Tell Me You Love Me (20 page)

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Authors: Kayla Perrin

Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary

BOOK: Tell Me You Love Me
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Once again Tyanna’s eyes misted with tears. Angry, she brushed them away. She didn’t want to cry over him. Not when she had known better than to fall for him again.

She could be mad at him, but the truth was, she should only be mad at herself.

Despite knowing better, she hadn’t acted better. And once again, she was left with a broken heart.


“Hey, Wendy,” Tyanna said a short while later. She hadn’t spoken to her friend since Wendy had left her apartment in a rush, and now Tyanna desperately needed to hear her voice. “I hope it’s not too late to call.’’

“No. I wasn’t sleeping.”

Sheldon’s a big jerk
, she wanted to blurt out, but she knew the tears would follow. So she said, “I watched the video.’’

“Isn’t it great?” But Wendy didn’t sound that enthusiastic.

“Yeah, it’s fabulous. You know, I never told you before, but thanks for coming up with this idea. And thanks for everything else. If it wasn’t for your connection to the friend who knows Ronnie Vaughn, we wouldn’t be where we are right now. Then, your connection to Phil, who was able to do this for us.’’

“Hmm,” was Wendy’s reply.

“Wendy, what’s up? I know something’s wrong. Is it serious?’’

“I’m just a moron.’’

“This is about Phil, isn’t it?’’

“Uh-huh. First Phil, then something else. I’m not sure I want to talk about it right now.’’

“Believe me, hon. I know how you feel. I’m having that kind of day myself. Makes me want to head straight to L.A. and deliver the fitness video to Ronnie Vaughn in person.’’

“You know, that sounds like a good idea. I need a couple days to myself. I told Max I’m not heading in tomorrow.”

“You’re not?’’


Tyanna paused. “Look, sweetie. I hate to hear you sounding so down. Do you mind if I come over tonight? We can hang out for a while. Chat. I’ll even pick up some of that double-fudge ice cream you love so much.’’

“Oh, that was a low blow.” But for the first time
since they’d started talking, Tyanna heard a smile in Wendy’s voice.

“There’s no point in you moping around your place and me moping around mine when we can mope together. What do you say?’’

Wendy giggled. “All right, hon. Just keep in mind I won’t be great company.’’

“Nothing your best friend and some double-fudge ice cream can’t fix. I’m gonna try to leave here early, depending on if my last appointment shows or not.’’

“See you when you get here, then.’’



Wendy dug her spoon into her container of ice cream, scooping out a healthy portion. She filled her mouth with the double fudge, then closed her eyes in delight.

“This is amazing,” she managed around her mouthful. “I feel better already. Thank you.’’

“No problem,” Tyanna told her.

Tyanna and Wendy were sitting cross-legged on the floor in Wendy’s living room, hunched over the coffee table and their respective containers of ice cream. Tyanna didn’t care for double fudge at all. Her comfort flavor was butter pecan. And she planned to eat every last drop from the one-liter carton. She was constantly in the gym, so she wasn’t worried about calories.

The movie
Thelma and Louise
was playing on Wendy’s VCR. Tyanna had picked it up on the
way over, because it was their favorite movie. Considering this was going to be a girls’ night, this flick was completely appropriate.

“You see?” Wendy said, pointing her spoon at the television. “That’s where they go wrong. Letting that man into their lives.” Brad Pitt’s character was doing his striptease. “Though he
too cute. But like they say, you have to watch out for the cute ones.’’

“And the ones who are good in bed. Look at how easily he seduces her.” Tyanna shook her head.

“Score one for the men. Again. Why do they always seem to have the upper hand?’’

“Because we let them have it,” Tyanna responded. “We hand them our hearts on a silver platter.’’

Wendy scowled. “Sex. Relationships. It’s all overrated.”

“Ain’t that the truth.’’

Both Tyanna and Wendy dug into their ice cream. Despite their words, Tyanna knew they were both full of it. They were two women who had the same hopes and dreams as most other women. But they were hurting, and needed to pretend that men didn’t matter in their lives.

Tyanna turned to her friend. “What did Phil do?’’

A frown marred Wendy’s pretty face. “It’s more a question of what he didn’t do.’’

“I thought things were going well.’’

“So did I. And I don’t really think I was reading him completely wrong. I mean, you saw him at
your parents’ place. Did he look like he wasn’t interested?”

“I thought he was.’’

Wendy stabbed her spoon into her ice cream. “You also said he could have turned gay.’’

“I did, but I was only kidding.’’

“I know…but maybe you hit the nail on the head. Maybe after his last girlfriend, Phil decided he can’t be bothered with women.” Wendy ate more ice cream. “I woke up in his bed early this morning.’’

Tyanna’s mouth nearly hit the floor. “But you just said—’’

woke up in his bed, drunk as a skunk.
was sleeping on the sofa. He assured me that he would never take advantage of me. How sweet of him!’’

Tyanna chuckled. “Well, that is admirable.”

“I know. But he couldn’t even look at me when I was talking to him. I think I must have thrown myself at him in a drunken stupor, but he doesn’t want to tell me about it. And he certainly doesn’t want anything to do with me.’’

“Hey, if Phil isn’t interested, that’s
loss.” Tyanna tried to sound upbeat. “You’re such a beautiful woman. Such a beautiful person.’’

“And you’re a biased friend.’’

“Maybe, but I wouldn’t lie about that. Ever.’’

“I love you for that.’’

“It’s the truth.’’

Wendy smiled briefly, but her glum expression
quickly returned. “At least this way, I know to give up on my silly dreams where he’s concerned. And if I did hit on him like some lovesick teenager, I can blame it on being drunk.’’

“Yeah, I guess that’s a plus.’’

“And I didn’t sleep with him.’’

“Even better.’’

“There are other men out there. Men who will appreciate me.’’

“Of course there are.’’

Yet despite her words, Wendy looked at Tyanna and burst into tears.

“Hey.” Tyanna reached for her friend and wrapped an arm around her. “I didn’t realize you had it for Phil this bad.’’

Wendy sniffled. “It’s not Phil. I got a call from my mother this evening.’’

Tyanna’s stomach suddenly lurched. For Wendy to be this upset, it had to be something serious. “How bad is it?’’

“My father is moving out.’’

“Oh, my God.’’

Wendy chuckled, but the sound held no mirth. “Uh-huh. Seems he up and lost his mind. Told her he’s not sure if he ever loved her. Something about how he married her just because of me.’’

“Oh, no.’’

Wendy pulled back and looked at Tyanna from tear-filled eyes. “Yeah, that didn’t make me feel very good, let me tell you.’’

“That was a horrible thing for your father to
say. And considering your parents had two more children and have been together for twenty-six plus-years, I think it’s a line of bull.’’

Tyanna reached for a Kleenex from the table and passed it to Wendy. Wendy wiped her eyes. “My mother is crushed. My sister says she’s worried that Mama’s gonna end up in the hospital. She won’t eat, she stays in her room all day and cries.” Wendy blew her nose. “I’m just so glad my brother and sister are there for her. I’ll have to make the trip up to Orlando in a few days.’’

“I’m really sorry, Wendy.” Tyanna hated to see her normally happy, bubbly friend cry.

“I feel so silly, crying over this at my age. People separate and get divorced all the time.’’

“You have every right to be upset.’’

“If you’d seen my parents together—they were always the perfect couple. I can’t believe my father would do this to her. Maybe if I’d been there…”

“Sweetie.” Tyanna rubbed Wendy’s back. “I know it hurts, but there was nothing you could do. None of this is your fault.’’

Wendy’s guilt-filled expression said she believed otherwise. “I hated when my parents left South Florida for Orlando when I was sixteen. For one, I was no longer close to you, my best friend. I moved back here the day I turned eighteen, and I know that broke my mother’s heart. But I also left her with my younger brother and sister to take care of.” Wendy shrugged. “I don’t
know. Maybe there was extra stress because I was no longer around….”

Tyanna put her arm around Wendy’s shoulders. “That was eight years ago, sweetie.’’

Wendy sniffled. “I know. It doesn’t make sense. I guess I’m just in shock. My whole life—I’ve always dreamed of having a relationship like my parents’. And now I learn that my father is saying he probably never loved my mother? Everything I believed was a lie. I wish he’d just gone out and had an affair.’’

“Maybe that’s what this is about.’’

“I wouldn’t be surprised. Nothing about relationships surprises me anymore.” Wendy released an angst-filled sigh. “Today has been a day of tough lessons. You always told me I was too much of a romantic. I think you were right.’’

Tyanna didn’t know what to say. If this had happened to her parents, she would be completely devastated. A breakup was a shock for any child, no matter how old you were. She knew it wouldn’t help to give Wendy meaningless words that would never ease what she was going through.

“Have you talked to your father?’’

“Nope. And right now, I don’t want to.’’

Tyanna ate another spoonful of ice cream. “Well, I hope this is just one of those life-crisis moments for your father. Maybe he’s just going through something and it will all work out.’’

“I hope so, but I’m not counting on it.’’
They fell into silence, eating their ice cream and watching the movie. Finally, Wendy spoke. “What about you, Tyanna? If you’re picking up
Thelma and Louise
, then I know you’re having man troubles, too. But I just saw Sheldon at your place this morning, so I thought all was well on that front.’’

The ice cream in Tyanna’s mouth suddenly soured. “Guess he fooled us both.’’

“What happened?”

“Hell if I know. One minute, he was telling me he wanted to build a life with me, the next he was calling me at work, practically begging me to move to L.A. to pursue my dream and leave him behind.’’

“That makes no sense.’’

“Tell me about it.’’

Wendy gripped Tyanna’s hand and gave it a squeeze. “Something must be going on. How could he be in your bed this morning, yet breaking up with you hours later?’’

Tyanna felt the hot sting of tears. She did her best to hold them back. “I asked myself that same question a little over a year ago, remember? I didn’t believe Sheldon could cut me out of his life and not look back. But he did, which is why I knew better this time. Knew better, but didn’t do better.’’

“I’m sorry.’’

“Me too.’’

“Both of us dealing with heartache at the same time? Must be something in the water today,” Wendy said sarcastically.

“Who knows? Stranger things have happened.”

“Did you consider calling him back?” Wendy asked. “If nothing else, he owes you an explanation. Not some lame brush-off.”

“I thought about it. And like you said, I’m sure there’s something else going on. But you know what? He’s doing exactly what he did the last time. Not trusting me with whatever is happening. He’d rather have me suffer. And I just can’t deal with that. Not anymore.’’

Tyanna finished off the last of her butter pecan ice cream, then sat back against the sofa and placed a hand on her belly. She’d stuffed herself, and in the end, she didn’t feel much better.

Wendy finished off her double fudge and leaned back beside Tyanna. “This sucks. No offense, Tyanna. The ice cream was great, but my life right now…Sometimes, I just want to get away from it all.’’

“That’s it!” Tyanna exclaimed, looking at Wendy. “What a great idea.’’

Yes, that’s exactly what she needed. She wasn’t ready to head off on a cruise ship for six months, but a day’s drive somewhere nice would hopefully boost her spirits. Wendy’s, too. “And I’ll go with you. We’ll be Thelma and Louise on our own adventure!”

“One that doesn’t end in tragedy,” Wendy added wryly. “I’m not quite ready to sacrifice it all over a man.’’

Tyanna angled her body sideways, resting her
head against Wendy’s. Her friend sounded better already. “That’s the spirit.’’

Wendy asked, “You really want to go somewhere?”

“Yes,” Tyanna replied with enthusiasm. “Why don’t we drive down to Key West? Or Key Largo? We can spend the night, then get you back bright and early for your next day’s shift at the gym.’’

“That does sound great.’’

“Okay. Then it’s set. I’ll go home, get some stuff together. I’ll pick you up in the morning.’’

“All right.’’

Wendy’s lips curled in the faintest hint of a smile, but Tyanna could tell even that was forced.

Tyanna stood and placed her hands on her hips. “No more feeling guilty.” She took Wendy by the hand and pulled her up from the floor. “You are going to get some sleep. Because you have to be up bright and early for our trip to Key West. Got it?’’

Wendy managed a smile. “Yes, ma’am.’’

“Good.” Tyanna hugged her tightly. “I love you, sweetie.’’

“I know. I love you, too.’’

“And we’re gonna get through this. Me and you. Both of us are gonna be just fine.’’

For the fifth time, Sheldon called Tyanna. For the fifth time, he hung up when her answering machine picked up.

He ground out a frustrated breath, wondering where she was. Maybe she just wasn’t taking any calls.

He’d considered calling her at work, had started to in fact, then decided against it. Even now, he wasn’t sure what he’d say to her if he got her on the line.

Mostly, he wanted to know she was okay. Not that she’d tell him. At least if she hung up on him, he would know she was angry, and angry was good.

Angry would mean she was putting him behind her.

Hell, maybe he needed to leave well enough alone. Hadn’t he hurt her enough? His voice was the last thing she would want to hear, considering everything.

Swallowing the lump in his throat, Sheldon made his way from the row of pay phones back to the long line where his mother was standing. They were at Miami International Airport, and his mother was waiting to get her boarding pass. Last night at Mrs. Lundy’s, Sheldon had told his mother all the details of what was going on. Then, he had tried to convince her to head to Brooklyn to stay with her sister for a while.

“I can’t have you around here if someone is trying to kill me, Ma. This was too close.’’

“Then come with me,” she had said. “I’m going to be a nervous wreck in New York without you. I don’t want to lose the only son I have left.’’

“You are not going to lose me,” Sheldon assured her. “I’m going to deal with this once and for all. Someone has to stay to deal with the insurance company anyway. Then you can come back here and we can get a new place. I’m not going to let these people ruin our lives any more than they already have.’’

Sheldon walked with his mother through the line. She didn’t have any luggage other than a small carry-on her neighbor had given her; everything they’d owned had been lost in the fire. Millie wore a haggard expression.

“Did you reach Tyanna?” she asked.

Sheldon ran a hand over the back of his neck. “No.’’

“Don’t make the same mistake you made last time, Sheldon. Leaving her the way you did before. She deserves better than that. You both do.’’


“No, hear me out. You didn’t ask my input the last time. You just took off, assuming that was best.’’

“I had to protect you and Tyanna.’’

“A lot of good that did.’’

Ouch. His stomach dropped at his mother’s words.

She reached out and gently touched his face. “I don’t mean that the way it may have come across. I’m not blaming you, by any means. I am only trying to say that sometimes, despite our best intentions, things don’t go the way we want them to. You left, thinking you were doing the best thing. You broke Tyanna’s heart in the process, yet the danger isn’t gone. How different would it have been if you hadn’t shut her out?’’

“I didn’t want to take that chance.’’

“Fine, you didn’t before. But now you know the answer. She may be in danger anyway, so you two are unfortunately in this together. And to push her away again—you will lose her forever.’’

“I’m prepared for that.’’

“Are you? I’ve seen how much happier you’ve been in these past weeks. And now, you’re walking around like your head is stuck in a toilet. Is it worth it? Are these pathetic souls who are trying to ruin your life worth giving up Tyanna?’’

Sheldon hadn’t quite thought of it that way before. “I don’t know, Ma.’’

“Tyanna adores you. And I adore her. It’s time
we all move past the pain that’s held us back and embrace a positive future. And that includes you letting go of whatever issues you have where your father is concerned.”

Sheldon opened his mouth, then promptly shut it. He and his mother had never discussed his father like this before.

“You don’t think I know why you run from relationships? But you couldn’t run from Tyanna, could you? Then you got scared and used the first excuse you could to get her out of your life, under the pretense that it was the best thing for her.’’

“It wasn’t a pretense.”

“It was, even though you were too foolish to know it. You are nothing like your father. And I’m sorry if my perceived weakness in staying with him affected your outlook on relationships. I always knew when he was at fault, when he did me wrong. But he needed me.” She held up a hand when Sheldon started to speak. “I know what you’re going to say. But I stand by my decision. Maybe now I’d do things differently. I don’t know. The point is, my relationship with your father should have no bearing on your relationship with Tyanna.’’

Sheldon was surprised at the lump of emotion that formed in his chest, making it hard to breathe.

“If you’re going to stay here and resolve this whole mess,” Millie went on, “then for God’s sake, don’t let Tyanna out of your life once again. I will never speak to you again if you do.’’


“I’m serious,” she told him, giving him a stern look.

They were now at the counter. His mother provided the appropriate identification to get her boarding pass. Minutes later, she was set to go to the gate.

Sheldon walked her to the farthest point he could. Her eyes filling with tears, Millie drew him into a hug. She hugged him as though she weren’t coming back for a long time. “Be careful, son.’’

“I will be.’’

“And remember what I said.’’

“I will.’’

“I love you.’’

“I love you too, Ma.’’

Another quick squeeze, and she was on her way. As Sheldon brushed away his unexpected tears, he vowed to make Dino’s hooligans pay for what they had done to his life, to those he cared about.

Yeah, he was going to end this. Or he was going to die trying.


Tyanna and Wendy barely made it back from their trip to Key West in time to get Wendy to work on schedule. Tyanna dropped her off at the gym minutes to seven, then headed home to get a bit more sleep before she’d have to get up for work herself.

Crawling out of bed at three-thirty in the morning for the three-hour drive back to Miami hadn’t been fun, but Tyanna was glad she and Wendy had taken the trip. She didn’t even mind having splurged on a hotel room for only five hours of sleep. Sitting on the beach and drinking a couple piña coladas had done them a world of good. So did the bit of flirting they’d engaged in with some of the gorgeous men at the restaurant where they’d had dinner the night before. It was all in good fun, of course, and there hadn’t been a thought of taking it further. But it was exactly what both Tyanna and Wendy needed at the time.

Thankfully, the weather had cooperated for their short stay, giving them plenty of sunshine.

By the time they’d left, Wendy was smiling and laughing with sincerity.

Now at home, Tyanna opened her apartment door and stepped inside. Though she knew it was foolish, the first thing she did was head to the answering machine.

Not one message. Her heart sank.

But what had she expected? That Sheldon would have called and told her what a big idiot he was? She shook her head with chagrin. She was such an idiot, hanging onto the past.

While it sucked having her heart broken again, at least Sheldon had given her the courtesy of a phone call when he ended things this time. That was an improvement, rather than cutting her off cold turkey.

Yet if it was an improvement, why did she feel as lousy as the first time?

A long sigh oozing out of her, Tyanna opened her bedroom door. She felt more than lousy and knew exactly why. Because she had kept that small bubble of hope alive inside her heart. The hope that after how Sheldon had shared himself with her once again, there was more to their relationship than the physical. But knowing that Sheldon hadn’t even tried to reach her while she’d been away was the pin that popped that bubble.

Tyanna undressed and climbed into bed. Her heart lodged in her throat as she pulled the sheet over her. Sheldon’s scent was everywhere.

How could she sleep in this bed, where she had once again given Sheldon her body, heart, and her soul?


Ring, ring, go away. Come again another day….

The phone! Opening her eyes, Tyanna rolled over in bed, reaching for the receiver.

She brought it to her ear and said groggily, “Hello?’’

Two beats passed, then, “Hi.’’

Every nerve in Tyanna’s body screamed with awareness, a reaction she didn’t like at all. She felt a mixture of relief and anger.

She cleared her throat and sat up. “Sheldon.”

He was silent again, and Tyanna wondered if he’d called simply to have her talk. She was about
to tell him that she didn’t have time for this when he spoke.

“How are you?” he asked.

If he meant, “Are you wallowing in misery?” Tyanna would never give him the satisfaction. “I’m fine.’’

“Good.” Pause. “That’s good. Um, I tried reaching you yesterday.”

So, he had called. Why hadn’t he left a message? “I was out of town,” she told him. “Had a great time.’’

“Then you’re doing okay.’’

“Why wouldn’t I be?’’

A few thoughts came to mind, thoughts that didn’t make it to his lips. Sheldon’s tongue suddenly felt like sandpaper. He could hardly form a decent thought, much less speak. But what was he supposed to say to her now that she had practically told him she didn’t miss him in the least?

For God’s sake, don’t let Tyanna out of your life once again. I will never speak to you again if you do….

Damn, what was wrong with him? Hadn’t he called to tell Tyanna how he felt and what was going on? So why weren’t the words coming to him?

It was easier said than done. He didn’t want to make the wrong decision. There was still a part of him that feared telling her, because he figured she’d run right out and try to do something about it. Just the way she had quickly gone to the gym
and spoken with Leona when he’d come back to town and told her about Dino. Tyanna had a feisty side when ready, and if she felt protective—or guilty—he had no clue what she would do.

“Sorry, Ma,” he muttered.

“What did you say?’’


Well, wasn’t that special. Tyanna wished Sheldon were here so she could smash the receiver she held over his head. The man was more than aggravating. She knew him well enough—at least she thought she did—to know that he hadn’t called simply to see if she was okay.

She asked, “Are you finally going to tell me what’s going on?’’

“I…well…nothing.” He groaned. Man, did he ever sound like an idiot. “Okay. Maybe I’m preoccupied with something.”

“Wow. I’m surprised you admitted that.’’

“Come on, Tyanna. You should know that with whatever I’m doing, I’m keeping you my number-one priority.”

“Really? And exactly how should I know that? Just a couple days ago, you told me to move to Los Angeles and forget about you.’’

“I told you not to let me stand in the way of your dreams.’’

Tyanna grunted her frustration. “I heard you fine and dandy two days ago, thank you very much. So if you have nothing else to say—’’

“Just,” he interjected, then paused. “Just give me some time.’’

“Time?” she asked, appalled. “You know, I wanted to believe that after everything you said to me when you came back into my life that you would be able to reach deep inside yourself and learn how to trust me, but I was wrong. So if you want time, I’ll give you time. How about the rest of your life?’’

And then she slammed down the receiver. What she really wanted was to hurl the phone across the room. But of course that wouldn’t solve a thing.

Tyanna let out a long, angry groan as she dropped backward on her pillows. She pulled the covers over her once more.

Forget Sheldon. Forget ever expecting him to respect and trust you the way you need him to. Forget all the silly dreams you once again started to have.

Forget it all.


Action. Sheldon had to put everything else out of his mind and take action.

He had known better than to expect Tyanna to be happy to hear from him, and now he had to put the disappointment of their phone call behind him. The sooner he resolved this whole mess, the better.

He picked up the phone and called Maria.

Relief washed over him when she answered. “Hey, Maria. It’s Sheldon.’’

“Hi, Sheldon.” She sounded pleasantly surprised. “How are you?’’

“Not too good, actually.”

“What’s wrong?’’

For the next several minutes, Sheldon explained the recent events.

“Dear God,” Maria said. “Burned your mother’s house down?’’

“With no regard for anyone else. Sure, they want me, but what if the neighbors’ houses had caught fire? I have no clue if the person who started the fire knew no one was home, or if he just didn’t care. My mother could have been killed.” And if she had been killed, Sheldon would never forgive himself.

“I thought for sure this was all over,” Maria commented sadly.

“So did I.” Sheldon paused. “I need to find out a couple of things. First of all, I need to identify the guy working at the juice bar with Leona. Tyanna says he looks just like Dino—young guy though, early twenties. Wears glasses, maybe.’’

“Mmm. Could be Tony Benedetto,” Maria answered. “Dino’s cousin.’’

“The one from New York?’’


“All right. So Dino’s family still owns the juice bar. That may explain some things. What do you know about this cousin?’’

“Whatever Dino did, Tony did. That boy aimed
to please, which suited Dino well. In fact, Tony did a lot of Dino’s dirty work in the operation—picking up the steroids, roughing up the competition. That sort of thing. He didn’t start working at the juice bar until Dino’s death, from what I understand. I’d met him before, of course, and didn’t like him one bit. If you’ve got problems now, I would bet money that Tony is involved.”

Sheldon would bet money on it too. He made a mental note of the name. “All right. My next issue. And I know you’re trying to put the whole Dino situation behind you, so I hate to even ask. But I’m hoping you’ll be willing to corroborate my story for me.’’

“Sheldon, you don’t even have to ask. If that’s what it takes to put an end to this whole sorry mess, you know you can count on me.’’

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