Texas Passion (3 page)

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Authors: Anita Philmar

BOOK: Texas Passion
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She wiggled
and tugged on the corset. A gap formed, and the soft line of her spine popped
into view. He jerked the string, and the material fell away. Before he could
savor the full picture of her milky white back, she eased backward and settled
beside him, her arms across her chest, each hand covering a breast. “That thing
might look sexy, but it’s impossible to get in and out of.”

Her shy
actions hit him in the chest.
She’s never been with a man
. Suddenly
uneasy with the reality of the situation, he rose to sit on the side of bed and
stared at his boots. The smooth charm he usually relied on failed him.

Hell, who was
he kidding? Had he ever been with an innocent woman?

himself some time to decide how to proceed, he shed his boots and tugged his
shirt over his head. Catherine squirmed on the bed behind him but remained
quiet. Had she changed her mind?

After tossing
his shirt to the rocker, he turned. Every drop of blood in his body rushed to
his cock. His mouth fell open, and he worked his jaw up and down like a fish
trying to breathe air.

naked, Catherine lay against the quit. He swallowed at the incredible sight of
her breasts and the rosy tips of her nipples. He laid a hand over the flat
plane of her stomach and examined the crisp auburn curls sprinkled against her

Words backed
up in his throat, and he wondered if he’d died. This had to be heaven.

“Trent.” She
slid her hand over his. “I’m sorry, but I don’t know what to…”

He blinked,
and his gaze flew to her face. The lump in his throat wouldn’t budge so he sputtered
around it. “Catherine, I’m trying really hard to go slow here. But a man only
has so much willpower.”


studied the serious look on Trent’s face, and the tension in her body eased.
His concern for her was holding him back, not his lack of desire. For the first
time since he entered the cabin, she felt as if he actually wanted her as his
wife. Yes, he wanted to fuck her, but for him to think about her pleasure
instead of his own confirmed her belief in his caring nature.

Her gaze
dropped to the brown hair covering his chest. Small male nipples lay hidden in
the shadows, and lean muscles outlined his strong frame. Unable to keep from
touching him, she sat up and brushed her fingers through the curly horde. “Then
maybe we should speed things up.”

The rough sound of his voice drew her gaze to his mouth. The garnet color of
his lips tempted her, and she leaned forward to brush her mouth against his.
The taste of him sparked images of springtime—fresh air, a warm gentle breeze,
and the sun soft and inviting on her face. She wanted more and threw her arms
around his neck.

Trent rubbed
his large hands over her shoulders and along her back. “Honey,” he murmured
against her lips. “You need to trust me. It’ll be so much better if we take our

Yet, his
actions defied his words when he took possession of her mouth. She offered no
resistance to his will, and the wet stroke of his tongue ignited a fire in her
blood. Silken strokes teased the roof of her mouth, and her moans joined the low
chirp of the crickets outside. His arousing kiss transported her into a fantasy
world she’d only imagined before tonight.

The brush of
his hands tickled her ribs. She twisted away, and his thumbs hit the underside
of her breasts. Energy surged through her chest, and her nipples tingled. Air
backed up in her lungs, and she drew back.

released her mouth and lifted his head.

She gasped
for air and sank back onto the bed. He followed her to the surface and rested
his weight on one elbow. The heat of his body scorched her side. He scraped his
callused hand over her ribs and cupped her breast in his palm. “I’ve always
enjoyed having a woman with nice breasts.”

The twinkle
in his eyes and the soft smile on his lips revealed his desire. Yet, she couldn’t
see how her body looked different than any other women. “Why?”

He lowered
his head to her breast. “Because I like…” He licked the tight tip, and moist
heat shrouded her nipple.

The seductive
squeeze of his hand sent a bolt of lighting through the center of her body.
Moisture gathered in her core. She gasped and tightened her grip on his thick
biceps. “Oh, my, that feels incredible.”

Trent wrapped
his tongue around the peak and sucked the bud deep into his mouth. Sweet
delight changed into a maddening frenzy when he raked his teeth over her nipple.
A long moan escaped from her throat, but he didn’t let up.

Instead, he
shifted his mouth to her other breast while his fingers toyed with the nipple
he’d left behind. Pleasure bordering on pain seared through her chest. A hunger
grew low in her belly, and she rocked her hips to appease the ache between her

clouded her mind. This wasn’t the same as when she’d pleasured herself.
Anticipation fluttered over her skin like a swarm of butterflies seeking nectar.
I never imagined my breasts could be so—

He skimmed a
hand over her stomach, circled her navel, and traveled lower. His finger
rustled through the short hairs covering her mound and slipped between her
folds. Catherine gasped at the unexpected penetration and lifted off the bed. “Trent.”

He raised his
head, and the dark lust in his brown eyes added to the incredible sensation of
his probing finger. “You’re nice and wet.” The deep tone of his voice sent
quivers of longing down her spine. “And oh so tight.”

“But…” She
struggled to form words while at the same time absorb the thrill of his
seductive touch, and she marveled at the difference from her own.

Strong and
forceful, he plunged a finger into her cunt, retreated, then added another on
the next thrust. His mouth covered her breast again, sucking it deep as he
added another finger and spread her wider. Delicious pressure built in her
womb, and a quick breath rushed into her lungs. She closed her eyes to savor
the exquisite sensation and released a long moan.

The wet sound
of his hand working in and out of her pussy fed her desire. She rocked her head
back and forth on the pillow and pumped her hips, begging him in the best way
she knew how not to stop.

Suddenly, the
suction over her nipple ended. Air cooled the over-sensitized tip. A shiver
raced down her spine.

“I can see
you like having my mouth on your breasts and my fingers inside you.” He ran a
wicked finger over her clit. “But there’s so much more I plan to discover
before you explode.” Trent shifted one knee between hers. The other followed.
The rough cotton of his pants grazed her thighs.

She cracked
open her eyelids as he rolled onto his haunches between her legs. A crooked
smile curved his lips as his dark gaze fell to the apex of her thighs.

Naked and
exposed, she rose onto her elbows and pulled herself toward the top of the bed.
The large bulge under his pants drew her attention. “Don’t you need to shed
your breeches?”

“No.” He
guided his hands over her knees and along her inner thighs. The warm touch
stopped inches from her pussy. He leaned closer and his nostrils flared. “You
smell heavenly, and I bet you taste even better.”

Before she
could grasp the meaning behind his words, he dipped his head and ran his tongue
along the seam of her nether lips.

A scream
erupted from her throat and a fire blossomed in her core, sending licking
flames down her thighs. She captured his head with her hands and arched her

he muttered and eased his hands under her hips, lifting her pussy to his mouth.
One long stroke of his tongue, followed by a light flutter over her clit. Each
swipe vibrated through her core until her whole body pulsed. She wiggled and
squirmed, the raw passion almost too much to bear.

His head in
her hands, she held him against her hungry flesh as his tongue dipped into her
in quick jabs and ignited waves of pleasure, almost frightening in their
intensity. Each pushed her higher, shoving her into a dizzying height of

She rocked
her hips, begging for more. More what, she couldn’t determine. “Trent, please…”

His mouth
shifted and he lassoed her clit between his lips. The fierce sucking action
sent pleasure spiraling deep into her womb, ripping a yell from her lungs.

with the power of her orgasm, she lowered her hips and closed her eyes.

The foot of
the bed dipped, and a light scraping noise whispered through the room.

Catherine, I can’t wait another minute.” The head of his cock knocked against
her opening. Her eyes sprang open, and she grabbed his shoulders.

over her with his weight resting on one hand, he nudged his rod deeper. One
stroke, two, the thick length filled her pussy.

gasped. His weight pinned her down while his cock stretched her inner walls.
She locked her gaze to his. Dark emotion swirled in their depths and plunged
her into a wondrous, new world.

“Ah, fuck, I
never thought…” He slid a little deeper, then wrenched his hips back and
slammed forward again.

A slight pain
ripped through her womb. She stiffened and her breath hitched. “Trent!”

He tucked his
arms close to her side and nibbled on her neck. “Easy, baby, the worst part is
over.” He moaned as he slowly rocked his hips and sank further into her sex.

She expected
another twinge, but when none came, she relaxed. Each stroke ground his cock
against her clit, and he slowly built a fire inside her pussy. Hard, relentless
quivers bombarded her nerve endings.

Adrift and
needing to anchor herself, she wrapped her legs around his waist and circled
her arms around his brawny back.

He lowered
his head and his mouth rained kisses along her neck to the base of her throat.
After a quick lick, he sucked the tender flesh into his mouth. The action
reminded Catherine of a stallion claiming his mate by teasing her with rough
bites to the neck.

An invisible
cord formed through the center of her body connecting his cock to the sucking
pressure of his lips. Her heart raced, and a soft cry sprang from her lips. “Oh,

increased his pace. The pounding force of his thrusts drilled deeper—harder. He
released his hold on her throat, and the heavy sound of his breathing whispered
passed her ear.

Her second
climax hovered out of reach, waiting like a coyote to rip her apart. She
tightened her grip and begged for the end to come.

A savage
groan tore from Trent, and he plunged his cock deep. The spasms of his orgasm
released the bonds holding her hostage, and her body exploded into a furious
shudder of delicious flames.

later, Trent rolled onto his side and gathered her against his chest. “God,
what a day,” he whispered followed immediately by a soft snore.

“You can say
that again.”


stared at the tin roof in the distance, glowing from the low light of dawn.
Scrub oaks and tumbleweeds dotted the landscape. A few cows grazed on the
parched grass. The heat of late summer baked the ground, and dust devils kicked
up dirt. Yet, the rough scene called to something deep in her soul.

. She’d been
away too long.

A warm breeze
brushed her cheek, and she turned her face into the caress. Memories of
turbulent weather filled her mind. West Texas ran the gambit from sizzling
summers with hail and dust storms and a tornado thrown in for variety, to
frosty winters. No one could predict what would hit next.

How she’d
missed the hot baking sun, followed by the chilly winds of winter, the open
range, the scruffy animals, and the smooth velvety sound of a southern drawl.

Trent’s in

Never again
would she have to endure the stifling noise of Boston. After last night, her
future was secure. She’d live out the rest of her life in Texas with Trent.
They’d build a life together. A smile bloomed on her lips, and she rocked with
the easy gait of her horse.

An image of Trent
lying naked on the bed made her smile. She’d hated leaving him this morning,
but she had to get home.

The empty
space in front of the house showed no movement. Was anyone up? Near five o’clock,
they’d be rising soon.

“Come on,
boy, let’s get you some feed. Then I can head on in and rustle up some
breakfast for everyone else.” She tugged on the reins and drew the horse to a
stop on the dirt path by the fenced in front yard. The door to the barn opened,
and a dark figure filled its frame.

Catherine. Enjoy your ride this morning?” The teasing tone of her brother’s
voice told her he guessed where she’d been.

Joel’s face
held a wicked smirk, but she wouldn’t confirm his assumptions. “No, I still
haven’t located that cow that’s due to deliver any day now.” She swung her leg
over the rump of her horse and dismounted. “The ornery cuss will probably stay
hidden until after the calf is born.”

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