet. “I’m not.” But she was. Keeping him at an emotional distance was paramount to her well-being even as her body longed for him.

“Good.” He drew her closer, wrapping her in his arms. She went willingly, her resistance crumbling at the first contact with his body.

She was sinking under, and there wasn’t a damn thing she could do about it.

Tate observed Noelle from the doorway. She sat in a chair in her ruthlessly neat home office staring at her computer. A white silk robe reached her toes. He hoped that was all she had on. But the fun they’d shared earlier appeared to be the last thing on her mind. Her eyes were trained on the screen as she typed furiously.

“What are you doing?” he called out.

Noelle twisted to the left to face him. “Hey, what are you doing up?”

“Wondering why you’re not in bed.”

She faced the computer again. “I couldn’t sleep, so I thought I’d get some work done.” Her voice was cheerful, but he was getting to know the doctor.

Something was bothering her.

He pushed away from the wall and ambled into the room. “Want to talk about it?”

She offered up a quick, rueful smile over her shoulder, but turned back to the computer. “No, I’m fine. Go get some sleep.”

He knew he shouldn’t have been bothered by the brush-off, but he was. He was the King of Casual. Keep it light. Never talk about anything serious. Enjoy each other and make a careful, non-hurtful exit. But with Noelle, he didn’t feel like following his normal MO. He’d shared more with her than he had with any woman ever. And it had felt good. Better than he could have ever imagined.

He wanted her to feel as good as he did. He didn’t want her upset.

He wanted Noelle. Period. She filled his thoughts, even while he did the most mundane task. He wanted her. Wanted to be with her.

That’s all he could think about earlier during his show. He loved his job. And yet he’d never been so impatient for six o’clock to come as he’d been today. The thought of being with her as soon as possible had consumed him. He knew he wasn’t the only one who felt the undercurrent of desire flowing during their two hours together. Their sparring had an extra layer of heat to it. He thought they’d done a great job maintaining their professionalism. But the eyes didn’t lie. She still wanted him as much as she did yesterday. He’d fully intended to give her what she wanted, what he needed, as soon as he located her.

He’d stopped by her office immediately after he signed off the air, but she wasn’t there. Or anywhere else in the building for that matter. Maybe it was presumptuous of him, but he’d assumed she’d be waiting for him. He’d jumped in his car before he could give himself time to think.

When he’d woken up and not found her in his arms a few minutes ago, he’d panicked. Then he’d spied her clothes on the floor where they’d fallen after he’d tugged them off earlier, and he’d collapsed in relief.

So, no, he wasn’t in the mood to go back to bed.

When he reached her side, he palmed her shoulder. She reached up and placed her hand over his. He gripped her hand, probably harder than was necessary, but he couldn’t help it. She tossed another halfhearted smile over her shoulder. Although he noted the melancholy light in her eyes, he returned her smile and tugged on her hand till she stood, bringing her soft, fragrant body into contact with his. She might not want to tell him what was going on, but there was nothing that said he couldn’t make her feel better in his own way. He tilted her chin up and lowered his mouth. He smiled when she murmured at the erection pressing into her stomach through his boxers.

“You do that to me without trying. Love the robe, but it’s got to go.”

Tate did love the robe. It molded to her curves, from her mouthwatering breasts down to her hips. He slid his hands down the slippery material and cupped the ass he saw in his most memorable dreams. His desire rising, he found the sash holding the robe closed. His fingers worked fast.

Until her hands covered his.

“Watch your hands there, mister,” she said.

“Why?” He bent his head and nibbled on the soft skin beneath her right ear.

“Ahh,” she moaned, tilting her head to the left, giving him better access. He took immediate advantage, licking and kissing the spot he’d discovered drove her insane. Which, in turn, drove him insane. His hands returned to the robe belt and this time he managed to untie it before she stopped him.

“We can’t,” she said, pressing a hand to his bare chest, curling her fingers into the hair covering it for a second before withdrawing her hand.

“Speak for yourself,” he said, deliberately crossing his arms across his chest. He repressed a smile at her indrawn breath. The woman liked his arms. And he wasn’t above using everything in his disposal to get his way. To give them what they both wanted.

She gulped, tracing his limbs with hot, covetous eyes. She was a sight to behold, her hair tousled, the sheen of desire exposed on her face. Then she frowned and stepped back.

He took a step forward before he could stop himself and captured her lips beneath his. He sank into her, not wanting the moment to end. A simple kiss with her was never simple. She had an energy that invigorated him and made him want more of her. His desire for her had only increased instead of decreasing like it had with other women. He wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her closer.

She held out a hand, forestalling his progress. “We can’t. I can’t,” she hastily amended when he opened his mouth.

“Why not?” Surely, she hadn’t gotten tired of their time spent together. Of him. Something inside him howled at the thought.

Noelle nodded at the computer. “I’m working.”


Noelle’s lips quirked. “Don’t pout.”

His spine stiffened. “I don’t pout.” He wasn’t used to women choosing work over him, that was all.

She breached the small space between them. “Really? Then what’s this?” she asked, tapping his bottom lip.

“My mouth.”

“A very sexy mouth it is, too, but this lip is definitely sticking out.” She kissed it, but stepped away before he could return the gesture. “I’ve been spending so much time with you lately that I’ve let other things fall to the wayside. You were supposed to be asleep.”

“Sorry to ruin your plans, but I’m awake now.”

“Sorry to ruin your plans, but I’ve got to work.” The snooty tone and disapproving frown had reappeared. They didn’t amuse him this time.

He sighed. “Okay, but I’m not going anywhere.”

He dropped into the chair and pulled her onto his lap. Her surprised shout of laughter brought a grin to his lips. That was more like it. “You can work like this.”

She wiggled, clearly seeking a more comfortable position, and pressed against his erection, which still hadn’t given up hope that she’d change her mind. She stilled. “Sorry.”

“I’ll be all right,” he said, hearing the grouchiness in his tone.

“Yes, you will,” she said, turning to the computer. “And no funny business.” She slapped his hand away, which had obviously been working under its own power and found its way inside the robe’s loosened lapel.

“I’ll behave.” For now. “What are you working on?” Was her work to blame for her disquiet?

“Answering some emails from listeners.”

“I guess that’s better than them calling you.” He’d nearly lost it when she admitted she sometimes gave out her personal cell phone number to virtual strangers.

Noelle hunched her shoulders. “We’ve been through this. I only do it for certain listeners.”

“You tell them to call you off air.”


“Don’t you worry about your safety and privacy? How do you keep up with all those people anyway?”

“Good memory. Besides, my listeners are great. I enjoy helping them. Sometimes their problems can’t be solved in a two-minute conversation.”

“So you provide free psychological care?”

“If you want to look at it that way. All I know is that I’m helping them.” She pointed to the screen. “Like him. Remember Ford, the guy we met at the sports bar when we did the show there? His girlfriend broke up with him and he was having a hard time getting over it.”

Tate grunted. Hell, yeah he remembered.

“We’ve exchanged a few emails and talked on the phone once. I think he’s making progress.”

“He wants to get in your pants.” Of that he had no doubt.

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