Texas Lawman

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Authors: Ginger Chambers

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texas lawman by ginger chambers


Ginger Chambers






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For Bella

Good does triumph over evil.

Sometimes it just takes a helluva long time.

ISBN 0-373-70778-9

Copyright 1998 by Ginger Chambers.

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THE BUTTERFLIES in Jodie’s stomach increased as, mile by mile, she drew closer to the ranch. It didn’t seem to matter that she’d been on her own for all these years-L-five at the university and the last traveling in Europe. The instant she saw her great-aunt all the hard-won poise and confidence she’d acquired over that time would evaporate and she’d turn into’ the uncertain young girl she used to be.

Her great-aunt had that effect on people. The pure force of the woman’s will invariably rode roughshod over independent thought. As the oldest living Parker, Mae was due respect and deference—and she never let anyone forget it!

Jodie’s fingers tightened on the steering wheel and her foot pressed harder on the accelerator. What she wanted most at this moment was to get their first meeting over with. Mae hadn’t liked it one bit that after graduation she’d turned down the job arranged for her and gone, instead, with friends to Italy. Nor when, after six months in Italy, she’d moved on to explore other areas of the continent, absenting herself from the ranch for an additional six months. It was the longest uninterrupted period Jodie had ever spent away from her


birthplace, the Parker Ranch, an almost living entity in the minds and hearts of the people who resided there.

She could just imagine the upcoming scene. Her great-aunt, her father, her cousins and their wivesm Rare and Shannon, LeRoy and Harriet—Aunt Darlene and Uncle Thomas, not to mention the growing menagerie of Parker children. All would gather at Mac’s house to welcome her, even though they’d be surprised by her premature arrival. Originally she’d planned to spend the afternoon and night at a friend’s house in San Antonio before setting off for Briggs County in West Texas the next morning. But restlessness had taken hold, so she’d rented a car and come ahead.

Jodie didn’t want a fuss made. Particularly not while waiting for her great-aunt’s inevitable show of displeasure. But seeing everyone again would be nice. She’d missed them in ways she hadn’t anticipated.

Suddenly lights filled the night. Bright flashes of blue, white, red . blue, white, red. Their brilliance bounced off her rearview mirrors as a siren emitted an abbreviated wail.

A police car! Jodie immediately lifted her foot from the accelerator and looked for a place to pull over. As both cars rolled to a stop, the lights continued to dance, illuminating the lonely rugged landscape on each side of the road.

She cut the engine and waited. Just what she needed—a citation for speeding. How fast had she been going?

After what seemed an eternitymshe was just about to get out to see what was taking so long—an even


brighter light switched on from behind, spotlighting the distance between the two cars.

Jodie twisted to look over her shoulder and, narrowing her gaze against the glare, saw an officer step out of the patrol car and approach. He was long and lean and, judging by the style of his hat and uniform, a member of the Briggs County SheriWs Department.

He didn’t stop until he was at her window, then shined his flashlight in her face.

“Don’t do that!” Jodie complained.

The light remained on her for another moment, before darting off to illuminate the passenger and rear compartments. At last it was switched off.

“You in a hurry to get someplace?” the officer drawled.

Jodie’s heart gave a surprised little leap. Tate Connelly! What were the odds that he of all people would be the first person she’d meet upon returning home? “I was … yes,” she managed.

“You could get yourself killed driving that fast out here at night. You had to be outrunnin’ your headlights.”

“I could see just fine,” Jodie claimed. Didn’t he recognize her? It hadn’t been that long since they’d seen each other. Two years at most, surely. During one of her brief visits home from the university.

“Mind tellin’ me what your business is?” Tate inquired, coolly courteous. “I mean, since you were in such a hurry, maybe I can be of assistance.”

Jodie began to see the humor in the situation. For once she had him at a disadvantage. She wondered how


long she could string him along. “I doubt it!” she replied.

His tone took on a more, official edge. “I need to see your license, ma’am, and your rental agreement. This is a rental car—I ran the tags. Briggs County is a long way from San Antonio.”

“Since when is it against the law to rent a car?” Jodie challenged. She made no move to retrieve any of the requested paperwork.

“Your license, ma’am,” he repeated.

“I’d rather not.”

He didn’t miss a beat. “Then I’ll have to ask you to step outside.”

“You’re arresting me?” Jodie squeaked.

“Out of the car.”

Jodie opened the door and stepped onto the gravel roadside.

“Don’t do that!” he barked when she instinctively reached back inside to retrieve her purse. “Keep your hands where I can see ‘em.”

“But I just wanted to get”

“Step to the side, face the car and put your hands on the roof. Now.t” he ordered when she hesitated.

Jodie blinked as she did what he said. Her little joke had gone about as far as she should let it. Before she could speak, though, he reached into the car himself.

“This yours?” he asked, straightening. The strap of her black leather shoulder bag hung from his fingertips. “You don’t mind if I have a look inside, do you? You carryin’ any drugs? Any drug paraphernalia? Any weapons?”

Jodie had had enough. “Tate!” she exclaimed.


His fingers froze on the partially open zipper.

In the radiance of the spotlight she could see most of his handsome face. The cleanly carved line of jaw and cheekbone, the firm set of his mouth, the brown eyes and close-cropped brown hair that peeked out from beneath his flat-brimmed hat. At one time, when she was going into seventh grade and he had just graduated from high school, his features had been as familiar to her as her own. And far more interesting.

“How do you know my name?” he demanded, frowning.

“Don’t you recognize me? Some great policeman you are! I’m Jodie—Jodie Parker! Now may I please put my hands down?” She didn’t wait for permission.

He examined her through narrowed eyes, before nodding and saying slowly, “I should’ve known it was you, drivin’ like a bat out of hell.”

She snatched her purse away. “It’s late and I want to get home.” She motioned impatiently to the flashing lights on his patrol car. “Do you think you could turn that off?. It’s giving me a headache.”

He ignored her complaint. “Last I heard you were in Paris.”

“That was two months ago.” “Then London.” “One month ago.” “Then New York.”

“Last week.” She cocked her head. “You’ve certainly kept up with my whereabouts.”

“Couldn’t help it. Your trip was a prime subject of conversation around here.”


“I’m glad I provided such grand entertainment,” she said dryly.

He lifted an eyebrow. “What did you do to your hair? “

Jodie smoothed her new sleek style. In the confusion of being pulled over she’d forgotten the radical change.

“I had it cut. What do you think?”

“I didn’t recognize you.”

She eyed him suspiciously. “You didn’t answer my question.”

“I liked it long and curly better—and the natural color.”

“This is called ‘midnight black’.”

Tate Connelly shook his head. “No wonder I didn’t recognize you. Does your aunt Mae know about it?”

Jodie shrugged. “I’m twenty-four now, Tate. Whether my aunt approves or not makes no difference.”

For the first time since he’d pulled her over, a smile tugged at his lips. “You say that now … out here.”

Jodie pushed past him to get back into her car. “May I go? Now that you know I’m not an escaped felon? Honestly, the way you behaved you’d’ye thought I had a gun and was about to…” The words died on her lips. Tate’s father, a deputy sheriff, had been shot and killed by a pair of escaped felons he’d pulled over because their car had a faulty brake light. “Oh, Tate, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean”

He cut her off. “I’ll follow you to the ranch. We don’t want you to get lost or anything.”

Her cheeks flushed. “I’m already almost there, Tate.”


“Just the same,” he returned stubbornly, “it’s either that or a ticket for speeding.”

“Everybody speeds out here!”

“Not in front of me, they don’t. Not for long, anyway.”

Jodie slammed the door shut. Obstinate, objectionable, opinionated beast! She didn’t want to be escorted home like a delinquent runaway! Her aunt was already disgruntled enough.

As Tate returned to his patrol car, Jodie took several deep breaths, forcing herself to calm down. As she’d claimed only moments before—and it was something she needed to remember—she was twenty-four years old! A fully adult woman who had no need to apologize to anyone about anything.

The light bar on top of the patrol car switched off, as did the spotlight. Tate started the engine and waited. For a fleeting second Jodie wondered what he’d do if she refused to budge, then she reached for the key and twisted it. Within seconds both cars were back on the highway.

True to his word Tate trailed her closely. Jodie, highly conscious of his presence, kept to an unwavering fifty-five, under the legal limit for highway travel at night in Texas.

As before, their cars were the only vehicles on the road. It was past ten o’clock on a weekday night and most of the people who worked the surrounding ranches had called it quits for the day. From Jodie’s knowledge of the Parker Ranch, though, her relatives would still be up. But not for long.

Her foot itched to press harder on the accelerator;


she restrained the urge. They would get there when they got there, and there wasn’t anything she could do to change it.

When they finally arrived at ranch headquarters, Jo-die was relieved to see lights still on in four of the five houses rimming the drive. Without thinking she drove past her father’s house and pulled to a stop in front of Mae’s larger two-story structure—a telltale sign as to who had the most influence in her life. When she realized what she’d done, she ground her teeth, because Tate Connelly wouldn’t miss the significance.

Her cousin Rafe—his house was the nearest Mae’s on the rightmwas the first to step outside. As manager of the ranch, he had both the authority and the force of personality to challenge any intruder. Shannon, his wife, waited in the doorway, her robe drawn tightly about her slender frame. Farther back along the drive Jodie saw her father appear on his porch, while directly across the tree-dotted courtyard her cousin LeRoy had left his house and was coming toward them.

Jodie took a deep breath. She was home.

Tate Connelly eased himself from the patrol car in time to receive Rafe’s greeting. “What’s all this? Somethin’ goin’ on I should know about?”

“Yeah,” LeRoy chimed in. “It’s not every day the sheriff pays a visit. Fact is, I don’t remember it ever happening’ this late at night before!”

Jodie felt the sweep of Rafe’s dark gaze as she exited her car, but she sensed no spark of recognition. He didn’t know her, either!

“Just a little delivery I thought I’d help make,” Tate said amicably.


Mac’s front door opened. “What in tarnation’s goin’ on here?” she demanded irritably, giving the sash of her robe a sharp tug as she stepped onto the porch. “What couldn’t wait until morning? Rafe, what is it?”

“I don’t know, Aunt Mae. I was just asking’ Tate that.”

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