Tempting Fate (15 page)

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Authors: Lisa Mondello

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Genre Fiction, #Holidays, #Short Stories & Anthologies, #Anthologies, #Anthologies & Literature Collections, #Short Stories

BOOK: Tempting Fate
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He frowned slightly and shook his head. "No, no. Don't be. You concentrate on breathing. If you don't mind, I'll just take my time concentrating on you." And he did. She felt his hot breath scorch her neck as his lips brushed against her skin. She gasped and felt herself melt against him when he tugged at the soft flesh of her earlobe with his teeth.

She closed her eyes and flattened her hands, brushing her palms against his chest. Acting on impulse, she curled her fingers around the fabric of his shirt and pulled him toward the bedroom.

She looked up into his face and saw in his eyes what she felt in her heart. They shared a basic, primitive emotion that was so strong, nothing could divide it.

"My sweet Lauren." His voice was rough as he gazed into her eyes.

She reached up and framed his face in her hands. She'd never loved any man before. But she was in love with Kyle. What a frightening and wonderful revelation.

With the bedroom door safely closed behind them, he resumed his quest to concentrate on her. She tangled her fingers in his hair as he continued to kiss her neck, her cheek. When she felt his rough hand beneath the cotton fabric of her shirt, she sucked in a deep breath.

Kyle raised his head and looked at her, as if asking her permission to take this dance they'd started a step further. She gave him her answer as a smile. She arched her back as he reached behind her and undid the clasp of her bra.

With a low rumbling groan, he lifted her shirt off and lowered his head. The feel of his lips on her breast were like nothing she'd ever known. She wrapped her arms around his shoulders and pulled him down on the bed with her. They sunk into the mattress with the weight of Kyle’s body laying along the length of hers. She lifted her hips to meet him. Beneath the fabric of his jeans, she felt his desire was strong and hard. He pressed himself against the cradle of her thighs in response and Lauren thought she'd die of torment.

In an instant, her longing to have him took over. She would have waited to follow his lead, after all, she couldn't say that she was completely sure of how to fulfill the desire she saw raging in him. Or felt in herself. But as she'd suspected all along, loving Kyle was as natural as breathing. Her love for him had taken control and washed away any fears lack of experience had given her.

She closed her eyes and felt his fingers tangle in her hair. As they kissed, she felt his tongue brush against her lips. He deepened their kiss and she welcomed the intimacy with each stroke, thinking about the promise of a deeper intimacy they were about to share.

She was nearly naked, except for her blue jeans and panties. And Kyle was completely dressed. She worked to change that fact.

She fumbled with his belt buckle until she was frustrated with her lack of success. "You do this," she panted. "Let me take care of your shirt."

With one swift motion, she pulled his shirt up to his shoulders, revealing a lattice of hard muscles. With him being so tall, she quickly realized the flaw in her plan and couldn't get the shirt any higher. But he deftly finished what she'd started, tossing the shirt to God knows where and dropping his jeans to the floor.

My Lord, but he was beautiful, she thought, gazing at him. Every inch of him was muscle and pure man. Her already raging body reached a fevered pitch and she moaned-she couldn't help it-when he stripped his briefs, revealing the strength of his desire.

Pulling the down comforter aside, she crawled on the bed and slipped off the last of her garments. "Come here," she said, holding her hand out to him.

He advanced toward her and abruptly stopped, turning toward his jeans instead of her. She watched impatiently as he sifted through his wallet, a worried look etched in his features, then a flash of relief before he pulled out a foil packet.

Her breathing grew more ragged as did his before he finally slid on top of her, their flesh burning with a passion almost to the brink of eruption. His hands stroked and caressed, his lips nipped and crushed, driving her skyward until she thought she'd go insane with need.

She wanted him inside her, to feel how close they could be. But she wasn't sure enough of herself to set the pace. Finally, she held his face in her hands and looked into his eyes. In them she saw a thousand promises meant to last a lifetime. She lifted her hips until they pressed against him in an erotic plea. And he instantly understood her unspoken words and smiled.

They came together like a tidal wave crashing against the shore. Her heart pounded with every breath, with each moan and cry, with each torturous stroke. They clung to each other until the first wave of release split her in two. She couldn't see or think or even breathe for what seemed like an eternity. Within seconds of floating back to reality, she felt every muscle in Kyle's body that was touching her grow hard until he, too, was taken over the edge of oblivion.

It took a few moments for her breathing to become even again and her mind to clear.


Panic struck Lauren hard in her chest when she heard Kristen's faint voice coming from the other room. She bolted upright in the bed.

"Mommy, I don't feel good."

Taking a few deeps breaths to compose herself, she watched for Kyle's reaction as she slid off the bed, grabbing the first thing she could find to cover her bareness.

He ran the fingers of both hands through his hair and looked at her. Was he upset? Did he understand that she would always give of herself as a mother first? As much as she wanted to stay in his arms, she couldn't let that get in the way of Kristen's needs.

"I'll be right there, honey," she called out. To her own ears, her voice was still shaky.

She took two steps toward Kristen’s bedroom door and heard Kyle behind her, pulling on his clothes. She flicked the light switch as she walked into the room.

Kristen clutched her stomach and moaned. "I have a belly-ache."

"How many cookies did you have today?" Lauren asked softly. Then she glanced at Kyle, who was now standing in the doorway, for confirmation.

He shrugged and wilted against the doorjamb. "We both ate quite a bit of dough while we were making the cookies this afternoon. Sorry."

Lauren frowned in disgust and sat on the edge of the bed. "No wonder you have a belly-ache, sweetie," she said to Kristen as she rubbed her stomach.

"I'll get some ginger-ale," Kyle suggested.

When Kyle was out of earshot, Kristen tugged on Lauren's shirt, her eyes widened. "Are you going to marry Kyle?"

Completely taken aback, Lauren sat up straight and tried to steady herself. Where on earth had that come from? Had her little eyes seen something she shouldn't have? Oh, Lord, what had she done?

"Why do you ask?" Lauren probed.

"You look at him funny."

Her eyebrows furrowed. "Funny how?"

As if she were impatient, Kristen heaved an exaggerated sigh and said. "You know, the way Belle looks at the Beast in the video."

"I do?" she croaked.

Kristen nodded. "Julie says that sometimes people get divorced, just like a boy in my class, and they get new daddies."

"That happens sometimes."

"And Santa Claus said that all the other daddies are taken already."

"Well, honey-"

"And Julie said she never sees Kyle with a girl. Even though we didn't have a divorce, you could marry Kyle and he can be my new daddy. We can live together and be a family." She yawned before adding, "Wouldn't that be great?"

It would be wonderful, Lauren thought.

"Is that what you want, sweetie? You really want a daddy?"

Kristen nodded. "If you marry Kyle, will Julie be my sister?"

"The two of you were plotting more than a sleep-over, I see." Lauren's shoulders sagged and she puffed her cheeks. "I don't think we have to worry about all this just yet."

Kyle rapped on the door with his left hand and held a plastic cup in his right. "Everything okay?"


She had no idea how long Kyle had been standing in the doorway or how much of their conversation he overheard. But by the look on his face and the slight tilt in his smile, she knew he heard enough.

He handed her the cup of ginger ale and settled onto the mattress at the foot of the bed. Kristen smiled her obvious pleasure.

If it hadn't been so delicate a situation, she may have allowed herself to feel lighthearted. What pained her was that no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't keep herself from doing just that. If anyone looked at them and didn't know any better, they'd think they were a family.

But that wasn't the case. They weren't a family. Who knew how long she and Kristen would be able to revel in all the delightful feelings Kyle Preston bestowed on them?

Still rubbing Kristen's belly, Lauren asked. "Any better?"

Kristen yawned and nodded, her eyelids at half-mast.

"Goodnight, honey." She bent down and kissed Kristen's forehead. Kyle got up and did the same. He followed Lauren, turning the light off behind him before shutting the door.

She waited to speak before they were both alone in the living room. "You must be tired, too, after such a long day. I can't thank you enough, again, for all you've done."

"Are you trying to get rid of me already?" he teased, reaching for her.

She picked up his jacket and extended it to him. "You must want to get home."

His smile faded when he saw she wasn't kidding. "You really do want me to leave?"

She took a deep breath, but said nothing.

He brushed his blond hair back with one swipe of his hand. "Is it what Kristen said about us getting married?"

"I'm sorry you heard that."

"I'm glad I did. At least I have one of you on my side." His gaze was searching as if he were trying to understand the about-face. And why wouldn't he be after what had just happened between them. If not for Kristen’s call to Lauren, they’d still be in bed making love all night.

"This isn't about sides. I just think it's better this way," she said softly. "Kristen has never seen me with a man before. She's beginning to get the wrong idea."

His expression drooped. "Why do I get the feeling I did, too."

"She's not used to having family around. Suddenly, she's overwhelmed being with your family. Please don't get me wrong, I'm grateful for it. I've missed my own so much and, except for me, Kristen has never had that. But she's already asking me if she's going to be Julie's sister."

Kyle's face brightened. "We can accommodate her if she wants a sister."

"I'm serious."

"So am I."

Frustrated with the situation, she blew out an exaggerated breath. "You're missing the point."

"No, I don't think so. Kristen wants a family. And if you're honest with yourself, you want it, too."

She swallowed hard and averted her gaze.

"I could talk to your parents."

Her head snapped up and her eyes flew open wide. "And what, Kyle? Invite them to dinner? Is that your answer to everything?"

He lifted his arms in the air and let them fall clumsily to his side. "No, but it's a start, isn't it?"

"I won't let you do that. They've made their choice to stay out of my life despite my efforts. If that’s the way it has to be, then so be it. It's not your problem."

"I'm making it my problem."

"For how long? I'm not some stray dog that wandered into your yard and scratched on your door."

He rolled his eyes. "Believe me. I don't put you in the same category as my dog."

"But I'm still a stray, aren't I? Are you going to make everything all right for me, then move on to the next person with a problem? When I'm no longer a problem?"

"What are you talking about?"

She touched one of the cookie ornaments on the tree before looking at him. She recalled how Kristen and Kyle had worked to decorate it with just the right amount of frosting and sprinkles. "Sooner or later, things aren't going to be as nice and pretty as they are today. It's inevitable. Then what? I don't want Kristen to get hurt."

"You're not talking about your daughter this time, Lauren. You're talking about yourself." He moved closer to her, but she backed up two steps. When she had the courage to look into his eyes, all she saw was pure pain. "Don't be afraid of us. I'm not like the other men in your life. I'm not going to leave you."

She laughed sardonically and mumbled under her breath, “That's exactly what they said."

"What do I have to do to prove to you that I'm not like them? Do I have to climb a mountain every time I walk through your front door? Because if that's what it takes, then I'm ready for the challenge."

"Don't you see? I don't want to be your challenge. When the challenge has been conquered, the game is over."

"Then tell me what you want."

"What I want doesn't exist. I want someone who's willing to stay for the long haul, when things are great and when they're ugly. I've never known a man that was willing to do that."

"You know me." He took her hand in both of his and kissed it lightly, then rested it against his cheek.

Easing her hand away, she said, "Really?"

She wasn't convinced. Kyle knew by the edge in her voice and heaviness in her eyes. What was it going to take to convince this woman how much she meant to him? To prove to her just how much he loved her?

"I was eighteen when I was adopted."

She looked at him, puzzled. "But I thought you were twelve."

"No. When I was twelve, my biological father went to court and relinquished me as his son so he wouldn't have to keep paying child support after my mother died."

He watched her horrified face. "Kyle, I'm so sorry."

"I don't remember much of my mother. I was younger than Kristen when she died. My father was married to someone else and didn't want me. I stayed with my grandmother until she couldn't care for me anymore. After that, I shifted from one distant cousin to an uncle or aunt for a few months until they couldn't handle me anymore and I went into foster care."

"It must have been awful for you."

"All you have to do is look at my childhood and you'll know how mistrust breeds."

"Judy and Will-" she started to say, but Kyle broke in.

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