Tenacious Trents 02 - A Perfect Gentleman (24 page)

Read Tenacious Trents 02 - A Perfect Gentleman Online

Authors: Jane Charles

Tags: #regency romance jane charles vicar england historical tenacious trents

BOOK: Tenacious Trents 02 - A Perfect Gentleman
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He shook the maudlin thoughts from his mind.
“It doesn’t matter. It is in the past.”

“And we are free of his tyranny.”

Matthew chuckled. “Tyranny? I don’t think I
would go that far.”

Jordan arched an eyebrow. “Are you so sure?
He ruled with an iron fist and a willow switch at the ready. We
didn’t dare question his authority.”

“We no longer need worry about beatings, and
haven’t for some time,” Matthew reminded him.

“No, we are free.”

“And you are well on your way to becoming the
barrister you wished to be.”

Jordan grinned. “Do you think I will be a
good barrister?”

“If the judges were women you wouldn’t lose a

His brother laughed but most of his humor
died. “It is what I want to do, and I think I would make a damned
good barrister.”

Matthew clamped him on his shoulder. “As do

“Which brings me back to my original
question. Are you doing what you wish?”

Matthew turned away to study the three men
through the window. “I don’t know. I’ve always knew this is what I
must do and would never let myself think of anything else, and
certainly not contemplate a different vocation.”

“Now you can.”

He thought for a moment. He could write the
bishop and resign his post easily enough but then what would he do.
He had no skills.

“If it is truly your calling to be a
minister, I will say no more,” Jordan said quietly.

Matthew looked over his shoulder and met
Jordan’s eyes. “That is just it. I am not sure.”

Why were those three here, again? Grace took
a deep breath and stepped into the room. They rushed toward her
with greetings.

“Good afternoon, gentlemen. To what do I owe
this visit?”

“Clearly it is obvious, Miss Cooper,” Mr.
Draker announced.

She hitched an eyebrow.

“Your father,” Mr. Richards explained.

“Is not up to visitors.”

“We know,” Mr. Thorn answered. “But this
attack and his condition has left you in further need of a

Grace took a deep breath and tried to calm
the irritation that built the moment she was in the presence of
these gentlemen.

“It is because of my father’s current
condition that I do not have time to meet with any of you or
consider the future.” She turned on her heel and marched toward the
door. “Good day.”

“Wait, Miss Cooper,” Mr. Richards called

She stopped and turned. “I really do not have
time for this at the moment. I don’t even know if my father will
live through the day. So please, leave.”

There was another brisk knock at the front
door and Grace stifled a sigh. Why all these visitors, today of all
days. With a deep breath she opened the door to find her uncle
standing on the threshold. He was the last person she wished to
speak with. He stepped inside without waiting for an invitation.
Grace didn’t even bother to offer a greeting.

“I want to see my brother.” He towered over
her, probably trying to intimidate her into doing his bidding, but
it wouldn’t work.

“He is not up to visitors at the moment.
Perhaps if you came back tomorrow.”

“I will not be put off,” he yelled and leaned
toward her. “I had to learn of the attempt on his life from someone
else. You didn’t even bother to send word.”

Grace straightened her spine and looked him
in the eye, determined not to cower as he probably hoped she would.
“I did not feel it was necessary to send word.”

“Not necessary!” he bellowed. “He is my

“Who you haven’t bothered to see in two
years,” Grace countered.

“Lord Stillwaite, we are so glad you have

Grace turned to find the three lords standing
behind her in the foyer.

Her uncle looked at them and then back at
her. “Tsk, tsk, Grace. Were you entertaining three gentlemen
without the benefit of a chaperone? Something really should be done
before you are ruined beyond all repair.”

“They called on me and I was just asking them
to leave.”

“As we are all here, perhaps now is a good
time to discuss Miss Coopers’ betrothal,” Mr. Thorn stepped

A headache began at the base of her skull and
Grace used every bit of control she had in her possession not to
yell. “As Stillwaite is not my guardian there is no need for
further discussion of my future.”

“But your father …,” Mr. Richards began
to argue.

“My father will make decisions once he is
better recovered or until Lord Brachton takes the ability from
him.” She couldn’t stand to be around the four of them any longer.
“Good day gentlemen.” As she couldn’t force each from the house,
she turned on her heel and marched to her father’s bedchamber and
closed the door. With any luck they would all be gone soon.

She settled into her chair beside his bed and
picked up this cold hand. “Oh, Papa, please recover soon, before
uncle has me married off to one of those three.”

Matthew and Jordan moved further toward the
door leading to the parlor when the three men left the room. Sounds
from the foyer drew them closer and they listened silently to the

“My niece has been left too long on her own,”
Lord Stillwaite announced as soon as the door to Mr. Cooper’s
bedchamber clicked shut.

“What did Brachton say,” Mr. Thorn asked.

“Bah, that man won’t make a decision until he
knows what or who caused my brother’s fall.” Stillwaite stepped to
the threshold of the room and both Matthew and Jordan ducked out of
sight. Each pressed against the outside wall on either side of the
doors. There was barely enough room to hide between the windows and
on either side of the entry.

“They say someone tried to kill him,” Mr.
Richards announced.

For a moment there was silence in the room
and Matthew wondered if a confession would spill from someone’s
lips. Instead, he heard glass clinking against glass as one or more
gentleman made themselves comfortable in Cooper’s home. Most likely
it was Stillwaite, who believed all of this should be his.

“Well, gentlemen, it is only a matter of time
before I have control of my brother and niece, and intend to make

“What kind of changes?” Mr. Richards asked
with hesitation.

“First,” Stillwaite began. “This land could
be much more profitable.”

“But the land still belongs to Miss Cooper,”
Mr. Thorn reminded him. “You would only act as the guardian. Once
her father dies she inherits or it is held in trust, depending on
if she marries.”

“Then it is in my best interest that my niece
not marry.”

Matthew looked at Jordan. Their eyes met.

The three gentlemen voiced their arguments
quickly, talking over one another in such a manner that Matthew
wasn’t sure who was saying what.

“Unless it is to my benefit, of course,”
Stillwaite spoke over them.

Silence followed.

“If each of you could offer a good reason why
I should grant you Grace’s hand, I will give it considerable

“You would live here?” Mr. Draker asked.

“No,” Stillwaite laughed. “I prefer London,
but I can’t leave this estate in the hands of just anyone. If I
don’t find the right husband for Grace, an estate manager will need
to be hired, one that I trust.”

“I assume such would not be necessary if
Grace married,” suggested Mr. Draker.

“Therein lays my dilemma.” Stillwaite
chuckled. “I can hire an estate manager, send my brother off to
Bedlam and take Grace to London. Once she has enjoyed one Season
she will have no desire to be tied to this place.”

“Or?” Mr. Richard’s prompted.

“For the right price, I will marry her off to
one of you, and you can decide what is best for her and her

“For a price!” Draker clarified.

“Of course, everything has a price. What are
you willing to offer?”

“Usually it is the other way around. A dowry
comes with the bride.”

“This is an unusual circumstance,” Stillwaite
reminded Thorn.

“If you managed the property, what would you
do with it?” Richards asked.

“Nothing so mundane as to try and make a
profit off of milk and eggs.” Once again Matthew heard the sound of
glass clicking. He must be pouring himself another drink. “Farming
would bring a good profit. The land is fertile and hasn’t been
farmed in decades, if ever.”

“A waste,” Richards said in disgust.

“What would you do, if you were granted
control, of course?” Stillwaite asked.

“It should be mined. I am sure this ground is
rich in iron ore.”

“Or coal,” Thorn interrupted. “Or both. It is
a shame to see such bounty go to waste.”

“I hadn’t considered that. Are you sure iron
ore or coal deposits will be found?”

“We are sure of it,” Thorn answered. “Studies
have already been done. We presented the reports to Mr. Cooper
before his accident but he refused to even consider the
possibility. The man was mad before he was struck in the head.”

“What of you?”

Matthew assumed the questing was directed to
Draker as he hadn’t voiced his plans, and the brother seemed to
take no offense to how Thorn just spoke of his brother.

“Both are equally sound investments and
probabilities, but I would add sheep.”

“Sheep?” Richards questioned.

“Have you gentlemen paid attention to the
price of wool? Sheep are a sure thing. Coal and iron ore are mere

“Tell me, do any of you gentlemen actually
care for my niece?”

“As much as one should for a wife, I
suppose,” Draker answered.

“There are worse ladies a gentleman could be
forced to marry,” Richards responded.

“She has what I need so we will make do,”
Thorn acknowledged.

“I see,” Stillwaite said.

There was silence for a moment before Thorn
spoke. “We think you should be aware of an agreement already


“As it will take great resources to begin
mining and purchasing sheep, resources the three of us do not have
unless we combine our funds, two of us will invest in the third,
the one who Miss Cooper decides upon.”

“You already decided?” Stillwaite

“Yes,” Draker answered. “A year ago, so I
don’t see the need to pay you for something we have already agreed

“You do if you wish me to grant you her hand.
I will be named guardian.”

Matthew stared at Jordan. He knew they were
thinking the same thing. It didn’t matter who married Miss Cooper
because they would profit equally. Any one of the suitors could
have helped Mr. Cooper up the stairs and then pushed him. It
mattered not since they would share equally. But, which one had it
been. All three were in the vicinity when Mr. Cooper was injured
and each one had a reason to hurry the proceedings. If they made an
agreement a year ago they were probably growing more impatient by
the day.

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