Tessa, Vampire/Werewolf Romance, (Standalone) (Shadow Creek Shifters Book 3) (21 page)

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Nightfall of the second day, Tessa went back to Silver Creek and Seth was taken to Shadow Creek to recover. She entered her cabin where she was quite alone. A bag of blood was on the table with a glass next to it. Obviously, she wasn’t going to be welcomed to the main house anytime soon.

After she drank a glass, she heard a hesitant knock at the door. When she opened it, Maxwell and Melody were standing there holding a handful of wildflowers.

Tessa took them, smiling slightly and inviting them in. She used a glass as a vase since there wasn’t one and added water to it, setting it on the table where they all sat.

Tessa sat there waiting for Maxwell to speak first, since there was a barrage of emotions coming across his face.

“Stop being a dummy and say something, Maxwell,” Melody demanded before turning to Tessa. “He’s really been a butthead.”

Tessa frowned. “Now, Melody, that’s not very nice. Maxwell doesn’t have to talk to me if he doesn’t want to.”

“I-I don’t hate you,” Maxwell stated. “I was just angry because Melody was taken and I almost was, too, but Uncle Raphael reminded me that you were injured protecting us.”

“And nobody told us to go looking for Jason,” Melody added.

“Still, I should have told you Jason had been dealt with, but I didn’t want to go to jail for killing two humans or worry how your uncle would feel when he found out what I did. I can see now it was the wrong thing to do.”

Maxwell grimaced. “I was the most angry when you told me Mira was a full-blood. I was so angry when you said you killed her. I just had set myself up thinking she was really my mother. It was easier thinking my mother was out there somewhere searching for me, that she was told to leave Silver Creek by Palina.”

“It would have been better if they had told you, but I’m sure Palina had a good reason not to. She was trying to protect you.”

“I-I know that now. It makes me sad to think I’m an orphan.”

“I guess you are in a way, but you have plenty of people who love you, like your uncle, great-grandmother, and an entire pack of werewolves.”

“It’s too bad. Mira really had me fooled. I really thought I was helping her.”

“Yes, and that was very kind of you. That’s a great quality for a future alpha.”

“I don’t understand everything that’s been dumped on me. How am I supposed to go back to Montana one day and become a peacekeeper for both the full-bloods and half-bloods, and who knows what other breeds now.”

“Perhaps they should just call you all werewolves. You each have your own unique abilities and place.”

“They let some of the full-bloods go and live in the ranch next to Shadow Creek. Do you think that’s a good idea or not?”

Tessa interlaced her fingers and set her chin on them, her elbows on the table. “I guess it’s okay as long as none of them hurt anyone.”

“The government sent a few mediators and they were able to sort the good from the bad. With their leadership gone, the rest of the full-bloods gave up.”

“Once they found out the leaders had killed their alpha,” Melody added.

“What else is going on?”

“I think my mom and dad like each other now,” Melody said.

“How do you feel about that?”

“I’m not sure.” Melody paused as if she was lost in thought. “I think it’s okay if my mom makes a real effort to change this time. She does seem much different since she was attacked.”

“Give her time. It’s not going to be an easy road for her but with your dad’s help, she might just surprise you.”

Maxwell hugged Tessa and tears leaked from her eyes. “Th-Thanks for not hating me. I love you both very much,” Tessa said.

“I love you like a mother. I hope you and my uncle patch things up.”

“I don’t know if that’s possible, but I’m open to it.”

Tessa waved at the children when they left and saw Raphael walking toward her with a picnic basket. The sun had nearly gone down, but there was something about Mira’s blood that continued to improve her resistance to daylight, although she didn’t push it too much. She always remembered to wear the clothing Paige had ordered her and a large floppy hat, in black of course. Some things never changed. She also seemed to be healing at an accelerated rate.

“What’s the picnic basket for?” Tessa asked.

“For us. You don’t see me with anyone else, do you?” He smiled.

Tessa wasn’t sure what to make of Raphael’s appearance and the offer of going on a picnic with him. He just didn’t seem the picnic type of person.

Tessa grabbed a blanket and joined Raphael as he walked deeper into the woods. Rabbits hopped past, deer lifted their majestic heads, and butterflies flew over the wildflowers. When they went near a stream, Raphael took the blanket and fluffed it out, laying it on the ground.

He patted the blanket as he sat opposite her. When she sat down, Raphael produced a rare steak wrapped in tin foil.

“This one is for you. I like mine a little more well done.”

He continued to take out items from the picnic basket and they soon were munching on potato and noodle salad, chasing it down with wine from a bottle he had also brought. They shared it not from wine glasses, but straight from the bottle. Tessa dumped a good portion on herself and squealed as it was cold.

Raphael reached over and wiped a drop from her lips, his fingers massaging her cheek. “This was hard for me, Tessa. I knew you were hiding something, and I just wish you had felt comfortable telling me what it was. In the end you were never the one who killed those men, but I almost wish Earl could be brought back to life just so I could kill him again.” He frowned. “I’m sorry you had to go through that, and never think that whatever you did would affect how I feel about you. I fell in love with you the first night you were at Silver Creek. The way you were with the children was very heartwarming. Maxwell needs that kind of woman in his life.”

Tessa was struggling for air. Had Raphael just said he loved her?

“I-I don’t know what to say.”

“You don’t have to say anything. The way I treated you after you were injured was just awful. I guess I was just so overwhelmed about so many things that I clammed up. I do that when I get overly emotional. Alphas aren’t supposed to
emotional. We protect our mates no matter what, but you were the one protecting us.”

“It wasn’t just me. We all did what we could do to stop the full-bloods.”

“I know, and it’s improved relations between shifters and humans alike in Creeksboro.”

“That’s great, but are you asking me to be your mate?”

“You’ve been my mate since you came to Silver Creek, you just didn’t know it.” He winked. “But only if you want that.”

“Of course I do, you silly alpha,” Tessa gushed. “I love you, too. I just never thought I’d ever hear you say those words. Are you sure you want a vampire for a mate?” She frowned then. “You know I probably can’t give you any children, right?”

“I told you before I don’t care about that. Raising Maxwell is going to keep us busy enough, especially when we need to hone him to his new role of alpha when he grows up.”

“How about you just let him be a little boy for now,” Tessa told him. She couldn’t believe he actually wanted her as his mate! She scrambled across the blanket and threw herself into his arms. When their mouths met, they fused together with a messing of lips and tongue.

Tessa tugged up his shirt, and he said, “Are you sure you’re recovered enough for this?”

She leaned down, her hair framing his face as she straddled his lap. “Are you going to refuse me now?”

“If you’re still injured, yes.”

“I’m fine,” she breathed into his ear then stood up, nearly toppling over. “Let’s go for a swim.” She raced off toward the stream, leaving a trail of clothing on her way. By the time she was at the water’s edge and pulled down her panties, Raphael grabbed her and threw her in the middle of the stream.

“Agh!” she screamed. She popped up and out of the water, her nipples stiff peaks with goosebumps covering her entire body.

Raphael entered next to her and she playfully slapped water in his face.

“This cold water won’t do anything for that hard cock I just saw a moment ago.”

“Oh, I never knew you were so concerned about my, err, manliness.” He roared in laughter. “It will come back soon enough.”

He pulled her to him and they waded in deeper, his strong arm circling her waist. As they kissed, his fingers ran up her sides until she almost fell over. That did it to her every time and he knew it! Raphael buried his tongue between her lips and she wondered if he planned to enter her that way.

She pulled away for a breath and he took one of her breasts in his hand, rolling the nipple with his finger. He then bent his head and took it into his mouth, suckling it quite gently until she felt his teeth! She didn’t reel back from the pain, though. Instead, she leaned into it, tolerating it to a degree as it sent shockwaves between her legs, creating the familiar pull of her arousal.

Reaching for his cock, Tessa circled her fingers around it and moved with hard tugs until Raphael penetrated her with a hard push of his fingers. She wrapped her hands around him, enjoying the sensations he was creating when he suddenly lifted her out of the water and onto his hard cock. He had a firm grip on her slippery ass somehow as he thrust into her tightness. She loved the way he took charge and filled her. She tried to pivot her hips, but she really had no control like this. She knew he loved it that way.

He carried her out of the water and to the blanket. Setting her down, he shook the blanket until the food flew off it, laying her down, and spreading her thighs widely. Raphael smiled up at her as he took his place between them, using a well-placed tongue to lap her slowly. Hot liquid fire spread in her loins as he circled her clit, but when he sucked on it, she lost all thought.

She couldn’t see.

She couldn’t think.

All she could do was work her fingers into his hair, yanking on it hard so he’d stay put. She spiraled out of control as an orgasm pulsed through her.

When finally she was able to think logically again and lifted her head, Raphael had a smile across his face, the smile of an alpha that had just pleased his mate immensely. He ran his fingers up to her breasts and trailed them down, being sure not to miss the sides of her abdomen where she was the most sensitive.

His eyes darkened as he entered her with his fingers, fucking her hard until she was screaming. He then took ahold of her and positioned her on her hands and knees. She welcomed his cock when he pushed forward and speared her, working her up yet again toward that final orgasm, which would not only send her over the edge, but him as well.

In the aftermath, they spooned together on the blanket, laughing as raccoons made off with their remaining food.

“At least it’s not a bear,” Tessa commented.

“Shhh, they might hear you. But I think your screams already woke up every animal in Wyoming anyway.”

“Oh, please,” Tessa said as she sat up. “I wasn’t that loud, was I?”

“Actually, yes.”

He pulled her up and they dressed, walking hand in hand through the woods with the stars and moon overhead, lighting their way. She was so very happy, and the alpha beside her had made her the happiest vampire in the world.



Seth was sitting near the fire. He had healed nicely with his nursemaid Carrie at his side. In a big way, they had taken care of each other. They sat near one another holding hands.

“So, Seth,” Tessa began. “Are we ever going to hear how you suddenly are a full-blood werewolf?”

“I’m not, obviously, but there was a hunting trip not long ago when what I thought was a rabid wolf bit me. It wasn’t long afterward that I started to feel strange. I guess that’s why I was acting so weird.”

“Did you go to the doctor?” Katlyn asked.

“I finally went to see Dr. Evans.”

“And when I told him what I thought it would mean,” Jerome interjected, “I don’t think he believed me.”

“It wasn’t a full-blood who bit you?” Tessa asked.

“No, the wolf wasn’t that big and was white.”

“You can’t be saying there might just be another breed of werewolf out there?” Tessa asked.

“Could be. Neither a full-blood nor half-blood can turn a human into a werewolf that I know of,” Jerome explained.

“That’s just lovely. I hope at least this time these werewolves don’t decide to take over Creeksboro, too,” Paige said. “But if they do, Tessa and I are ready.”

“I still can’t believe that the full-bloods intended to take all the shifters over in this area and try to kill all the humans,” Tessa said.

“In their defense, not all of them are like that,” Raphael countered. “And none of the full-bloods I knew were among them.”

“Well, hopefully by the time Maxwell is of age, he’ll find a way to bring peace to all of the werewolves,” Tessa said.

She looked over at Seth and Carrie. “You sure look happy, you two.”

“It seems to be going around,” Seth replied. “Now all we need to do is find Paige and Angus a mate.”

Angus cleared his throat. “Leave me out of it, and I can’t think of any shifter who would ever want to settle down with a llama shifter. We don’t exactly throw off the ‘come and get it’ vibes.”

“Perhaps it won’t be a shifter,” Tessa said. “You need to leave yourself open to the possibilities.”

Paige tipped her wine glass back. “I’m with Angus here; I have no intention of becoming involved with anyone. My mating days are behind me.”

“And I’m happy with my life the way it is,” Angus added. “You’ve all proved to me how complicated love can be.”

“Yes,” Brendan agreed. “But in a fun kind of way, right, Katlyn?”

She laughed and gently touched the cheeks of her sleeping sons in a playpen not far away.

Tessa had to smile. There was so much love in the room it was hard to believe they had just had the fight of their lives. Carrie was moving to Silver Creek to be with Seth so Maxwell and Melody wouldn’t be separated. In many ways, they needed each other. Life for the moment was complete, and Tessa had learned a valuable lesson about trusting the ones she loved and acceptance. As she snuggled into Raphael and gazed into his eyes, she was reminded just how lucky she was.

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