Tempting The Boss (12 page)

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Authors: Mallory Crowe

BOOK: Tempting The Boss
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She fell apart in his arms, the orgasm almost surprising her as she held him even tighter.

Before she’d even finished coming down from the climax, he gripped her around the waist and pulled her against him as he picked her up and strode out of the kitchen.

Her pleasure-dazed eyes widened as she saw he was taking her to the stairs. “You can’t carry me up there!”

At the foot of the stairs, he pushed her into the wall and kissed her so thoroughly that by the time he came up for air, she’d practically forgotten what continent she was on.

He pulled away and they both struggled to catch their breath. “I would climb up a fucking mountain to be with you right now, understand?”

She didn’t know whether it was the intensity of the kiss or the aftershocks of her orgasm, but she couldn’t manage to form words. All she could do was nod as he picked her back up and carried her up the stairs as though it was nothing.

Once they reached the second story, it was a short walk to Dean’s bed, where he softly laid her down, but he didn’t join her. She reached for him as he backed away and made quick work of his shirt, jeans, and boxers.

She backed up on the mattress and pulled her own silk shirt off. Dean climbed onto the bed, slowly moving over her, and trailed kisses along her bare stomach and in the valley between her breasts, right above her bra.

She frowned down at him. She thought after what happened downstairs that he’d be inside her by now. Abruptly, he straddled her, caching her wrists in his hands and stretching her arms over her head.

“Stop thinking. You’re mine for the night, right?”

She took in a deep breath and nodded.

“That’s what I thought,” he said with a crooked grin as he leaned in for another kiss. He effortlessly transitioned both her wrists into one of his hands and ran his free palm down her arm, side, and back up again. The touch sent shivers through her, and she arched into him, silently asking for more.

He ran his hand back up and slid it between her back and the bed to unclasp her bra. Instead of releasing her to remove it, he pushed the cups up and out of the way as he bent to an exposed nipple.

As his teeth and tongue alternately teased and soothed, she writhed underneath him. And he gave her more and more pleasure. “Please, Dean. I need you inside me,” she moaned.

He switched to her other breast, the abandoned nipple cold and wanting while the other peak was spoiled with his tongue. Just as she thought he was completely ignoring her request for more, he released her and pushed off her, pulling her skirt and panties off in one smooth motion. He dropped her garments on the floor, but instead of pushing himself right between her thighs like she expected, he wrapped his arms around her and flipped them both over, him on his back while Victoria straddled him.

“Ride me, Victoria,” he ordered in a breathless, husky voice.

She rested her hands on his chest and looked down at him. A small smile curved her mouth. She positioned herself over him as he guided the thick head of his cock to her entrance. She slowly let herself slide onto his hard length and reveled in the shocks of pleasure that seemed to reverberate through her at the friction.

Dean’s fingers bit into her hips and she could tell he held back. Tried to give her the ability to set the pace. To control it.

And that’s exactly what she did. She started out slow, but quickly the overwhelming urge to move took her over and she rode him in exactly the way her body demanded. Before long, Dean’s own control seemed to break and he thrust frantically up to meet her halfway, clenching his teeth as a guttural moan escaped him.

And the second his muscles tensed beneath her, Victoria’s own orgasm swept through her. The quakes rippled through her whole body as she threw her head back to revel in the almost unbearable pleasure taking over.

As her climax faded, the only sound in the room was their rapid breathing. When she finally opened her eyes, she saw Dean’s self-satisfied grin look up at her.

“What?” The corner of her mouth hooked up as well.

“I think I burned the chicken.”




Dean opened the back door to let Rigby into the house. The red dog gleefully ran inside and lapped up water from his bowl.

“Shhh,” said Dean. Victoria was still sleeping when he’d crawled out of bed, and he didn’t want to wake her up any earlier than he had to. Between her father passing and the athletic night they’d had together, she probably needed all the rest she could get.

He poured water into the coffee maker and threw in his breakfast blend grounds. Before Katy, he’d never been much of a coffee drinker, but her six-year-old antics taught him the true meaning of sleep deprivation. Now he was a faithful convert to the caffeine altar.

Greg had already called him to see whether he could take on a weekend job, but for the first time in a long time, Dean turned down the work. He had some extra cash after helping out Victoria, and he knew she probably needed him more than Greg did.

He rubbed his eyes.
Hell, he didn’t know she needed him.
But he knew she needed someone, and she obviously didn’t mind his support. And he really didn’’t mind giving it. Not just because of the sex, though he sure as hell couldn’t complain about that little perk. But he knew what it was like to lose a parent. He also knew what it was like to not have anyone around to talk to about it.

So for as long as she wanted, he’d be whatever she needed him to be. And if, after everything was over, she wanted him out of her life, then he’d do that.

The front door creaked open and he winced. “Katy?”

“You’re not working?” Katy walked into the kitchen.

Shit. When was the last time she got home early from a sleepover?
He turned to look her over. Her long blonde hair was pulled back loosely and she didn’t look hung over or show any signs of a long night of partying. “What happened at Becky’s?”

“I just wanted to come home, okay? What’s so wrong with me wanting to spend time with you?”

Dean stared at her blankly.
Seriously? Today of all days she decided she wanted to have brother-sister bonding?
“I don’t know if I’’ll have time to do much.” What was the best way to tell his little sister that he had a woman upstairs?
Damn it.
He’d never had this problem before. Of course, he hadn’t had a woman sleep over since Katy came to stay with him.

But when Victoria was in his bed, he never even considered asking her to leave. It was perfectly natural to pull her tight against him as they both fell into an exhausted sleep.

Katy’s face fell a bit. “It’s your first day off in forever and you can’t make time for me?”

“What makes you think I’m not working?” he countered, unable to muster up the courage to tell her he was bumping her aside for another woman.

“Well, the sun’s up and you’re in pajamas.” She pointed to the flannel pajama pants she’d gotten him for Christmas last year. “It doesn’t take a genius, Dean.” She shrugged and any sign of disappointment disappeared from her face. “Don’t worry about it. I know you’re busy even when you’’re not working. Rigby and I will hang out.” She grabbed a granola bar from the pantry and turned to leave the kitchen and probably head to her room upstairs.

Upstairs where he’d left Victoria naked in his bed.

“Wait!” he called.

“Oh my God,” she moaned and twisted back around. “What?”

But before he let a word out, he heard the telltale creaking of the upstairs floorboards.

Katy frowned. “Is there someone here?” she whispered with wide eyes.

“It’s just a friend,” he spit out, immediately regretting the lie. “Her father died and I offered to let her crash here.”

“That’s awful,” said Katy. “Is she doing okay?””

The stairs moaned and groaned as Victoria made her way down. Dean clenched his jaw. Katy had never met one of his lovers. Not once had he ever gotten these two parts of his life crossed. And he’d been prepared. He read books and articles about how to introduce a woman into a young child’s life.
Let them meet on neutral territory, preferably somewhere that would stimulate conversation to keep away awkward silences.

This situation wasn’t covered in the damn books.

And there Victoria was, looking like his wet dream and nightmare combined, only wearing one of his oversized Yankees t-shirts and standing right in front of his little sister.

He took a deep swallow. “Um…Katy, this is Victoria. Victoria, this is Katy.”

Victoria looked absolutely terrified for a brief moment before she perfectly masked her fear and smiled at Katy. “We actually met before,” said Victoria awkwardly. “When I picked Dean up. I didn’t realize you were going to be here.” She twisted her fingers in the cotton of the shirt, pulling it down another inch or two to give her as much modesty as possible.

Katy took a step back and glanced between Victoria and Dean. “It’s fine. I mean, it’s nice to see you again. You’re both adults and probably protected, so…”

“I was just about to make breakfast,” said Dean to break up Katy’s awkward rambling. “Does anyone want bacon and eggs?”

“I should probably go,” said Victoria. “I need to get started on the arrangements. I don’t know the first thing about funerals…”

“Dean can help,” offered Katy. “He planned everything for our parents. He’s basically an expert.”

Victoria met his eyes and he simply shrugged. Two funerals at once didn’t exactly make him an expert, but it sure as hell made him more knowledgeable than he ever wanted to be. But this was Richard Green. People would probably fly in from all over the country to pay their last respects. He didn’t know a damn thing about that.

But there was one more reason he should stick with Victoria. “Did you have more interviews today that you needed to get done?”

She paled and looked down. “I completely forgot about the interviews.” She rubbed her fingers through her hair. “I need to get dressed,”” she muttered as she turned back to the stairs, abruptly looking back to Katy. “I’m so sorry about this. I’m normally much more put together.”

Katy shrugged, but Dean couldn’t get a read on her. “It’s all good.”

Victoria gave another halfhearted smile before she headed up the stairs.

“Oh. My. God,” said Katy as soon as Victoria was out of earshot. “She came to you for comfort and you slept with her.”

Ahh…discussing his sex life with his sister. One of his all-time greatest fears.
And this morning seemed as if it had so much promise just a few minutes ago. “It’’s none of your business.” Dean crossed his arms over his chest.

“Well, in order to get to my bedroom I have to pass by a half-naked woman, so isn’t it kind of my business? Have you been dating her a long time? Why are you keeping it a secret from me?”

“I wasn’t keeping a secret because we aren’t dating.” He immediately regretted the word.

Katy crossed her arms over her chest and raised an all too knowing brow. “So you’re having casual sex? You really don’t seem like the casual sex type.””

“For the love of—” He broke off before he said something he’d regret. To be honest, there was nothing casual about his relationship with Victoria. But if he had no idea what was going on, how was he supposed to explain it to Katy? “Listen, what happened last night wasn’t planned and I don’t have a good or respectable answer for you,”” he said truthfully.

Katy rolled her eyes but luckily decided to switch off the subject of sex. “So you’re dating one of the richest women in the city now?”

He snorted. Katy had no idea just how rich Victoria was. Not that it mattered. “She has more money than me,” admitted Dean.

She rolled her eyes. “Please. Everyone has more money than you.”

“You don’t,” he reminded her. The floorboards above him creaked and he knew Victoria was probably frantically getting ready. ““I’m going to see if she needs any help today.” He pushed away from the counter.

He could feel Katy’s gaze follow him, but luckily she didn’t give him any more grief. But he wasn’t sure what to think about how excited she’’d gotten when she remembered Victoria had money. He’d always assumed she was happy enough with things the way they were. Had she just been tolerating their small house and paycheck-to-paycheck living?

Victoria was slipping her feet into her black pumps as he walked in, and her skirt crept dangerously high up her legs. For a moment, all Dean could think about was throwing her right back on the bed…

“I’m so sorry about downstairs,” she said, pulling him out of his fantasy.

He ran a hand over his face and through his hair to clear his head. “It could’ve been worse. You could’ve come down naked.”” He winked.

A small smile curled her lips. “Oh God. I couldn’t even imagine. Poor girl would be scarred for life.”

He took a seat on the bed next to her and his expression grew serious. “What’s the plan for today?”

She let out a sigh and stared at the floor. “I missed a call from Terry this morning. I will probably meet up with him, and I suppose we can figure it out together.”

“Are you sure that’s a good idea? Being alone with Terry?”

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