Temptation (7 page)

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Authors: Justine Elvira

Tags: #Love, #obsessive relationship, #friends to lovers, #New Adult, #nanny romance, #naive girl in big city, #serial romance, #bet between lovers, #one night promised, #rich successful bachelor

BOOK: Temptation
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"Yeah, you're telling me. I stayed in the
hospital for weeks and then the nuns continued to take care of me
under strict doctor's orders. They gave me great medical attention
at the convent. It took months and months to get me clean and by
the time I was no longer addicted and considered healthy, I was
almost a year old.

"The nuns couldn't keep me nameless for a
year so they named me Maria Cassandra Ward. I was named Maria after
Saint Maria. She was the pagan saint of... the youth, or children,
or parentless. God, I can't remember but I don't believe that story

She turns to face me, more comfortable after
telling me a little bit about herself.

"You see, I must have seen
The Sound of
a thousand times as a kid because it was Sister
Cassandra's favorite movie. She can say I was named after Saint
Maria all she wants, but I believe I was named after Maria Von

"I was given Cassandra as my middle name
after the sister who took care of me. Sister Cassandra was like a
mother to me, especially because I was never adopted. I was in
foster care my entire childhood so I would go from foster home to
foster home, only able to stay at the convent during the times I
didn't have a foster home to go to."

She looks down at her hands with sadness, but
then looks up at me, masking her true feelings. "I won't bore you
with the details, but at some point Maria was not the name I wanted
to hear come out of people's mouths so I started going by
Cassandra, and eventually Cassie. I plan on legally changing it.
I've just been too lazy to go down to the social security office to
get it fixed."

I'm stunned silent by all the admissions she
just told me in that brief story. Although I feel like I know her
well due to my fascination with her this past year, she barely
knows me but was still able to share that personal story from her

I want to break the somber mood she's in so I
resort to humor. It's what I do best. "Surrounded by a bunch of
virgin women growing up is a man's dream. Do you still go back to
the convent from time to time? Maybe I can come with you and try to
seduce a few women to leave Jesus and try me out."

She smiles and no matter what happens next,
it's worth it because I was able to bring a smile to her face.

"The sister's are married to Jesus. They
won't just give that up because a man comes in and offers them
his... well, you know," she says, gesturing to my pants.

"Umm, no I don't know."

"Because a man comes in offering his..."

Her blush is almost too much to take. She's
embarrassed at where this conversation has turned.

"His... I can't believe you're going to make
me say it. His... dick."

Holy shit. I don't know if it's the blush
that has spread over her face, or hearing her soft voice say that
four letter word, but now my dick is hard and aching to be

Before I say anything stupid and jeopardize
the leeway I've made with her here today, I stand up and try to
discreetly adjust myself in my slacks. She catches me and I can't
help the words that fall out of my mouth.

"I wouldn't have wanted a nun anyway.
Although I'm sure I would have been able to convince them to sleep
with me, I'm also sure that would guarantee me a seat in hell.
Plus, I'm trying to focus my attention on one woman right now, but
she's making it really
to focus right now." I look down
at the bulge in my slacks and then back up at her, but she's
focused on the bulge in my pants as well.

I want to ask her to sort this out since
she's the reason I'm hard, but for the first time ever I don't want
to risk scaring a woman away. She doesn't seem like the type of
woman who would enjoy my sexual comments or me using her body for
sex. She needs to be fluffed, nurtured, and treasured before I
strip her naked and ravish every inch of her body.

The strain in my pants tightens and I need to
find a reason to walk away.

"I'm going to make a phone call and then go
find Chris. Meet you downstairs?" I ask her.

Her eyes drift to meet mine and she nods her
head in response. I quickly walk out of the room and head up the
next flight of stairs to the third floor. I find the hallway
bathroom and walk in, locking the door behind me.

My pants are unzipped, and my fist is around
my cock in seconds as I try to alleviate the pressure in my cock. I
picture Cassie in that dress, then I picture myself ripping that
dress off of her, spreading her legs and pushing my cock inside her
hot, tight cunt. As I imagine her tight pussy squeezing my cock I
come all over my hand, relieving some of the built-up tension, but
not fully satisfying the need I have for her.



The rest of the party is rather uneventful.
I'm unable to get any more alone time with Cassie, Kim was a pain
in the ass like normal, and the only people I could stand to be
around were Chris, Molly, and Alyssa, but Alyssa fell asleep on the
sofa next to me thirty minutes ago. Cassie picked her up and
brought her upstairs to her bedroom and hasn't come down since.

The only reason I'm still hanging around this
party is in hope that I get one more chance to talk to Cassie. I've
already texted Jenny and canceled on her tonight. I thought she'd
be pissed but it seems she's used to me canceling our Saturday
nights recently.

We're all sitting in the large living room.
Michael, Chris's brother, is in the recliner, Chris is on one end
of the couch as Molly and Eileen, Michael's wife, sit huddled
together drinking wine and gossiping I'm sure. I'm sitting on the
love seat and listening to Michael talk about the boring case he's
been working on for some biohazard company and I want to stab
myself in the ear just so I don't have to listen to any more of
this. I'm about to interrupt the conversation and change the
subject when Cassie walks back in the room. She waits for Michael
to finish his story before speaking.

"Alyssa's in bed and I cleaned up the loft.
If it's alright with you, Chris, I'm going to head out."

She can't leave. Not yet.

"Don't leave," Molly practically shouts and
I'm thankful not to be the only one wanting her to stay. "I was
just waiting for you to come down to ask you to join our bridge
game. Chris has to go with Michael to the office, but since it
seems like Theo is sticking around, the four of us could play."

Cassie looks to me, then to Eileen and Molly,
and I can tell she wants to respectfully decline the invitation,
and as much as I don't want to play bridge because it reminds me of
when I was a kid and my mother would have bridge nights at the
house, I can't refuse because I really don't want to give Cassie
the chance to leave.

"Come on, Cassie, it'll be fun," I say,
standing up from the love seat.

"I've never played before."

"That's fine. You can be my partner. I'll
explain the basics while Molly sets up."

Molly sets her glass of wine down on the
glass coffee table and stands up from the sofa. "That's not how to
play, Theo. You're already teaching her wrong. We draw for

"I think we can make an exception this one
time," I reply. Michael and Chris have already left the room and
I'm already plotting ways to get Cassie alone.

I loosely grab Cassie by the elbow and direct
her out of the room so I can explain the rules to her. Once we make
it into the hallway I stop walking and turn around to face her.
We're standing much closer than I intended to, but I lean in

"Bridge is easy once you get the hang of it,
but it takes a while to learn the rules. If at any point you get
confused let me know and I'll make up some excuse to pause the game
so I can explain it to you."

"Why can't I just whisper my questions in
your ear?"

"Because we're partners, Cassie. We won't be
sitting next to each other- we'll be sitting across from each other
at the card table."

Her shoulders slump and she pouts slightly
before realizing her mistake and standing back up tall. She almost
seems disappointed that we won't be sitting by each other.

"Molly will most likely deal. I'll sit to the
left of her so that I go first and you can see what I do. Eileen
will go second and then you'll go third. The four suits are ranked
during bidding but not during play, unless we name a trump suit in
play. Spades are highest, and then hearts, diamonds, and clubs are
the lowest. The object is to win tricks for our side-"

She lifts her hand up and places it over my
mouth so I'll stop babbling and I have the sudden desire to open my
lips and suck her delicate fingers into my mouth.

"You've lost me. Tricks, bidding, play... I
have no idea what any of this means. Maybe I shouldn't play."

I raise my hand up and gently grab her wrist,
pulling her hand away from my mouth, but instead of letting go I
intertwine our fingers together and rest them by my side, slightly
pulling her closer to me.

She gasps. Her breathing changes to short
erratic breaths as she looks up at me, waiting to see what I'll say

Fuck, she looks so tempting right now.

"You're going to play and you'll do well.
I'll be there every step of the way. You'll learn that I don't like
to lose so you'll have to play well."

I wink at her and give her hand a squeeze
before releasing it and heading back into the living room with her
following behind me. It took everything I had not to lean in and
kiss her plump lips when she innocently looked up at me with her
big, brown eyes.


Molly has already set up the card table and
she's sitting across from Eileen as she pulls the deck from the
card box, shuffling the cards inside.

"How did the lesson go?" she asks, taking a
sip of wine.

"Like I'd tell you our strategies," I reply

I reach the chair on the right of Molly and
pull it out before making a gesture for Cassie to sit down. She
smiles at me and sits before I push her in gently. I move my hands
and grasp her shoulders, giving her a small squeeze of
encouragement before letting go.

Honestly, I just wanted another excuse to
touch her.

Making my way over to the kitchen, I spot a
half empty bottle of scotch from Chris's study sitting on the
countertop. I pour myself a glass on the rocks and walk back over
to the living room, sitting down in the empty chair across from
Cassie. She's watching my every move so I watch her in return. I
figure if she's allowed to openly gawk at me, then I'm allowed to
gawk at her, too.

Molly offers Cassie a glass of wine before we
start but she declines. Then the game starts. After an hour of what
can only be called the worst game of bridge ever played, Cassie and
I take our fourth break and she meets me out in the hallway.

"I'm not getting a hang of this and, quite
frankly, I'm not having any fun," she pouts.

"Bridge isn't fun. It's a game that bored
housewives play so that they can socialize and gossip. At least
that's my experience with it."

She giggles. "You're neither a bored
housewife nor a gossip, so how come you play?"

I'm trying to focus on our conversation but
every time her lips move I'm drawn to them and what they would feel
like against my lips, or around my cock. I distract myself by
repeating what Chris said.

She's off limits

"I don't play. I only know how to play
because of my mother and her friends."

"Why did you agree to play tonight then?"

I answer her as honestly as I possibly can
without giving away how much I want her. "I wasn't ready to

She smiles and starts to say something but
we're interrupted as Molly walks down the hallway in our direction.
I pull Cassie closer to me, her chest against mine, and whisper in
her ear, "I have no strategies. I think we're done for, but let's
pretend we're huddled here, coming up with an elaborate way to win
the next hand."

"Oh, now I get it, we'll totally win if we do
that," she replies loudly, almost shouting and I can't help
laughing at her horrible acting skills.

"Hurry it up, you two. I don't want this game
to last all night," Molly says from behind me. She then turns and
walks back into the living room, leaving Cassie and me alone.

I've never felt this kind of attraction to
anyone before in my life. It's impossible to explain, but as we
stand huddled my whole body, inside and out, is drawn to her.

"Think she bought it, Theo?"

"No, she knows they've won."

With me leaning over in this position, our
heads are close together and our lips are just inches apart. She
hasn't made any effort to move away from me and I find myself
enticed by her lips. Her full, pink lips that are parted, breathing
irregular breaths onto my skin. I look back up at her and her eyes
are focused on my lips as well. She sucks her lip between her teeth
and then bites down gently and I can't control what happens

I know I was going to wait. I know what I
promised Chris, but Chris doesn't know what the last year has been
like for me.

I step forward, pushing her up against the
wall behind her. My hands go to her waist, grabbing onto the
material of her dress as I lean down and my lips connect with

Fuck, she feels good. Her lips are soft,
warm, and fit perfectly against my lips. After a few seconds of
connection, she starts to move her mouth with mine. Each brush of
her lips is reluctant, but her desire for me takes over, as our
kiss turns urgent.

Her arousal is such a turn on. Every time her
lips move with mine it feels fucking incredible.

My hands move from her hips and glide across
her torso, wrapping around her waist until they lower to the round,
soft mounds of her ass. I hold her tightly, squeezing her desirable
cheeks in my hands as my lips open and she moans into my mouth,
encouraging me to keep going. My tongue moves to dance with hers
and she tastes like fucking honey. Her hands move up to the back of
my head as she grips my hair, pulling it as she moans in

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