Read Temptation Online

Authors: Leda Swann

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Historical, #World Literature, #Australia & Oceania, #Romance, #Romantic Erotica

Temptation (11 page)

BOOK: Temptation
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She gave a little squeak of surprise when he put his hands on her. “Captain Carterton.”

His cock was already hardening in his trousers at this closeness to her. He drew her firmly against him, until his hardness was pressed up against her. He didn’t want to frighten her, just to let her see how much she affected him.

She wriggled in his arms, as if she would get away, but it only had the effect of making him thicker and harder against her. “You should not be doing this. Not here.” Her voice came out all breathy, and she followed up her words with a soft moan. Her wriggling was no longer aimed at freeing herself, but at getting closer to him.

His hands were busy at her bodice, unbuttoning her so he could slip his hands under her clothes. “Then where should we go? Back to your boardinghouse?”

“We should not be doing this anywhere,” she sighed, pressing herself up against his hardness, and slipping her chemise over her shoulders to free her breasts into his welcoming hands. “You should not be touching me. You should not be fondling my naked breasts.”

If he’d thought he was hard before, it was nothing to how he felt now. His cock was so stiff and swollen with desire, the press of Beatrice’s backside against him was almost painful in its intensity.

He’d fallen in love with her mind through the letters they had exchanged, but now that he had met her he was fast falling in lust with her body. All last night he had lain awake thinking of how he would like to strip off her clothes and make love to her.

Her nipples had gone as hard as little rocks, and her breasts were heavy in his hands. His cock ached even harder as he thought about stretching her virgin cunt as he pushed into her. He wanted to bury himself inside her, lose himself inside her. “Beatrice, my love,” he murmured into her ear. “How did I ever live before I met you?”

There was a narrow cot in the room, with a bare mattress on it. He sat back onto it, and pulled her down beside him. “Kiss me, Beatrice.” He needed her to give him something, to touch him first.

A hesitant look came into her eyes. “I should not.” But she arched her back so her breasts were pressed further into his hands.

“You want to. I can read your desire in your eyes. Why not give in to your wants, just this once? No one will ever know.”

His coaxing worked. She reached toward him and gave him a tiny peck on the cheek.

With one hand on the nape of her neck, he turned her head toward him so that he could claim her mouth with his own. The first move had come from her, but the next was up to him.

Her mouth opened, and he slipped his tongue inside. She kissed him back with a passion that matched his, showing him how empty her words of denial were.

He needed to feel that she was as hot for him as he was for her. After dreaming about her for so many months, he had to feel her pussy, to taste just a little of its sweetness.

With eager hands, he pushed her skirts up to her knees and slid his hand under them. The skin of her thighs was soft and smooth, but he did not linger there. Relentlessly he pushed on until he found the slit in her drawers.

The hair on her pussy was soft and fine. He ran his fingers through her springy curls, capturing her moan of pleasure with his mouth. Carefully he parted her curls to find the treasure within, the folds that hid her cunt. He slid his hand over them, his fingers sliding slickly in the wetness. She could not deny the evidence of her body. She was hot for his cock, to have him thrust inside her. She was greedy to taste the pleasure that a man could give her. “Let me make love to you,” he whispered, as he caressed her. “Let me go where no man has gone before me.”

His words had the opposite effect of what he had desired. Instead of melting even further into his embrace, she pushed him away violently and scrambled back on to her feet.

He could only watch helplessly as with shaking fingers she rebuttoned her bodice. “I think you had better leave now.” She would not look him in the eye as she spoke.

He was too busy trying to regain control of his rampant lust to take in what she was saying. “Beatrice, what is wrong?” He held out his arms to her, willing her back into his embrace.

are what is wrong. This whole situation is what is wrong.” She wiped an angry tear from her eye as if its mere presence was a betrayal. “You took me by surprise, before I had time to steel myself against you. I am not myself when I am around you. I do not know what happens to me, but all my good sense deserts me.”

“There is passion between us, Beatrice. That is nothing to be ashamed of.”

His words did not mollify her, and when he came to put his arms around her, she shrugged him off like an annoying insect. “What if Dr. Hyde were to come in and find me cavorting on the bed in an empty room, like a common doxy?” she said, her voice full of angry accusation. “What then? What would I do?”

“Then you would have to marry me.” It was exactly what he was aiming for after all.

He had kissed her only because he couldn’t resist it, but he was sorry now that they hadn’t been disturbed. Their discovery might have shortened his courtship considerably. He imagined there was nothing like being caught with a man’s fingers dabbling in your pussy to make a woman suddenly amenable to marriage.

“I will be getting married to Dr. Hyde. I suggest you reconcile yourself to the fact and leave me be.” She patted down her hair, tucking away a few tendrils that had worked loose. “And no more spurious errands for your friend, if you please.”

He wanted to kick himself. He had pushed her too far, too fast, and now she would be doubly cautious around him. “Sergeant-Major Tofts has given everything for his country. He deserves to be waited on.”

She stopped still for a heartbeat. “What did you say his name was?”

“Sergeant-Major Bartholomew Tofts.”

“Was he in the same regiment as you and Teddy?” Her voice was striving to sound casual, but he could hear the keen interest shining through. Maybe Teddy had mentioned the sergeant-major in one of his letters to his sister. He was sure
never had. His letters had been preoccupied with more interesting matters entirely.

“We served together for a couple of years in the Transvaal. He was wounded in our last battle. The same that injured my arm.”

If he were not mistaking matters, a gleam of an idea had come into Beatrice’s eye at the mention of his friend’s name. “If you are concerned that the sergeant-major receive the best care possible, then I suggest you hire him a private nurse.” Her voice was suspiciously casual. She was planning something, he was sure of it.

Still, the idea had merit, for Sergeant-major Tofts’s sake, even if not for his own. He would find other ways of coaxing Beatrice into meeting with him. “Can you recommend anyone in particular?”

“The matron of our boardinghouse is a trained nurse. She doesn’t work at the hospital anymore—she hasn’t since she married—but she still nurses the occasional private patient. She would be glad of the extra money.” She hesitated for a moment before adding. “I think your sergeant-major and Mrs. Bettina would find they have a lot in common.”


Beatrice looked at the line of people waiting to be treated. Some days, when there was sickness in the City, it snaked out the door and into the corridor, but today it was blessedly short.

At the head of the line was a very familiar face.

She gave a sigh, not sure whether it was born of irritation or of pleasure. Would Captain Carterton never let her be?

She beckoned him over with a frown. “You are not needed at the barracks?” Her voice was as stern as she could make it. She had to make him realize that she was not a pushover. He could not simply command her attention whenever he felt like it.

There might be passion between them—his kiss had taught her that much—but passion was not to be trusted. She wanted more from a husband,
more from a husband, than a good time between the sheets.

A husband was forever. A woman had to choose wisely when she picked the man she would marry, and not allow herself to be blinded by transient bodily desires. She did not know the captain’s character, and she certainly doubted the permanence of his affections. In fact, she suspected he was poor husband material all around.

If she was a different sort of woman, she might consider taking him as a temporary lover. He would do very well for that sort of thing. Just the thought of him lying over her, pushing his cock into her secret places, was enough to make her squirm with heat.

Unfortunately she was not in the market for a lover…

The captain gestured at his wounded arm, seemingly not at all concerned by the sternness of her voice. “I’m officially on invalid leave. A soldier, even an officer, isn’t much good if he’s only got one arm. I’ve come to have the dressings changed.”

“Could the army surgeons not oblige you?” In her experience, the army surgeons were jealous of their patients and only sent the most intractable cases to the public hospital.

He gave her a cheeky grin. “They are not as pretty as you are.”

“If you have come to see me in my professional capacity, I trust you will keep the conversation appropriate,” she said in her most quelling tone.

“I waited for you. I wanted it to be your hands that healed me, not the hands of a stranger.”

“The result would be the same.”

His smile crinkled the corner of his eyes. “Ah, but the process would be so much less pleasant.”

She gave a sigh. Mules had nothing on his stubbornness. She might as well give in to him graciously and save her energy for the battles that really mattered. Like resisting his physical appeal. “Let me take off your sling and see what’s underneath.”

He held out his arm to her. She untied the sling and carefully unwound the bandages the covered his arm.

She recoiled at the sight of the nasty red gashes that covered his upper arm. The red lines sprawled out over his arm like the tracks of a wandering centipede. She tried not to let the shock show on her face at the sight, but she could not help letting a gasp of indrawn breath escape her. “A bullet did all this to you?” It looked as if his arm had been put in a mangle and the handle turned until his arm was nothing but a bloody pulp.

“The bullet did part of it. The rest was done by a surgeon digging out the bullet and all the pieces of bone it shattered.”

“I hope he was a good surgeon,” she muttered, as she tested the edges of each cut.

He held himself stock-still, not twitching so much as a single muscle on his face, as she probed at his cuts. “An army surgeon. He’d had plenty of practice stitching up bullet wounds.”

The whole arm was a mass of yellow and green from fading bruises. The cuts appeared to be healing well, with no sign of infection. “Can you move it?”

He gave it an exploratory swing. “I’m not sure my shoulder joint will ever be the same again,” he said, a grimace of pain flitting over his face. “And I doubt I’ll be much good with a spade. But it should work well enough for my purposes—to raise a standard, ride a horse, fire a rifle. It won’t get me invalided out of the army permanently. That’s all I care about.”

“So you’ll still be Captain Carterton.”

“I will always be Captain Carterton,” he replied proudly. “Once a captain, always a captain.”

“Just as I shall always be a nurse, I suppose.” She fetched a pot of ointment from a cupboard and smoothed it carefully over his arm. “The cuts are healing nicely, but soon they’ll start to itch, if they don’t already. Don’t scratch them—it will impede their healing and may cause them to get inflamed or infected. I will give you a bottle of ointment to take away with you. Rub it into your arm every day and it should stop the skin from getting too uncomfortably dry and scaly.”

He looked askance at the pot of ointment and made no move to take it from her. “Isn’t that what you nurses are for? To tend to your patients’ wounds?”

“Nurses are here to do what their patients cannot do for themselves. Not what they are simply too lazy to do for themselves,” she scolded him. She didn’t need to give him another excuse to follow her around and invent tasks for her to do under the guise of needing assistance.

“You could see to my arm every day. It would not take you long. And then you would be sure that the ointment was applied in accordance with your high standards, and not just slapped on willy-nilly by a careless soldier in a hurry to visit his sweetheart.”

His skin under her hands was warm, not with the heat of fever but with the warmth of life. She could happily smooth ointment into his skin for an hour on end. “You are the one who will suffer if you forget.” Just being this close to him was a treat for her foolish senses.

Everything about him was so tempting. The softness of his skin, the knowledge that he had been wounded in the service of his country, even the curl of his moustaches all made her want to take him in her arms and press him close to her heart.

It was a foolish reaction for an almost engaged woman to have to a man who was not her almost-fiancé. Unfortunately, she could not always control her desire with the force of her common sense.

He was looking at her with big puppy-dog eyes, begging her to take pity on him. “And you became a nurse to reduce the suffering in the world.”

She shook her head mournfully at him. He was clearly determined to get his own way. She may as well just give in gracefully. “Come and see me early in the mornings, before my shift starts, and I will spend a couple of minutes attending to you.”

A smile like a beam of sunshine on a winter’s day brightened his face. “I knew you had a generous heart.”

She put the ointment away and fetched some clean bandages, which she wound carefully around his injured arm. Allowing the gashes to remain covered would keep them clean and promote their healing. “But only five minutes. No more. And you must behave yourself or I will refuse to see you again.”

“With a threat like that, I will be on my best behavior.” He leaned closer to her so none of the others in the busy clinic could hear him. “I will be so well behaved that I will not even beg you for a kiss.”

She stepped back and fixed him with a glare. “See that you don’t. Now run away and find something else to amuse you. Go play with your toy soldiers or something. I have more patients to attend to.”

“Toy soldiers?” He gave a huff of affronted pride. “Me, a wounded veteran of the Transvaal Rebellion, play with toy soldiers? You insult me.”

She gave him a little push. “Off you run, there’s a good little captain.”

He gave an easy shrug. “If you insist. I need to give my troop of French soldiers a new coat of paint anyway. Their jackets are looking quite chipped and dirty.” He brushed past her face with his own in what might have been a parting kiss, and then he was gone.

Beatrice watched him go before she turned to the line of patients waiting to see her and called the next one up. One thing was clear—she could not tell Dr. Hyde that she would marry him while her foolish attraction to Captain Carterton was raging out of control. She could not agree to marry one man while she was dreaming of making love to another—it would not be fair to either of them.

Captain Carterton had the knack of making her go weak at the knees just by looking at her. Without a single touch, he could have her panting with need for him, with desire for his hands on her body, his lips on hers. She could not see him without being reminded of the words he had written to her, the words of both desire and of love. He wanted her in the most elemental way that a man wanted a woman, and her body responded to him in kind.

She wanted him to take control of her, to take possession of her, as she had never wanted any other man. She wanted to feel him thrusting inside her, making her his woman. She wanted him to take her. To fuck her, just as he had described in his letters.

The need to touch him came back stronger every time she fought it off. She caught herself at odd moments during the day obsessing over how his hair would feel under her fingers, how smooth his chest would be, and how his member might swell and grow at her touch. She wanted to find out everything about him, and more.

Even more annoyingly, she had discovered that not only did she desire him, but she liked him. He was generous and attentive to his wounded friend, by turns charming and passionately affectionate to her, and bravely uncomplaining about his injury even though she could see that it had to be terribly painful.

He made her heart lift just to see him. She could not help liking him. That was more dangerous even than the passion she felt. Such passion as he aroused in her would be a fleeting sensation. It must be. Nothing that strong and hot could last without burning itself out.

Eventually he would tire of pursuing her, and her wayward passions would settle down from a raging inferno into a gentle simmer. She would mourn its passing, even though she knew it was for the best. He had built his affection for her on a fantasy. It would wither and die as quickly as it had sprung up.

Once that happened, she could once again think clearly and with a level head about Dr. Hyde’s offer. But until then, she would have to avoid the doctor’s company.



After leaving Beatrice in the hospital, Captain Carterton strode over to the boardinghouse where she lived. She had suggested the matron as a private nurse for Sergeant-Major Tofts, and he was anxious to settle the matter with her, if he could. Though the sergeant-major’s leg seemed to be healing well enough, his friend did not seem to be healing as well in spirit as he was in body. A pretty nurse to attend to him and to keep him company when he had no other visitors would be just what he needed.

The matron was an attractive woman, no longer in the first flush of youth. He introduced himself and explained his errand.

“A private nurse?” She pursed her lips together. “I haven’t practiced as a nurse for some years now. I’m not sure I would be up to the task.”

Captain Carterton had immediately warmed to her. The few minutes he had spent in her company had already made him sure that she would be the perfect antidote to the sergeant-major’s dullness of spirits. “Beatrice, Miss Clemens, said you took on the odd nursing job still. She suggested you would be perfect for the task.”

“I have accepted the odd position, taking care of elderly folk, mostly,” Mrs. Bettina said with a self-deprecating smile. “They need a bit of care and attention, but not serious nursing. Not like a wounded man.”

“My friend is the same as any other man. He needs company and care more than anything else. And you could always call on the nurses on the wards to help you, if you needed something. I’m sure he would be very grateful for the attention. As would I.”

“Could I work around the times I need to be here for my girls?” she asked him anxiously. “They are my first duty. I cannot neglect them for another position.”

“That would be perfectly acceptable,” he assured her. “I would not have any of them suffering because you were busy elsewhere.”

“And you would want me to start quite soon?”

“The sooner the better. But I’m sure my friend can wait a few days, if that suits you better,” he added hastily, as a look of concern passed over her face.

“My cook is away until Wednesday, and I am running the boardinghouse by myself,” she explained. “But I could start on Thursday.”

“That would be perfect.” He stretched his legs out in front of him. He had achieved one of his goals for the afternoon. The other would not be quite so straightforward. “It’s remarkably warm for this time of year, isn’t it? I worked up quite a thirst walking over here.”

Mrs. Bettina jumped to her feet. “Oh, where are my manners. I completely forgot to offer you a cup of tea. I swear, I am all at sixes and sevens with Agatha away.”

“I would love a cup of tea, but please, do not put yourself out. Let me come and help you.”

“No, I will have the maid bring it to us.” She rang the bell, and instructed the girl who answered to bring in a pot of tea. “And make sure the water boils and put two big spoonfuls of tea into the pot,” she added, for good measure.

“She is a good, hard worker, but a little slow to learn new things,” she explained to the captain, as the girl ran off to do her bidding.

“I’m sure all the girls who board with you are hard workers,” he said approvingly. “Miss Clemens, for example. She made a thoroughly good job of bandaging up my arm again just this morning.”

A knowing look came into Mrs. Bettina’s eyes. “She is a fine young woman. And very pretty, too.”

“Extremely.” He paused for a moment. “I would like to thank her for taking such good care of my arm, but I don’t know how to. Is she a young lady who loves nature and would like a pretty bunch of violets? That seems so paltry a gift in recompense for her care. I had thought about a pair of silk stockings, but…” He shook his head and let his voice tail off. “They are too…too personal a gift. I own, I am in a quandary for an appropriate gift for her.”

Mrs. Bettina was looking at him with approval. “You are a thoughtful gentleman to put such effort into finding the right gift for her. Dr. Hyde takes her walking in the park every weekend to listen to the brass band. He is a good man, but after a year he still does not know that she does not like the park and she hates brass bands and would much rather go to a music hall.” She shook her head in despair. “He does not listen.”

BOOK: Temptation
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