Terry Spear’s Wolf Bundle (46 page)

BOOK: Terry Spear’s Wolf Bundle
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“Doc doesn’t need permission.”

“You arrogant bastard! You thought I wanted you and so you made sure I was available?” she screamed at him.

Everyone was deathly quiet. How could one little woman change the whole scenario around so that he was defending himself now?

“Like hell I did,” he growled.

“Well, sorry if I don’t believe you.” She rose from the couch, shoved him out of the way, and headed for the stairs.

“Where do you think you’re going?”

“To get dressed!”

Darien stalked after her. “You’ll tell me who the guy is who accosted you.”

“Ask him, if he comes out of the coma your men put him into!” She stomped up the stairs.

Blowing out his breath, he stomped up the stairs after her and followed her into the guest bedroom. Lelandi stiffened her back, whipped around, and glared at Darien.

For a moment, it was a standoff, Darien standing in the doorway, face red with barely repressed anger, and Lelandi’s feelings just as hot. Then he closed the door and a trickle of fear ran through her veins.

He had the look of a feral wolf—angered, cornered, only she was the one he was backing into a corner when he stalked across the carpeted floor in her direction.

His eyes darkened, his gaze intent, determined.

“I won’t tell you who he is no matter how much you try to intimidate me.”

His grim lips almost seemed to smile, but they didn’t exactly either. She wouldn’t give in to him though. The powerful gray pack leader had a lot to learn about a stubborn red female.

“Back off,” she growled as soon as he invaded her personal space.

He grabbed her shoulders, watched her expression intently. Did she look as terrified as she felt? Or did she put on a good enough show to hide the way her insides shook?

She knew what he wanted, what she assumed he’d craved the first time he saw her, to touch her, to kiss her, to love her—but not her, damn it. Rather, her sister.

“You don’t want me.” She meant to speak firmly, angrily, but the words came out breathlessly, almost desperate.

“You’re not mated, Lelandi.” His thumbs kneaded her shoulders in a sensuous caress, his fingers still gripping her. He leaned over and nuzzled her cheek with his smooth face. “Larissa was mated, wrongly, but still mated, and she was not the one I dreamed of loving under the pale light of the moon, naked in the woods.”

The feel of his heated skin against hers set her blood on fire, but the realization he made love to her sister, calling her by the same name…

“Don’t fight me,” he whispered against her ear, his breath warm, his tongue tickling the sensitive lobe. “Tell me about your dreams.”

Chapter 14

his waist tentatively instead, wanting to rip off his shirt and run her fingers over his bare chest, his face, to caress every inch of him while he touched her—just like the man had done with her in her fantasy world. She wanted to be sure he really
the man in her dreams.

Yet liquid heat pooled between her legs and fire filled her belly. No
lupus garou
had ever smiled so sexy-like; none had ever set her blood afire like he did.

“It’s…” She meant to tell him it wasn’t right. He didn’t really want her, just wanted to recapture the love he’d lost with her sister.

But he covered her mouth with his and stopped her objections. Kissed her—like she was the last woman on earth and he’d been deprived for years—greedily, hungrily, unabashedly.

Her heartbeat quickened. Now that she was no longer in pain or on medication that dulled her senses, she recognized the feel of him, the firmness, strength, the subtle way he touched her, claimed her, only it was so much more real. The beating of his heart sounded in her ears, the heat of his body burned at her soul, she tasted the sweetness of his lips, smelled the musky scent of him. He was her lover, his face no longer hidden in the shadows of her dreams, but genuine, his expression filled with hope and sexual craving.

Touching his tongue to the seam of her mouth, then penetrating, exploring, teasing her tongue with his, he pressed his advantage. And she let him, cherished the feel, but couldn’t give in to the lust. His fingers roamed over her arms, tracing the skin, sending trails of tiny caressing sensations up and down, while her fingers remained cemented to his waist. She was afraid to touch him further, afraid to lead him on when she knew what they were doing was wrong and no good would come of it. Bruin and Crassus, her brother even, would not permit the union between the gray and her.

He maneuvered her away from the wall toward the bed. Not good, yet she didn’t want to stop him. Her reluctance to encourage him didn’t seem to faze him. He kissed her jaw, then swept his tantalizing mouth down her neck, licking a trail to the hollow of her throat.

She melted. Not being able to stand, she collapsed on her butt on the bed. “We shouldn’t…”

He pushed her knees apart making her feel vulnerable, exposed to his desires. He moved between her legs and reached for the first button on her shirt, but she seized his wrists.

“I want to make sure you’re healed, Lelandi.”

“I am,” she said, still holding tight, having to stop this madness.

He smiled and the look was pure devil. “For what I want to do.”

She frowned. “I meant, I was healed. That’s all. You don’t have to look.”

“Doctor’s orders.” The devilish gleam intensified in his darkened eyes.


“Why didn’t this Bruin select a mate for you earlier?” He pulled his hands free and finished unbuttoning the shirt, then slipped it off her shoulders.

His gaze focused on her nudity, an appreciative gleam in his eyes, and her skin flushed. “I told you. He thought my temper was too volatile.”

“Try again.” Darien pushed her back against the mattress. Straddling her leg with his, he leaned against her, his arousal hard against her thigh as his finger outlined the tip of her breast, then the other.

Her body tingled, her nubs peaking to the barest of his touches, and a moan welled up from deep within her throat. She couldn’t fight the attraction she had for him even if she wanted to.

“Tell me the truth. You’d never come into a wolf’s heat, had you? Not until we mated in our dreams. Not until you became mine. Come to me, Lelandi, like you do in my dreams.” Darien kissed her forehead and waited, watching to see her reaction.

She studied his heavily lidded eyes, the look of lust filling them. “It was only a dream,” she insisted. “But Larissa knew I’d had the dreams of…of a man who was Adonis reborn.”

“Adonis?” He gave her a wicked smile.

She pursed her lips. “He’s extremely handsome.”

“He looks like me.” He unbuttoned his shirt, leaving it hanging open.

She looked at his chest, and yes, the corded muscles, the smattering of dark hair stretching down to his waistband, the bronze skin that took her breath away whenever she spied him in the woods of her dreams…
She wanted to reach out to touch him, to feel his skin sizzling beneath her fingertips.

“Why didn’t you tell me we’ve been dream mated?”

Her gaze shifted to his eyes. “I never saw his face.”

He frowned, cupped her face, and thought for a moment. “Ah. Because I’m the one who has the gift. But you pick up on some of it because you’re my soul mate.” He pressed her hands firmly against his chest. “Do you remember the beating of my heart? The way I feel? The way my mouth feels against yours? Lelandi, you were always the one. The first time I came to you, someone had called your name and in your dream state you had mouthed your name, trying to make sense of it, unable to wake fully. You said your name against my mouth again. But I could never learn your last name.”

He was the one. So why was she still reluctant to give herself to him? Her sister. She couldn’t break free of the notion her sister had meant something to him.

He pulled Lelandi from the bed into his embrace and held her tight. “What I’d had with Larissa didn’t feel right, but she’d told me she didn’t have any family. And she used the name I knew you by. I assumed the dreams I shared with you were fantasy and making love with you in the flesh wasn’t supposed to be as erotic.”

Her sister had lied. She’d duped him and…and he hadn’t meant anything to her as Lelandi had feared.

She touched his chest with trembling fingers, wanting what he offered, the sexual connection she’d shared with him upon sleeping, but afraid, too, of the consequences. “There’s…there’s no going back.”

“As if I’d give you up for anything in the world, Lelandi. You’re the one I’ve searched for every night,
longing to be reunited with you. The one who haunts my dreams until we’re together again. It’s you.”

Right or wrong, she pressed her lips against his, giving herself willingly to him and was immediately transported to the dream. Except it was no longer a dream. This time he captivated all of her senses. His sexual pheromones filled her nostrils like an aphrodisiac, his essence overwhelming her senses.

“There’s no going back,” she repeated, her voice soft, worried.

She’d defy her pack and her family’s wishes. But she wouldn’t be like Larissa. Her mating would be final, like it was for other
lupus garous.
No other would come between them.

He stroked her hair with loving caresses. “You couldn’t come into a wolf’s heat until I reached out to you. You are mine.”

Like a feral wolf who caught his prey and claimed her, he kissed her greedily, possessively. No more gentleness, waiting to make sure she agreed. And she loved it. His hands tangled in her long hair, and he grabbed handfuls, his smoldering gaze raking over her nakedness. But she couldn’t take her eyes off his face, the chiseled features, the predatory look, the face she’d so wanted to see, but couldn’t in her dreams.

Releasing her hair, he slid his hands down her shoulders to her breasts, his palms massaging them. His thumbs caressed her nipples, teasing them to beg for more. His tongue plunged into her mouth, melting any denial she might have that he was the one. Tremulous shivers of pleasure sizzled across her bare skin. His
rigid erection pressed against her waist, urgent, hungry to batter down her virginal barrier.

She maneuvered around him so that his back was to the bed, then using his shirt to hold him hostage, she pushed him onto the mattress. His mouth curved up and his eyes sparkled with dark delight. She pressed his legs apart and moved in between them. This time she was in charge, uninhibited like in her dreams.

Intending to work up nice and slow and torture him, she already craved flopping on her back and letting him take her. So much for her wanting to be in charge. She reached down to unfasten his belt, and he folded his arms behind his head and watched her struggle. But she couldn’t unhook the belt no matter how much she tried. Finally, he chuckled low, quickly stripped, then pulled her on top of him, bare skin to bare skin.

He was gorgeous—every buff, corded muscle tensed in anticipation. The smattering of dark hair covering his chest trailed down toward the curly hairs between his legs, and she considered the way his erection was already ramrod stiff, thick and readied, poking her in the belly. This was the way she remembered him in the pale light of the moon, the look and feel of his hard muscles, the touch of his soft skin, the way his nipples pebbled with her mouth and tongue grazing them. He swept his hands down her arms, sending a rush of tingling straight to her core, a thousand times more pleasurable than in the dreams.

She ran her fingers over the muscles in his chest, and his arousal jumped. She smiled and looked up at his face, his eyes glazed over, his lips curving up slightly. She shifted, straddling him, her knees bent, spreading them
outward, wanting to capture the pike poking between her legs. Hot and wet and way past ready.

He groaned and rolled her onto her back, then leaned against her. She loved it when he took charge. He was like her dream lover, but the feelings were richer, his touch more arousing, every sense on high alert as she smelled his sexual desire, heard his heart pumping pell mell, and felt his aroused breath against her cheek. Pure eroticism stoked every nerve ending.

Clutching handfuls of his shoulder-length hair, she arched her pelvis against him, seeking gratification, her body screaming with unfulfilled need. Responding to her, he rubbed his heavy groin against her folds and elicited a soft, deep-throated moan from her.

But he refused to enter her yet. Instead, he smiled and flicked his tongue against her sensitive nipple, his gaze focused back on hers. She bucked against him, wanting him to enter her, to make her his mate, to complete the bond that would last forever. But he wouldn’t hurry no matter how much she desired him to, and instead, swept his fingers down her waist, then lifted his body off her slightly, touching the erotic zone at the apex of her thighs. He stroked her hard and fast, and she could barely take the delicious pleasure of his touch. Slipping his fingers lower, he inserted them deeply inside her.

Hoarsely, he said, “You’re wet for me.”

She bit his shoulder with a mock nip, and he thrust his head back and laughed. Of course she was wet. As soon as he’d advanced toward her in the bedroom with that hungry, feral look in his eyes, the moisture had gathered between her legs.

He thrust his fingers deep inside her, simulating what he would do with his engorged erection, soon, she hoped as he wrung out every emotion, pumping up her craving, just a thread short of completion. Then her internal muscles convulsed with orgasm and a wave of heat surged through her. His fingers stilled inside her, he gave her a satisfied smile.

Oh heavens, she’d come with just his fingers inside her. Sweet passion spiraled through her and with a soft moan, she called out his name, loving that she could now say it, no longer silenced like in the dream.

Darien’s expression filled with deep satisfaction, and she loved seeing how much he enjoyed giving her pleasure. But they weren’t done, not until they’d truly mated.

“Finally,” he whispered in her ear, “you know me. And now, it’s my turn.” His eyes held a roguish gleam. And she was ready.

God of thunder, Lelandi was beautiful. Darien wanted to laugh when she took charge, then quickly ceded, melting to his strokes. And now he had her where he desired her, the vixen.

For the first time, he wanted to go slow and control the outcome, not wishing to hurt her when he broke through her barrier. He spread her thighs wide and entered her carefully, stretching her to accept his engorged erection.


He smiled, but slowed his penetration. “Are you all right?”

“Yes, but I was supposed to be in charge.”

He chuckled, his voice drenched in lust. “You were taking too long,” he rasped, then paused to take her nipple between his teeth, scraping gently.

Her inner muscles clenched him tightly, but he gently pushed forward. For a moment he paused, then he watched her face, flushed with arousal, and with a sudden thrust, he breached the maidenhead. She opened her eyes and he worried he’d hurt her.

“Are you all right?” he asked again, caressing her cheek with his thumb.

Her muscles clenched again, and she nodded. “I’ve…I’ve never felt anything like this…not even in the dreams.”

He gave a wolfish grin and brushed her hair away from her cheek. “I don’t doubt it. Not when you were a virgin.”

With slow, deep thrusts, he plunged into her over and over again, loving every inch of his dream mate in the flesh. She was his, now and forever.

Lelandi couldn’t catch her breath as Darien pushed her toward the peak. Julia Wildthorn was right. Sex with a
lupus garou
who was your soul mate was nothing short of miraculous.

Darien’s heated gaze swept over her again, his body desiring her with an urgency she felt, too, and she wanted to heighten the pleasure as her body shouted to reach climax again. But he pinned her shoulders down, claiming her, possessing her, making her his for as long as they both lived. She loved what being
lupus garou
meant—the intensity of the lovemaking, the unbreakable bond between them, stronger even than the familial one, the craving so great, it couldn’t be denied.

“Thor almighty,” Darien groaned, filling her womb with his hot seed, spasms of orgasm rocking her body, washing through her like a rogue tidal wave. For a moment, he lay heavily against her, his and her breathing hard, their
hearts pumping at breakneck speed. “Life will never be the same,” he said, huskily, trying to lift his weight from her, but she held on tight. “I’ll crush you.” His eyes smiled.

BOOK: Terry Spear’s Wolf Bundle
6.32Mb size Format: txt, pdf, ePub

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