The 1-Minute Weight Loss Cheat Sheet – Quick Shortcuts & Tactics for Busy Women (13 page)

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My Family’s Vaccinations

It is only fair to confess that neither me nor anybody in my immediately family receives any vaccinations. And we don’t plan to start. This includes the flu vaccine (one of the worst in my opinion).

Can a vaccine by found that will help rid the world of a horrid disease such as the Polio vaccine? Certainly. Would I take something like that?
is the best answer I can give unless I knew more about it

It’s the Mercury if Nothing Else

Hardly anyone knows about the problems of heavy metals in our bodies. Statistically, the term
heavy metal
isn’t even on the radar of Americans. A small group of us radicals know what heavy metals are. An even smaller group of those get tested for heavy metals. An even smaller group of those actually take steps to rid their bodies of the slow death attributed to heavy metals.

More full disclosure: I have attended
chelation therapy
for the past 11 months to eliminate heavy metals found in my body. I live an
healthy lifestyle. Most if not all of my body’s heavy metal toxicity probably came from when I was younger. Like taxes, heavy metals are forever unless you take dramatic steps to eliminate them. Fortunately, at the time of this writing, it appears I have only two more sessions to go before I take my final chelation therapy. That will be one expensive hassle out of my life.

Mercury and mercury derivatives are said to be used in almost every vaccine injection given in the past several decades. One reason stated is that mercury helps as a preservative of the medicine. Mercury is a deadly toxin, one of the heavy metals that once it is in your body can be extremely difficult to remove. Heavy metal toxins such as mercury can sit buried deep in your cells for decades until they finally erode your cells to cause a health problem that can no longer be linked to the heavy metal.

How much mercury do you want in your body? The answer is zero.

Mercury can come from farm-raised fish (the majority of fish eaten today is farm raised), from amalgam dental fillings, and from vaccinations. Even if you hate fish and have perfect teeth with no fillings, almost everybody gets mercury from vaccinations and flu shots.

The shots used in commercial corn-fed animals which means
commercial animals (animals were
never designed to be fed corn their entire lives
) to keep them alive almost all contain mercury. Sadly, animals are fed shots of antibiotics (and they get much of it in their feed) so they do not die an early death. I’m a massive meat eater by the way, and so is my family because we want to remain healthy. But we know the source of our beef. It’s not like most meat. Most meat eaten today comes from animals that get sick without a constant stream of antibiotics. Many of those animals would otherwise die an early death in their own feces not being able to move 6 inches from cradle to grave. Given the meat most eat, you just cannot stay away from mercury or antibiotics. If you eat meat today which is sourced from any place except grass-fed, free-grazing cattle, you are ingesting the cow’s lifelong mercury shots when you eat the meat.

Mercury is strongly linked to autism in children. As I’ve
written before
, Amish people, who refuse to get vaccinations, have a much lower level of autism than the non-Amish population. That difference is said to be due to the lack of mercury exposure from the lack of vaccinations. But Amish people who farm on lands with runoff water that comes from non-Amish farmers who use pesticides have reported seeing an increase in mercury-related problems, including autism.

Just as I said, mercury is difficult to avoid. But you can avoid it if you eat right, know the source of your food, and stay away from vaccines.

But What About Polio Again?

Yes, the polio vaccine did wonders to keep people from getting that dreaded disease.

That has absolutely nothing to do with the overall track record of vaccines however! You don’t develop a life plan based on anecdotal evidence. You take everything on its own.

A ground-breaking study recently revealed that countries that give the
vaccines have the
infant death rates, again, with the U.S. leading the pack. The truth is, too many people in industrialized nations are sick – and getting sicker as “health care” increases.

Dr. Carolyn Dean talks about how government bureaucracy and conflicts of interest with the drug industry contribute to this. The FDA, especially, has a history of making questionable decisions possibly influenced by pharmaceutical companies, such as the Vioxx scandal, where 10 of 32 advisers who voted to approve Vioxx had financial ties to the drug industry.

A Case Study: Tamiflu

Dr. William Campbell Douglass, MD, recently had this to say about the companies that make drugs:

“Trust a drug company??? I'd just as soon trust a shark in blood-filled waters -- so I'm certainly not about to trust Roche when it comes to Tamiflu.”

While Dr. Douglass is certainly more adamant against drug companies than I am, it would be unwise to ignore his words completely. He went on to describe how virtually no evidence exists that shows Tamiflu does anything to prevent the flu. In his defense, it appears he is correct when he says Roche, the company behind Tamiflu, will not release many key details from the studies that supposedly prove Tamiflu works.

Why would a drug company hide tests that show their product in a good light?

That is also what the
BMJ Group
British Medical Journal
) is also asking in its scathing editorial where the BMJ editors demand that data from eight of the ten Tamiflu clinical trials be revealed for public inspection. Roche responded with little more than a “trust us” attitude it seems. And certainly they are being trusted, perhaps blindly, because nations all over the earth have spent billions of taxpayer dollars stockpiling the drug in the face of no real public evidence that it works.

Both the BMJ Group and Dr. Douglass admit that Tamiflu has one fairly obvious benefit: It reduces flu symptoms by a day or two.

After all you’ve heard about drugs, including all the “safe” drugs we’ve discussed, are you willing to vaccinate your entire family with Tamiflu, flooding their veins with mercury, on the off chance that Tamiflu does
harm and
someone in your family gets the flu, their symptoms will be reduced by a day or two? Nope, me either.

And Tamiflu’s side effects are documented and they include: nausea, vomiting, stomach pain, and diarrhea.


It gets worse.

There are some reports of confusion, hallucinations and seizures, bizarre and dangerous behavior, and even suicide in younger patients.

Dr. Douglass concludes what he says about Tamiflu this way:

“There are much safer and far more effective ways to limit the damage of the flu if you're unlucky enough to get it. Chicken soup and a few days in bed will work wonders, and don't forget to load up on immune-boosting nutrients such as vitamins C and D.”

Why Focus on One Vaccine?

There is good reason to focus on the flu vaccination when discussing the ills of the vaccination industry. The flu vaccine is one of the most common forms of vaccinations today. Drive down any street in America today at the start of winter and you may see ten signs advertising flu shots. Doctors sell them, pharmacies sell them, drug stores sell them, hospitals sell them, grocery stores and big chain department stores often have stations set up to sell them... it just never seems to stop.

There sure are a lot of flu vaccinations available to us today.

Wonder how much less flu we have now that we have so many vaccinations all around us?

The Cochrane Collaboration, a research-analysis team, came to this conclusion: In healthy adults no flu vaccine delivers protection from the flu! In addition, no protection against the transmission from person to person exists either.

Billions spent to bring flu shots to the public, millions spent promoting them, millions of taxpayer dollars spent in “education,” and millions of consumer dollars are spent buying the shots.

All. For. Nothing?

Seems that way.

The Cochrane Collaboration’s details and independent analysis produced three sobering statements that are quoted most when the study is referenced but never refuted by the drug companies:

“…industry funded studies were published in more prestigious journals and cited more than other studies…”

“…reliable evidence on influenza vaccines is thin…”

“…The review showed that reliable evidence on influenza vaccines is thin but there is evidence of widespread manipulation of conclusions…”

Chapter 7 - It’s All Up to You

I wish we didn’t have to discuss these issues. I wish we could implicitly trust the medical community, the drug companies, and the government regulatory agencies. That would give us a lot more free time and comfort too.

We cannot trust them fully; it seems healthier to have a grain of mistrust. For one thing, the human body is simply too complex to know 100% of the answers. In addition, many errors in the industry, especially in hospitals and other medical facilities are due to human error that we cannot get away from. See, with reward
s come risk. We
stop going to hospitals because of MRSA and the relatively high rate of mistakes but that means we never visit close family and friends who may need our visits and it might mean we die far younger than we have to because we avoided those life-saving facilities.

The drug industry does want to serve you well. To the extent that it does that, you will keep buying from them. The government does want to regulate fairly and honestly. (That is difficult for me to say as I have seen so much malpractice in government regulatory agencies in my still-young life through my research and training and analysis.) The real problem is that we often have the foxes guarding the henhouse. Many on the FDA boards and other governmental regulatory committees are current or former drug company officers.

Plus, the fact that the government chooses to combine the food
drug administration means that it can never work independently. In other words, the customers of one become the customers of the other. When the food side of the FDA ignores the dangers of a high corn- and grain-based diet, people become sick patients who are then ready for the drug side of the FDA. This is not necessarily intentional on either’s part. It is an inherent flaw in the design of the agency.

Both the food and the drug industries should not be regulated by the same agency. And certainly not by current and former executives of the very companies being regulated.

Would a freer market be a safer one? I say yes. If given time that I don’t want to spend here I can justify that answer too. But the reality is this: we have what we have. The FDA is here and at least until it implodes under the weight of its own bureaucratic cost, it is here to stay.

So we have a system that is not even close to being a good one. Looking at the plumbing industry, for example, it’s a fairly good industry. We all complain about the cost of plumbers but we are always fairly satisfied when most plumbers bail us out of a plumbing nightmare.

But the body is immensely variable and the answer to repair our body is not always available or obvious. Trial and error is the only result and this book has focused on the errors of course. You owe it to yourself and your family to learn about those errors.

But don’t just listen to me. Along the way I provided lots of references to back my opinions. Do your own research. Learn more about natural care. Feed your family healthier food.

Question What Nobody Else Questions

One of the best pieces of advice I can give you is this: If the entire medical community says something is good, and the FDA backs it up, you should seriously question that. You’ve seen here how the exact opposite advice for healthy skin for 30 years has been, “stay out of the sun and use sunscreen.” You’ve seen here the horrible track record for flu shots and the massive danger such shots can lead to.

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