Tempting BAD: VIP Spin Off (39 page)

BOOK: Tempting BAD: VIP Spin Off
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She added diamond earrings and a diamond necklace. She sparkled everywhere. Her make up was heavy, the heaviest I had ever seen her wear. Black was all around her eyes, they appeared smoky and made her bright, baby blue eyes pop out more. Her eyelashes were long and thick, and her vibrant red lipstick made her teeth shine white. She said it was stain proof lipstick, and it wouldn’t come off without make up remover, so she could kiss me all night.

To say I wasn’t nervous would have been an understatement. There was something completely different about her, her demeanor, her appearance, and her attitude; all of it. The way she walked, the way she moved, and even the way she talked. This woman before me… I had never met before.


It pleased me as much as it shocked me.


It was New Year’s Eve and I wanted to do something different, I wanted him to meet the other side of me. The side I had been hiding. We were getting closer, he needed to know that I was different with him, and the girl that I became was in love with him. However, there was another completely different girl that he had yet to meet. She was just as big a part of whom I was, as the one that lay in his arms every night.

It wasn’t a test… it wasn’t a ploy; I wasn’t trying to trick him. I wanted to play. I wanted to have fun. And I wanted to be free. For one night.

With him.

We stepped off the plane and a Rolls-Royce Phantom EWB awaited us. By the look on Devon’s face, he was dumbfounded and speechless.

“It’s just money,” I whispered in his ear, trying to ease his apprehensions. 

The chauffeur had the doors opened for us and we stepped in. A Krug Brut Vintage 1988 chilled, waiting for us.

“Jesus Christ, Brooke, that’s a half a million dollar bottle,” he observed.

I handed him his glass and took a sip of mine. “And it doesn’t taste much different than a hundred dollar bottle.”

He laughed.

“This is VIP, Devon, the best of the best, of the best. Madam wouldn’t have it any other way.”

He took a sip from his glass. “Does she know you’re here? That you’re doing this?”

I smiled. “Of course. Who do you think put this all together? I said I wanted to go to Vegas for New Year’s Eve with a friend, and it was done.”

He grinned. “A friend?”

“Would you have rather I said fuck buddy? She would have asked how much I was charging you, for her half,” I stated.

“So that’s how it works?”

“Pretty much, very simple.”

“How many girls work for her?”

“I don’t want to talk about this,” I blurted. “I want to have fun. I want to dance and drink, and laugh, and fuck! You think you can let go of all the questions for one night?”

“Sure,” he reluctantly agreed.

“Great! Because you’re about to eat the best fucking steak of your entire life.”

Minutes later the car stopped and the doors were opened. I looked over at him, “You ready for the time of your life?” I asked.

He nodded toward the door. “Lead the way.”

We walked into the most expensive restaurant in Vegas. They escorted us to a private room that overlooked all of the Sin City lights. I watched Devon’s reactions to everything, experiencing them for the first time through his eyes. He was like a baby learning to walk and I was holding his hands, showing him the way.

Our private server brought out our drinks, appetizers, salads, and then our meal.

“Watch this,” I directed, taking my butter knife and cutting it along the steak. “Have you ever seen that before?”

He shook his head no with his eyebrows raised.

“That’s how tender it is,” I added.

We finished eating and Devon leaned back in his chair, polishing off his drink. “Damn,” he said, grabbing his stomach. “That must of have been the best meal I have ever eaten.”

“Only the things money can buy.”

“Yeah, this meal must have cost a fortune.”

“I wouldn’t know.” I shrugged.

“What do you mean?”

“I don’t ever pay for anything.”

“You’re lying.”

I leaned in and put my elbows on the table. “See Devon, here’s the fucked up part about life. When you have enough money in the world to do whatever you please… whatever you want… whatever you desire or need… you don’t have to worry about it.” I beamed. “Because people will give it to you for free. From restaurants, to designer clothing, to cars, to yachts, and trips around the world,” I paused, allowing him to process everything I was saying.

“Why?” I asked what he was already thinking. “Just so you’ll make an appearance, and tell your other ridiculously wealthy friends about it. It’s sad, isn’t it? You can finally afford everything you ever wanted, you ever dreamed of, and it doesn’t fucking matter. You will literally have people kissing your ass, just so they can say you were there.”

He didn’t say anything for several minutes. I knew he had hundreds of questions, but knew he couldn’t ask them… not because I told him I wanted a night of letting go.


He was worried about the response he would get.

About my answers.


I wasn’t prepared for everything that was being thrown at me. I knew VIP was a lucrative and moneymaking establishment, I just never thought that pussy could bring in that much money.

I guess at the end of the day…

Sex sells.

Always has and always will.

We sat there for the next few hours drinking, laughing, and flirting. She was the most beautiful woman I had ever had the pleasure of being around. Seeing her; and knowing her. There was this special, different magnetic pull to her that night. I didn’t know if it was the clothes or the make up, but she was distinctive and diverse, in every sense of the word.

I felt like I was learning a new side to her that I had never seen before, with fresh eyes and a new exterior. I loved it as much as I hated it, not for the reasons that one may think. I prided myself on being able to read her like a book. We had this special and unique connection that we shared alone. It was something that attracted us to one another, and not being able to figure out or understand the reason why. However, that night it was as if I was with a new woman. Someone I hadn’t ever met before.

But it didn’t matter.

I still loved her.

I loved her as Brooke.

I loved her as Bambi.

I loved her as a VIP.

It was her… the different shades of her.

I realized that as I looked into her wicked and sinful allure, that she had about herself sitting before me. Touching me in all the right places under the table, enough to have my heart thump and my breath elevate. Saying all the right things at the right moment, with a tone that could have any man falling to their knees for her.

Falling at her altar.

I wanted to own this woman, as much as I already knew I owned the other. This woman knew no bounds, no ties, or restrictions; there were no causes for complaints. She was confident and poised, as much as she was slutty and sultry.

A minx.

A vixen.

A mixture of innocent and malicious.

Heaven and hell.

Angel or devil.

In that moment, I knew why she was a VIP.

Why she is a VIP.

It’s in her blood. It’s who she is. She was born one.

Knowing all of her… is loving all of her.

There was no going back for me.

There was only going forward.

With her by my side, and with me by hers.



The more I let myself go, the further, clearer, and more distinctive his eyes became.

At first they relayed nothing, but caution, chaos, and concern. Now he’s as intrigued and pulled in, as he was the first night he met me. I loved being able to share a whole new world with him; a whole new me. He had yet to see what else was in store… I wasn’t holding back.

Tonight he would see it.

He would experience it.

I hoped and prayed that he would be along for the ride. Take each and every turn with me.

I was ready to push the boundaries.

And by that…

I mean him.

We got to the club around eleven, and walked right up to the front of the line; they lifted the red rope and let us in. The line was long and crazy; it went around the corner. The private hostess greeted us immediately, and we were seated at our private table near the D.J.

The best table in the house.

It was already fully stacked, with liquor and mixers; we were served immediately. Devon had relaxed, the alcohol flowing through his system freely. We danced, hung out with people I knew, and had the time of our lives; enjoying the madness that only New Year’s Eve could bring.

“Ten, nine, eight, seven…” the whole club yelled. I turned to him and whispered, “Are you ready to start the New Year with me?”

He raised an eyebrow and gave me a predatory stare. “I’ve been waiting for you all my life.” He roughly grabbed the back of my neck…

And we passionately kissed at the stroke of midnight.

Ringing in the New Year, entirely mesmerized in each other’s arms.

Not wanting it any other way.


We walked out of the club at nearly three in the morning, both of us consumed with entirely too much alcohol. The chauffeur was waiting for us with the doors opened. We stepped in and Brooke nodded at him.

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