Tell Me Something (The "Something" Series Book 1) (12 page)

BOOK: Tell Me Something (The "Something" Series Book 1)
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I nodded and was thankful to make my way out. It was times like this that I missed my father the most. He would have offered great advice, as he’d been both practical and realistic in his views. My mother loved me, but my father respected my opinion and would guide me into making my own decision with the least amount of regret. Josh had been more than understanding, but it didn’t make the weight of chickening out any easier.


“Ready?” Josh asked, not giving away anything he might have been feeling.

Nodding, we proceeded from the office building out to the car. The drive to the airport seemed extraordinarily long as I stared out the window, taking in the enormous Hong Kong Harbor and thinking of all of the ships making their way across the world.

We were early for our flight, and settled into a near empty lounge. I took the opportunity to finalize some details for our upcoming Charlotte and London trips. After we caught up on, we lapsed into a comfortable silence.


I looked up at the sound of my name and saw his green eyes watching me intently.

“Today was stressful. You handled it well.”

I didn’t think I deserved the compliment. “I wish I had been stronger. I’m sorry.”

Leaning in close he said, “You have nothing to be sorry for. I have something for you that will hopefully put a smile on your face.” Reaching into his bag, he pulled out a box with a bow.

“When did you possibly have time to do this?”

He gave me a look that pretty much conveyed
that is what I pay people for

After undoing the bow and paper, I saw the brand new iPad. “Josh, this is very nice, but—”

“Not at all unselfish. Open it up. I had them charge it, and then this morning I added some apps for you.”

Taking it out of the box, I found five different types of Angry Birds. My face broke out in a smile. “It’s very thoughtful of you. Thank you.”

He looked pleased with my acceptance of the gift. “Here is where you connect to wireless in settings. When we get on the plane, you can hook up to the Wi-Fi network. And here is the instant messenger feature. You can put in your email address and set it up for personal use.”

“I can’t wait to get the Kindle app. My mom had a Kindle in the hospital. Reading helped to pass the time when she was there for her treatments.”

“What happened to the Kindle?” he inquired, surprising me with the details he picked up on.

“I gave it to an older gentleman who was there almost every day my mom was. He didn’t have visitors, and he was very grateful.”

Something flashed in his eyes, but it was gone by the time he got up.

“Let’s get boarded and get home. You have lots of Angry Birds to play.”


I was seated a row in front of Josh. With happy couples or business associates in the other pods, there was no trading this time around.

Once I settled in, I waited until we were in the air to take my backpack to the lavatory and then change into my yoga pants and sweatshirt. Opting for pigtails in order to get a reaction out of Josh, I came out and went down my aisle. I reached up to put my bag into the overhead bin above my seat. Closing it, I looked over and gave him a little smile, then sat back down enjoying the way his eyes had tracked me.

After lunch, I wondered if I should try to sleep or watch a movie. I was unprepared for Josh’s face suddenly next to mine.

“Hi,” he greeted, grinning.

Turning, I grinned back. “Hi.” He was so unbelievably adorable right now. It was all I could do not to be giddy like a teenager because he was knelt down next to me.

“Could you do me a favor? Turn on your wireless and hook up your instant messaging on your iPad.”

“Uh, ok, sure.” I watched him return to his seat and was more than curious as I logged onto the Wi-Fi and then set up my instant messenger with my personal email account.

It wasn’t long before I received my first message from
The Gambler.

How appropriate, I thought, smiling.


I changed my nickname to something other than my email address and settled on
hopeful he would remember the reference.

Hi back.”

“Nice nickname. Your yoga pants are torture again, by the way.”

“Oh yeah?”

“You had every man in first class watching you stretch up to put your backpack away, so yeah.”

Hmm. Was he a little bit jealous?

You up for playing a game?”
he asked.

“Angry birds?”
I quipped.

“Eyes Rolling. No, something a bit more personal…”

“I’m intrigued,”
I typed.

“This game starts with yes or no answers. Do you want to play?”


Good, now I want you to have the flight attendant make up your bed, ok?”


Standing up, I waited for the flight attendant to come and make up my bed. While thanking her, I glimpsed over at Josh, who was sipping his whiskey and seemed engrossed in his tablet, not sparing me a glance.

Laying down, I closed the pod around me. I was propping myself up on my pillows when the next message came in.

Are you comfortable?”


“Good. I want you to take your blankets and put them over you. Cover yourself up, all right?”


“Now I want you to take your left hand and reach down and touch yourself.”

I groaned because, unfortunately, this was not a department I’d ever been particularly successful in.

“You still there?”
came the next message.


“Is this making you uncomfortable?”

“Yes and no.”

“Talk to me.”

“I’ve never done this before.”

“The talking or the touching?”



“I’ve tried but never successful at it. I used to think something was wrong with me, but obviously now I know differently, thanks to you.”

“I wish I could touch you right now.”

“Me too!!!”

“What if you imagine that it is me, my fingers feeling if you are wet for me?”

Reaching down with my left hand, I felt the pool of dampness.
“Yes, I am.”
I typed with my other hand.

“I want you to put one finger inside yourself, do you feel that liquid honey, Haylee?”

Even when he typed my name, it made me hot. I did his bidding and felt myself slick with desire.

“Good girl. Now take two fingers and rub your clit for me. Start with small circles right now. We’re only getting you warmed up.”

Moving my fingers as directed, I felt my body start to respond.

“That’s it, baby. How does it feel?”


“Now I want you to imagine my tongue where your fingers are. It’s licking, sucking, and tasting you. Close your eyes and imagine your hand running through my hair as you push my mouth deeper into you.”

I had to stifle a moan, feeling my body respond to my fingers and his words.

“Type a Y if you are feeling it.”


“Good girl. Now I want you to rub faster. That’s it. Now take those fingers and dip them down into your moist pussy and bring it back up. You’re drenched for me. I know you are.”

I typed, slightly out of breath. My body was begging for release.

“Rub around, feel the ache and imagine my fingers, my mouth. Do you feel it?”


“Do you know how much I want you right now, how many things I want to do to you?”

“Tell me.”
I needed to hear it.

“I want all of you, Haylee, I want to possess all of you. Do you know what that means?”


“Reach down, way down, and feel how slick you are, Haylee. Are you dripping?”


“Take your fingers and suck on one. Taste yourself, and know that I would possess your mouth. You would take me in deeply and suck me dry.”

My body was writhing with anticipation, with that mental picture.

“Now move your fingers down again and feel that delicious slit of yours. Put two fingers inside that drenched entrance and squeeze that sweet pussy around them. I would have you there, deep and wet. Do you like that?”


“Now take those fingers and dip them down lower, taking that honey with you and feel that gorgeous pucker and know that I will someday possess you there, too, baby. Does that scare you?”


“Don’t be afraid. We will work you into it, my sexy girl. Now rub harder.”


“Now come for me, my sweet, beautiful, Haylee.”

And just like that, I did. Stuffing a pillow in my face to keep myself from crying out, I lay there afterwards a little in awe and a little self-conscious of the fact that I’d had an orgasm in an airplane via sexting with my boss. I yawned, feeling tired now. I realized I was ignoring the blinking iPad.

“Talk to me.”

“Sorry, I was a little busy.”

“So does that mean??????”


“You don’t know how much that turns me on.”

I smiled and then typed my saucy response.
“Does that count for mile high club?”
I could hear his chuckle through my pod and giggled at his response.

“I’m not sure on the particulars of that one.”

I googled it for fun.
“According to Google, the mile high club does not have any provisions for self-indulgence.”


“Do you want to play?”

“Some other time, perhaps. You should probably get some sleep.”

I figured it was probably for the best since I wasn’t sure how I would go about sexting him back.
“A different game, then?”


“It’s called Tell Me Something. So tell me something I don’t know about you.”

“I don’t think I like this game.”

“It doesn’t have to be some deep secret, simply something I don’t know about you. It can be personal or something curious. I think it would be a nice way to get to know each other better. I’ll even go first. I can’t stand food-scented candles. I don’t understand why you would want your house to smell like cookies or chocolate or fruit. It gives me a headache.”

“I will file that away for future reference. All right, one thing, and then you sleep.”

Smiling, I typed a

“Careful, I will start again with the first game.”

“One thing, and then I’ll leave you alone.”

“I can’t stand soggy cereal. So I pour the milk, take 3, maybe 4, bites and toss the rest.”

“Funny, thank you for humoring me, night.”


We had just arrived back into New York after the long plane ride from Hong Kong. We sat quietly in the back of his town car and I could feel his eyes on me.

“You’re blushing,” he noted quietly.

I couldn’t seem to stop, as I thought about our little game a mile high.

Josh hooked my pinky between us on the seat on the ride home from the airport and I could feel the heat already spreading from the anticipation of being alone with him.

It was late by the time we got back to the building. We walked in through the lobby and I waved hello to Rafael.

“Why don’t you go on up, while I grab the Thai food from the front desk and meet you in your place in a few minutes,” Josh suggested.

Proceeding to my apartment, I was grateful to be home. I opened the door and dragged my suitcase inside. It sure would be nice to sleep in tomorrow morning and have absolutely nothing on the agenda. Leaving my door open, I expected that I would go over to Josh’s place for food. Ten minutes later, I was surprised to see him come in to my place instead, holding the food and shutting the door behind him.

“Hungry?” he questioned suggestively.

I smiled and watched as he set the bag down on my counter.

After he crossed the room, he pulled me to him, then crushed me with his kiss.

“This is all I thought about the entire plane ride, these damn pants,” he muttered.

I giggled and he dragged them down while frantically moving me towards the bed. Making use of my hands, I unzipped his pants and took length into my hands.

“Christ, Haylee, you do this to me. I need you right now.”

The back of my knees hit the mattress and I took him down with me, guiding his hard length into me.

“God you’re so ready for me. The things I want to do to you, but right now.”

I understood his urgency and bucked up off the bed, anxious for him. He buried his cock even deeper, moving hard and fast. My breathing was staggered and each of his controlled thrusts made my cries louder as I met them. I felt my climax building and clenched around him. “Come with me,” I whispered.

He groaned my name, gripping my hips and holding me as his hot release found my core.

My own followed quickly. Lying there beside him, I realized that my underwear and pants were still around my knees and his were in much the same shape.

“So I take it that you don’t need the pills any longer?” I asked lightly, hoping he wouldn’t take offense.

Chuckling, he pushed up and searched my face. “It would appear not. If only I had known the cure was a twenty-two-year-old, I wouldn’t have wasted the last few years. It kind of irks me that Dr. Winters was right about it not being a physical condition caused by his surgery.”

“Hmm, well if you had known four years ago that a twenty-two-year-old was the answer, it wouldn’t have been me, and I don’t like that scenario. Unless maybe, in that case, an eighteen-year-old would have been the solution.”

“Oh god, twenty-two is bad enough. When do you turn twenty-three?”

“Hoping for a smaller age gap?” I questioned, teasing.

He nodded. “I’ll take anything I can get.”

“My birthday is in March and yours is in?”

“It’s in July. So I get four whole months when there is only a nine-year difference instead of ten.” He rolled off and pulled his pants up. “I’m going to run home and change, maybe take a quick shower. Then if you’re up for it, I can come back and we can eat?”

It didn’t make sense why he wasn’t inviting me to his place, but I was too happy to be back in my own space to argue tonight. “Sounds good.”

I dashed into the shower after watching the door close.

A short time later, I was taking down two plates when Josh came back in, not bothering with a knock. His hair was slightly damp and he smelled wonderful.

“I got the drunken noodle, some pad thai, peanut butter chicken stuff, and some pork dumpling things. Is there anything you don’t want?” He opened the bag and took out the boxes setting them on the counter.

“Nope, it all sounds great, thanks for thinking of dinner.”

Dishing up a little out of each box, I watched as he did the same. I walked over to the bed and sat cross legged with my plate in the middle of it. Considering I didn’t have any place to sit aside from this I wondered why weren’t at a table in his place.

Josh joined me and looked at me curiously “Do you wear that to bed?”

I glanced down at my oversized Stanford T-shirt and blue running shorts. “Yeah, why?”

His eyes twinkled with laughter.

“What? Why did you ask that?” I was totally lost on what was so funny.

Shrugging, he put his fork down. “Okay, don’t take this the wrong way, but you dress impeccably at work. So I had a different impression of what you might wear at night than what you actually do.”

I guess I’d never really thought about what to wear to bed as none of the guys I’d previously been with had ever spent the night with me. My eyes shifted from my attire to his and was fairly certain that his lounge pants and T-shirt cost more than what I made in a day. “Well I have my mom to thank for—”

Josh’s phone interrupted the rest of my admission about inheriting my work wardrobe.

Looking at the caller ID, he frowned. “I have to take this.” He stepped out of my apartment, closing the door behind him.

By the time I’d finished eating, he hadn’t returned. After clearing my plate, I packed up the boxes, and then left his plate on the counter. I was about ready to call it a night when he finally did come back, looking annoyed.

“I, uh, have a lot of work to do this evening, and I’ll probably be pretty busy tomorrow too.”

He was hedging, and my eyes rolled of their own volition. Tomorrow was Saturday and I was looking forward to do anything I wanted. “I have plans tomorrow too. Let me know if you need anything workwise, otherwise I will see you Sunday afternoon when we leave for Charlotte. The car will be here at two o’clock.”

“Wait. What plans do you have?”

Glad my back was to him, I turned slowly, and smiled. “You first.” I said it sweetly enough that he knew the point I was making.

“Touché. I will see you Sunday, Haylee. Sweet dreams.” He kissed me long and slow, before sighing with regret and leaving.

I puttered across the room and plugged in my phone to charge. As an afterthought, I plugged in the iPad and logged into messenger. I was pathetic, already missing him.

Looking through some of the apps, I realized I had FaceTime. I went back to my laptop and emailed my Aunt Jeanine, or Aunt J, as I termed her. We’d be able to use FaceTime instead of doing our traditional Saturday phone call tomorrow. It would be nice to see my only living family member face to face.

It was tempting to go straight to bed, but I glanced at the suitcases I’d had shipped from San Fran and knew they weren’t going to unpack themselves. At the very least, I needed to take out my mom’s coats and dresses which had trekked across the country.


The next morning I felt quite accomplished, having gotten a run, laundry, and a manicure out of the way all before ten o’clock. I had finished up my FaceTime call with my aunt and uncle when Josh stopped by.

His brow arched at my fancy black and white ball gown and flute of champagne. “What’s the occasion?”

I was momentarily confused until he pointed to my dress, and then I giggled. “Right, sorry. I’ve had a few glasses of champagne. It’s my mom’s birthday today. She loved fancy ball gowns and I was FaceTiming my Aunt—”

His phone rang, and he winced. “Shit, hold on.” Taking it, he said tersely, “Yes.” He stepped back out to the hall to have the conversation, shutting my door and the ability to hear anything he was saying.

Once I had undressed carefully, I hung my dress back up in the closet. Slipping on a large T-shirt and nothing else, I puttered around and was about to give up on Josh when a soft knock came at the door and he stepped in not waiting for me to answer.

“I came by to tell you that we need to leave earlier than planned tomorrow for Charlotte. I’d like to have the car pick us up by noon instead of two o’clock.”

I wanted to point out that he could have sent me an email, but calling him out for his excuse to see me seemed a little counterproductive.

“All right, I’ll call Maria and the car service.”

“Another oversized T-shirt for bed?” he teased.

On hold with the phone to my ear, I shrugged. Then I lifted my shirt up ever so slightly, revealing there was nothing on underneath. I got the satisfaction of his intake of breath. “Not so unsexy now is it?” I retorted.

He gave me a wicked smile, lifting me up onto the countertop and inching my shirt up to my waist. “Sexiest shirt ever,” he muttered, diving into my center.

Maria came back on the line and I tried unsuccessfully to keep him from attaining his goal. “Uh huh, no, that’s great Maria. You’re the best. I— Oh, sorry, I stubbed my toe.”

His lips trailed kisses down the insides of my thighs.

“All right, got it. Let me call the car service for the airport pickup.” I hung up and he grinned. “You’re naughty, Mr. Singer. I’m trying to get something done for my boss and—” My breath hissed when his finger dipped into my entrance.

“You were the one with no panties. Matter of fact, I think that you should go without them every night from now on,” he stated, suckling my hypersensitive nub with his mouth.

I was about combust on the countertop. “Hmm, I will take that under advisement. Now I have another call to make. Are you going to behave?”

He looked up at me with a wicked gleam in his eyes.

I couldn’t help but laugh. “Give me five minutes.” I dialed the car company and gritted my teeth as he slipped his finger back inside of me. “Yes, we have a pickup that I need to change to noon tomorrow. For Joshua Singer.” Oh, Lord, he was moving his finger, and now there were two. “Yes, yes, sounds good. Thank you.” The last word was on a squeak as I disconnected and let him take me over the edge, shamelessly coming on my countertop.

“Come here.” He lifted me as I wrapped my legs around him. Once we were settled like that, he carried me to the bed. He slipped my shirt over my head and ran his hands down my entire length.

Once I stripped him of his polo shirt, I made quick work of his belt and zipper and pulled his erection free. “Ahhh…” I closed both hands around him and enjoyed it when he threw his head back in pleasure.

He stepped away from my reach and kicked off his pants and boxers. He grinned at himself in his white socks. “Sorry, but there is no way I can do this with just these on.”

Laughing at the picture he made, I helped him with his last sock.

He kissed me deeply while my hands found his arousal again. “I can’t seem to get enough of you, Haylee.”

His honey voice saying my name had me shivering. I gasped when his fingers parted me and he spread my wetness lower. “Easy now, not tonight, but we need to break you in slowly.” He slipped a finger in a place I never dreamed I’d find pleasure. In and out, spreading my liquid desire back further as his eyes locked on mine. “Tell me you want it here.”

“I—” I was embarrassed to say it, and he seemed to sense it.

“It’s all right. It’s only me and you. You only have to ask yourself if it feels good. It’s okay to tell me. I want to have you everywhere, but only if you like it.”

Nodding, I swallowed hard. “I like it,” I whispered.

He flipped me so that I was now on top of him and lowered me onto his burgeoning erection. “Haylee, you feel so tight, so unbelievably wet. Ride me, gorgeous.”

I started to move and felt his fingers dance over my backside again and massage me there.

“That’s it, feel it, I’m going to fill you completely,” he teased, inserting his finger.

I felt myself in a frenzy of absolute overstimulation and came harder and faster than I ever had before while he thrust up and found release of his own.

After tucking me in beside him, he turned off the side lamp, and then brought the comforter up to cover us.

I reached over to set my alarm before I forgot, and then burrowed back into his arms.

“You undo me,” he confided.

Playing with his strong hands, I traced the lines. “How so?”

“You are so trusting of me with your body and then honor me with such pure and unfiltered pleasure. It’s a potent thing.”

“You make me feel safe enough to trust you that way.”

His kisses floated down my neck, and then his hands skimmed down the length of my legs as if he couldn’t touch me enough. “I interrupted you when you were telling me that today was your mom’s birthday.”

The bubble of post sex popped as I exhaled heavily. “Yeah, it’s a silly thing, but my mom liked to dress up and have champagne on her birthdays. So my aunt and I did that today via FaceTime, which is thanks to the new iPad.”

“Where does your aunt live?”

“She and my Uncle Paul live in Perth, Australia. They own a restaurant and are chefs there. I’ve heard it’s fabulous.”

“You should go someday to visit.”

BOOK: Tell Me Something (The "Something" Series Book 1)
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