Temptation at Twilight: Lords of Pleasure (21 page)

BOOK: Temptation at Twilight: Lords of Pleasure
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Val frowned, scenting the air.
“What?” she whispered.
“I’m not sure. Something isn’t right.”
The prince moved into the room and walked over to Soren’s bed. She followed, noting that the sheets were rumpled and stained. Soren lay on his stomach, naked, legs spread slightly and his arms above his head, hugging his pillow. Thin pink lines crisscrossed his back from shoulder to hip, as though—
“Your vampire has been whipped and then healed. I’m surprised he’s into bondage or being marked—at least when he’s on the receiving end.”
“Yeah, me, too.” Carefully, she sat on the bed next to Soren and laid a palm on his shoulder. His breathing was deep and even, but after a moment, he began to stir. Val stood beside the bed, arms crossed over his chest, watching in concern.
“Soren? Hey, big vamp. I thought you were coming back. Are you all right?”
The vampire stretched and opened his eyes, blinking away the sleepiness.
“Your eyes,” Harley gasped. “What’s happened to them?”
The irises, normally a beautiful amber gold, were so dark that they were almost black. Worse, there was no recognition on his face as he rolled to his side and studied them both.
“My eyes?”
“They’re usually golden,” she said fearfully, glancing at Val.
“So?” The vampire sat up. “Who the fuck are you?”
“Shit,” Val muttered.
Harley’s mouth dropped open.
Soren doesn’t remember us?
“What the hell has that bitch done to you?” she demanded.
“You mean my mate? I can’t have anyone talking like that about her, even if it is true.” His smile was predatory as he eyed them. “You two come to play?”
He was calling that vile witch his mate! She appealed to Val in a hoarse whisper. “What are we going to do? We have to help him!”
“Let me think.” The demon paused. “My contacts haven’t been able to locate Aldric, so it’s possible that he’s met with foul play or he’s gotten wind of what’s happening and is gathering forces. For now, it might be best if we humor your vampire until we have a solid plan. Perhaps involving him in some of his normal activities will help push the darkness to the back of his mind and allow his real self to get a hold again.”
“You talking about me? What do you mean, my real self?”
“Tread carefully,” Val warned her. “His mind is fragile.”
She nodded. “I’m Harley. You bought me at the slave auction and gave me a job as your Chosen. Remember?”
“I . . .” He faltered and stared hard at her, as though struggling to recall. Or perhaps he was fighting the thing inside him for dominance. “Vaguely, I think. Yes.”
“You showed me around and promised me a scene with our friend Valafar, too.” She indicated the demon, who stood by, trying to appear casual.
“I’m not sure.” Soren shook his head. “But I’m not really feeling myself, so I probably forgot.”
Boy, did you. And not in the way you think.
“No problem. If you’re too tired, we can do it another time.”
The vampire sat up and swung his legs over the side of the bed. “Of course not! I’m fine. Just let me shower and we’ll . . . What sort of scene, exactly?”
“A private playroom,” she said. Considering how unstable he was at the moment, she thought it best they steer clear of another public exhibition.
“Sounds perfect.” His newly darkened eyes glittered like onyx, and she shivered. “How rough and raunchy do you want it?”
“I can take anything you dish out,” she asserted bravely. Or stupidly, from Val’s scowl. Ignoring her friend, she charged ahead. “I want to be mastered. Maybe even scared a little.”
Soren tapped a finger on his lips thoughtfully. “I think some heavy bondage and a bit of S and M is in order for this one.”
“Whatever you say, I’m game—as long as Val gets to participate.”
“Absolutely. Wait right here, I’ll be back.”
He slid out of bed and walked unsteadily toward the shower. Once he disappeared inside the bathroom, the demon voiced his concern.
“Do you really think it’s wise to put yourself at risk in his hands with the kind of scene you’ve spurred him to enact?”
“Maybe not.” She tucked a strand of hair behind her ear nervously. “But I do know that the real Soren recognizes
as his mate, not that witch. I’m betting on his soul knowing the truth, even though it’s stained with Leila’s lies and manipulations. Soren won’t hurt me, and I’ll get through to him.”
“That’s a huge chance you’re taking.”
“But I have to.” She thought back to the incident with Jordy. “Soren lost control with one of the Chosen and came close to draining him. I was so damned scared, but I was able to get through to him. Maybe this darkness inside him was suppressed because of me, and if I can reach him, he can get control long enough to beat her.”
“Do what you must, and I’ll be there.”
When Soren finished showering, he dressed in jeans and a black T-shirt and called Val over. “Okay, this is going to be a big scene, and this is how I want to do it.”
Keeping Harley out of the loop, the vampire spoke in hushed tones to the demon prince, who argued but eventually relented. The vampire left the room, and Harley waited to hear what to do next.
“All right, pretty. I hope you can handle what he’s got planned.” He chuckled. “I have to admit, my cock and balls are like stone just anticipating what we’re going to do to you.”
Her pulse sped up and her nipples tightened. “What will that be?”
“We’re playing master and slave, and you don’t have to guess which one you are.”
“I’m surprised he’d pick that game, since he’s so against the idea of slaves.”
“But our Soren isn’t in the driver’s seat in his mind,” he reminded her. “And besides, I think the plan excites you more than a little.”
“You’re right—it does. Now what?”
“We begin now. And remember, I’m playing a role, pretty,” he said gently.
“Okay.” She let out a deep breath.
“Take off all your clothes. Every stitch.”
“But I’ve got to go outside to walk to the other building!”
“Do it, slave,” he growled, snapping his wings open. The huge black feathers made him appear even more dangerous. “If you know what’s good for you. And do not speak unless you’re asked a direct question.”
She undressed, hands shaking some as she kicked out of her shoes and pulled off her shirt and bra. Next went the jeans, and she stepped out of them, naked and feeling very vulnerable. Which she was. She just hoped Soren remembered he was acting.
Remember me, please. Don’t let this thing win!
She followed Valafar on shaking legs down the stairs and out of the house. From the knowing smirks, the guests of the infamous sex resort were used to seeing someone being led stark-naked in broad daylight to a scene. It was a relief to gain the safety of the other building—but
was a relative term. Her nerves were in full force as they descended the stairs.
Next Val led her down the hallway and straight into a playroom. She stood, checking the place out. Equipped with every imaginable device capable of eliciting erotic rapture, the room was a no-holds-barred sexual playground.
Gracing center stage, a massive four-poster bed loomed, almost identical to the one in Soren’s bedroom—except this one had leather restraints, a collar, and chains. A sling attached to straps and pulleys was suspended from the ceiling off to one side of the room, and Harley couldn’t fathom how the thing might be used. Wasn’t sure she wanted to know, either.
Whips of assorted sizes hung from hooks on the black-painted walls. Dozens of candles had been lit, casting eerie, dancing shadows around the room.
Like a wicked cave,
she thought. A multicolored assortment of oils waited on the bedside table, fit for a yummy feast.
“Jesus Christ,” she choked. “What am I doing?”
“Remember the rules, slave.” Valafar flicked a hand. “Get on the bed. Question?”
Harley crawled into the middle of it, sitting on her knees, and gazed at Valafar, barely able to speak. “What do I do now?”
“Whatever your master desires,” he murmured, his voice low and sensual. “Give him your wrists.”
She offered them to Soren, who had returned. He reached to the headboard, took a pair of handcuffs secured to the bed by a length of chain, and snapped them in place. Next her lover brought forth a leather collar, also chained, and slipped it over her head.
“This is one of my favorites,” Soren informed her, tightening the length to take out much of the slack. “I enjoy total control. The more you struggle, helpless to prevent me from doing anything I wish, the more aroused I become. There’s something dangerous about the way I’ll tighten it around your throat while I fuck your ass. Something dark and decadent about knowing I could snap your neck if I please, even as we both come.”
An electric thrill zinged down Harley’s spine. A sense of unreality descended over her as Valafar picked up a strip of black silk, placed it between her teeth, and tied it behind her head. She’d stepped into a decadent dream, a willing offering awaiting the beast’s appearance from the flickering shadows to devour her.
As long as that didn’t happen literally, she was good.
Valafar bent to kiss her lightly on the cheek. “Don’t be afraid, pretty. Just open your heart and mind to him. Accept him. You’re his now.”
He moved into the pool of darkness beyond the bed, watching as Soren walked into the dancing light, wearing only a loose silk robe of deep blue. The flames reflected the hue into eyes that glittered like black jewels from the planes of his angular face. Dark brown hair fell over the vampire’s forehead into those arresting eyes, and brushed his neck.
With lean strides, he moved with the grace of a panther, letting the robe slip off his shoulders and to the floor. He stood by the side of the bed, his expression feral, like it hadn’t been at the gazebo. He sported an enviable six-pack stomach and long, strong legs . . . and his enormous shaft stood out proudly at the ready.
She bowed her head and curled in on herself, instinctively trying to make herself smaller in the face of this wicked stranger. Unprepared, she started when Soren grabbed her chin and forced it up so that her eyes meet his gaze. His smoky voice held a thread of anger.
“Never do that again. Don’t hide from me, ever. You’re beautiful. And you’re mine.”
The vampire tunneled strong fingers though Harley’s hair, then traveled downward to encircle the column of her throat. The wild throb of her pulse tripped in the delicate hollow like a jackhammer, betraying her trepidation, and this seemed to please Soren.
“Valafar is quite the lover, isn’t he?”
A loaded question. Harley stared at him, transfixed, waiting for the cobra to strike. Soren gave a predatory smile.
“Cat got your tongue?” he teased, knowing damned well his captive couldn’t answer. “We both know you couldn’t resist having his cock inside you, any more than I could stop myself from fucking him if I had the chance.”
A flicker of fear raced along her spine in response to Soren’s words, and an involuntary whimper escaped. How much did he really remember? Soren knelt on the bed between Harley and the headboard, forcing her to move backward. The collar around her throat tightened a bit more, along with the pressure of Soren’s strong fingers, reminding her that she was at this predator’s mercy.
“Oh yeah. Val had you first, and for that I’m going to punish you. I’m your master and you belong to me,” he said in a low voice. “I’m going to teach you all the meanings of
total submission
you never dreamed existed in your wildest fantasies. Or your darkest nightmares. You’re my slave and will deny me nothing.
Do you understand?”
Harley swallowed hard, nodded. In spite of her fear, tingling warmth flooded her pussy and her arousal stirred. She was falling under this vampire’s decadent spell.
Please let him remember.
“Good, because I’ll do to you whatever I desire, whenever I wish to do it. Starting now.” Soren tested the chain secured to the cuffs on her wrists. Then he sat, reclining against the headboard with his legs out in front of him. “There. You have plenty of room to maneuver. Lie facedown across my lap and prepare to receive the first of your punishment.”
God, is he actually going to—
“Yes, I’m going to spank that sweet ass,” he smiled. “Get over here.
Harley shook as she moved to Soren’s side and positioned her hips over his. A tiny shudder rippled through her when she spread herself on her belly, across Soren’s lap, with her cuffed hands above her head and the vampire’s heated cock nestled into her mound.
“Oh yes.” One big hand pinned her in place while the other rubbed her exposed cheeks. “Let’s see what you’re made of, gorgeous.”
Soren’s open palm came down forcefully, and the shock of the blow took her breath away. She gasped but didn’t have time to recover before there was another slap to her bottom. She cried out against the gag, but her captor chuckled.
“God, that’s lovely. You should see how pretty and red your ass is. Feel how we rub against each other when I spank you?”
Another blow brought tears to her eyes, but her body was responding to the rough treatment—the scene she’d asked for. Every time Soren slapped her, his erection rubbed against her, each of them teasing the other. In a strange way, it made Harley feel connected to her tormentor.
“This is important, baby. Feel my power flowing through you,” Soren purred as though reading her mind. “You must understand and accept your role and mine. You’ll learn to bend to my will, eagerly. Before I allow you to leave this room, I’ll have you in every way possible. I’m going to drown you in sensation, break you. And when you believe you can’t take any more, Val and I will fuck you while you scream for mercy, drenched in our cum. Only then will you be broken to my satisfaction.”

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