Temperature's Rising (30 page)

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Authors: Karen Kelley

BOOK: Temperature's Rising
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“What do you want?” she murmured. “Just tell me, and I’ll fulfill your every fantasy,” she said, turning his words back on him. She could play on his imagination as well as he’d played on hers. His was probably running just as rampant.

Something close to a gurgle came from him.

“Having problems thinking of something? Maybe I can help.” She tugged his briefs to his knees, cupping his butt, and began to massage his firm cheeks; then, with one languid stroke, she ran her tongue up his penis, flick-ing across the tip. He curled his fingers in her hair and arched forward. “Did that help you think of anything?”

“I think you enjoy teasing me.” She shook her head and looked up into his glazed eyes. “Oh, no, just name your pleasure and I’ll do my best to fulfill it. I’d never
you.” He returned her stare. “Then take me. I want to feel your tongue licking and your mouth sucking.”

“I thought you’d never ask.” And she was happy to oblige. Like candy that had been denied far too long, she drew him into her mouth and began to suck.

He was smooth against her tongue . . . smooth and a 258

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little salty. She swirled around the tip, French-kissing him before taking all of him again. He rocked against her, but gentle enough that he didn’t hurt, letting her set the pace.

“Enough,” he groaned, pulling her to her feet, kicking the rest of the way out of his briefs.

Before she could protest, he began kissing her lips, slipping her wet T-shirt over her head. He buried his face in her cleavage, kissing and licking as his fingers busily worked the clasp at her waist.

“Damn it, do you know how difficult it is to undo a wet bra?”

The situation might have been funny if she wasn’t just as anxious to feel his hands . . . his mouth . . . on her naked skin. “There are other ways.” In one smooth motion, she slid the bra around so she could see what she was doing. He was right. “The damn thing is wet and hard . . .” She grit her teeth.

“You’re telling me?”

She stopped struggling, looked up, then laughed. He did have a wonderful sense of humor. Just not at the most appropriate times.

Before she could protest, he grabbed a knife out of the drawer and cut through the material.

Her mouth dropped open. “That was one of my new bras.” She’d paid a ridiculous amount of money for it.

“I’ll buy you another one.” He tossed the knife into the sink and cupped her breasts. “Damn, I love touching you.”

She grabbed the counter to steady herself. He leaned toward her, his mouth covering one breast while his hands worked her shorts over her hips and down her legs.

Without missing a beat, he moved to the other breast while his fingers began a campaign all their own, stroking between her legs, tangling in her curls, scraping across the fleshy skin. He slipped a finger inside her; she rubbed against him, moving her body up and down.



“Oh God, now,” she cried.

He scrambled for a condom and quickly skimmed it on his rock-hard penis before he lifted her. She wrapped her arms around his neck, her legs around his middle, as he sank inside her. Her breasts were crushed against his chest as she moved to his rhythm.

As he filled her, she clenched her inner muscles around him, sucking him in further. He moved faster, going in deeper until the gates opened and the room exploded around her. She vaguely heard his cry. All she could do was wrap her hands tighter and hang on as her body trembled with pleasure she could never have imagined.

“Sweet Jesus, what have you done to me?” he whispered close to her ear.

She couldn’t speak. All she could do was hold him close and wonder the same thing.

Chapter 19

“We can’t stay here forever,” Jessica told Conor as they lay on the heart-shaped bed.

Conor brushed a strand of hair from her eyes. The only light in the room came from the bathroom. She looked sexy as hell with the shadows playing around her.

After their kitchen adventure, they’d made their way upstairs to find dry clothes, but had only gotten as far as the bed. God, she’d been hot and more than ready for him again. He’d been happy to oblige.

Then they’d showered and fallen asleep, wrapped in each other’s arms. He wasn’t sure what time it was or how long they’d slept, and right now, he didn’t really care.

Deep down he knew he was trying to spend as much time with her as he could—before they went their separate ways.

“Why can’t we stay just like this?” He turned on his side, facing her, and cupped her breast, tweaking the nipple. It sprang to life. “We’re not on duty anymore, remember?”

Would he ever get his fill of her? It didn’t seem that he TEMPERATURE’S RISING


would. They’d had the most incredible sex he’d ever experienced, and still he wanted more.

“Why can’t we, Jessica?” he asked, burying his head in her hair and inhaling the peach shampoo she’d used.

She grinned. “For one thing, we’d starve.” As if to reinforce her words, his stomach growled. She grinned.

“Betrayed by my gut.” He fell back against the pillow before the temptation of her breast overcame him. She was right—he was hungry.

“Okay, you win.” He rolled over and sat up on the side of the bed. The illuminated dials read eleven o’clock. He hadn’t realized it was that late. No wonder his stomach had growled.

He glanced over his shoulder, and his stomach did more than growl. Her hair was tousled and she had a very satisfied expression on her face as she hugged the pillow.

Like a woman who’d been sexually satisfied. Her charms were hidden behind the large white pillow, but her legs, one hip, and a shoulder were tantalizingly displayed.

“Food sounds nice,” she purred, squishing the pillow.

She glanced toward the clock. “You know, it’s too late to pack and load the car tonight, so we might as well stay until morning.”

She was right about it being late, but he had a feeling she wasn’t thinking about disturbing the neighbors. Her expression might be innocent, but there was a wealth of meaning in her words. He rather liked the idea of her naked body curled against his.

“You think we should eat just so we can keep up our strength?”

“Umm, that might not be a bad idea.” He stood, pulling out fresh clothes from the dresser, and was putting them on when he realized his was the only movement in the room.


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He glanced toward Jessica. She was still in the same position as when he’d gotten up. “Is something wrong?” She shook her head. “I’m staring, aren’t I? Sorry. I just can’t seem to get my fill of watching you.” She moved languidly from the bed.

His mouth went dry. In the shadows of the room, she looked like some kind of goddess rising from her throne.

A very naked goddess. His gaze roamed over her full breasts, slim hips, and stopped on the thatch of dark hair.

She sauntered past him, quite unconcerned that she was completely naked and had just given him a world-class boner.

“Let’s eat fast,” she murmured as she went to what used to be her room. He leaned around the corner and watched her pull on a nightshirt that fell to the tops of her thighs. “I’ll meet you in the kitchen.” Now, how was he supposed to eat when he knew she was naked underneath the nightshirt? But then again, maybe he’d have her for dessert.

“I’m right behind you,” he called out, catching up with her at the bottom of the stairs and scooping her in his arms. His chest muffled her scream. She weighed hardly anything at all. The thought of her fighting crime and taking down bad guys sent a shudder of fear down his spine.

She wrapped her arms around his neck and snuggled close, wiggling her bottom and making it nearly impossible to think about food. He carried her to the fridge and set her on her feet.

“What looks good?” she asked, after opening the door.

He circled his hands about her waist and pulled her against him. She felt soft and curvy and very hot next to his body. “
look good.” He nibbled her neck.

She chuckled. “But I won’t put meat on your bones.”

“I don’t know—so far you’ve made one bone thicker.” He nuzzled the side of her neck.

“You must be hungry. That was really bad.” TEMPERATURE’S RISING


“Bad to the bone?”

She grabbed the pizza box. “Quick, eat before you short-circuit my joke receptors.”

“Hey, I’m kind of a novice at this. Give me a break.” He plopped the pizza on the table while she grabbed a couple of sodas and turned on the light over the sink. It wasn’t as bright and glaring as the overhead, but would give them enough light to eat by.

“Cold pizza and soda. My favorite meal. Gabe and I used to stay up late sometimes, and this was our main late-night snack.”

“You’re close to your brother?” She opened the box and tore off a slice. “Yeah, we’re pretty close. Like most brothers, he could be a real pain at times. But he’s family and that’s a bond that always keeps people together.” She bit into her slice and chewed. “Unless, of course, you’re in a dysfunctional family. I bet the Merediths have some great family reunions.” He leaned back in his chair, food momentarily forgotten as he watched her. He wasn’t even listening to what she said. The way she moved, the way she gestured with her pizza, the way she pulled her nightshirt down so when she sat in the chair her bottom wouldn’t freeze. That’s what captured and held his attention.

She must have noticed he was staring, because she blushed and looked away. They’d had the most incredible sex with wild abandonment on both their parts. They’d explored each other’s bodies until he knew hers almost as well as he did his own. And now she blushed when he stared at her. Amazing, contradictory woman.

“Our neighbors are up.” She pointed out the window with her slice of pizza.

A light shone from one of the windows in the house next door. He casually glanced out the window. She was right. There hadn’t been a light on a minute ago. For just a second, his gut clenched, then relaxed. He wasn’t on 264

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duty. The chief had given him the next couple of days off.

He didn’t have to think about the strange behavior of the family next door. He’d much rather concentrate on Jessica. Besides, they were probably going to work.

He caught Jessica’s arm and tugged her onto his lap.

“Apparently, they are,” he said, then took a bite from her pizza and chewed. He was so lost in her smoky blue eyes he couldn’t even say what kind of pizza he was eating.

“Do you always steal other people’s food?” She frowned at him. “First my Godiva candy, and now my pizza.”

“Sorry.” He swallowed and leaned in for another bite, but she moved it out of his reach so he was forced to get his own slice. He was grinning when he reached inside the box. His grin slipped when he saw Barry leave the house, looking left, then right, as he stepped off the porch and slinked toward the garage.

“Strange behavior,” Jessica said as she stood.

“Too damn strange.”

Barry raised the garage door as Conor came to his feet.

Jessica glanced over her shoulder. “Are you sure my dad got the right burglars?”

“No, I’m not. The chief said they hadn’t confessed. In fact, they were denying everything.”

“All the evidence pointed to them, right?”

“It wouldn’t be the first time circumstantial evidence kept the law from getting the real criminal.” Damn it, why hadn’t he trusted his instincts? They’d never been wrong before. “But I’m going to find out exactly what is going on.”

He turned and hurried out of the room.

“What are you going to do?” Jessica stayed right on his heels.

“Follow them. See if they’re up to mischief.”

“Do you think they are?”



“I don’t have a good feeling. Let’s leave it at that until I get something a little more concrete.” He took the stairs two at a time and hurried into the bedroom.

He rummaged in a drawer and pulled out his knife.

After strapping it to his calf, he grabbed his gun and hol-ster. If something was going down, he’d know soon enough. He scooped up his socks and shoes before going back downstairs to the window so he could watch the activity next door.

he have to go on? Nothing but a gut feeling, but sometimes that was all anyone ever had. At some point a person had to forget logic and go with what they believed.

He sat in the chair and slipped on his socks, then his shoes. He heard Jessica coming down the stairs as he finished tying his shoes and looked up. The foyer light cast a soft light on her as she rushed down the stairs. She was dressed all in black, like a cat burglar. The clothes hugged each delicious curve. For a moment, the Merediths didn’t exist.

Damn it, she was doing it to him again. Making him forget what he was supposed to be concentrating on.

“Where the hell do you think you’re going?” Her eyes widened. “With you, of course.” Before he could say a word, she hurried on. “Don’t worry, I’ll stay out of your way.”

“You’re right—you will stay out of my way because you’re not going anywhere.” It was bad enough being in the house with her. Following behind possible criminals?

Not while he had breath in his body. It wasn’t going to happen.

“That’s not fair,” she argued.

“Yeah, well, life isn’t always fair.” He turned back to the window, hating the way his words sounded, but he didn’t want her putting any crazy notions in his head.

George came out of the house and hurried to the car, 266

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stumbling once, but quickly regaining his footing. He opened the back car door and climbed in. If the moon hadn’t been so bright, George’s dark clothes would’ve blended well. For the first time since meeting him, the flashy young man wore very dark, subdued clothes.

Just like Barry had been wearing.

“Jessica, I don’t have time for this. Barry is in the car.

George just joined him. I’m going to follow them and see what’s happening. I’ll feel a lot better if you’re safe.”

“I told you that I could take care of myself.”

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