Tempest in Disguise (Darkest Faerie Tale Series Book 1) (2 page)

BOOK: Tempest in Disguise (Darkest Faerie Tale Series Book 1)
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Strength radiated from him as he held her. “Since you are half Unseelie, it is my business.”

Her stomach dropped in her gut. Nobody knew the truth, with exception of the Seelie Elders, who went to great lengths to hide her hybrid status. “Who—who are you?”

“I asked you a question.” His voice lowered an octave. “Answer.”

The danger and challenge of his tone didn’t go unnoticed. Yet, she still scoffed and warned him, “I’m going to give you three seconds to release me.”

“Is that so, Mya?” he asked with a hint of erotic boldness, challenging her further.

A tingling thrill wove through her, trailing under the flesh, and her Unseelie side rose to the occasion, chomping at the bit. “Yes,” she breathlessly exhaled. She wanted to kiss him so she could savor his taste on her lips—and devour him.
No, keep yourself in check.
She bit the inside of her cheek, resisting the urge to arch into him. Her attraction toward him would be the death of her.
You don’t even know why he’s in your house!
“This is your last warning.”

“You make quite the ominous threat.” His full, heart shaped lips hiked to the side.

The cadence of his voice, the way he taunted her for control, drove a hungry passion in her to new levels and she couldn’t stop her hips from undulating against the stiff erection she felt behind her. She purred on the inside, knowing what type of effect she had on him. Maybe she’d seduce him to get the upper hand and take him out first—an excellent plan indeed. Mya rolled her shoulders, thrusting her chest up and rubbed against his arms braced around her. The tips of her nipples hardened with the delicious contact. She indulged in the minor caress, desperately seeking more of what he could give her.

A gasp escaped her when his arms loosened and he moved his hands to boldly cup her breasts.

He squeezed them with a heady possessiveness. “Show me more of what you are threatening to do to me. I do believe your three second warning is up.”

Zings of pleasure trickled down to her sex and she exhaled in a rush. “Don’t instigate things you aren’t prepared for.”

“I could say the same thing to you.” He tweaked her nipple through her bra and tee shirt.

Knees nearly buckling against the thrill spiraling through her, she reminded herself they were playing a game. The Unseelies prided themselves on their mischievous contests and trickery. She ground against his shaft, slowly, teasing him in a languid stroke. “Ah, so you weren’t prepared for me?”

“No.” He brushed his lips against her earlobe and his soft, warm breath flowed over her skin as he continued to play with her breasts. “And you were most definitely, not ready for me.”

No—she wasn’t. The dark stranger in her bedroom had something she needed. What? She couldn’t name. However, she did know she couldn’t let him go, not so soon, so she toyed with him. “I am a hybrid. You have no idea who I am or what I’m capable of doing to you.”

He released one of her breasts and cupped her chin, turning her head to face him. “There, you are wrong, beautiful. I’m extremely aware of your abilities, more so than you.” A light blue hue glistened from his eyes in the pale moonlight.

Coupled with his touch and the sweet nickname, she quivered under his hold. The intense arousal building inside only grew stronger and she ached to be touched by him further. This man completely undid her. Something about him disarmed her. As a matter of fact, her sixth sense never received that uneasy tingling vibe around him.

Maybe he could help her. Besides, she didn’t have anything to lose by admitting the truth. It’s not like either of them could use their magick anyway—Aos sí were immune to one another’s magick. In a whisper, she said, “My magick is too powerful. Even I don’t know how to contain it.” Sometimes it consumed her so much, she blacked out for an entire day, but she didn’t plan on telling him too much.

“I do.” He angled his head lower down until their mouths were only a centimeter away. “Perhaps, you need someone to show you the way—to take control.”

Mya licked her lips and tried to ease the anxious pace of her heart as she inhaled his breaths. Her thoughts made her words come out muddled. “Or, maybe I’m the one controlling you already.”

“You like to play games, Mya?” He taunted her with his lips, so close, yet too far away.

The walls of her core clenched and released, an aching void, wanting to be filled. A sting of pleasurable pain seared her breasts and her shoulders arched when he pinched her rock hard nipple through her clothes. Her thigh muscles almost gave out as need for him ripped through her. “Do you like to play games?” she asked back in raspy voice.

“Have you ever studied psychology, Mya? When a person is nervous or unsure they basically repeat what the other person said.”

Damn it.
Was she nervous? She couldn’t think straight. Both halves of her warred for dominance. One side wanted him to play with her. The other wanted to out play him. He was a dark temptation for her and her downfall at the same time. To hell with it all, she let her Unseelie side rule the moment. Her hips thrust backward and she ground against his shaft. Arching her back, she titled her head up, moving her mouth closer to his. Contact. Warm, thick lips met hers and an urgent need sparked a greater want inside of her.

As she reached up behind her and twined her fingers in his hair to pull him tighter, he returned the frenzied kiss. His tongue sought hers demanding surrender in her mouth and it fueled her lust with every stroke. Every touch from him, his dominating hold over her, lit her up—like a raging fire in a forest ready to consume every tree in its path.

Mya lost herself with him, just the two of them, two bodies burning in an inferno seeking more. She melted against him and let him take the reins, following each movement of his lips and tongue, unable to get enough of him.

He fisted his hand into her hair and pulled her head back. “Take off your clothes.”

The hell you say
. Her thoughts couldn’t keep up with her maddening pulse. “What?” Deep down though, she knew their game led up to this defining moment.

“I think you heard me.” He tightened his hold on her. “You wanted to play, you wanted control—well, I want your surrender.” A dangerous hunger danced across his face.

The glint in his eyes left her breathless, even hotter than before. She licked her lips, contemplating the seriousness of what he asked for, the taste of him lingered on her tongue. Would she be able to do, as he demanded?

At her unmoving silence, he said, “You have my word. No harm will come to you by my hand. If anything, I’m here to protect you.” As an Aos sí he had the inability to lie.

“The only thing I need protection from is you.” Unbidden, the statement slipped out because even she couldn’t deny the allurement toward him. Still she needed answers from him. “How did you know I’m a hybrid?”

“There are secrets in this world, ones we must safeguard against all others, and I want to show you the truth—things about yourself you don’t know exists. I’ll explain everything to you, but first…” He leaned closer and nipped her bottom lip. “Submit to me, Mya. I know you want to.”

Her sex moistened—because deep in the dark place inside of her—she hungered for him. Panic and trepidation should’ve made her want to flee. A stranger in her home told her to get naked and yield to him. In the rational part of her mind, it didn’t make sense. Insanity would be a better description, but he fascinated her and she wanted him more than she ever desired another. “So, I’m supposed to give into you, then what?”

“Do as I say and you will see.” His thumb brushed over her nipple. “Now, take off your clothes.”

The muscles in her core throbbed in beat with her pounding heart. “You just come into my house and expect to seduce me. Perhaps you should be the one getting naked,” she managed to say through heaving breaths.

“Fuck, you smell so good.” He nuzzled the tip of her nose with his and his lips brushed against her mouth. “I think the time for talking is over. I gave you a command and you have two options. Get undressed, or this thing between you and I, ends right here and now. It’s your choice.”

What did he mean? She swallowed back the lump in her throat. He could leave and never return. He could carry out whatever he planned when he came there. Or she could give into his demand—a request she wanted to obey—and see what he was really up to. For now, she would keep playing his game. “Okay.”

He released his grip on her hair and took a step back from her.

Bereft of his heat, the cool air sent a chill over her neck and shoulders. Facing away from him, Mya lifted her tee overhead and then unhooked her bra, letting them both fall to the floor. Her jeans were next as she slid them down her legs with her thong. Her heart hammered in her chest when she rose back up. She turned to look at him, and now that he didn’t appear as close, caught a better glimpse of him in the moonlight streaming through the windows.

Damn, if he didn’t have a physique built to salivate over with broad shoulders and muscular arms—a powerful body promising sinful pleasure. As her gaze moved up, she tilted her head to the side. Along his strong jaw, a scar ran the length on the left side ending at his chin. Aos sí were never marred with imperfections—they were the embodiment of perfect beauty and radiance. Plus, they could heal themselves. It didn’t make sense.

“Turn around now,” he ordered in dark raspy voice. “Bend over and touch the floor.” The muscles in his cheek clenched.

“Why?’ she asked giving herself time to study the lines of his face, those perfect cheekbones and plump, heart-shaped lips. Even in the dimness of the room the scar made him appear dangerous, a danger she’d like to lose herself in. Every nerve ending in her body stirred and tingled.

His lush lips hardened to a thin line, suggesting his patience ran thin. “Quit questioning me and do as instructed. This is your last warning.”

The damned Unseelie side of her encouraged her to give in to her filthy inner desire for him. She wanted to cede to his power—to relinquish control to him. Mya bent over, placing her palms on the floor, exposing herself to him. Thankfully, they were in the dark.

Heat flushed her chest, knowing he had an intimate look at her from behind. Silence reigned in the room. Never had she presented herself to anyone like this before, so defenseless and accessible. Her heart slammed against her sternum. Excitement and nervousness warred together. She swallowed hard, imagining him looking at the inner most parts of her.

His hard hand landed on her ass.

She screamed and tried to stand up, but his other hand pressed against her back keeping her from rising. Her teeth ground together. “What in the hell?”

His open palm rubbed the sting. “This is for questioning me earlier. Disobey me again and your punishment will be more severe. I will not stop at a mere spanking. Do you understand?”

Mya hissed in a breath against the pain stimulating through her from his odd form of discipline. A bead of moisture slide down her inner thigh and she was helpless against him. “Yes,” she rasped out.

His hand struck her butt cheek again.

She arched her shoulders at the smarting pain, biting her lip to keep from screaming out.

“That’s for talking back to me.” He smoothed his palm over her flesh, alleviating some of the burn. “It will do you well to show me some respect, so you will address me as Sir.” He bent over and pressed his lips to her butt cheek, where the burning stung the worst, and placed a soothing kiss to her red-hot flesh. “And, you will only speak when I ask you a question. Do I make myself clear?”

Mya exhaled in a rush, “Yes, Sir.” Hell on fire, this guy was going to be her undoing. How in the world did she get turned on by his rough treatment and spanking? She trembled, aching for more, more of the type of painful pleasure he could deliver. And why, of all the things, did she feel so desperate to seek his approval?

“Good girl,” he said low and fierce. “Sit on the edge of the bed, facing the window,”

The residual effects of his spankings left her tingling all over as she walked over to the side of her bed and sat on the edge. Moonlight streamed in through the window, shining a spotlight on her naked body, making her barer if at all possible. Her stomach fluttered and she wondered what he would do next.

“Lie back,” he ordered from behind her.

Slowly, she lowered herself on the bed and exhaled a shaky breath, staring at the ceiling. This was so unlike anything that was her, yet—she
in it. She never met anyone who measured up to this man, the presence of his commanding power, or the pure raw sexuality pouring from him—and Mya wanted all of him.

“Open up. Let me see you.”

Taking fast and shallow inhalations, she laid still. Did he want her to openly display herself to him?
What I have gotten myself into?
All of this was supposed to be a game and now, the reality of how vulnerable she became slapped her in the face.

He moved into her line of vision and locked his eyes on hers.

When he nodded for her to do as told, she widened her legs and choked back the nervousness threatening to overwhelm her.

“More. Grab your knees and pull them to your chest. Present yourself to me.”

BOOK: Tempest in Disguise (Darkest Faerie Tale Series Book 1)
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