Read Tenacious Trents 01 - A Misguided Lord Online

Authors: Jane Charles

Tags: #romance regency historical jane charles england

Tenacious Trents 01 - A Misguided Lord (19 page)

BOOK: Tenacious Trents 01 - A Misguided Lord
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Thank goodness she had not told him
the truth. If he had even suspected her virgin state, Bentley would
never have agreed. Or, she assumed he wouldn’t have. Prior to his
accusations about Jamie, he had behaved the gentleman.

Rude, but a gentleman none-the-less.
His belief of her fallen state changed all of that.

The full moon dappled the path through
the leaves of the trees lining the path. With each step her pulse
increased and her hands shook. One would think she was going to the
gallows instead of sacrificing her maidenhead.

Ahead of her the summer house came
into sight. It was dark against the backdrop of the forest. A sigh
of relief escaped. She intentionally told him thirty minutes later
than when she planned to arrive. Elle wanted those few precious
moments to prepare for what was to come. Not that she knew
specifically what to prepare for.

She placed the satchel on the floor
just inside the door and removed her cloak. The cool breeze
pinpricked her skin. She wore nothing but a nightgown beneath her
cloak. It was one of the five her grandmother ordered after seeing
her threadbare night rails when she arrived in London. She had
slept in these gowns while in Town, but they had been put away upon
her return to the country. There was no need to sleep in such fine,
soft linen. Nor were the adornments of ribbons and lace necessary
for a goodnight’s sleep. Yet, after making her decision to become
Bentley’s mistress, she had pulled the gowns from the trunk to air
them for the nights to come.

Her room in London had been warm and
she hadn’t realized how impractical this material was until she
stood in the center of a breezy summer house. Then again, the
purpose for being here wasn’t to wear the gown at all. Thank
goodness it was night or one could be able to see directly through
the thin material. Yet, there was enough light from the moon that
she could make out the furniture. Perhaps she would not light the
candles. Were they necessary? The encounter would be certainly less
embarrassing in the dark. Bentley was not as familiar with the
summer house. She and Drake had spent a number of hours here to
escape the heat of the summer and she could negotiate the room easy
enough without the light. But as much as she may wish for darkness,
it was not fair to Bentley. It would do her no good if he were

Not that she would wish injury on him
regardless. Elle was feeling a bit selfish at the moment and now
that she had decided to take this drastic step, he needed to be in
a position to cooperate.

Bending, she grasped the handle of the
satchel and moved it to a chair before she withdrew candles and
flint. Elle moved about the room placing them on tables so that the
room would be fully illuminated when Bentley arrived. When she was
finished, Elle looked to the bed and her stomach clenched once
again. Should she turn it down or wait?

Before she could make a decision she
heard the scrape of a boot on the wooden step and Elle forced a
fist against her mouth to keep from vomiting. Surely brides didn’t
feel this way on their wedding night so why was she so


The summer house came into view and
more candles were lit as he drew near. Eleanor had beaten him here.
Had that been her intention? Did she wish to prepare the place? It
wasn’t necessary. All they really needed was a comfortable bed, or
even the chaise would do if it had been necessary.

All evening his nerves had been on
edge in anticipation. He had hoped to arrive before her, and
prepare the place to bring her the most comfort. Had that been her
intent as well? It didn’t matter. This first encounter could
possibly be awkward, as most first meetings were, but soon enough
they would be comfortable with the other.

He pushed the door open and stepped
into the room. The air left his lungs in one swoosh he hardened at
the sight of her. Even in his most fanciful fantasies Eleanor did
not look this delicious. Her dark curls cascaded down her back and
over one shoulder. A full breast strained against her gown, nipple
hard. Was she cold or already anticipating their mating? The night
rail fell to the floor, but was thin enough that he could make out
the indent of her waist and dark triangle at her thighs. Delicate
toes peeked out from beneath the white material.

He had thought to move slowly, enjoy
this first encounter, but Clay wasn’t sure how much his body could
withstand before he exploded. He hadn’t been this close to release,
without physical contact with a woman since he was a lad of ten and
five. If he didn’t get control over his body now, it could end
quite embarrassingly for him.

Clay took a step forward, his eyes
took in her body once again. “You are more beautiful than I

She sighed and her shoulders relaxed.
Had she feared he would reject her? As it was, Clay wasn’t sure he
would ever get enough of her.

As he continued forward, he removed
his coat and tossed it somewhere on the floor. Next he loosened his
neck clothe and dragged it over his head. His clothing was much too
confining and he needed to be free so he could feel her skin next
to his.

He paused and settled into a chair and
lifted his foot. Before he could remove his boot, Eleanor rushed
forward and knelt before him. “Let me.”

She took one, pulled and set it aside.
Clay offered the other and glimpsed down the gape in the neck of
her gown, his mouth salivating, wanting to feast on one bud and
then the next. Eleanor placed the boot next to the other and stood.
He stood and worked the buttons of his waistcoat before opening it,
and pulling it from his shoulders. He tugged the shirt from his
breeches and pulled it over his head, tossing it so it landed near
the vicinity of his other clothing. Or at least he assumed it did,
as he was not looking. His eyes were too busy feasting on

Her deep brown eyes lifted to his,
wide and unsure. She had nothing to worry about. Already she was
more than he anticipated. With a groan, Clay pulled her tight
against his body and bent to devour her lips with his. Eleanor
relaxed and grasped his shoulders, kissing him back with as much
passion as he felt. His breeches became more uncomfortable with
each passing moment and he scooped Eleanor up in his arms and
carried her to the bed. Once he had her gown off of her glorious
body, he would not want to wait. Turning his back, he loosened and
pulled down his breeches before kicking them aside and sat back
down on the bed and drawing her into his arms. He would go out of
his mind if he wasn’t in her soon.

Clay pushed the sleeves over her
shoulders and freed her arms while he trailed kisses along her jaw
and neck. Her breaths were little pants and she arched into him as
one hand grasped and molded her perfect globe. His mouth continued
kissing, licking and nipping until he came to an erect peak and
gently sucked it into his mouth while pushing the gown down and
free from her body. Now she was as naked as he and they could enjoy
one another to their heart’s content.

Her nails bit into his shoulders and
her moans became more frequent each time he moved from one breast
to the other. If she was this responsive now, how would she react
when he touched her lower? A grinned pulled at his lips. Or kissed
her there?

Clay shifted, moving further down her
body, one hand caressing her inner thigh, circling higher until her
curls brushed the top of his fingers and he moved to settle between
her shapely legs. Eleanor stiffened and seemed to hold her breath.
Did she think he would take her now? Had it been so unpleasant
before that she thought to prepare herself? Clay slipped his
fingers between the folds, damp with anticipation. He tried to push
through her opening with one finger, but she was tighter than any
woman he had ever encountered. To take her now would bring her no
pleasure and possibly pain. Whoever had lain with Eleanor before
had done her a great disservice by terrifying her. All the more
reason to bring her to climax before he had his own

Shifting, he moved lower and placed
his hands under her buttocks, and brought her to his

What are you

Clay glanced up and winked. “Relax and
enjoy. I want to taste you.”

Her eyes and mouth were wide with
shock. His tongue darted out, finding her nub. Eleanor hissed and
fell back. Clay feasted like he never had before, the nub swelling
beneath his tongue with each stroke, her body loosening, opening,
and finally allowing him to stretch her. Her fingers dug into his
scalp as her moans became louder. If she didn’t come soon he was
going to spill his seed on the bed without the pleasure of having
her body surrounding him. He had never had this much difficulty
keeping control. Lovemaking in the past had always been natural,
methodical and he could always control his release until the right
moment. But not with Eleanor. She was driving him to the brink. Is
this what lust did to a man?

Let go. Don’t fight

As if on his command she stiffened,
crying out as her body convulsed. He couldn’t wait. He should allow
her a moment to recover but he was ready to burst.

Clay came over Eleanor and probed her
tight entrance. He prepared her as much as he could but she was
excruciatingly tight. If he didn’t know better he would think she
was a virgin. As that was not possible, her encounters must have
been few, and a very long time ago.

He pushed further, stretching and
pulling back. His control was at its limit. He needed to be in her,
feel her moist heat envelope him, and plunge as deep as he could
before he withdrew. He would not come inside her. Not until he had
the chance to ride into town for sheaths. Eleanor had been left
with a child once before and he would not leave her with a second

He drew back and plunged into her
depths. Eleanor screeched and Clayton lost all control and he was
shaken with the most intense and instantaneous release of his life.
He was too late to pull back now and he rode the waves of passion
until he was drained. Collapsing he rolled to his side. “Bloody


Eleanor lay on her back and stared at
the ceiling. Her emotions and thoughts were a jumble. Goodness.
That was certainly more than she ever dreamed. Aside from that bit
of pain in the end, it had been the most pleasurable experience of
her life. Was it always like that? Did gentlemen make a habit of
kissing ladies there? Her face heated with the remembrance. Well,
she certainly couldn’t ask anyone.

She would never be the same after
tonight and it had nothing to do with no longer being a virgin.
Clayton had introduced her to sensations she never dreamed existed.
Even if she didn’t have enough funds when this was over, she
couldn’t regret what she would experience.

Eventually her heartbeat slowed and
body cooled. She turned her head to look at Clay. He hadn’t said
anything else. What was he thinking? Was he disappointed? Had she
displeased him, or was he simply still recovering as she. Had he
felt the same explosion within his body?

His face was hard, his jaw tight. Oh

Abruptly he sat and turned his back to
her. What had she done? Eleanor grasped the coverlet and pulled it
over her body.

He bent and grabbed his breeches from
the floor before he stood and pulled them on, giving Eleanor a
glimpse at his sculpted buttocks.

He then strode across the floor and
yanked on one boot and then the other, not saying a word. She had
thought they would remain here a bit longer, though she wasn’t sure
what more they could do, but she had not anticipated this cold

He marched around the room, gathering
his clothing and yanking them on his body. Eleanor clutched the
coverlet to her chin, trying not to panic. Her heart raced for a
different reason now. Was their agreement at an end? Was he
finished with her already?

Once dressed, cravat hanging loosely
around his neck, Clayton turned and stared at her. “This is not
what I bargained for.”

A chill ran through her body at his

He took a purse from the inside of his
coat pocket and tossed it on the table. “Our original agreement is
at an end.”

A cry lodged in her throat and Elle
brought a fist to her lips, to keep the sound inside.

A gentleman expects
from a
.” He strode for the door and Elle fought the waves of nausea
rising from within. “I hope you are happy with what you’ve gained
from this encounter.”

Clayton left the room and Elle jerked
at the slam of the door. A moment later tears streamed down her
face. “What have I done?”

Chapter 16

Elle pulled herself from bed in the
summer house. The sun would be up soon and she must return home
before the children woke. Slowly and methodically she dressed, and
then packed the candles, long since spent, into the bag. She
glanced back at the rumpled bed and her stomach clenched. She
closed her eyes for a moment to fight back even more tears. She’d
cried enough but she could not leave the room in this state.
Placing the bag on the floor she marched to the bed and ripped off
the soiled sheets and made the bed up to make it look like nothing
was amiss. She would wash the linen and return it later, not that
she expected anyone to notice they were missing.

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