Temporary Sanity (2 page)

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Authors: Rose Connors

Tags: #Thriller

BOOK: Temporary Sanity
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Evening news anchors and editorial columnists have been asking ever since: “How could this have happened?” My question is different. I wonder why it doesn’t happen every day, every time a child is victimized.
It shouldn’t have happened, of course. Buck Hammond shouldn’t have taken matters into his own hands. He should have let the system work, should have allowed Monteros to stand trial for his crimes.
Monteros would have been convicted. The DNA evidence against him was conclusive. He’d have spent the rest of his miserable days in a cell at Walpole, the Commonwealth’s maximum security penitentiary. And perhaps that would have been a more just result. Generally speaking, inmates don’t take kindly to child murderers.
That’s what should have happened. That’s the way our society should function. But I’m not prepared to condemn Buck Hammond for what he did. It wasn’t my son in the morgue.
Buck’s defense is an uphill battle, of course, and it isn’t made any easier by the fact that he shot Monteros while three television cameras were rolling. All cases have problems, but Buck’s has more than its share.
Harry was appointed to defend Buck Hammond on the day of the shooting. Buck was assigned a new lawyer when Harry announced his resignation from the Public Defender’s office, but neither Buck nor his family was happy about it. They wanted Harry back; no one else would do.
The relatives raised enough money to pay the initial retainer and asked Harry to meet with them. Harry said yes, of course; he’s never been able to say no to an underdog. They met at his new, not yet opened law office on the Friday of his first week of vacation. By the end of the meeting, Harry’s long-anticipated break was over.
After more than an hour of discussion with the extended family, Harry agreed to refile his appearance and resume Buck Hammond’s defense. Lucky for Buck. Geraldine Schilling made Buck the poster boy for lawless behavior during her campaign, calling him the Vigilante at every press conference. She put his case on a fast track; trial was six weeks away.
When Harry emerged from his office with Buck’s relatives that Friday, he found a dozen people in the waiting room. And he knew most of them. He’d parked his old Jeep Wrangler in the front driveway, visible from Main Street. His regular clients pulled in and parked too. And they brought a few friends.
He called later than usual that night. He couldn’t do it, he said. No one could. In one day, he’d opened more files than any solo practitioner could handle. He would have to call Buck Hammond’s relatives and reverse his decision. He couldn’t possibly carry this workload and be ready to try a murder-one case in six weeks. Unless, of course, he had a partner.
Even at the time, I knew Harry was playing a trump card. He’d been hounding me for weeks about joining the practice. I wasn’t ready, I kept telling him. I didn’t think I’d be any good at defense work. I didn’t want to be pressured into a decision. In Buck Hammond’s case, though, there was no decision to make. Harry knew that. I showed up for work the next day, and it happened to be Saturday.
Within the week, we lured Kevin Kydd away from the District Attorney’s office. Geraldine is still sore about it; she hasn’t replaced him yet. That means she’s stuck in the courtroom more often than she’d like. It means she isn’t available, at times, for the important things. Political rallies. Press conferences. Fund-raisers.
Geraldine has every right to be sore about losing her associate. The Kydd, as we call him, is a year and a half out of law school and probably the hardest-working young lawyer in Massachusetts. Any firm in the Commonwealth would hire him in a heartbeat. But Harry and I made him an offer he couldn’t refuse: long hours, longer headaches, and a salary with no way to go but up.
The Kydd gave Geraldine notice and joined us two weeks later. He went straight to work on the misdemeanors. Harry focused on the felonies. And I took on Buck Hammond.
Harry and I will try Buck’s case together-the relatives wanted him, after all-but I will take the laboring oar. Harry is swamped with other matters, and I have devoted my time exclusively to Buck. Now, the day before trial, Buck is as ready as he’s ever going to be to face the first-degree murder charge against him. So am I. I head back to the office anyway, though, to think it all through again, and again after that.
Harry is holed up in his office with Theodore Chase when I arrive. Steady Teddy, as he’s known on the streets, is charged with trafficking cocaine in a school zone. This is his third drug offense, and, if convicted, he faces a hefty jail term. Steady’s pretrial conference is scheduled for this afternoon, and Harry, I’m certain, is trying to persuade him to consider a plea bargain. Harry and I both worry about this one. Steady Teddy isn’t a guy most Barnstable County jurors will like.
The Kydd has two clients seated in folding chairs in the front office, waiting to see him, but he’s fielding phone calls when I arrive. The cash flow won’t support a secretary yet-generally speaking, our clients aren’t high rollers-so the attorneys here answer their own phones, type their own pleadings, and open their own mail. It’s a no-frills operation. “Lean and mean,” Harry calls it.
Lean and mean though it may be, our practice is housed in a charming building, an antique farmhouse on Main Street in South Chatham. Harry chose that location, he said, so I would have the world’s easiest commute. I told him to forget it. I wouldn’t rush back into practice, I said, not even if he set up shop in my backyard. He bought the old farmhouse anyway.
And it suits him. South Chatham is a gem of a village, a seaside community of quaint shingled cottages and owner-occupied small businesses. Harry’s farmhouse was built in 1840 and it wears all the charm of that era; its original wide-pine floors are still in place, uneven and sloping through every room. Our clients are comfortable here in a way they would not be in the wealthier areas of Chatham. Their tired pickup trucks and work vans aren’t so glaringly misplaced here.
Harry and the Kydd both have offices on the first floor, on either side of our only conference room, a space with a large brick fireplace and built-in ovens. It served as the keeping room when the house was used as a residence. I work in a small, pine-paneled office on the west end of the second floor, a rustic, airy room with a view over the treetops to Taylor’s Pond, and beyond that to Nantucket Sound. Harry lives in the rest of the second-floor space. Turns out he’s the one with the world’s easiest commute.
I’m barely seated when the Kydd clambers up the steep staircase. I know it’s the Kydd because he always takes the steps two at a time, and my middle-aged partner doesn’t.
The Kydd bursts into the room with his usual air of urgency. “Can’t stay,” he warns, both hands in the air. “People waiting. But I have to know. What’d ole Geraldine have to offer?” His grin expands when he mentions his former boss.
The Kydd’s speech drops no hint that he ever left Georgia. He’s slender and tall, but his posture is poor; his shoulders are stooped. “Stand up straight,” I always tell him, but he never does. Instead, he routinely gives me his slow, Southern grin and says, “Gert.” Gert, he finally admitted last week, is his great-aunt, the nag. I haven’t told him to stand up straight since.
“Murder two,” I tell him now.
“What does Buck say?”
“Buck says no.”
He grins again, pointing his pen at me. “What do you say?”
The Kydd is a quick study. He assumes more and more responsibility each day, it seems, taking on clients Harry and I would otherwise have to turn away. He learned the basics from me, in the DA’s office. Now he’s learning from Harry how to blend that competence with a tough compassion. Our clients are, for the most part, people battered by life and baffled by the system. Handling them is something of an art form, and Harry has it mastered.
I take off my glasses and consider the Kydd’s question. “I don’t know,” I tell him honestly. “My crystal ball is cloudy this week.”
“Well, are you ready?” he asks, already turning back toward the staircase.
“Nobody’s ever ready for trial, Kydd, you know that. But I’m as close as I’m going to get.”
The Kydd rolls out his Southern grin from the top step. “You’re ready,” he tells me. “My crystal ball says Stanley’s about to meet his match.”
I start to thank him for his vote of confidence, but the look on his face stops me. His eyes dart from me to the first floor and back to me again. He utters one word before he disappears. “Trouble.”
Chapter 3
The Kydd takes the entire staircase in three strides. I follow as fast as I can. The door to the front office is wide open, a raw northeast wind blowing snow inside, papers flying everywhere. A stack of files on the edge of the Kydd’s desk slides to the floor.
The waiting clients are on their feet, easing a tall, wafer-thin woman into the Kydd’s high-backed leather desk chair. She’s coatless and it’s freezing. Her face is swollen and bruised. Her white blouse is blood-spattered and open in front, the top buttons torn off. Her lower lip bleeds profusely, a dark red stream running down her neck and pooling at her collar.
The men part to let me through, and I see at once that her right arm is broken. It hangs from her shoulder at a tortured angle, the wrist taking a brutal bend. I take off my suit jacket and cover her chest, press my handkerchief against her lips.
“Who did this to you?” My own hands suddenly tremble.
Her eyes meet mine, but she doesn’t answer.
The Kydd reappears with a makeshift ice pack in a kitchen towel and an old blanket from the hallway closet. I replace my saturated handkerchief with the ice pack and cover the thin woman up to her neck with the worn blanket.
“Who did this to you?” I ask again, holding the ice pack away from her mouth so she can answer.
Her eyes dart around the room before she speaks. “My husband,” she whispers finally, “but he didn’t mean it. It was the drink. He didn’t mean it.”
Swell. That’s great. This scenario walked into the DA’s office more than once during the years I worked there. She defends the bastard even before she’s sewn up. By sunset, she remembers falling down a flight of stairs.
“How did you get here?” I ask, pressing the ice to her lips. She points behind me with her good hand, the left one, and I turn to see a skinny teenage girl wearing silver hoop earrings and a faded denim outfit, gnawing a thumbnail. She can’t possibly be old enough to drive-not legally, anyway. I decide not to inquire, the hallmark of a good defense lawyer, Harry says.
“Your father did this?” I ask instead.
The skinny girl gives up her thumbnail reluctantly. “He’s not my father.” She shakes her head. “And he’s not her husband either. She just says that. Like he’s some kind of prize.”
Harry rushes into the front office, Steady Teddy following at a slower, almost leisurely, pace. Steady’s light gray suit, a fine Italian cut, probably cost more than all of Harry’s suits put together. Steady has a narrow build, and he’s about four inches shorter than Harry’s six-foot frame, but he wears enough gold around his neck to stoop a much larger man. He stays behind Harry, adjusting his shiny watch band, looking away from the injured woman in the chair.
Imagine that. Steady Teddy doesn’t want to get involved.
Harry, though, moves to the woman’s side without a word and takes her pulse, one of those skills career criminal defense lawyers master somehow. “She’s not in shock,” he says, his eyes moving from the wall clock to the ice compress on the woman’s bleeding lip. “But she’s got to get to a hospital.”
Harry looks to the Kydd. “I’m due in court in an hour. Can you take her?”
The Kydd’s eyes widen and he gestures helplessly to the two men who’ve been waiting to see him since I got here. Harry’s eyes move to mine, but he doesn’t ask. He knows how anxious I am about tomorrow’s trial.
“I’ll call the rescue squad,” he says.
The woman pushes the kitchen-towel compress away and tries to get out of the chair, but she falls back against it almost at once. “No,” she cries. “No ambulance. No rescue squad. I won’t go with them.”
“She won’t go in an ambulance,” the teenage daughter confirms, her eyes rolling to the ceiling. She shakes her head again and sighs. “Never mind,” she says. “Forget it. I’ll take her.”
The mother sobs now, leaning to one side in the chair, her good arm over her eyes. “He didn’t mean it,” she repeats. “He didn’t. He had too much to drink, that’s all. He loses his temper when he drinks that much. He didn’t mean to hurt anybody. He probably won’t even remember.”
Harry lifts the telephone receiver, but I press my hand over the keypad before he can punch in the numbers. “I’ll take her,” I tell him. “I’ll take her to Cape Cod Hospital. But that’s all, Harry. I can’t do any more than that. You can’t either. Not with Buck’s trial starting tomorrow.”
Harry presses the receiver against the front of his suit jacket, looking like a schoolboy about to pledge allegiance to the flag. “Okay,” he says. “I’ll call and tell them you’re coming.”
The Kydd and his two clients struggle to raise the thin woman from the chair without hurting her arm. My suit jacket falls to the floor, but she manages to hold on to the blanket and the ice compress. The men wrap the blanket carefully around her shoulders before guiding her out to the porch, down the front steps, and across the snow-covered lawn toward my ancient Thunderbird.
The daughter follows without a word, her thin denim jacket wide open in the winter wind. She looks back at me from the bottom step and when our eyes meet, it hits me. Something is wrong with this picture.
The young girl brought her bleeding mother to a law office. Not a hospital; not even a doctor’s office. A law office.
Somewhere in the depths of my stomach I register a once familiar tightness. A few seconds pass before I can name it: it’s the onset of dread.
I hurry up the old staircase, grab my parka from the hook at the top, and head back down. I’m almost out the door when Harry catches up to me. “Marty,” he says.

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