Tempt Me When the Sun Goes Down (14 page)

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Authors: Lisa Olsen

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Genre Fiction, #Horror, #Occult, #Romance, #New Adult & College, #Paranormal, #Vampires

BOOK: Tempt Me When the Sun Goes Down
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“No, I don’t want it.”  He strode away from me to settle on one of the chairs and I followed, shoving my veins right back under his nose. 

“Rob, you need it.”

“No.”  He pushed my arm aside.  “I don’t deserve it.  Curse or not, what I done wasn’t right.  Not to you and not to her.  I don’t deserve to feel any better than I do right now.  I should burn for what I done.  If I’d only been honest with you about it instead of keeping it to myself…”

“You’re right,” I agreed, meeting his gaze directly.  “What you did was crappy, and I’m not saying all is forgiven, but I’m still your Sire and I’m not going to let you wither away and die either.  Now take my blood, that’s an order.”  I was prepared to add a level of compulsion to it, but he picked up my wrist, hesitantly bringing it to his mouth. 

I steeled myself for the bite of his fangs, but the touch of his lips came feather-light.  They brushed over the delicate skin until the veins at my wrist ached to be taken.  I’d gone utterly still in the way that only vampires can, not a cell moving out of place as I waited, the anticipation building between us as a palpable thing.  I realized my eyes had fallen shut and I opened them to see why he hadn’t taken what I offered yet, to find him staring up at me intently.  Our eyes locked, and that’s when his teeth slid into me.

My lips parted on a ragged breath as he drank, not with ravenous hunger as I’d expected, but with deliberate care.  I couldn’t look away, my chest rising and falling with his every swallow as the pleasure built within me.  Each pull of his mouth drawing me closer until my hip brushed against the chair and I moaned at that simple contact on my sensitized body. 

I reached out to steady myself and that was my undoing, my hand coming into contact with the bulge of his shoulder, brushing over bare skin as I clutched his undershirt tightly to keep from crying out.  Rob’s hand skimmed over the top of my thigh to settle against the flare of my hip, fingers rhythmically grasping and straining as he drank and drank.  Shifting into his hold, I let him rub against me wantonly, needing his touch more than I’d thought possible.  

I wanted to straddle him and ease that ache between my thighs.  I wanted to feel him slip inside me in a rush of desperate need and never let go.  I wanted to hear him say my name, his voice hoarse with pleasure as he thrust into me again and again.  The thought alone sent a shudder through me, the pleasure rippling higher as memories competed with the havoc his mouth played with my body. 

It was too much.  And it wasn’t what I’d offered him in the first place.

“That’s enough,” I rasped, pulling my wrist free. 

To his credit, Rob didn’t fight me, his eyes sliding shut as he clung to the moment.  “I’d forgotten,” he murmured, his voice dreamy.

So had I, but in an entirely different way than he meant.  I scooted away from the chair, needing some space to be able to think clearly again.  “Feeling better?” I asked, grateful to sound stronger.

“Almost like my old self again.  Ta muchly,” he smiled, up like a shot, his step full of vigor.  “Can I repay the kindness?”  His voice dropped to that sexy register he reserved only for me and I took a step back even as he glided closer. 

No matter how much certain parts of me cried out to see where he was going with that offer, I couldn’t let it go any farther.  Things were way too jumbly in my head to allow for such a complication.  Besides, hadn’t I kissed Bishop earlier?  I wasn’t weak enough to allow such a thing with two different men in the same night, no matter what my ladyparts thought.

“No, I think that would be a… just no,” I said, letting out a shaky breath.  “It’s probably for the best if you hang onto your blood, it’s clear you need it a lot more than I do.  Otherwise, what would be the point?  We’d end up passing the same blood back and forth, over and over…”  An image of the two of us rolling around in bed together, drinking, sliding, pulsing, grappling… I had to swallow back the whimper of desire that slipped out.  He felt it too, I knew he did from the way his palm skimmed down the side of my arm.

“The things you say,” he rumbled by my ear.  “I can’t think of a better way to pass the time until dawn.”

I was so close to giving in, but I wasn’t going to let him smooth things over with sex.  That’d been part of the problems between us and I refused to fall into those old patterns again.  “No, it’s time for bed.  Alone,” I clarified quickly.  “Get some rest, we’ve got a big day ahead of us tomorrow night.”

“As you wish,” he sighed, his hand falling away.  “Goodnight, Anja.”

“Goodnight, Rob.  Sleep deep,” I smiled as he closed the bedroom door behind him on the way to the couch.  So much for that hot soak, I headed into the bathroom for a cold shower myself. 

Chapter Sixteen


“Are we all set?”  I picked up my
inspired Kaylee bag and slung it over my shoulder.  Rob and I had both fed (still not together), I had on a pair of good walking shoes and my favorite cable knit sweater – ready to go tromping through the countryside if need be. Lee had called up from the garage that he had a car all gassed up, ready and waiting. 

“I reckon so,” Rob agreed, tucking a gun into an inside pocket of his leather jacket.  Why he thought we’d need it, I didn’t bother to ask.  He hadn’t bothered to shave again, the stubble on his jaw more bristly than usual.

“Great, let’s go while the getting’s good.”  I was still avoiding Jakob big time, having the hardest time avoiding punching him in the throat or worse whenever I saw him.  If this field trip into gypsy country didn’t pan out, I might give in to that urge the next time I ran into him. 

A knock sounded at the door and I suppressed a groan, turning to whisper to Rob, “Do you think he’ll give up and leave if we’re quiet?”

“It’s me, Bishop,” he called out and I readily opened the door.

“Oh… that’s a horse of a different color.”  I smiled to find him standing there, dressed for the field in a tight fitting, long sleeved shirt and those pants with a bajillion pockets on them.  “We’re just on our way out.”

“That’s why I’m here, Carys wants to come with,” he said with a rueful grin, as if he expected me to smack him, and I almost did.

“With us?  Why?  How did she even know where we’re going?”

“I might have mentioned where you’re headed tonight, and she decided that it’s something she wants to check out.  Honestly, I think she’s bored and wants to get out in the world again.”

“Well, let her go be bored somewhere else,” I frowned, not in the mood to deal with her antics.  “Go take her to the movies or something.  What we’re doing is important.”

“I know it is, but…”

“But you can’t say no to her,” I finished for him.  “Fortunately, I don’t have that problem.  Come on, Rob.  Let’s get out of here while we still can.”  Slipping past Bishop, I came nose to nose with Carys, who looked like she was dressed for a garden party in a pretty blue dress that flowed when she moved.  All that was missing was a floppy hat, her blonde hair spilling loose down her back in carefully constructed waves.

“Oh good, I see we’re all ready to go,” she said, giving all around smiles.  “Sorry it took so long, I couldn’t decide which frock would suit for the occasion.”

“This won’t be high society, we’ll be going to a gypsy camp,” Rob scowled, a deep furrow settling between his brows at our unexpected traveling companions.

Carys wasn’t the least bit ruffled by his gruff tone.  “I don’t mind rubbing elbows with the unwashed masses every now and again.  It can be quite… invigorating,” she smiled, taking hold of his arm.  “Shall we all go together?  You’d like that, wouldn’t you?”

The ridges of tension slowly melted from Rob’s forehead, the scowl disappearing.  “Together,” he nodded, a faint smile on his lips as her compulsion took hold.  “Yes, I’d like that.”

“Hey… that’s not cool,” I growled, slapping her hand away from his arm.  She might be older and tougher than me, but Rob was still my progeny, that gave me certain rights, at least as far as I understood vampire society.  “Hands to yourself.” 

“Ladies…” Bishop started to intervene, but Carys was unruffled by my outburst, backing off. 

“There’s no harm done, merely smoothing things over and making new friends,” she smiled, taking Bishop’s arm instead.  “Shall we go?”

I glanced over to Rob, but found him smiling and amenable, thanks to her compulsion.  Bishop’s expression was less pleased, but resolute, I’d find no help from him. 

“Of course, I can’t wait,” I said with my most diplomatic smile.  Spending the evening with both of my ex-lovers and the woman who I’d as soon stab in the eye with a fork than share a car with.  What could be more fun? 


* * *


The drive from London to Ashford is only about an hour and fifteen minutes long on the M20 on a good day, up to two hours on a bad one, depending on traffic and road conditions.  But you’d be surprised how long it takes when you stop at every tiny village along the way to ask about the whereabouts of a gypsy camp.  Okay, so we didn’t stop at every single one, but it sure felt like it after the fourth or fifth stop.  Rob insisted it was better to do it as we went along, rather than have to backtrack, and I had to go with his instincts, I’d never tried looking for a band of gypsies before. 

I’d called shotgun as soon as the car came into sight, sliding into the seat next to Lee with a tight smile when he raised a bushy gray brow at me.  Unfortunately, that left Carys sandwiched between Bishop and Rob in the back seat.  I say unfortunately, not because either man seemed to mind, but because I had to listen to her simper over them the entire time. 

Instead of following her usual petulant routine, she changed tacks, plying both men with flattery and drawing them into conversation.  Bishop was hesitant at first, but eventually talked about some of their shared acquaintances and what they’d been up to over the years.  Under her not-so-subtle urging, Rob was persuaded to talk about how he’d met Jakob and become a part of our world.  Despite the fact that I’d already heard that story before, I listened in, trying my best to squelch the jealousy over hearing him share it with
, knowing how private a man Rob was.  Lee, she pretty much ignored as the hired help.

It was a long night.

Not just because of her quest to become the most popular girl in the world, but because we kept coming upon failure after failure, even after we left Ashford in our rearview mirror.     

After the last stop netted us an abandoned farmhouse with no sign of gypsies anywhere, I pulled Rob aside to talk after Carys broke into the house to go exploring.  “Hey, I think maybe we should think about calling it quits for the night,” I said softly, but he was already shaking his head before I finished talking.

“We’re nearly there, I can feel it.”

“How exactly are you feeling it, Rob?  This place is deserted, and there’s no sign of people around for miles.  If we turn around and go back now, we can get to Vetis in time for your next feeding.”

“Won’t be soon enough,” he muttered, kicking at the dirt with the toe of his shoe.

“What do you mean?  You ate two stops ago.”

“Tell that to the fire in my veins.”

Uh oh.
  Sure enough, his skin was warm to the touch.  “This is really getting bad fast,” I frowned, laying my hand against his cheek, but he shoved it away roughly.  I stared at him in shock, and that’s when I noticed the concern in his eyes – he was trying to protect me.

“You’d best not get so close.”

“You need to feed now before you lose it.”

“I’m already halfway there.  I just need a few minutes and it’ll pass,” he said stubbornly.  

“We’ve already been through this last night.  You’ll get weaker if you don’t get some blood now.  I ate earlier, I’ve got some to spare.  We’re already stopped, let’s get it over with quick before the others come back.”

Unfortunately, Carys picked that moment to come out of the farmhouse.  “Planning a tryst, are you?” she grinned in approval.  “I suppose Bishop and I could take a turn about the gardens until you’re finished.” 

Right on her heels, Bishop heard the tail end of the conversation, his lips pressed into a grim line as he stared at me from over her shoulder. 

“Actually, Rob needs to feed again,” I explained.  “It won’t take long.”

“Oh, I see,” Carys replied, a speculative gleam coming into her eyes.  “Let me offer my assistance in that effort.”

“I can handle it fine, thanks,” I said, only barely able to keep the scowl off my face, but she only edged closer, her voice dripping with honeyed sweetness. 

“I’m sure you can, but my blood is far more powerful than yours.  I can sustain him far longer than you can, certainly longer than any human we happen upon on this adventure.  I’d be happy to share my blood for such a good cause.”

Ha, I bet!
  Like she was some kind of a humanitarian for offering herself up to be sucked on by Rob and I was supposed to fall all over myself with thanks for it?  Fat chance!  “No thanks, we’ll manage fine.”

Her brows drew together in condescension.  “Now is not the time for petty jealousies, Anja.  Do you not see how your mate suffers?  My blood is second only to Jakob’s, I can help ease his torment like no other we are likely to encounter out here in the hinterlands.” 

“It’s not about jealousy,” I balked, even as the little voice inside me hopped up and down and shouted –

“I’ll do it,” Bishop volunteered out of the blue and all heads swiveled in his direction.  “My blood is powerful enough, and I fed only a few hours ago.  I should be the one to give him my blood.”

“Don’t I get no say in this?” Rob scowled, but we all ignored him.

“I’m not so sure that’s a good idea,” I frowned.  “His control isn’t where it should be.”

“Which is why you shouldn’t let him take your blood, dearest,” Carys agreed, instantly discarding Bishop’s offer.  “No, I shall be the one to offer my blood and I’ll brook no arguments.” 

“Carys, you don’t have to do this,” I tried one last time.  “My blood will do fine.”

“Now, now, what are sisters for?” she said with a saccharin smile.

“Rob, you don’t have to.”  I tried appealing to him directly, but he wouldn’t meet my gaze. 

“It’s for the best, Anja.  I won’t have to worry about harming her none the way I would with you.”

“Come now, I have everything you need.”  Carys offered her hand and I couldn’t do anything but stand by and watch Rob take it as she led him back into the farmhouse. 

“Bishop…” I whispered as they disappeared into the house, my gaze riveted to the door which Carys conveniently left open.

His jaw clenched in anger.  “It’s gonna happen, there’s nothing we can do about it.  Let’s just hope it doesn’t go too far.”

“And if it does?”  I could all kinds of imagine what such a sharing could lead to, having been on one end of it the night before. 

Bishop didn’t answer me, his eyes going to the window when Carys’ cried out in either pleasure or pain.  “I’ll stand by and make sure he doesn’t hurt her.”

Was that really a worry?  “She’s a lot stronger than he is.”

“But Rob’s got a vicious streak in him when it comes to blood these days, believe me, I’ve been there.  He’s got the skills to hurt her or worse if it comes down to it.”

He had a point.  “I’ll wait with you.”

“You don’t have to, you can go hang out with Lee in the car if you’d rather.”

“I can stick it out if you can.”  Famous last words – Carys’ voice soared higher, punctuated by Rob’s unmistakable grunt of pleasure. 
Wode tìa
… I didn’t think I could sit through it if it went on for much longer.  I focused on the car, my shoes – anything but up at the house for fear of what I might accidentally see.   

“You get used to it after a while,” Bishop said in a low voice. 

“I don’t think I could ever get used to this.”

“That’s why you’re nothing like her.” 

I looked up to find him staring at me, a mixture of dread and longing in his face.  I couldn’t fathom the depth of emotions swirling behind those green eyes, but I knew only part of it had to do with me.  Part of it definitely had to do with what those breathy cries from inside did to him.  “You still love her,” I said, my voice barely above a whisper. 


“There now, that’s better, isn’t it?” Carys sang out, practically glowing with good humor as she sailed out of the farmhouse.  “Shall we press on?”

Rob slunk out after her, unable to meet my gaze.  I didn’t want to know how far things had gone inside, I didn’t want to think about it ever again – even if Rob was free to do as he pleased.  We weren’t together, even if we did profess to love each other in our own way, I had no claim to him other than as his Sire. 

Still, as he approached my side, Rob tried to talk about it.  “I didn’t…”

“It doesn’t matter,” I cut him off, not wanting any details even if those two words did spark a deep relief inside of me.  “What matters is you’re feeling better.  Are you?”

“I’m in the pink, yeah.” 

“Good, let’s get back on the road.  The sooner we find the gypsies, the better.”

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